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20 Cards in this Set

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Accede (v.)

TO yield to; to assume an office or diginity

Syn: Consent, Concur, comply, assent

Ant: Demur, balk at

Brandish (v.)

To wave or flourish in a menacing or vigorous fashion

Syn: Swing, Shake

Comprise (v.)

TO include or contain; to be made up of

Syn: Compose, Constitute, ecompass

Ant: exclude

Deft (adj.)

Skillfull, nimble

Syn: dexterous, adroit, proficient, clever, masterful

Ant: clumsy, awkward, bungling, inept

Destitute (adj.)

Deprived of the necessities of life; lacking in

Syn: Wanting, devoid, penniless

Atn: rich, luxurious, bountifull, full, replete.

Explict (adj.)

Definite, clearly stated

Syn: distinct, forthright, unabiguous, clear

Ant: Vague, ambiguous, implied, implicit,

Extripate (v.)

To tear up by the roots, to destroy totally

Syn: uproot, eradicate, wipe out, excise

Ant: Implant, sow, foster, nourish

Inopportune (adj.)

Coming at a bad time; not appropritate

Syn: ill-timed, incovenient, innappropriate unsuitable

Ant: Timely, convenient, felicitous, opportune.

Ironic (adj.)

Suggesting an incongruint between what might be wexpected and what actually happens; given to irony, sarcastic

Syn: Incongruous, satiric, sardonic, wry

Ant: straightforward, unqequivocal

Musty (adj.)

Stale, moldy; out-of-date

Syn: Hackneyed, antiquated

Ant: Sweet-smelling, up to date, brand new

Officious (adj.)

Meddling; excessively forward in offering services or assuming authority

Syn: Meddlesome, prying, impertinent, obtrusive

Ant: reserved, diffident, timid, aloof

Ominous (adj.)

Unfavorable, threatining, of bad omen

Syn: unpropitous, inauspicous, portentous

Ant: propitous, auspicious, promising

Pinnacle (n.)

A high peak or point

Syn: apex, acme, summit, apogee

Ant: nadir, perigee, low point.

Premeditated (adj.)

Consdered beforehand, deliberately planned

Syn: preplanned, rehearsal, prearranged

Atn: unplanned, spontaneuous, impromptu

Rampant (adj.)

Growing without check, running wild

Solace (n.)

Comfort or relief,; (v.) to comfort, console

Stately (adj.)

Dignified, majestic,

Supple (adj.)

Bending easily; bending with agility; readily adaptable; servile

Suppress (v.)

To stop by force, put down

Venal (adj.)

open to or marked by bribery or corruption