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50 Cards in this Set

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What are the ssx of herpes simplex?

1.  Herpetic lesions on hand

1. Herpetic lesions on hand

What are the ssx of primary herpetic gingivostomatitis?

1. Abrupt onset of gingivitis

2. Painful vesicles around oral mucosa, tongue, lips, premolar skin

3. Difficulty eating, LAD

What is the MCC of primary herpetic gingivostomatitis?

1. HSV-1

What are the ssx of recurrent HSV?

1.  Fever blister/cold sore
2.  Grouped vesicles on erythematous base
3.  MC on lips

1. Fever blister/cold sore

2. Grouped vesicles on erythematous base

3. MC on lips

What are the ssx of HSV-2 infection?

1.  Genital herpes
2.  Pustules, ulceration
3.  Painful

1. Genital herpes

2. Pustules, ulceration

3. Painful

What are the ssx of herpes gladiatorum? MCC?

1. Common in wrestlers

2. Typical herpetic rash

3. MCC: HSV-1

What are the ssx of herpetic whitlow? MCC?

1.  Infection of hand with vesicular lesions--- distal phalanx 
2.  MCC: HSV-2

1. Infection of hand with vesicular lesions--- distal phalanx

2. MCC: HSV-2

What are the ssx of eczema herpeticum?

1.  Monomorphic umbilicated vesiculopsutules or punched out ulcerations
2.  Hemorrhagic crust
3.  2o S. aureus infection

1. Monomorphic umbilicated vesiculopsutules or punched out ulcerations

2. Hemorrhagic crust

3. 2o S. aureus infection

1. HSV keratoconjunctivitis

What are the ssx of neonatal herpes?

1.  Localized infection of skin, eyes, and/or mouth
2.  CNS disease
3.  Disseminated encephalitis, hepatitis, pneumonia, and coagulopathy

1. Localized infection of skin, eyes, and/or mouth

2. CNS disease

3. Disseminated encephalitis, hepatitis, pneumonia, and coagulopathy

How do you tx HSV?

1. Acyclovir

What are the ssx of varicella?

1.  Pruritic, erythematous macules and papule on face/scalp
2.  Dew drops on a rose petal--evolves into vesicles surrounded by a halo
3.  Central crust

1. Pruritic, erythematous macules and papule on face/scalp

2. Dew drops on a rose petal--evolves into vesicles surrounded by a halo

3. Central crust

What are the ssx of varicella zoster?

1.  Painful erytematous macules/papules in single dermatome
2.  Rarely crosses midline
3.  Lesions infectious until dry

1. Painful erytematous macules/papules in single dermatome

2. Rarely crosses midline

3. Lesions infectious until dry

What are the ssx of Ramsay Hunt syndrome?

1. Infection of geniculate ganglion---

2. Painful vesicles of ear canal, facial paralysis, ipsilateral hearing loss

What are the ssx of post-herpetic neuralgia?

1. Pain lasting more than 3 months following resolution of rash

2. Burning, stabbing, or gnawing pain

What are the ssx of infectious mono?

1.  Pharyngitis
2.  Fever
3.  Cervical LAD
4.  Myalgias
5.  HA

1. Pharyngitis

2. Fever

3. Cervical LAD

4. Myalgias

5. HA

What are the complications associated with infectious mono?

1. Splenic rupture

2. Airway obstruction

3. Hepatitis

What are the MCC of gianotti crosti?

1. EBV

2. HBV

What are the ssx of gianotti crosti?

1.  Abrupt onset of skin colored to pink-red papule on cheeks, buttocks, and extremities
2.  Non-pruritic
3.  Low-grade fever

1. Abrupt onset of skin colored to pink-red papule on cheeks, buttocks, and extremities

2. Non-pruritic

3. Low-grade fever

What are the ssx of hair oral leukoplakia?

1.  White shaggy patch
2.  Can't scrape off
3.  Lateral tongue

1. White shaggy patch

2. Can't scrape off

3. Lateral tongue

What are the ssx of CMV infection?

