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50 Cards in this Set

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Word: Timorous

Stems: ous : full of

Literary Context: "And there is allowance to be made for natural timorousness..." (The Democracy Reader 29)

Dictionary Definition: - Full of fear- Subject to fear- Characterized by or indicating fear

Definition in context: Full of fear

Word: Turbulent

Stems: Lent: full of

Literary Context: "Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) lived a long and fearful life as a political philosopher during the turbulent seventeenth century in England." (The Democracy Reader 28)

Dictionary Definitions: Being in a state of agitation or tumult; Characterized by, or showing disturbance; given to acts of violence and aggression

Definition in context: being in a state of agitation or tumult

Word: Philosopher

Stems: Phile : love, soph : wisdom

Literary Context: "Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) lived a long and fearful life as a political philosopher during the turbulent seventeenth century in England." (The Democracy Reader 28)

Dictionarydefinitions: a person who offers views or theories on profound questions in ethics,metaphysics, logic, and other related fields; a person who is deeply versed in philosophy; a person who establishes the central ideas of some movement, cult,etc.; a person who regulates his or her life, actions, judgments, utterances,etc., by the light of philosophy or reason; a person who is rationally or sensibly calm, especially under trying circumstances; an alchemist or occult scientist.

Definition in context: a person who regulates his or her life, actions, judgments, utterances,etc., by the light of philosophy or reason

Word: exigencies

Stems: ex : out, gen : origin

Literary Context: "In this document, Burke outlines the dangers for a democracy at war: how exigencies of a national emergency..."(The Democracy Reader 51)

Dictionary Definition: Urgent needs or demands

Definition in Context: Urgent needs or demands

Word: Subvert

Stems: sub : under

Literary Context: "It is even by no means clear to me whether the negative proof does not lie upon the person apprehended on suspicion, to the subversion of all justice..."(The Democracy Reader 52)

Dictionary Definition: To overthrow; to cause the downfall of; to undermine the principles of

Definition in context: to undermine the principles of

Word: Infamous

Stems: in - not, ous - full of

Literary Context: "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces..." (Bill of Rights)

Dictionary definition: having an extremely bad reputation; deserving of or causing an evil reputation; shamefully malign; detestable; deprived of certain rights as a citizen, as a consequence of conviction of certain offenses of or relating to offenses involving such deprivation

Definition in context: deprived of certain rights as a citizen, as a consequence of conviction of certain offenses of or relating to offenses involving such deprivation

Word: Presentment

Stems: Pre - before

Literary Context: "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces..." (Bill of Rights)

Dictionary definition:

an act of presenting, especially to the mind, as an idea, view, etc;the state of being presented;a presentation;the manner or mode in which something is presented;a representation, picture, or likeness;the presenting of a bill, note, or the like, as for acceptance or payment; the written statement of an offense by a grand jury, of their own knowledge or observation, when no indictment has been laid before them.

Definition in context: the written statement of an offense by a grand jury, of their own knowledge or observation, when no indictment has been laid before them.

Word: Indictment

Stems: In - in; Dict - say

Literary Context: "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces..." (Bill of Rights)

Dictionary definition: a formal accusation initiating a criminal case, presented by a grand jury and usually required for felonies and other serious crimes; any charge, accusation, serious criticism, or cause for blame.

Definition in context: a formal accusation initiating a criminal case, presented by a grand jury and usually required for felonies and other serious crimes

Word: Enumeration

Stems: enumerate - to list

Literary Context: "The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." (Bill of Rights)

Dictionary definition: a catalog or list

Definition in context: a catalog or list

Word: Disparage

Stems: dis - away; par - equal

Literary Context: "The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." (Bill of Rights)

Dictionary definition: to speak of or treat slightingly; depreciate; belittle; to bring reproach or discredit upon; lower the estimation of

Definition in context: to speak of or treat slightingly; depreciate; belittle

Word: composition

Stems: Com- together;Pos- put;Tion- state of

Literary context: “Praise for the language of composition”(Shea).

Dictionary definition: the nature of something's ingredients or constituents; the way in which a whole or mixture is made up.

Definition in context: A work of literature

Word: assumption

Stems: As- as; Tion- state of

Literary context: “Again, the assumption here might very well be debatable…”(Shea).

