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128 Cards in this Set

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civilian (n)
person not a member of the military, police, or firefighting forces
complicated (adj)
hard to understand; elaborate; complex; intricate
concur (v)
agree; coincide; be of the same opinion
confirm (v)
state or prove the truth of; substantiate; verify
confirmation (n)
(noun form to confirm) proof; evidence; verification
digress (v)
turn aside; get off the main topic; deviate
fragile (adj)
easily broken; breakable; weak; frail
galore (adj)
aplenty; in abundance; plentiful; abundant
genuine (adj)
actually being what it is claimed or seems to be; true; real; authentic
hostile (adj)
of or relating to an enemy or enemies; unfriendly; inimical
impatient (adj)
not patient; not willing to bear delay; fretful; anxious
inter (v)
put into the earth; bury; entomb
interment (n)
(noun form of inter) burial; entombment; sepulture
mitigate (v)
make less severe; lessen; alleviate; soften; relieve
novice (n)
one who is new to a field or activity; beginner; apprentice; neophyte; tyro
original (n)
work created firsthand from which copies are made; prototype; archetype
original (adj)
1. belonging to the beginning; first; earliest; initial; primary
2. inventive; creative
rarity (n)
something uncommon, infrequent,or rare
resume (v)
1. begin again
2. reoccupy
shrink (v)
1. draw back; recoil; wince
2. become smaller; contract
sober (adj)
1. not drunk; not intoxicated
2. earnest; serious; free from excitement or exaggeration
suffice (v)
be enough, adequate, or sufficient; serve; do
vacant (adj)
empty; unoccupied; tenantless; not being used
vacancy (n)
(noun form of vacant) unfilled position; unoccupied apartment or room
adjourn (v)
close a meeting; suspend the business of a meeting; disband; recess
astute (adj)
1. shrewd; wise, perspicacious; sagacious
2. crafty; cunning; sly; wily
censure (n)
act of blaming; expression of disapproval; hostile criticism; rebuke; reprimand
demolish (v)
tear down; destroy; raze; smash; wreck
demolition (n)
(noun form of demolish) destruction
discharge (v)
1. unload
2. dismiss, fire
dissent (v)
differ in opinon; disagree; object
dissension (n)
(noun form of dissent) discord; conflict; strife
equitable (adj)
fair to all concerned; just; impartial; objective, unbiased
inequitable (n)
(noun form, opposite of equitable) unfair, unjust
exonerate (v)
free from blame; clear from accusation; acquit; absolve
extricate (v)
free from difficulties; disentagle; disencumber; release
forfeit (v)
lose or have to give up as a penalty for some error neglect, or fault; sacrifice
illegible (adj)
not able to be read; very hard to read; not legible; undecipherable
legible (adj)
(opposite of illegible) easy to read; readable
inadvertently (adv)
not done on purpose; unintentionally; thoughtlessly; accidentally; carelessly
inappropriate (adj)
not appropriate; not fitting; unsuitable; unbecoming; improper
appropriate (adj)
(opposite of inappropriate) fitting, proper
lucrative (adj)
moneymaking; profitable; advantageous; remunerative
permanent (adj)
lasting; enduring; intended to last;stable
prohibit (v)
forbid; ban; enjoin; interdict
prohibition (n)
(noun form of prohibition) interdiction; ban; taboo
punctual (adj)
on time; prompt; timely
punctuality (n)
(noun form of punctual) promptness
rebuke (v)
express disapproval of; criticize sharply; censure severely; reprimand; reprove
transient (adj)
not lasting; passing soon; fleeting; short-lived; momentary; ephemeral; transitory
transient (n)
(noun form for transient) guest staying for only a short time
cache (n)
hiding place to store something
commend (v)
praise; mention favorably; compliment
commendable (adj)
(adjective form of commend) praiseworthy; laudable
cur (n)
worthless dog
despotic (adj)
characteristic of a despot (a monarch having absolute power); domineering; dictatorial; tyrannical; autocratic
despotism (n)
(noun form of despotic) tyranny; dictatorship
dispute (v or noun)
verb: to argue about; debate; declare not true; call into question; oppose; challenge
noun: an argument; a debate; a challenge
disputatious (adj)
(adjective form of dispute) argumentative; contentious
edifice (n)
building, especially a large or impressive building
era (n)
historical period; period of time; age; epoch
initiate (v)
1. begin; introduce; originate; inaugurate