1. Sore throat sans exudate

2. Malaise

3. Mylagias

4. LAD

Blueberry muffin rash--- CMV, rubella

What are the ssx of exanthem subitum?

1.  High fever
2.  Followed by rash
3.  Discrete circular, red rose macules surrounded by white halo
4.  Febrile seizures

1. High fever

2. Followed by rash

3. Discrete circular, red rose macules surrounded by white halo

4. Febrile seizures

What is the MCC of exanthem subitum?

1. HHV6

What is the MCC of pityriasis rosea?

1. HHV7

What are the ssx of pityriasis rosea?

1.  Herald patch
2.  Christmas tree pattern

1. Herald patch

2. Christmas tree pattern

What is the MCC of kaposi sarcoma?

1. HHV8

What are the ssx of kaposi sarcoma?

1.  Symmetrical widespread lesion
2.  Mucocutaneous surfaces may be involved
3.  B-cell lymphoma

1. Symmetrical widespread lesion

2. Mucocutaneous surfaces may be involved

3. B-cell lymphoma

What are the high-risk HPV types?

1. 16, 18, 31, 33

How do you tx HPV?

1. Cryotx

2. Injection of candida antigen

3. Bleomycin

What is the MCC of common warts?

1. HPV 2, 4

What is the MCC of plantar warts?

1. HPV 1

How do you tell the difference between callouses and warts?

1. Warts have black or bleeding points (blood supply)

What is the MCC of flat warts?

1. HPV 3, 10

What are the ssx of flat warts?

1.  Flat topped pink-brown papules

2.  Grouped on elbows, hands, wrists, and knees

1. Flat topped pink-brown papules

2. Grouped on elbows, hands, wrists, and knees

What is the MCC of condyloma acuminata? Ssx?

1. MCC: HPV 6 and 11

2. Cauliflower like masses in anogenital area

What are the ssx of erythema infectiosum?

1.  Bright red macular erythema over cheeks

2.  Lacy eruption on extremities

1. Bright red macular erythema over cheeks

2. Lacy eruption on extremities

How do you tx erythema infectiosum?

1. Self-limited

What are the ssx of papular purpuric gloves and socks syndrome?

1.  Erythema, edema, petechia, and purpura on palms/soles with buying pain and pruritus

1. Erythema, edema, petechia, and purpura on palms/soles with buying pain and pruritus

What are the ssx of molluscum contagiosum?

1.  Umbilicate pink, firm waxy papules


1. Umbilicate pink, firm waxy papules

What is the histology of molluscum contagiosum?

1.  Henderson-Patterson molluscum bodies--- inclusion

1. Henderson-Patterson molluscum bodies--- inclusion

How do you tx molloscum contagiosum?

1. Cryotx

2. LN2

3. Curettage

What are the ssx of smallpox?

1.  Macules/papules on face--- spread to trunk and extremities

2.  All lesions in same stage of development

1. Macules/papules on face--- spread to trunk and extremities

2. All lesions in same stage of development

What are the ssx of orf?

1.  Papules

2.  Target lesion

3.  Acute red, weepy

4.  Regenerative

5.  Papilloma

6.  Regression

1. Papules

2. Target lesion

3. Acute red, weepy

4. Regenerative

5. Papilloma

6. Regression

What are the ssx of cowpox?

1. Vesicular lesions

2. Deep-seated black eschar with erythema

What is the MCC/ssx of cowpox?

1.  Parapox virus

2.  Solitary red-purple nodule on finger

1. Parapox virus

2. Solitary red-purple nodule on finger


2. Coxsackie A

1. Herpangina

2. Coxsackie A

1. Measles

2. Rubeola virus

3. Cough, coryza, conjunctivitis, koplik spots

4. Tx with vitamin A

1.  Rubella

2.  Rubella virus--- togavirus

3.  Forcheimer spots--- red petechia on palate

1. Rubella

2. Rubella virus--- togavirus

3. Forcheimer spots--- red petechia on palate