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20 Cards in this Set

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aspersions (noun)

attacks on a person's character through unfavorable remarks

compunction (noun)

A strong uneasiness caused by a sense of guilt

derision (noun) deride (verb) derisive (adj)

hateful or moking laghter

disapprobation (noun)

moral disapproval

ostracize (verb) ostracism (noun)

to banish or exclude from a group, to shun

rebuke (verb, noun)

to criticize sharply, strong critcism

revulsion (noun)

a sudden feeling of disgust

scurrilous (adj)

vulgar, coarse, or abusive in expression, foul-mouthed

spurn (verb)

to reject scornfully

vitriolic (adj) vitriol (noun)

intensely harsh

accountable (adj) account (verb)

responsible, explainable

assiduous (adj) assiduity (noun)

giving constant attention, hard-working

default (noun, verb)

a situation that remains the same, failure to complete a task, to fail to meet an obligation

feckless (adj)

useless, careless, irresponsible

incumbent (adj, noun)

imposed as a duty, currently holding an office or position, a person holding an office or position

liability (noun) liable (adj)

a legal responsibility, something that holds one back, a handicap, responsible for

mandatory (adj) mandate (verb, noun)

required or commanded by authority

negligence (noun) negligent (adj)

neglect, lack of proper care or attention

onerous (adj)

difficult to bear or do, troublesome

remiss (adj)

lax or careless in attending to duty