Dictionary definition: a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.

Definition in context: a thing that has no evidence, but considered to be correct

Word: conversion

Stems: Con- together; Sion- act of

Literary context: “Temperature conversion: Fahrenheit to Celsius”(Zumdahl 67).

Dictionary definition: the act or an instance of converting or the process of being converted.

Definition in context: The act of changing a number to another number

Word: Preposition

Stems: Pre- before; Pos- put; Tion- state of

Literary context: “It may be the prepositional phrase announcing that the vehicle can tow four tons”(Shea).

Dictionary definition: a word governing, and usually preceding, a noun or pronoun and expressing a relation to another word or element in the clause

Definition In context: The relation of two things

Word: repetition

Stems: Re- again; Tion- state of

Literary context: “It may be repetition of “Dodge Durango…”(Shea).

Dictionary definition: to do again

Definition in context: Repeating to say again

Word: Misunderstand

Stems: Mis - bad

Literary Context: "Yet to view Hobbes as merely an apologist for power is to misunderstand his project entirely."(The Democracy Reader 28)

Dictionary Definition: to fail to understand or interpret rightly the

words or behavior of; to take (words, statements, etc.) in a wrong sense;

understand wrongly.

Definition in Context: to fail to understand or interpret rightly the

words or behavior of

Word: Syntagma

Stems: syn - together

Literary Context: "It is their own pride and ignorance which causes the disturbing, who neither will hear with meekness, nor can convince, yet all must be suppressed which is not found in their syntagma."(The Democracy Reader 28)

Dictionary Definition: an element that enters into a relationship among linguistic elements that occurs sequentially in the chain of speech or writing.

Definition in Context: an element that enters into a relationship among linguistic elements that occurs sequentially in the chain of speech or writing.

Word: Meekness

Stems: ness - full of

Literary Context: "It is their own pride and ignorance which causes the disturbing, who neither will hear with meekness, nor can convince, yet all must be suppressed which is not found in their syntagma."(The Democracy Reader 28)

Dictionary Definition: humbly patient or docile; overly submissive or compliant; spiritless; tame; gentle; kind

Definition in Context: Overly submissive or compliant

Word: Utilitarianism

Stems: ism - doctrine

Literary Context: "The precocious son of a famous theorist of utilitarianism, James Mill, John Stuart Mill earned his living as an examiner of the East India Company, but his intellectual life dwarfed this career."(The Democracy Reader 65)

Dictionary Definition: the ethical doctrine that virtue is based on

utility, and that conduct should be directed toward promoting the greatest happiness of the greatest number of persons.

Definition in Context: the ethical doctrine that virtue is based on

utility, and that conduct should be directed toward promoting the greatest happiness of the greatest number of persons.

Word: Precocious

Stems: pre - before; cogn - know; ous - full of

Literary Context: "The precocious son of a famous theorist of utilitarianism, James Mill, John Stuart Mill earned his living as an examiner of the East India Company, but his intellectual life dwarfed this career."(The Democracy Reader 65)

Dictionary Definition: unusually advanced or mature in development, especially mental development; prematurely developed, as the mind, faculties, ect...; of or relating to premature development; flowering, fruiting, or ripening early; bearing blossoms before leaves; appearing before leaves.

Definition In Context: unusually advanced or mature in development, especially mental development

Word: Disproportionate

Stems: Dis - away; pro - forward; port - carry; tion - act or state; ate - cause

Literary Context: "It came to have a disproportionate influence on the founders of the United States of America."(The Democracy Reader 40).

Word: Intricate

Stems: intra:within

Literary Context: "The Gunner pulled George to a halt in the intricate tracery of the shadows cast by a neon light above a spreading plane tree."(Fletcher 41)

Dictionary definition: having many interrelated parts or facets; entangled or involved; complex; complicated; hard to understand, work, or make

Definition in Context: Having many interrelated parts or facets

Word: Tracery

Stems: Trace:trace

Literary Context: "The Gunner pulled George to a halt in the intricate tracery of the shadows cast by a neon light above a spreading plane tree."(Fletcher 41)

Dictionary Definition: ornamental work consisting of ramified ribs, bars, or the like, as in the upper part of a Gothic window, in panels, screens, etc.; any delicate, interlacing work of lines, threads, etc., as in carving or embroidery; network.