2. put through the ceremony of becoming a member; admit; induct
initiation (n)
(noun form of initiate) induction; installation
Jolly Roger (n)
(norman..) pirates' flag; black flag with white skull and crossbones
multitude (n)
very large number of people or things; crowd; throng; horde; swarm
multitudinous (adj)
(adjective form for multitude) many; numerous
perceive (v)
become aware of through the senses; see; note; observe; behold; understand
perception (n)
(noun form of perceive) idea; conception
portal (n)
(usually plural) door; entrance, especially a grand or impressive one; gate
reserved (adj)
1. restrained in speech or action; reticent; uncommunicative; tight-lipped; taciturn
2.unsociable; aloof; withdrawn
restrain (v)
hold back; check; curb; repress; keep under control
retract (v)
draw back; withdraw; take back; unsay
spine (n)
chain of small bones (vertebrae) down the middle of the back; backbone
spineless (adj)
(adjective to spine) having no backbone; weak; indeciseve; cowardly
stroll (n)
idle and leisurely walk; ramble
timorous (adj)
full of fear; afraid; timid
tuition (n)
payment for instruction
version (n)
1. account or description from one point of view; interpretation
2. translation
aggressor (n)
person or nation that initiates hostilities or makes an unprovoked attack; assailant; invader
aggression (n)
(coming from 'aggressor') unprovoked attack; assault; invasion
altitude (n)
height; elevation; high position; eminence
calamity (n)
great misfortune; catastrophe; disaster
calamitous (adj)
(adjective form of calamity) disastrous; catastrophic
congregate (v)
come together into a crowd; assemble; gather
convene (v)
meet in a group for a specific purpose
convention (n)
treaty; agreement
cordiality (n)
friendliness; warmth of regard; amiability
cordial (adj)
(adjective form of cordiality) warm and friendly; gracious; hearty
crony (n)
close companion; intimate friend; chum; associate
deliberately (adv)
1. in a carefully thought out manner; purposely; intentionally
2.in an unhurried manner; slowly
dispense (v)
1.deal out; distribute
2.(followed by preposition 'with') do without; get along without; forgo
dubious (adj)
doubtful; uncertain; questionable
extremity (n)
very end; utmost limit; border
forecast (v)
predict; foretell; prophesy; prognosticate
hibernate (v)
spend the winter in a dormant or inactive state as some animals do
host (n)
1.large number; multitude; throng; crowd; flock
2.person who receives or entertains a guest or gusts at home or elsewhere (Note: hostess: a woman who serves as host)
intimidate (v)
frighten; influence by fear; cow; overawe; coerce
preface (n)
introduction (to a book, speech); foreword; prologue; preamble; exordium
preface (v)
(verb form for preface) introduce or begin with a preface; usher in; precede
recoil (v)
draw back because of fear or disgust; shrink; wince; flinch
reflection (n)
1. thought, especially careful thought; cogitation; deliberation
2. blame; discredit; aspersion; slur
relinquish (v)
give up; abandon; let go; release; surrender; cede
tolerate (v)
endure; bear; put up with; accept; permit
tolerable (adj)
(adjective form to tolerate) bearable; endurable
capsize (v)
overturn; upset
contend (v)
1. compete;vie;take part in a contest; fight; struggle
2. argue; maintain as true; assert
contentious (adj)
(adjective from contend) quarellsome; belligerent
decease (n)
death; demise
din (n)
loud noise; uproar; clamor; racket
distinguish (v)
tell apart; differentiate; recognize
divulge (v)
make known; reveal; disclose
drought (n)
long period of dry weather; lack of rain; dryness
famish (v)
starve; suffer from extreme hunger; make extremely hungry
illuminate (v)
light up; lighten brighten
inaudible (adj)
incapable of being heard; not audible
incense (v)
make extremely angry; enrage; madden; infuriate
inundate (v)
flood; swamp; deluge
jeopardy (n)
danger; peril
jeopardize (v)
(verb form of jeopardy) endanger, imperil
magnify (v)
cause to be or look larger; enlarge; amplify; exaggerate
municipal (adj)
of a city or town
puncture (v)
make a hole with a pointed object; pierce; perforate
rummage (v)
search thoroughly by turning over all the contents; ransack
simultaneously (adv)
at the same time; concurrently; together
subsequently (adv)
later; afterward; next
survive (v)
live longer than; outlive; outlast
traverse (v)
pass across, over, or through; cross
velocity (n)
speed; swiftness; celerity;rapidity