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64 Cards in this Set

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What is ORM?

Operational Risk Management

How many steps are in the ORM process?


What is the acronym for the ORM process?


What are the steps of the ORM process?

Identify hazards

Assess hazards

Make risk decisions

Implement controls


Name all necessary PPE in naval aviation


Steel toed boots


Leather gloves

What is a class C mishap?

Property damage of more than $50,000 but less than $500,000

Non-fatal injury that causes any loss of time

Non-fatal illness or disease

What is a class B mishap?

Property damage of $500,000 or more but less than $2,000,000

Permanent partial disability

3 or more people hospitalized

What is a class A mishap?

Property damage of $2,000,000 or more

Fatality or permanent disability

What are the 3 objectives of first aid?

Prevent further injury

Prevent infection

Prevent loss of life

Describe the survival chain

Recognition/activation of CPR

chest compressions


Rapid defibrillation

Advanced life support

Post cardiac arrest care

What does CPR stand for?

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

What are the steps for CPR?




What are pressure points?

A point on the body where a main artery lies near the skin and over a bone

How many pressure points are on the human body?

22 (11 on each side)

List the locating of each pressure point on one side of the body




Collar bone

Inner upper arm

Inner elbow

Wrist upper thigh




What are the 2 types of bone fractures?



What type of fracture breaks the skin?


What is a closed/ simple fracture?

A broken bone that does not break the skin

How many classes of burns are there?


What are the classes of burns?

1st degree

2nd degree

3rd degree

What are the symptoms of a 1st degree burn?



Mild pain

What are the symptoms of a 2nd degree burn?



Severe pain

What are the symptoms of a 3rd degree burn?

Destroyed tissue

Destroyed skin and bone in some cases

Pain may be absent due to destroyed nerve endings

What are the 2 types of heat related injuries?

Heat exhaustion

Heat stroke

What is heat exhaustion?

A serious disturbance of blood flow to the brain, heart, and lungs

What are the symptoms of heat exhaustion?

Cool, moist and clammy skin

Dilated eyes

Normal or high temperature

Sweating profusely

What is a heat stroke?

A serious condition caused by the breakdown of the body's sweating mechanism

What are the symptoms of a Heat stroke?

Hot and/or dry skin

Uneven dilated eyes

Weak, rapid pulse

What er the 3 types or dlc old weather related injuries?


Superficial frostbite

Deep frostbite

What is superficial frostbite?

Ice crystals for in the upper layer of the skin

What is deep frostbite?

Ice crystals for in the deeper tissues

What is hypothermia?

The general cooling of the body

What are the symptoms of hypothermia?

Slow, shallow breathing

Faint/ undetectable pulse

Body tissue feels rigid

Limbs may be stiff

What is the life threatening condition where the body suffers insufficient blood flow throughout the body?


How many types of shock are there?


What are the different types of shock?

Nuerogenic shock

Hypovolemic shock

Cardiogenic shock

Anaphylactic shock

Septic shock

What occurs when the heart is damaged and unable to supply blood to the body?

Cardiogenic shock

What results from bacteria multiplying in the blood and releasing toxins?

Septic shock

What causes nuerogenic shock?

Spinal cord injuries

What causes Hypovolemic shock?

Severe blood and fluid loss

What is Anaphylactic shock?

A type of severe hypersensitivity or allergic reaction

What is radiological warfare?

The deliberate use of radiological weapons to produce widespread injury and death of all life

What are the types of explosions in radiological warfare?

Air burst

High altitude air burst

Surface burst

Shallow underwater burst

Deep underwater burst

What defines an air burst?

The fireball does not reach the surface

What are the effects of an air burst?

Creates a vacuum that collects debris caused by the severe blast resulting in radiation fallout

What is a high altitude air burst?

A nuclear explosion that occurs at altitudes in excess of 100,000 ft

What are the effects of a high altitude air burst?

Ionosphere disruption and emp

What is a surface burst?

Occurs when the fireball touches the surface

What type of explosion has a small fireball and blast wave but creates large waves and water contamination?

Shallow underwater burst

Describe a deep underwater burst

Similar to the shallow underwater burst but has less visual effect and yields greater water contamination

Which nuclear explosion results in the worst radiation fallout?

Surface burst

What are the 2 categories of shipboard shielding stations?

Ready shelter

Deep shelter

Where are the ready shelters and what do they do?

Located just inside the weather envelope and provides minimum radiation shielding and allows crew to remain close to battle stations

Where are the deep shelter stations and what do they do?

Located low in the ship and near the center line. Provides maximum shielding from radiation and crew is far removed from battle stations

What is MOPP

Mission Oriented Protective Posture

What is MOPP used for?

To coordinate the use of systems and equipment in chemical or biological environments

What is MOPP level 0?

Issue IPE, accessible within 5 minutes

Describe MOPP level 1 afloat

JS list, mask, gloves readily accessible

Describe MOPP level 1 ashore

Don protective equipment

M9 tape

What is MOPP level 2 afloat?

Mask carried

Decon supplies staged

What is MOPP level 2 ashore?

Don protective equipment

M9 tape

Don protective over boots

Describe MOPP level 3 afloat

General Quarters

Install filters

Don over boots

Describe MOPP level 3 ashore

Fill canteens

Activate Decon stations

Describe MOPP level 4 afloat

Don mask, hood, and gloves