Definition in Context: any delicate, interlacing work of lines, threads, etc.

Word: Excavated

Stems: Ex:out

Literary Context: "He found his hand had excavated the lump of Plasticine in his pocket and was kneading it nervously." (Fletcher 62)

Dictionary Definition: to make hollow by removing the inner part; make a hole or cavity in;form into a hollow, as by digging; to make (a hole, tunnel, etc.) by

removing material; to dig or scoop out (earth,

sand, etc.); to expose or lay bare by or as if by digging; unearth

Definition in Context: to dig or scoop out (earth,sand, etc.); to expose or lay bare by or as if by digging; unearth

Word: Confection

Stems: Con - together; tion - act/state

Literary Context: "'It's not a confection! It's not!'"(Fletcher 244)

Dictionary Definition: a medicated preparation made with the aid of sugar,honey, syrup, or the like; something, as a garment or decorative object, that is very

delicate,elaborate, or luxurious and usually

non utilitarian; something made up or confected; a concoction

a frivolous, amusing, or contrived play, book,

or other artistic or literary work; the process of compounding,

preparing, or making something; a sweet

preparation of fruit or the like, as a preserve or candy

Definition in Context: something made up or confected; a concoction

Word: Manuscript

Stems: man - hand ; scribe - write

Literary Context: "A single manuscript managed to survive Henry VII's dissolution of the monasteries, and the destruction of their great libraries;..." (Beowulf ix)

Dictionary Definition: the original text of an author's work,

handwritten or now usually typed, that is submitted to publisher; any text not printed; a book or document written before the

invention of printing; writing, as distinguished from print.

Definition in Context: the original text of an author's work, handwritten or now usually typed, that is submitted to publisher

Word: Dissolution

Stems: Dis - away; Sol - alone; Tion - act or state

Literary Context: "A single manuscript managed to survive Henry VII's dissolution of the monasteries, and the destruction of their great libraries;..." (Beowulf ix)

Dictionary Definition: the breaking up of an assembly or

organization; dismissal; dispersal.

Definition in Context: the breaking up of an assembly or

organization; dismissal; dispersal.

Word: Triplicate

Stems: Tri - three; ate - cause

Literary Context: "But you can't call it kidnapping when transfer papers have been signed in triplicate." (Shusterman 3)

Dictionary Definition: one of three identical items, especially copies of typewritten material.

Definition in Context: one of three identical items, especially copies of typewritten material.

Word: Verbally

Stems: Ver - true

Literary Context: "'Verbally confirm that you are Mason Michael Starkey.'" (Shusterman 3)

Dictionary Definition: expressed in spoken words; oral rather than written

Definition in Context: expressed in spoken words; oral rather than written

Word: Heartless

Stems: less - without

Literary Context: "It takes a special heartless breed to be a Juvey-cop, but to specialize as a rounder you probably need to be soulless as well." (Shusterman 3)

Dictionary definition: unfeeling; unkind; unsympathetic; harsh; cruel; lacking courage or enthusiasm; spiritless; disheartened.

Definition in Context: unfeeling; unkind; unsympathetic; harsh; cruel

Word: Soulless

Stems: less - without

Literary Context: "It takes a special heartless breed to be a Juvey-cop, but to specialize as a rounder you probably need to be soulless as well." (Shusterman 3)

Dictionary Definition: without a soul; lacking in nobility of soul, as persons; without spirit or courage.

Definition in Context: without a soul

Word: Throughout

Stems: Through - through

Literary Context: "Allie laughed throughout the game, and I couldn't even get myself to smile."(Beah 178)

Dictionary Definition:

- in or to every part of; everywhere in - From the beginning to the end of

- in every part

- at every moment or point

Definition in Context:

From the beginning to the end of

Word: Nameless

Stems: Less - without

Literary Context: "Our nameless host and his mother stood in the crowd."(Beah 66)

Dictionary Definition:

