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70 Cards in this Set

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Is hemmorhage a cause of cardiogenic shock?
List causes of cardiogenic shock.
Cardiac tamponade, congestive heart failure, drug overdose with beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, etc.; cardiac arrythmia.
Most fevers are not life-threatening unless temperature exceeds_____
list common drugs that may cause altered mentation
benzodiazepines, antihypertensives, opiates, antibiotics, anesthetic drugs.
A rectal temperature higher than ____F is considered elevated in the unstressed cat/dog.
The nutritional needs of the patient should be aggressively addressed. Post operative patients should receive at least ___kcal/kg Q 24 hours.
Is azotemia a cause of PAO2 in arterial blood?
Should ice water baths and enemas be used for total body cooling?
The structure in the brain is a network of anatomically and physiologically distinct nuclei int he brain stem that function to "activate" the cerebral cortex and maintain consciousness. Experimentally, stimulation of this structure in anesthetized cats produced electroencephalogram patterns consist with conscious state.
reticular formation.
What can trigger systemic inflammation?
both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria
Hypotension is best identified as an abnormally low MAP, typically defined as less than ___mm HG.
Critically ill patients with inadequate oxygen delivery, oxygen uptake, or tissue perfusion often develop ____ that is very reflective of the severity of cellualr hypoxia.
lactic acidosis.
This is a vagolytic drug that abolishes parasympathetic tone and is indicated in patients that have cardiopulmonary arrest associated with slow pulseless electrical activity or asystole.
Increased sympathetic noradrenergic innervation of cardia muscle will cause what?
increased heart rate and increased force of contractions.
If there are no visible or only weak breathing efforts evident, what should be done to immediately provide manual positive pressure ventilation?
intubate the patient.
Traditionally the ABC mnemonic has been followed for determining the order of intervention in basic life support. This often results in a delay in what immediately needed procedure?
the initiation of chest compressions.
Given the stress of an arrest situation, as well as the manipulation of the patient that occurs during CPR, it is not uncommon for the tube to be misplaced or to become displaced in the esophagus. Because of this, it is important to verify placement. How?
Palpate the neck to ensure tube is not felt in the esophagus. By direct visualization of the tube going into the larnyx. Ausculation of breath sounds and proper chest wall movement during ventilation.
True fever may be initiated by a variety of substances including infectious agents and their products. List causes.
Fungal infections. Bacterial infection. Viral infection. Tissue inflammation or necrosis.
True or false. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) is a widespread response to an infectious or noninfectious insult and, if left untreated, can lead to multiple organ failure and death.
True or False: Risk factors for nocosomial infections in the ICU include severity of underlying illness, prolonged length of stay, mechanical ventilation and any indwelling devices.
The 2 main pathophysiologic forms of pulmonary edema _______ - pressure edema (due to increased pulmonary capillary hydrostatic pressure) and are _____ -permeability edema (due to damage of the microvascular barrier and alveolar epithelium in more severe cases).
High and Increased.
This is the most useful initial test to ID the cause of pulmonary edema induced dyspnea; however, this diagnostic test can be highgly stressful and should be avoided in the most severly dyspeic patient until initial stabilization with empiric therapy has been attempted.
Thoracic radiographs.
Cardiogenic pulmonary edema is the most common form of high-pressure edema. It occurs as a result of what?
Left-sided congestive heart failure.
Is pneumothorax a contraindication for thoracentisis?
Is broad spectrum antibiotic therapy used for PTE?
In animals at risk for embolization, prophylaxis should be considered. Appropriate drugs include:
Wayfarin, aspirin, Heparin.
True or False: Chylous effusion is usually clear and red or green. Monocytes usually predominate; however, degenerate eosinphils may become predominant after repeated thoracocentensis or with chronic intrapleural disease.
Clinical symptoms of animals with pleural space disease would include:
Tachypnea, extended head/neck, cyanosis, open-mouth breathing.
True or False: the prognosis for animals with pulmonary edema varies depending upon the underlying cause.
The pleural space is a potential space formed by the _____and ______pleura.
parietal, visceral.
What is the immediate priority to hasten carbon monoxide elimination in patients that have suffered smoke inhalation?
aggressive oxygen supplementation.
What is NOT a common cause of asthmatic disease?
bacterial pneumonitis.
What are indications for chest tube placement?
