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14 Cards in this Set

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Characteristics of tissues?

1. groups of cells specialized in structure and function
2. appear during development of embryo
3. four major types
4 types of tissue are?
1. epithelial/ lines and covers
2.connective tissue/ provides support and connects things
3. muscle tissue/ movement
4. nervous tissue/ control
Epithelial tissue functions?
1. covers a structure or lines cavity
such as the digestive, repiratory, mouth, blood vessels etc.
1. protects: skin
2. absorbs (in lungs, and intestines)
3.secretion (through mucous membrane and glands)
4. filters substances.
5. provides sensory input (eye, ear, nasal)
Shapes of epithelial tissue?
1. squamous - flattened square shaped
2. cuboidal- square
3. columnar- long like a column.
Characteristics of the epithelial?
1. packed together (like a jigsaw)
2. lacks blood vessels
3. surface of cell varies depending on where it's found in body thus affecting function.
Where is epithelial tissue found?
1. Blood vessels. smooth surface , easy for blood vessel transport
2. Irregular surface
A: microvillli: lines sm. intestines to move things and absorb nutrients.
B:cilia: is in lungs and respiratory to propel mucous and debris away from lungs. (defense mechanism)
Epithelial glands characteristics?

2 types of glands?
1. some epithelium specialized as glandular tissues.
2. secretes a unique product usually a protein. like milk, sweat, or musk

Endocrine glands? secrete into extracellualr space into blood stream. like thyroid hormone, testosterone, and insulin.

Exocrine gland secretes through a duct to the skin. substance such as sweat milk and musk.
Connective tissue functions and 4 types?
1. binds and suppots cells suspended in nonliving matrix

4 major types are
1.CT proper (adipose,fat, subtypes)
2.Cartilage-forms framework of the body
3.bone- holds body in place.
4.vascular (unlike epithelial) Most abundant tissue found everywhere.
Connective tissue can be fixed or transcient?
Fixed= remain in conn. tissue (bone,cartilage tissue)
transcient= wandering, move in and out (vascular repair and protection.

Fixed comes from fibroblasts.
3 types of transcient connective tissue?
1.leukocyte- white blood cells (involve infection and are the first to eat infection)
2.mast cells- histomine response (allergies) leaks into affected area.)
3.Macrophages- made up of monocytes, phagocytic scavengers.
Muscle tissue characteristics and 3 types and their characteristics?
Cells specialized for contraction.
Move bone, blood, and soft tissue. they include Actin and mysosin proteins.

1.skeletal: large energy requirement, many mitochondria and nuclei, strided and voluntary
2.smooth muscle: sm. spindle cells, found in bl. vessels, intestines, stomach (contraction is involuntary and nonstrided)
3.cardiac, in heart, contract without brain (neural input ) strided, pumps blood and returns it.
*long slender fibers, decrease the length it increases the thickness.
Nervous tissue functions and composure?
-composed of neurons
- found in brain, spinal cord, and peripheal nervous system.
-cells conduct signals to control and regulate functions
-release neurotransmitter at target cell
-neurons send signals
Wound and tissue healing phases
1.inflammation - macrophages clean up debris, clots stops blood loss and scab forms.
2.organization-clot replaced with granulation tissue, capillaries restore blood supple, new collagen deposited, WBC digest clot.
3.Regeneration-surface epithelium migrates uner scab, thicken, CT restored and may leave scar.
Factors affecting tissue repair
-blood supply
- general state of health
-age-thinning of tissues (older animals have thinner skin)
-tissue type
-type of injury and care