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72 Cards in this Set

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Ho Chi Minh
Communist party leader of Vietminh
-Formed by Ho Chi Minh
-Communist army led by the north
-Openly communist in the north
Domino Theory
-Eisenhower linked the countries on the brink of communism to a row of dominoes waiting to fall one after the others.
-countries must connect
Dien Bien Phu
-the last french outpost between french & vietminh
-french lost, surrendered
Ngo Dinh Diem
Dictator of the nationalists in South Vietnam
-a secret communist-opposition group in the south
-Secretly communist in the south
Ho Chi Minh Trail
-a supply line/network of paths along the borders of Vietnam, Laos & Cambodia
-used to supply arms to Vietcong from the Vietminh
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
-gave President Johnson UNLIMITED power to wage war
Williams Westmoreland
-American commander of the army in South Vietnam
-Army of the Republic of Vietnam
-good guys
-South Vietnamese army
a gasoline based bomb that can set fire to the jungle
agent orange
-highly toxic herbicide
-kills leaves
search and destroy missions
-us soldiers uprooted civilians w/suspected ties to the Vietcong
-killed their livestock, burning villages, troops, supplies
credibility gap
a public distrust of statements made by the government
-america's selective service system
-all males had to register w/ their local draft board when they turned 18
-requires men to enlist in armed services
New Left
-democrats against the war
-growing YOUTH movement
-Students for a Democratic Society
-College Protestors
-New Left Program
Free Speech Movement
-Can't be in SDS
-New Left Program
-a person who opposed the Vietnam War
-believed the us should withdraw from it
-a person who supported the us involvement in the Vietnam war
-Wanted to send more troops
Tet Offensive
-Vietcong attacked multiple US bases simultaneously on Tet
-Massive surprise attack by the Vietcong on S. Vietnamese towns/cities
-lasted almost 3 weeks
-Considered a losing victory because the us troops outlasted the attacks, forcing the Vietcong to quit because they had lost 10 times more men than the us
Bobby Kennedy
-JFK's brother
-Was going to be pres.
Richard Nixon
-New republican president
-Became pres b/c Bobby Kennedy died
-Announced 1st troop withdrawal from Vietnam
Henry Kissinger
-Nixon's National security advisor
-Created Vietnamization
who created vietnamization
Henry Kissinger
-Nixon & Kissinger's plan which called for gradual withdrawal of US troops in order for the S Vietnamese(ARVN) to take on a more active combat role in the war
-Sub us troops for ARVN troops
Silent majority
-small group who supported the War
-moderate, mainstream Americans who quietly supportred the US efforts in Vietnam
My Lai
-US troops massacred 200 civilians in northern south vietnam
Kent State-how many died/wounded?
-killed 4
-wounded 9
Pentagon Papers
-7,000 pg document
-Repealed Gulf of Tonkin Act
-Showed LBJ's truths
-published by Daniel Ellsburg
What repealed the Gulf of Tonkin act?
Pentagon Papers
War Powers Act
-limited a president's right to send troops into battle w/out consulting Congress
-48 hrs, 90 days rule (between Pres. & Congress: pres must notify congress within 48 hrs of sending troops, and congress has up to 90 days to declare war or the pres has to withdraw troops
When was France's War?
At the end of WWII in 1945
Who were Ho Chi Minh's soldiers?
the Vietminh
What sets up the 17th parallel?
The Geneva Accords
What was the 17th parallel?
The border between n & s vietnam
North Vietnam is Communist and led by-
Ho Chi Minh
South Vietnam is Non-communist and led by-
Ngo Dinh Diem
What is the capital of N. Vietnam
What is the capital of S. Vietnam
Why was Ngo Dinh Diem killed
Coercion of the US
What does coercion mean
threatening someone to make them do something
How did LBJ convince Congress to pass the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?
B/c the USS Maddox was patrolling the coast of NV, and there were reported enemy attacks
What did the Pentagon Papers lead to?
War Powers Act
What made the US think the USS Maddox was under attack?
Fishing Boat
What was Operation rolling thunder?
-Bombing campaign of Vietnam
-named to sound intimidating
Why did LBJ keep sending more troops?
b/c ARVN was not prepared to fight the type of war the us wanted to fight
-Gen. Westmoreland kept asking for more troops
What is a war of attrition?
The side to sustain the most loss of lives wins
What were the new weapons & war tactics?
weapons: napalm & agent orange
war tactics: search & destroy missions
Why were troops suffering sinking morale?
-they were losing
-the unfair draft
-fighting an unknown enemy
-the environment, animals
-guerrilla warfare
Why did the Vietnam war get so much tv coverage?
B/c satellites were invented, people could now watch the whole war from their living rooms
What was the common phrase about the war?
"We want to get out, but we don't want to give in [to communism]"
What lost support due to lack of LBJ credibility
The great society
How did people try to avoid getting drafted?
-going to college
-getting a doctor's note
-leaving the country forever
What percent of the lower class was drafted?
What percent of men in the war were drafted?
Why was the tet offensive considered a losing victory?
b/c the us outlasted the attacks, forcing the Vietcong to quit because they had lost 10 times more men than the us
What were protests about?
-the draft, war
-civil rights
What did the protest movement lead to?
What was the order of the terrible events to happen in this time period?
-Vietcong's tet offensive
-My Lai
-MLK assassinated
-LBJ won't run for pres. again(slap in face)
-Bobby Kennedy was assassinated
What year was My Lai?
How long did it take until the US people new about My Lai? and why?
About a year, b/c the army tried to keep it under wraps
What was the soldier's excuse for the My Lai massacre?
They were just following orders to "kill anything that breathed" from Lt. Calley
What happened to Lt. Calley?
convicted and sentenced
Who published the Pentagon Papers?
Daniel Ellsburg
What year were the Pentagon Papers released?
What were the Christmas Bombings? (11 days long)
-The US bombed hanoi and hairphong in NV
-11 straight days, pausing only on Christmas Day
What was the document called, to release troops from Vietnam?
Agreement on Ending the War & Restoring Peace in Vietnam
What year was the fall of Saigon?
Why did the soldiers receive a harsh, cold shoulder welcome?
-What they did at My Lai
How did NV enforce "reeducation" of SV?
forced South Vietnamese into holocaust-like work camps, where they were beaten into following communism or killed
What is the 48 hrs, 90 days rule?
-the President has up to 48 hrs to notify congress of sending troops
-congress has up to 90 days to declare war, or pres is withdrawing troops