Pyothorax, penetrating chest injury, on-going air leakage despite repeated thoracocentesis, tension pneumothorax, chylothorax, after thoracic surgery.
True or False: the prognosis for animals with severe acute myocardial infarction is excellent.
True or False: cardiogenic shock is defined as inadequate cellular metabolism secondary to cardiac dysfunction when there is adequate intravascular volume.
What are the common clinical signs of left-sided congestive heart failure?
dyspnea, coughing, tachypnea
Is dehydration a sign of left-sided congestive heart failure/
This procedure allows the definitive detection of any cardiac-associated masses and provides pericardial tissue for histopathologic analysis.
Exploratory thoracotomy.
Cardiac stroke volume is determined by?
Afterload, preload, contractility.
Arterial catheters should be avoided in patients with what condition?
If a patient with left heart failure is exercising, _______ production in skeletal muscle results in the feeling of fatigue and forces the patient to stop.
lactic acid
True or False: small and medium sized dogs are typically affected by DCM.
What are nutritional causes of DCM?
Deficiencies of: Taurine, I-carnitine, vitamin E, selenium
Cats with congestive heart failure commonly develop what?
pleural effusion.
True or False: The heart rates of cats with heart failure differ markedly from those of healthy cats.
True of False: myocardial failure is heart failure caused by a defect in myocardial contractility (systolic pump failure).
True or False: In general, MVD carries a less favorable than any other cardiovascular disease.
Arterial catheters can be placed where on the leg?
dorsopedal artery.
This drug is a benzothiazepine calcium channel antagonist. It has only a modest slowing effect on heart rate but it is believed to speed myocardial relaxation. Additionally, this drug may dilate coronary arteries and improve diastolic function by improving coronary perfusion in patients with feline HCM.
True or False: Supraventricular tachyarrythmias are rapid rhythms originating from or dependent on tissues above the ventricles.
Normal _____ findings and cardiac _______ levels on admission in traumatized human patients are an efficient way to rule out myocardial injuries and arrhythmias associated with trauma.
ECG and Troponin I
Animals in incessant rapid SVT require interruption of the tachyarrythmia. Vagal maneuvers may be tried first and may terminate the SVT if it is AV node dependent. Subjectively, the effective vagal maneuver in small animals is?
carotid sinus massage
The most commonly reported physical finding in dogs with myocardial infarction would be?
dyspnea, tachycardia, cardiac murmurs, arrythmias
Arterial catheters can be used for which 2 procedures?
direct blood pressure monitoring and procurement of arterial blood samples.
True or False: Medications an fluids with osmolalities of 600 mOsm or more may be administered safely via a peripheral vein.
The only absolute contraindication to intraosseous catheterization would be?
The use of a bone that is fracturedl
Persistently elevated lactic acid levels suggest which prognosis?
The IV fluid level and type should be tailored to what?
The individual patient's needs.
Severe skin tenting, prolonged CRT, dry mucous membranes, eyes sunken in orbits, and possibly signs of shock are indicative of _____ to ____ percent dehydration in a patient?
10 - 12%
Elevated blood hydrogen ion levels (pH <7.4) are described as _______, and reduced hydrogen ion levels (pH>7.4) are described as ____.
academia, alkalemia
What can cause a reduction in serum calcium concentration in animals with hypercalcemia?
When serum potassium exceeds _____ mEg/L or severe ECG changes are present, immediate therapy directed toward reducing and antagonizing serum potassium is warrented.
What is the primary complication of hypernatremia?
If hyponatremia is severe or occurs rapidly, it may be associated with what?
CNS signs
True or False: strict aseptic technique does not need to be followed for all central venous catheters.
The CVP technique uses a smaller introducing catheter or trochar and a guidewire to gain access to vessels or hollow organs.
Hyperkalemia can result from 4 basic disturbances.
Increased intake or admission. Translocation from the intracellular to the extracellular fluid space. artifactual or psuedohyperkalemia.
What leads to hyponatremia through decreased sodium retention, combined with increased water drinking, and retention in defense of inadequate circulating volume?
Daily IV fluid therapy is used for what reason?
to correct dehydration, to provide maintenance fluid and electrolyte needs. To replace on-going losses.
True or False: Medications and fluids with osmolalities of 600 mOsm or less may be administered safely via a peripheral vein.