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59 Cards in this Set

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Bone cell that produces osteoid
ECM matrix produced by osteoblasts
Trapped osteoblasts
Spaces in calcified bone containing osteocytes
Small canals linking lacunae with trapped osteocytes
Haversian systems
3D structure or concentric rings within compact bone
Cells (multinucleated) that remodel bone
- monocyte/macrophage lineage
Connective tissue membrane covering bone
Compact bone (type of lamellar bone - mature)
- brief description
Outer layer of cortex of all bones
- filled with densely packed Haversian systems
Spongy or cancellous bone (type of lamellar bone - mature)

- what is it?
- where's it found?
Spicules of bone arranged as a trabeculae meshwork or lattice
- form a network within the ends of long bones and core of short and flat bones
- medullary cavity (spaces filled with bone marrow)
Bone & skeleton
- 3 main functions
Strength: structure and support
Mobility: movement
Mineral reservoir
Main components of cartilage
Cells: chondrocytes
ECM (collagen proteoglycans )
water (80-90%)

***NO bvs, lymphatics, nerves***
Main components of bone
Cells: osteocytes, osteoblasts, osteoclasts
ECM (mineral, collagen, GAGs)

**Blood vessels, lymphatics, nerves**
Collagen resists ? strain
? resists tensile strain
Proteoglycans resist ? strain
? resists compressive strain
2 main types of bone
Woven (immature)
Lamellar (mature)
2 types of lamellar bone
Compact (cortical)
Cancellous (trabecular, spongy)
Immature bone
- where found (3)?
Confined to areas of rapid bone formation
- developing skeleton
- fracture callus
- bone diseases (eg hormonal, tumours)
2 types of ossification
Intramembranous ossification
Endochondral ossification
2 sites of intramembranous ossification
Bone development at;
- flat bones
- periosteal surfaces (is this repair?)
Endochondral ossification
- 4 overall steps
Chondrocyte proliferation and hypertrophy
Periosteal invasion bringing blood vessels and osteogenic cells
Woven (immature) bone deposited
Lamellar (mature) bone replaces woven bone
Articular cartilage provides ? growth
___ cartilage provides epiphyseal growth
Growth plate cartilage provides ? and ? growth
___ ___ cartilage provides metaphyseal and diaphyseal growth
Articular epiphyseal complex = ____
Metaphyseal growth plate = ____
___ = (epiphyseal) growth plate
___ = physis
Define modelling
- what are the two types
Modelling is the processes leading to changes in size and shape of bone
- primary remodelling
- secondary remodelling
Define stress
___ is the force exerted on bone
Define strain
__ is the effect of the stress on bone
What are the two types of strain on bone?
- where do they act?
- which cell types are most active?
Tensile strain:
- convex, osteoblastic
Compressive strain:
- concave, osteoclastic
Primary remodelling
- occurs when?
___ remodelling occurs during growth and is the replacement of young bone with adult bone
Secondary remodelling
- occurs when?
___ remodelling continues throughout life and is the replacement of old bone with new bone
Molecules that allow osteoblasts and osteoclasts to communicate (coupling)?
Why does hypercalcaemia occur during some cancers?
- associated with what cancers in the dog?
Some tumour cells secrete a soluble form of RANK-L triggering osteoclastic activity.

Some tumours secrete a PTH-like molecule triggering Incr. osteoclast activity
- commonly lymphoma & anal gland adenocarcinoma
3 main molecules controlling bone composition
Actions of VitD in two main sites
- incr. Ca and P absorption
Bone & cartilage
- incr mineralisation
__ are the major sensors of variation in plasma calcium
Parathyroid gland cells are the major sensors of plasma ___
When plasma calcium falls, ___ synthesis and release is enhanced
When ___ falls, PTH synthesis and release is enhanced
Actions of PTH at 2 main sites
- incr tubular resorption of Ca and tubular excretion of P
- incr. VitD active form
- incr osteoclast numbers and activity
___ is the physiologic antagonist of PTH
and is secreted by ___
Calcitonin is the physiologic antagonist of ___
and is secreted by the parafollicular (C) cells of the thyroid
Actions of calcitonin at 2 main sites
- decr. tubular resorption of Ca & P
- decr osteoclast activity
When plasma calcium rises, ___ secretion is enhanced.
When ___ rises, calcitonin secretion is enhanced
Fractures repair by the process of __ __
Fractures repair by the process of secondary intention (edges not in close apposition)
List the stages of fracture repair
- include duration
- haematoma (immediate)
- granulation (within 48h)

- primary callus (after 7d, max 3w)
- secondary callus (mo - y)

Remodelling (mo - y)
Discuss organisation and granulation tissue formation in fracture healing
Within 48h,
capillaries & fibroblasts enter haematoma
produce granulation tissue
- has potential to undergo metaplasia to cartilage and bone
What comprises a primary callus in fracture healing
Fibrous tissue, cartilage, woven bone

- osteoprogenitor cells in periosteum and endosteum produce external and internal calluses

- woven bone laid down in these calluses

- bridge forms between ends
What comprises a secondary callus in fracture healing
Endochondral ossification of cartilage
- woven bone is replaced by lamellar bone
Factors (8) contributing to delayed union of bone fractures
Movement (instability, mechanical stress)
High glucocorticoids
Poor blood supply
Displaced bone ends
Necrotic fragments in bone
Foreign body at fracture site
Underlying primary bone disease
Factors (2) causing non-union of bone fractures
Fracture ends united by scar tissue

Poorly differentiated fibrocartilage over bone ends
Likely 2 fates of necrotic bone at a fracture site
May be incorporated into the callus and repopulated by osteoblasts and osteocytes providing blood supply re-established. Eventual remodeling

Persist as necrotic sequestrum, cyst or abscess
Can form after fracture repair with poorly differentiated fibrocartilage over bone ends and central cavity lined by synovial cells
Effects on bone of increased mechanical stress in
- young
- adult
Young: increases metaphyseal trabecular bone & thickness of cortices

Adult: Reduces remodelling, conserves bone present
Effect of mechanical reduced stress on adult bone

When is this important?
Increases resorption -> decreased bone strength

- imp when bone immobilised, weightless, prolonged disuse
What is the weakest part of a long bone in the growing animal?
The growth plate
What is epiphyseolysis?

When can it occur?

What is the prognosis?
Complete seaparation of epiphysis from metaphysis in growing animal
- dt horizontal shear forces

Prognosis is good if the proliferative zone and blood supply remain intact.
Why can epiphyseolysis at the proximal femur result in avascular necrosis
Greater risk of vascular damage as the nutrient vessels run along the neck of the femur
How can an angular limb deformity result?
Damage to blood supply and/or chondrocytes in the proliferation zone on one side only of a growth plate
What are exotoses
Localised outgrowth of new bone beneath the periosteum dt periosteal damage leading to activation & proliferation of osteoblasts