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73 Cards in this Set

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Joseph Stalin
last name means "man of stel"took control of the country,he focused on creatin g a communist state.
goverment try to have complete control over the people
Benito Mussolini
established a totalitarion regime in Italy. Where unemployment & inflation produced bitter strikes, some communist-led. a powerful speaker, Mussolini knew how to appeal to Italy's wounded national pride.
Mussloini established this party in 1921. stressed nationalsim & placed the interestes o the tate above individuals. to stregthen this party, Mussolini argued power must rest in a single strong leader & a small group of devoted party members.
Adolf Hitler
followed a pth almost like Mussolini's, n 1919 he joined a group called the Nation Socialist German Workers Party, known as the Nazi Party
German brand of facism, extreme nationalism
Francisco Franco
he rebellied against Spanish Republic, due to that the Civil War has been started.
Neutrality Acts
etanded he ban on arms sals and loands to nations n the civil war
Neville Chamberlain
a British prime minister, on Septemeber 20, 1938 he signed the Munich Agreement.
Winston Churchill
Chamerlains biggest rival, he thought that signing the Munich Agreement was a shame policy of appeasement
giving up princiables to ease the anger of an agressor
Munich Pact
Septemeber 30, 1938 turned Sudentenland over to Germany with not even a single shot being fired
Non-Aggression Pact
staling singed this with hitler, Germany, Russia said they would never attach each other
also known as lighting war, made advances in miliary technology, fast tanks, high powerd air crafts
Charles de Gaulle
he fled to England after France fell, he then set up goverment-in-exile
the murder of 11 million people across Europe, mostly jews
Nuremberg Laws
stripped jews of their german citizienship, jobs, property. Make it easyer for Nazi's to identify them
hatred of the jews
"night of broken glass" nazi's attach jewish homes, businesses,
Final Solution
a policy of genocide, deliberate and systematic killing of a population.
concentration camps
"labor camps"
largest of the death camps, prade of several SS doctors, the doctors would separate from who is strong enough to work, or who would die later that day
the deliberate and systematic killing of an entire population
Cash and Carry
allowed warring nations to buy U.S arms, as long as they would pay cash and transport it into ships.
Axis Powers
German,Italy,Japan signed the Tripartite Pact
Tripartite Pact
keeping the U.S out of war.
Wendell Wilkie
supported Roosevelts policy of aiding Britain. Both Wilkie and Roosevelt promised to keept the nation out of war
Axis Powers
German,Italy,Japan signed the Tripartite Pact
Lend-Lease Plan
March 1941, president would lend or lease arms and other supplies to any country.
Tripartite Pact
keeping the U.S out of war.
Wendell Wilkie
supported Roosevelts policy of aiding Britain. Both Wilkie and Roosevelt promised to keept the nation out of war
Lend-Lease Plan
March 1941, president would lend or lease arms and other supplies to any country.
Wolf Packs
they were sucessful in sinkining 350,000 of ships in a month
Atlantic Charter
joint declaration of war aims,
Hideki Tojo
chief of staff of Japans Army, launched invasion into China
Pearl Harbor
largets U.S naval base in the pacific.
Selective Service
expands the draft and eventually provided another 10 million soldiers to meet the armed forces that were needed.
George Marshall
Cheif and general pushed for the formation of the WAAC.
Womens auxiliary army corps an U.S army unit created during world war 2 to enable women to serve in noncombat positions.
Hull 440
Liberty ship in record breaking four days.
A Phillip Randolph
President and founder of the brotherhood of sleeping car portors and the nations most respected african american leader marched in Washington.
Office of scientific research and development to bring scientists into war effort.
Manhattan project
the U.S program to develop an atomatic bomb for use in World War 2.
Office of price administration and agency established by congress to control inflation during World War 2.
War production board and agency established during WW2 to coordinate the production of military supplies by the U.S industries.
A restriction of peoples right to buy unlimited amounts of particlar foods and other goods often implemented during wartime to ensure adequate supplies for the military.
The battle of the atlantic
Was to prevent food and war materials from reaching great britain and the soviet union.
Battle of stalingrad
Germans had been fighting the societ union since june 1941 in november 1941 the bitter cold stopped them once the spring came it all on with the war again.
Dwight Eisenhower
Operation torch and invasion of axis-controlled north african commanded by american general eisenhower.
German armies continued to put up strong resistance.
Later the 100th was merged into the all nisei 442nd regimental combat team.
Tuskegee airmen
Among the brave men who fought in italy wre pilots of the all black 99th pursuit squadron.
D Day
Banking on a forecast for cleaing skies eisenhower gave the go ahead for d day.
Omar bradley
Unleashed a massive air and land bombardment against the enemy at st. lo providing a gap in the german line of defence.
George patton
General patton and his third army could advance.
Battle of the bulge
Tanks drove 60miles into allied territory creating a bulge in the lines that gave this desperate last ditch offensive its name.
V-E Day
Victory in europe day the war in europe was finally over.
Harry truman
He had became the 33rd president after the stroke of roosevelt.
Douglas macarthur
At hte time of japanese invasion in december 1941 general MacArthur was in command of allied forces on the islands.
Battle of coral sea
In may they succeeded in stopping the japanese drive toward australlia in the 5 day battle of the coral sea.
Battle of midway
Japans next thrust was toward midway a strategic island which lies northwest of hawaii.
Chester nimitz
The commander of american naval forces in the pacific moved to defend the island.
Japanese abandoned guadalcanal six months later they called it the isalnd of death.
suicide plane attack in which japanese pilots crashed their bomb laden planes into allied ships.
Battle of leyte gulf
Was a disaster for Japan in three days of battle it lost three battleships, four aircraft carriers, thirteen cruisers, and almost 500 planes.
Iwo jima
After retaking much of the philipppines and liberating the american prisoners of war there the allies turned to iwo jima and island that writer william manchester later described as and ugly smelly flob of cold lava sqyatting in surly ocean.
Opened with Iwo Jima the way for an invasion of Japan.
The manhattan project
He decided to use a powerful new weapon that had been developed by scientists working on the manhattan project the atomic bomb.
J robert oppenheimer
The development of the atomic bomb was not only the most ambitious scientific enterprise in history it was also the best kept secret of the war.
An importatnt japanese military center.
Leveling half of the city by the end of the year an estimated 200,000 people had died as a result of injuries and radiation poisoning caused by the atomic blasts.
Yalta conference
In february 1945 as the allies pushed toward victory in europe an ailing roosevelt had met with churchill and stalin at the black sea resort city of yalta in the soviet union.
Nuremberg trials
The defendants included hitlers most trused party officials government ministers military leaders and powerful industrialists.