-having no name

-left unnamed


-incapable of being specified or described

-too shocking or vile to be specified

-having no legitimate paternal name,

as a child born out of wedlock

- unknown to fame; obscure

Definition in Context: anonymous

Word: Everybody

Stems: ver - true

Literary Context: "Everybody listened attentively, raising their eyebrows and cocking their heads as they tried to understand what kind of music this was."(Beah 67)

Dictionary Definition: every person

Definition in Context: every person

Word: Attentively

Stems: attention

Literary Context: "Everybody listened attentively, raising their eyebrows and cocking their heads as they tried to understand what kind of music this was."(Beah 67)

Dictionary Definition:

-characterized by or giving attention;observant

-thoughtful of others; considerate;

polite; courteous

Definition in Context:

characterized by or giving attention;observant

Word: Adbruptly

Stems: ad - to, rupt - break

Literary Context: "The chief abruptly stopped the song."(Beah 67)

Dictionary Definition:

-suddenly or unexpectedly

-curt or brusque in speech, manner, etc.

-terminating or changing suddenly

-having many sudden changes from one

subject to another; lacking incontinuity or


-steeply; precipitously

Definition in Context:

suddenly or unexpectedly

Word: Combination

Stems: Com - together; tion - act or state

Literary Context: "The combination of these drugs gave us a lot of energy and made us fierce."(Beah 122)

Dictionary Definition:

-the act of combining or the state of being


-a number of things combined

-something formed by combining

-an alliance of persons or parties

-the set or series of numbers or letters used in setting the mechanism of a combination lock

-a suit of underwear in one piece.

Definition in Context:

a number of things combined

Word: Fierce

Stems: none

Literary Context: "The combination of these drugs gave us a lot of energy and made us fierce."(Beah 122)

Dictionary Definition:

-menacingly wild, savage, or hostile

-violent in force, intensity, etc.

-furiously eager or intense

-extremely bad or severe

Definition in Context:

Violent in force, intensity, etc.

Word: Politician

Stems: Politic; ician - specialist

Literary Context: "Does it seem like I'm blaming our politicians for everything?"(Pelé 127)

Dictionary Definition:

-a person who is active in party politics

-a seeker or holder of public office, who is more concerned about winning favor or retaining power than about maintaining principles

-a person who holds a political office

-a person skilled in political government or administration; states manor stateswoman

-an expert in politics or political government

-a person who seeks to gain power or

advancement within an organization in ways

that are generally disapproved.

Definition in Context:

a person who holds a political office

Word: Immune

Stems: Im - not

Literary Context: "As I've said, soccer is never immune from such things--especially not in Brazil."(Pelé 127)

Dictionary Definition:

-protected from a disease or the like, as by inoculation

-of or relating to the production of antibodies or lymphocytes that can react with a specific antigen

-exempt or protected

-not responsive or susceptible

-a person who is immune.

Definition in Context:

exempt or protected

Word: Disturb

Stems: Dis - away; urb - city

Literary Context: "A new rustling disturbed the silence, maybe fifty paces away."(Davis 33)

Dictionary Definition:

-to interrupt the quiet, rest, peace, or order of; unsettle

-to interfere with; interrupt; hinder

-to interfere with the arrangement, order, or harmony of; disarrange

-to perplex; trouble

-to cause disturbance to someone's sleep, rest, etc.

Definition in Context:

to interrupt the quiet, rest, peace, or order of

Word: Relish

Stems: re - again ; ish - like

Literary Context: "May he see/In their golden brightness, the Geats' great lord/Gazing at your treasure, that here in Denmark/I found a noble protector, a giver/Of rings whose rewards I won and briefly/Relished."(1483-1488)

Dictionary Definition:

-liking or enjoyment of the taste of something

-pleasurable appreciation of anything; liking

-something savory or appetizing added to a meal, as pickles or olives

-a sweet pickle made of various vegetables, usually chopped or minced

-an appetizer or hors d'oeuvre

-a pleasing or appetizing flavor

-a pleasing or enjoyable quality

-a taste or flavor

-a smack, trace, or touch of something

-to take pleasure in; like; enjoy

-to make pleasing to the taste

-to like the taste of

-to have taste or flavor

-to be agreeable

Definition in Context:

to take pleasure in; like; enjoy

Word: Protector

Stems: Pro - forward; tact - touch

Literary Context: "May he see/In their golden brightness, the Geats' great lord/Gazing at your treasure, that here in Denmark/I found a noble protector, a giver/Of rings whose rewards I won and briefly/Relished."(1483-1488)

Dictionary Definition:

-a person or thing that protects; defender; guardian

-a person in charge of the kingdom during the sovereign's minority,incapacity, or absence.

