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45 Cards in this Set

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Parvoviridae Characteristics and Pathology
smallest DNA virus
naked, icosahedral ssDNA
rely heavily on cell machinery
can only infect dividing cells (unless helper virus present)
B19 and Adeno-associated virus
Family: Parvoviridae
Morphology: icosahedral, ssDNA
Vector: oral, respiratory secretions
Disease: rash (indirect), cytolytic erythroid (direct), fever, soar throat
Lab: serology IgM and IgG, PCR
Target: Erythroid precursor cells
Treatment: none, animal vaccine
Adenoviridae Characteristics and Pathology
naked, Icosahedral, dsDNA
fibers, spikes protruding from pentons
can be acute, persistent, and latent
Family: Adenoviridae
Morphology: dsDNA, icosahedral
Vector: fecal-oral, aerosal, contact
Disease: #3 common cold, conjunctivitis, Gastroenteritis, Acute respiratory disease
Lab: PCR, virus isolation
Target: Mucosoepithilial cells, eye
Treatment: vaccinate military type 4,7
Papillomaviridae Characteristics and Pathology
naked, icosahedral
circular dsDNA
warts, papillomas
encode proteins that promote cell growth
benign, self-limiting
HVP 1-4 most common
growths on mucous membranes
genital, oral, conjunctival
type 16 and 18 linked to genital warts, cervical cancer
Human Papillomavirus
Family: Papillomaviridae
Morphology: circular dsDNA, icosahedral
Vector: direct contact
Disease: warts, cervical carcinoma
Lab: PAP smear, PCR
Target: epithelial cells
Treatment: frozen/burned, surgury, Gardisal
Polyomaviridae Characteristics and Pathology
JC and BK cause human viruses
not pathogenic in immunocompetent people
enter respiratory tract, infect lymphocytes and kidneys
BK virus
Family: Polyomaviridae
Morphology: naked dsDNA, icosahedral
Vector: ubiquitus, everyone has gotten them
Disease: kidney and urinary tract infections
Target: epithelium
Treatment: none
JC virus
Family: Polyomaviridae
Morphology: naked dsDNA, icosahedral
Vector: ubiquitus, everyone has gotten them
Disease: Progressive Focal Leukoencephalopathy
Target: epithelium
Treatment: none, avoid immunosupression
Herpesviridae Characteristics and Pathology
enveloped, icosahedral
linear dsDNA
Subfamilies: Alphaherpesvirinae, Betaherpesvirinae, Gammaherpesvirinae
Alphaherpesvirinae Properties
fast growing, latent in neuronal tissue
HSV-1+2, VZV
Betaherpesvirinae Properties
slow growing, restricted host range
establish latency in immune system cells
CMV, HHV-6, 7
Gammaherpesvirinae Properties
slow growing, very restricted
oncogenic potential
EBV: infects B cells and epi
HHV-8: infect lymphocytes, remains latent
Herpesviridae Characteristics and Pathology
enveloped, icosahedral
linear dsDNA
Subfamilies: Alphaherpesvirinae, Betaherpesvirinae, Gammaherpesvirinae
Alphaherpesvirinae Properties
fast growing, latent in neuronal tissue
HSV-1+2, VZV
Betaherpesvirinae Properties
slow growing, restricted host range
establish latency in immune system cells
CMV, HHV-6, 7
Gammaherpesvirinae Properties
slow growing, very restricted
oncogenic potential
EBV: infects B cells and epi
HHV-8: infect lymphocytes, remains latent
Herpes Simplex Virus 1+2
Family: Herpesviridae
Morphology: envelope, icosahedral, dsDNA
Vector: close contact of lesions
Disease: oral-trigim ganglia, genital-sacral ganglia, lesions
Lab: lesion ID, ELVIS, PCR, virus iso
Target: epi and neuronal ganglia
Treatment: Acyclovir, no vaccine
Herpes Labialis Oral Characteristics
cold sores, fever blisters
recurrent infection on lips, nasal
Herpes Labialis Genital Characteristics
HSV 2 90%, HSV 1 10%
burning, tingling lesions on genitalia
Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV)
Family: Herpesviridae
Morphology: envelope, icosahedral, dsDNA
Vector: aerosol, contact of lesions
Disease: Primary-chickenpox, Secondary-shingles
Lab: clinical symptoms
Target: DRG, afferent neurons
Treatment: Acyclovir, passive immunity, vaccine
Cytomagalovirus (CMV)
Family: Herpesviridae
Morphology: envelope, icosahedral, dsDNA
Vector: close contact of lesions
Disease: heterophile negative mononucleosis
Lab: virus sample, serology IgM
Target: lymphocytes, kidneys, heart (most common in organ transplant)
Treatment: Gancyclovir, Foscarnet
Chicken Pox (Varicella)
dermal vesiculopusular rash from 2nd viremia infection
recurrent waves of pox with concurrent fever and systematic symptoms
Shingles (Herpes Zoster)
reactivation of latent virus in neurons
possibly due to reduction in immune system competence
appears on entire dermatome
Congenital Infection of Cytomegalovirus
.5-2.5% newborns, 90% symptom free
birth defects: intracerbral calcification, rash, hearing loss, mental retardation, cytoplasmic inclusion disease
Cytomegalovirus Mononucleosis
"heterophile negative mononucleosis"
mild, no heterophile Ab present
Human Herpesvirus 6 and 7
(HHV-6 &7)
Sub Family Betaherpesvirinae
infect lymphocytes, 90% of population infected
causes Exanthema Subitum, called Roseola
High fever followed by rash
rash is due to infected T-cells or hypersensitivity T-cell rxn in skin
self-limiting, cleared by CMI
Epstein Bar Virus
member of Gammaherpesvirinae
cause of infectious mono
grows only in B cells, some epi
VAP attaches to CD21 receptors
can immortalize B cells
Epstein Bar Virus Path, Clinical
causes indirect pathology by overstimulating IS
can transform cells to produce Lymphomas
EBV Infectious Mono
Heterophile Ab is diagnostic marker
Symptoms: high fever, malaise, lymphoadenopathy, fatigue
Complications: Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Meningoencephalitis
EBV Burkitt's Lymphoma
B-cell lymphoma of jaw and face
Lymphoproliferative disease in children w/ low T-cell's
usually co-infection w/ Malaria
Heterophile Ab, Lymphocytosis (irregular monocytes and lymphocytes)
Human Herpesvirus 8
"Kaposi's Sarcoma"
B-cell lymphoma in AIDS patients
can cause Casteman's disease
Monkey B Virus
"Herpesvirus Simiae"
zoonotic infection, replicates in hindbrain
>80% mortality
treatment: wound cleansing, Acyclovir, monitor serology
select agent of bioterrorism, but no human-human transmission
Poxviridae Properties
enveloped, complex dsDNA
very large
Human members: Variolla (smallpox), Mollescum Contagiosum
Zoo Viruses: Vaccinia, Cowpox, Orf, Monkeypox
Variolla (smallpox)
Family: Poxviridae
Morphology: enveloped, dsDNA
Vector: aerosol, direct contact
Disease: rash (indirect)
Lab: pock marks, Guarnieri bodies
Target: primary- URT, macrophage to lymph nodes, 2nd-spreads through lymph to rest of body
Treatment: vaccine: live, vaccinia
what are some contraindications for the Vaccinia vaccine?
cardiac, pulmonary disease
immunocompromised patients
Smallpox vs. Chickenpox
fever in smallpox, not in chicken pox
smallpox concentrated on face/arms, chickenpox on trunk
smallpox lesions all in same developmental stage, chicken pox at any stage at any time
Treatment for Vaccine associated disease
first: Vaccinia Immune Globulin (VIG)
Second: Cidofovir
Molluscum Contagiosm
Family: Poxviridae
Morphology: enveloped, dsDNA
Vector: direct contact
Disease: benign, wart-like lesions
Lab: pock marks, Guarnieri bodies
Target: IR to infected cells
Treatment: self-limiting
causes Vaccinia, milker's nodules
originally used as a vaccine to prevent smallpox
west african, natural host is african squirrel