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47 Cards in this Set

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The US decision to fight in the Vietnam War

March of 1965

culmination of....

two decades of gradually increasing commitment

- opposing the spread of Communism

- through Asia

began with...

US support for the French

- First Indochina War

continued after...

French withdrawal and partition of Vietnam

partition of Vietnam


sparked a civil war between

Communist North and US-backed South

Gulf of Tonkin incident prompted

US government to begin

- bombing campaigns

- send ground troops into Vietnam

Vietnam War



brutalised both soldiers and civilians

considerable political upheaval in the USA.

ultimate consequences

Communist Victory

reunification of Vietnam.

After defeat of Nazis,

U.S. feared Communist expansion

- Rusia

- Eastern Europe

- Asia

relations between

- the Soviet Union

- the United States

between cautious cooperation and superpower rivalry

distinct differences in the political systems


- reaching a mutual understanding on key issues

The Domino Theory,

- governed much of U.S. foreign policy 1950s

- communist victory chain reaction

- justify its support of a non-communist regime in South Vietnam

- against the communist government NV

- increasing involvement

- fear significant financial support of French

between 1946 and 54

over $2 billion in assistance.

After removal of French,

divided into north and south

The 1954 Partition of Vietnam

- split the country

- Communist North

- Non - Communist South

- 17th Parallel

- temporary measure

Geneva Conference

understanding that reunification elections would take place in two years.

In their stand against communism and it’s spread,

Eisenhower wrote Diem in september 1954

promising support to south through:

- financial aid

- up to 15,000 ‘advisors’

‘advisors’ which began arriving

Following month to help train South Vietnamese troops.

August the 2nd 1964

Information was received from the Headquarters US Pacific fleet indicating the US destroyer the USS Maddox had been attacked near North Vietnam by three North Vietnamese patrol boats.


reportedly fired upon the destroyer

pacific fleet responded through

air support,

managing to sink one boat and damage the two others,

all without any US casualties.

Congress passed

the 'Gulf of Tonkin Resolution'

Giving: President power to 'take all necessary steps' to secure the peace and security of South East Asia

Meaning: Johnson could send troops into Vietnam without Congress' approval

1964 elections

Johnson campaigned

promised not to 'send American boys 9 or 10 thousand miles away from home to do what Asian boys should be doing for themselves'.

He knew sending troops would likely to be necessary

In March the following year (1965)

Operation Rolling Thunder, a massive bombing campaign against North Vietnam targets

Following further attacks by Viet Cong on South Vietnamese troops and their US 'advisors', Johnson committed ground troops to Vietnam, landing 3,500 marines at Da Nang.

Vietnam was....

- longest war in American history

- most unpopular American war

of the 20th century.

Resulted in... (deaths)

nearly 60,000 American deaths

and in an estimated 2 million Vietnamese deaths

1965 (escalation)

President Lyndon Johnson escalated the war, commencing air strikes on North Vietnam

and committing ground forces

--which numbered 536,000 in 1968.


Tet Offensive by the North Vietnamese

turned many Americans against the war.

President, Richard Nixon,


withdrawing American troops

South Vietnam greater responsibility

slow flow of NV soldiers + supplies into SV

Communist supply bases in Cambodia destroyed

more antiwar protests.

1968 to 1973

efforts made to end conflict through diplomacy

January 1973

agreement reached

U.S. forces withdrawn from Vietnam

U.S. prisoners of war were released

April 1975

South Vietnam surrendered to the North,

Vietnam reunited.

effects on the American veterans who fought from the 1950s to the 1970s (1)

groups against the war

Vietnam Veterans Against the War.

“It was organized to voice the growing opposition among returning servicemen and women to the still-raging war in Indochina, and grew rapidly to a membership of over 30,000 throughout the United States as well as active duty GIs stationed in Vietnam.’’

effects on the American veterans who fought from the 1950s to the 1970s (2)

lukewarm welcome

public vented frustration with the government on soldiers

American public viewed the Vietnam conflict as a disaster

POWs generated sympathy

anger and frustration - villages in Viet

effects on the American veterans who fought from the 1950s to the 1970s (3)

Some 15 to 25 percent of Vietnam veterans (between 500,000 and 700,000) suffered from a stress-related impairment known as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

nearly no aid veterans and loved ones

bad stereotypical depictions

more suicides than war deaths

guilt and shame over participation in war

Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C


American culture acknowledge sacrifice and


good soldiers in a bad war

political impact (seperate paragraph)

Sunday, March 31, 1968, President Lyndon B. Johnson announced he would not run again for president “I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your President.” He later reflected: "If I left that war and let the Communists take over South Vietnam," "then I would be seen as a coward and my nation would be seen as an appeaser, and we would both find it impossible to accomplish anything for anybody anywhere on the entire globe."

Protest movements

began on university campuses and became more widespread

poll claimed that 71 percent of Americans believed the United States had “made a mistake” in sending troops to Vietnam

and that 58 percent found the war “immoral.”


More than 58,000 American soldiers were killed

while more than 150,000 others wounded

combat units were withdrawn by 1973

The summer of 1974 - Nixon resigned - congress cut military and economic aid by 30 percent

Thieu’s government, corrupt and inefficient inflation, unemployment, apathy, and an enormous desertion rate in the army

North Victory (1)

Early march 1975 the North Vietnamese launched the first phase of what was expected to be a two-year offensive to secure South Vietnam.

Sth army collapsed in less than two months

last U.S. military unit left Vietnam.

North Victory (2)

Two years after US departure

April 30 1975 South Vietnamese government surrendered

NVA tank occupied Saigon without a struggle.


Vietnam was reunited under communist rule on July 2, 1976, the country was officially united as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam with its capital in Hanoi. Saigon was renamed Ho Chi Minh City. The 30-year struggle for control was finally over.


Vietnam is still considered communist today but has a more liberal view.

Agent Orange

large parts of its countryside were scarred by bombs and defoliation,

while 19 million + gallons of herbicides was used over 4.5 million acres of land in Vietnam from 1961 to 1972.

Veteran health problems - exposure

future generations - consequences


The US decision to fight in the Vietnam War in March of 1965 = the culmination of two decades of gradually increasing commitment to opposing the spread of Communism through Asia,

clear impact

Brutalising - political upheaval - military

demoralized - citizens divided - defeat - longest and most controversial war - Communist victory and the reunification -

resumed diplomatic relations in 1995.