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28 Cards in this Set

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What is the definition of tiresome (adj)?
Boring or annoying.
What is the definition of scrupulous (adj)?
Wishing to avoid doing wrong.
What is the definition of vexing (v)?
To annoy or frustrate.
What is the definition of caprice (n)?
Sudden change of mood or behavior for no reason.
What is the definition of mean (adj)?
Inferior or poor.
What is the definition of deigned (v)?
Do something one considers to be beneath one's dignity.
What is the definition of circumspection (n)?
Caution; unwillingness to take risks.
What is the definition of surmises (v)?
To supppose that something is true without evidence.
What is the definition of ascertaining (v)?
To find something out.
What is the definition of unaffected (adj)?
Without artificiality or incincerity.
What is the definition of mien (n)?
A look or manner that indicates character.
What is the definition of cordial (adj)?
Warm and friendly.
What is the definition of censuring (v)?
To express disapproval of.
What is the definition of affectation (n)?
Behavior that is artificial and designed to impress.
What is the definition of candor (n)?
The quality of being open and honest in expression; franknesss.
What is the definition of ostentation (n)?
Pretentious and vulgar display (especially of wealth) designed to impress.
What is the definition of pliancy (n)?
Bedable, flexible.
What is the definition of unassailed (adj)?
Able to be attacked or questioned (unassailable is a more common form).
What is the definition of supercilious (adj)?
Disdainful, haught, scornful, arrogantly superior.
What is the definition of impertinent (adj)?
Rude or disrespectful.
What is the definition of pedantic (adj)?
Excesssively concerned with showing academic learning or with minor details/rules.
What is the definition of archly (adv)?
Deliberately or affectedly playful and teasing.
What is the definition of complacency (n)?
Smug or uncritical satisfaction.
What is the definition of reverie (n)?
What is the definition of insipidity (n)?
What is the definition of strictures (n)?
Sternly critical remark.
What is the definition of conjecture (n)?
An opinion formed without complete information.
What is the definition of intrepidity (n)?
Fearlessness or adventurousness.