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12 Cards in this Set

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The borders between layers of the primary visual cortex are quite distinct.
This is true. Addditionally, the border between V1 and V2 is very sharp.
What type of neurons are most prevalent in layer IV? From where do they receive input? Where and with what other cells do they synapse?
*stellate cells
*receive input via the optic radiations from the LGN
*synapse with pyramidal cells in layers II, III, V, and VI
How is visual information organized in layer IV? Is it segregated or integrated?
*segregated by receptive field component (center vs. surround)
*segregated by eye into ocular dominance columns
Do neurons in layers II,III,V,VI receive information from one eye or the other or both eyes?
They integrate information from both eyes to create a binocular visual field.
How do neurons in layers II,III,V,VI perceive shape?
Each neuron is selectively responsive to a particular contour (edge, orientation) of light.
What are minicolumns?
Vertical sections of V1 that contain neurons in each layer which are all responsive to the same contour of light.
Do neurons in layers II,III,V,VI perceive motion?
Yes - they are selectively responsive to a certain type of movement.
Describe the projection of the retinal topography on the primary visual cortex.
*topography is preserved but inverted vertically
*macula projects onto a disproportionately large area of the cortex
In what area does form recognition occur? Describe the path of information from V1 to this area.
*temporal cortex
*V1 to V2 to V4 to temporal cortex (ventral pathway)
Where does recognition of motion occur? Describe the path of visual information from V1 to this area. What other visual task takes place here?
*parietal cortex
*dorsal pathway: V1 to V2 to MT to parietal cortex
*visual attention
What effect does electrical stimulation of the MT have? Cooling?
*stimulation creates the perception of movement
*cooling causes reversible loss of ability to perceive movement
What area of the brain mediates visual attention to objects in the left visual field? The right visual field?
*Left field: right parietal cortex
*Right field: left and right parietal cortex