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40 Cards in this Set

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Always approach a horse from the ______________
Never approach a horse from the _________________
Before approaching, you should?
speak to the horse
When approaching a nervous horse, what should you do?
stroke him on the shoulder
The safest place to stand when working with a horse is?
next to the left foreleg close to the body
A horse is always mounted from the left WHY?
to prevent your sword from getting in the way! ahahahaha!
When speaking, speak ______ and _______
calmly and firmly
What are signs of Normal or Inquisitive behaviour in a horse?
ears pricked forward, extended head and neck to sniff, nuzzle, rub with head, points one hind foot, relaxed body, calm & quiet eyes
What are the signs of a Nervous horse?
pull back, shy, un-inquisitive, body rigid, tense, trembling, sweating, dilated pupils, show whites of eyes, bulging eyes, ears flicking back and forth
What are the signs of aggressive behaviour in a horse?
bare teeth, nip or bite, head and neck extended, charging, kicking, ears laid flat back, body very tense and poised, lunging forward, pivoting hind quarters toward approaching person, squealing
As you touch him on the shoulder or neck, make it a well felt, ____________ handed rub
Avoid _____________ or ________________ him with little pats
poking, tickling
what is this piece of equipment and what is it used for?
what is this piece of equipment and what is it used for?
twitch - applied to horse's nose and twisted to apply pressure.
A horse under ____________ is likely not to have been trained with a twitch.
one year
Leaving a twitch on for too long a period can cause what?
damage to the nerves or vessels in the sensitive area of the nose.
Use of a twitch does what?
releases endorphins
what is this piece of equipment and what is it used for?
what is this piece of equipment and what is it used for?
Cross Ties - used to secure horse for tacking, grooming, etc.
What do cross ties help to do?
keep the horse's head up and prevent the horse from turning or reaching around while both your hands are busy.
What 5 things are necessary in hoof care?
daily cleaning, regular trimming, regular shoeing and re-shoeing (if required), corrective hoof trimming to control abnormalities, proper care of diseased hoof
when using a hoof pick, which direction do you work in?
heel to toe
what is this piece of equipment and what is it used for?
what is this piece of equipment and what is it used for?
a float - it is used to file a horse's teeth
what is this piece of equipment and what is it used for?
what is this piece of equipment and what is it used for?
hoof tester - used to apply pressure to a horse's hooves to test for soreness
what is this piece of equipment and what is it used for?
what is this piece of equipment and what is it used for?
hoof nippers - used to trim wall of horse's hoof
what is this piece of equipment and what is it used for?
what is this piece of equipment and what is it used for?
hoof knife - used to trim or pare sole of horse's hooves
what is this piece of equipment and what is it used for?
what is this piece of equipment and what is it used for?
hoof pick - used to clean horse's hooves, removes dirt, small stones, etc.
what is this piece of equipment and what is it used for?
what is this piece of equipment and what is it used for?
hoof rasp - rasping hoof flat on the bottom
why bandage a horse's leg?
protection of legs from injury, support of limbs and tendons, protection of wounds and injuries, covering for administering medications such as liniments and poultices
what is "cording"
cutting off circulation in an area distal to where the bandage or tape may have been drawn too tightly.
to prevent cording, what is done?
allow approximately 1 inch open cotton (not covered by gauze) on top and bottom of wrapping
what is the average temperature for an adult horse?
37.3-38.6 C
what is the average temperature for a foal?
37.7 - 39.0 C
what is the average pulse for an adult horse?
36-42 bpm
what is the average pulse for a foal?
varies with age
where are the commonly used places to take the pulse of a horse?
facial artery, heart (with stethoscope), coccygeal artery
what is the average respiration for horses?
8-16 rpm, average 12 rpm
Where is the most common IV site in horses?
what is the most common site in horses for indwelling catherterization?
where is the best for large amount of intramuscular injection?
semimembranosus, semitendinosus muscle on back of leg
where is the best for small amount of intramuscular injection?
brachiocephalicus muscles in the neck
Where are subQ injections given?
seldom given in horse, but can be given over the scapula or brachiocephalicus muscle