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48 Cards in this Set

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Nguyen Anh (Gia Long)

VN warlord who claimed title of emperor after civil war. He establishes a VN capital between N/S VN.

Emperor Tu Duc

Doesn't like EU influe. Captures FRE missionaries, which causes French to send Punative Exhibition to rescue MS (Kills many).

Treaty of Saigon

after Punitive Exhibition - reparations, FR Trading Posts, FR ctrl of captial, VN not allowed to sell land to anyone not FR

Paul Doumer

says VN isn't makine $ cuz of no infrastructure


Unpaid labour that VN were under to build infrastructure.

Ho Chi Minh (background?/Rise)

-Came from Mid Class.

-Has Exp in the West.

-Petitioned for VN in the Paris Peace Talks (denied but gained him hero status in VN)

-Founding member of French Comunist Party

june 1940 France falls -> how does this effect VN

Vietnam under Japanese military rule, but technically still under French rule. Once france is liberated, Japan kicked out.

-HO Chi Minh returns to VN when france falls and realizes Jap is worse than Fre. Creates Viet Minh

Viet Minh

Anti Japanese movement in VN created by Ho CHi minh and Vo Nguyen Giap. quite succesfull.

-suported by all of VN cuz Japanese suck.

-are communist.

1st Indo-China War

between France and Viet minh in 46-54.

shining city on the hill

USA created new better type of society. Validated by increased immigration. Gave the illusion that USA is always the good guys.

Monroe Doc

USA will not interfere with EU affairs.

USA will ctrl North and South America, any EU intervention is an act of aggression.

Spanish American War

Over Cuba.

Hearst vs Pulitzer

Competing News Papers during the Spanish - American War.

Hearst Created the Yellow-Journalism technique.

Gets american public on the side of CUba and hating the Spanish.


Tabloid like. Sensational

The Maine (Remember the Maine)

USA navy ship that blew up in Cuban Port. Blamed on Spanish, caused USA to go to war with Spain. Probs wasn't spain who did it though.q

Teddy Roosevelt

Got rep through the Spanish American War. Lead the "Rough Riders". and took san juan hill.

Becomes the posterboy for American Imperialsim.

Treaty of Paris

Ends the Spanish American War. Grants USA all of Spanish American colonies. Pushes USA into international Scene.

Platt Ammendment

Document that says American's have the right to oversee Cuban Affairs.

Roosevelt Corallary

Any country that shows it can support itself, conduct civily, comit to their obligations, +all . Usa will not intervene. (kinda vague)


Truman Doctrine

USA will support those oppressed by armed minorities or outside force. (we will help you pay to resist communism.)

Marshal Plan

Gives European Countries loads of money to resist comunism. Communism grows in poor countries.

Alger Hiss

Accused of being a Communist Spy. Shows the cray red scare in USA.


House committee of unamerican acvities.

NSC 68

Document that says we need to fight communism with force. extreme containment of communism.

causes USA to have massive army.

KEep econ strong to support army.

Make the public on the anti-communist side so they can support this.

During the Korean War, what does USA want France to do with VN/

USA wants France to promise VN independence. It doesn't matter as long as VN isn't comunist.

Gineva Convention effect on Vietnam

Decided to split VN into North and South. (meant to be temperary) Until elections could be held.

Emperor Bao Dai

Corrupt, did whatever he's told by the Japanese, French, Americans. No VN liked him.

American policy towards VN while France rules.

Help VN people. Makes France look bad.


American group in VN who oversee what the French are doing with USA funds. Small group. Technically not part of army.


European Defence Community.

Combined european army funded by USA to utilize the power of Germany. Meant to be used against USSR.

Major General Ed G Lansdale

American in VN who is using his Advertising background to bolster South VN propaganda against North VN. Has a reputation from the Philipeans which grants him lots of power.

Ngo Dinh Diem

Becomes the leader of South Vietnam and creates the Republic of Vietnam.

-Shady (wins 98% vote)

-Catholic, liked by USA. Easier to deal with.

Who is Ngo Dinh Diem meant to replicate for the Americans

Ramon Magsaysay, a leader in the Philipeans who was very charasmatic and successful at preventing communism. USA wants this for Diem.

Also very ruthless regime. Kidnapped opposition

What was North Vietnam renamed to

Democratic Republic of Vietnam

Land reforms NVN vs SVN

North=land reforms gave people more land and peeps were happy

South= Diem delays land reforms and doesn't do a good job when they happen anyway.

How does USA react towards NVN while SVN under rule of Diem?

Sabatoge transportation, printing press, etc.


Army of the Republic of Vietnam.

Trained under USA to fight traditional (WWII) style wars. not prepaired for Viet Cong who use geurilla tactics.


National Liberation Front (of the south) opposed the Diem regime. Created the Viet Cong. HO CHI MINH afraid of giving support cuz american invasion threat.

Viet Cong

Created in the South by the NLF. Means Viet Communists. Organizes Vietnamese to rise up, created the Ho Chi Minh trail which shuffled supplies from NVN to SVN.

Malayan Emergency

British have emergency in Malaysia and solve anger by creating Briggs plan + granting independence.

Briggs Plan

Build better, well defended, electric, clean water villages for the people to live in. This will make people happy.

Briggs Plan in Vietnam

Created Strategic Hamlets. Much like concentration camps. Geurillas used them as safe havens. Not effective cuz VN were very close spiritually with their land, wouldn`t want to leave.

Diem`s Personalism

Everyone needs a photo of Diem in their home. Mocked, nobody liked.

Ngo Dink Nhu

Diem`s Brother head of secret police. Possibley more hated than Diem


Military Assistance Comand Vietnam. USA sends real soldiers. MACU absorbs Magg.

Downfall of Diem?

Americans realize they cannot support such an evil regime. Support a cou against him.


In charge of US army in VN. Orders large scale sabatoge of NK to punish them (even tho VC isn't really even their orders.)