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40 Cards in this Set

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FUNCTION: collagen, carnitine and tyrosine synthesis. NT synthesis. Antiox: reduces Cu and Fe, Enhances immune function. Protects against cancer, CVD, and eye disease

Vitamin C

INTERACTION: enhances absorption of iron. Elderly, alcoholism and smoking can cause deficiency.

Vitamin C

DEFICIENCY: scurvy (4 H's: hemorrhage, hyperkeratosis, hypochondriasis, hemoatologic abnormalities.

Vitamin C

TOXICITY: High doses causes diarrhea, kidney stones; unsafe for hemochromatosis, thalassemia, sideroblastic anemia. UL= 2g

Vitamin C

FUNCTION: Coenzyme (needed to convert pyruvate to acetyl coA and a-ketogluterate to succinyl coA)Makes NADPH. Membrane and nerve conduction

Thiamin (Vit B1)

INTERACTION: Antithiamins can inhibit absorption ie: thiaminases in rawfish, tannic, chlorogenic, caffeic acidsAlcohol inhibits absorptionDestroyed by heat and base. Elderly, and malabsorptive conditions


Thiamin (Vit B1)

DEFICIENCY: Beri beri: wet (edema), dry, acute – characterized byenlarged heart, heart failure, muscle wasting/weakness, memory loss, confusion,paralysis, weight lossWernicke-Korsakoff syndrome(opthalmoplegia, nystagmus, ataxia)

Thiamin (Vit B1)

SOURCE: Enriched grains: pasta, breads, cerealsMeat, legumes, sunflower seeds

Thiamin (Vit B1)

SOURCE: fruits and vegetables

Vitamin C

FUNCTION: Coenzyme in ETC (energy metabolism)

Riboflavin (B2)

INTERACTION: Destroyed by sunlight; Alcoholism, trauma, hypermetabolism cause deficiency

Riboflavin (B2)

DEFICIENCY: Ariboflavinosis characterized by stomatitis, cheilosis,glossitis, hyperemia, edema (dry cracked lips, swollen tongue, sore throat)Inflamed eyes, sensitivity to light, skin rash

Riboflavin (B2)

SOURCE: Whitedairy (milk, yogurt, cottage cheese), eggs, meat, legumes, spinach, mushroom

Riboflavin (B2)

FUNCTION: NAD + nicotinamide + ADP-riboseCoenzyme for oxidative rxns (ETC)Folate metabolismDonates ADP ribose for post translationmodification of protein

Niacin (B3)

INTERACTION: Synthesized from tryptophan in liverAlcoholism and malabsorptive conditions causedeficiency

Niacin (B3)

DEFICIENCY: Pellagracharacterized by the 4 D’s: Dermatitis, Diarrhea, Dementia, Death

Niacin (B3)

TOXICITY: Large doses used to treat hypercholesteremiaUL= 35 mg/day. 1 g/day causes flushing

Niacin (B3)

SOURCE: fish, meats, enriched grains

Niacin (B3)

FUNCTION: Pantothenic acid + ATP+ cysteine à Co A Nutrient metabolismFatty acid synthesisAcetylation of protein, sugar, drugs

PantothenicAcid (coenzyme A)

INTERACTION: Alcoholismand malabsorption cause deficiency

PantothenicAcid (coenzyme A)

DEFICIENCY: Burningfeet syndrome: numbness and tingling (often with other deficiencies)

PantothenicAcid (coenzyme A)

SOURCE: all foods

PantothenicAcid (coenzyme A)

FUNCTION: Coenzyme: required for carboxylation rxns (pyruvate -->oxaloacetate (Krebs), AcetateàmalonylcoA (FA synthesis), Propionyl coA-->methylmalonylcoA (protein metabolism and odd chain FA), B-methylmalonyl coA àB-methylglutaconylcoA (catabolism of leucine), Biotinylation, gene expression, cell cycle


INTERACTION: Synthesized by bacteria in large intestine (amount is nothigh enough, still required in diet)Raw egg whites limits absorption. Alcohol inhibits absorption


DEFICIENCY: Rare, serious – caused by genetic mutation in biotinidaseAnorexia, nausea, glossitis, depression,dermatitis


SOURCE: Many foods Beef, soybeans, egg yolk


FUNCTION: Protein metabolism (histidine, serine, glycine, methionine)*important for converting homocysteine back to methionine. Purine and pyrimidine synthesis for DNA


INTERACTION: Bioavailability is 50%Works synergistically with vit b12Intake measured in dietary folate equivalents1 DFE = 1 ug of food folate = 0.6 ug ofsupplement/fortified folic acid = 0.5 ug supplement folic acid taken on empty stomachMasks vitamin B12 deficiency; Alcoholism and malabsorption causes deficiencies


DEFICIENCY: Megaloblastic macrocytic anemiaSwollen tongue, depression, weakness, irratibility, headacheFolate deficiencies in pregnanet women causeneural tube defects in fetus


TOXICITY: UL=1,000 ug supplement (1 mg)


SOURCE: Many foods Beef, soybeans, egg yolk Mushrooms, green vegetables, meat, legumes *higher in raw foods vs. cooked. Enriched foods


SOURCE: Animal products only **Meat DairyFortified foodssupplements

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamine)

DEFICIENCY: Lack of stomach acid impairs absorptionMegaloblastic macrocytic anemia (neuropathy)Pernicious anemia caused by lack of GIFDeficiency manifests from inadequate intake,impaired GI function or competition with nitrous oxide

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamine)

INTERACTION: Only water soluble vitamin that can be stored in thebody. Works synergistically with folic acid Requires GIF (gastric intrinsic factor) to be absorbed; Deficiencies commonly seen in vegan/vegetarians

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamine)

FUNCTION: Coenzyme for cell synthesisConverts homocysteine to methionineConverts methylmalonyl coA àsuccinyl coA (odd fatty acid and protein metabolism). Maintains nerve cells

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamine)

SOURCE: Steak,salmon, chicken, fortified

Vitamin B6

INTERACTION: Stable with cooking, degraded in food processing and storage. Alcohol and drugs interfere with absorption

Vitamin B6

FUNCTION: Mainly found in PLP formCoenzymes in protein and fat metabolismModulates gene expressionHelps convert tryptophan àniacinUsed for treatment of variety of diseases: CVD,premenstrual syndrome, carpal tunnel, depression, muscle fatigue, paresthesia,autism

Vitamin B6

DEFICIENCY: Rare but seen in elderlyDermatitis (oily and flaky)Anemia, depression, confusion, seizures

Vitamin B6

TOXICITY: UL = 100 mg/dayCauses sensory and peripheral neuropathyDepression, fatigue, memory loss, irritability,headaches

Vitamin B6