-the title of the head of the government during the period of the Protectorate, held by Oliver Cromwell (1653–58) and by Richard Cromwell, his son(1658–59).

Definition in Context: a person or thing that protects; defender; guardian

Word: Vengeance

Stems: ven - come

Literary Context: "The crime was great, the guilt was plain,/But nothing could be done, no vengeance, no death/To repay that death, no punishment, nothing."(2441-2443)

Dictionary Definition:

-infliction of injury, harm, humiliation, or the like, on a person by another who has been harmed by that person; violent revenge

-an act or opportunity of inflicting such trouble

-the desire for revenge

-hurt; injury

-curse; imprecation

-with force or violence

-greatly; extremely

-to an unreasonable, excessive, or surprising degree

Definition in Context:

The desire for revenge

Word: Repay

Stems: re - back

Literary Context: "The crime was great, the guilt was plain,/But nothing could be done, no vengeance, no death/To repay that death, no punishment, nothing."(2441-2443)

Dictionary Definition:

-to pay back or refund, as money

-to make return for

-to make return to in any way

-to return

Definition in Context:

to make return to in any way

Word: Impossible

Stems: Im - not; Pos - put; able - able

Literary Context: "He can raise/His voice in sorrow, but revenge is impossible."(2448-2449)

Dictionary Definition:

-not possible; unable to be, exist, happen, etc.

-unable to be done, performed, effected, etc.

-incapable of being true, as a rumor

-not to be done, endured, etc., with any degree of reason or propriety

-utterly impracticable

-hopelessly unsuitable, difficult, or objectionable

Definition in Context:

unable to be done, performed, effected, etc.

Word: Revenge

Stems: Re-back; ven - come

Literary Context: "He can raise/His voice in sorrow, but revenge is impossible."(2448-2449)

Dictionary Definition:

-to exact punishment or expiation for a wrong on behalf of, especially in a resentful or vindictive spirit

-to take vengeance for; inflict punishment for; avenge

-to take revenge

-the act of revenging; retaliation for injuries or wrongs; vengeance

-something done in vengeance

-the desire to revenge; vindictiveness

-an opportunity to retaliate or gain satisfaction

Definition in Context:

retaliation for injuries or wrongs

Word: Circled

Stems: Circum - around

Literary Context: "But he waited, Ongentho/With his mass of soldiers, circled around/The Geats who'd survived, who'd escaped him,calling/Thtreats and boasts at that wretched band/The whole night through."(2934-2939)

Dictionary Definition:

-to enclose in a circle; surround; encircle

-to move in a circle or circuit around; rotate or revolve around

-to change course so as to pass by or avoid collision with; bypass;evade

-to move in a circle or circuit

-Movies, Television. to iris (usually followed by in or out).

Definition in Context:

to enclose in a circle; surround; encircle

Word: Wretched

Stems: Wretch - Unhappy person

Literary Context: "But he waited, Ongentho/With his mass of soldiers, circled around/The Geats who'd survived, who'd escaped him,calling/Thtreats and boasts at that wretched band/The whole night through."(2934-2939)

Dictionary Definition:

-very unfortunate in condition or circumstances ; miserable; pitiable

-characterized by or attended with misery and sorrow

-despicable, contemptible, or mean

-poor, sorry, or pitiful; worthless

Definition in Context:

characterized by or attended with misery and sorrow

Word: Unaided

Stems: un - not

Literary Context: "'He meant to kill/This monster himself, our mighty king,/Fight this battle alone and unaided,/As in the days when his strength and daring dazzled/Men's eyes.'"(2642-2646)

Dictionary Definition:

-without help or support; assistance

-without a person or thing that aids or furnishes assistance; helper; auxiliary

- without the means by which a rider communicates with and controls a horse

-without the devices by means of which a rider increases control of a horse

Definition in Context:

without help or support; assistance