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132 Cards in this Set

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The most common condition in geriatric dogs and cats over the age of 7 yrs old is?
oral disease
Dental terminology is different from vet medical terminology in that the focus is on the teeth themselves and the relationship of the ___ to other teeth.
For example, practitioners could not extract a tooth w/out knowing the number of ___ that the tooth has.
The area where the two jaws join in the oral cavity is known as?
temporomandibular joint
A puppy has ___ teeth and an adult dog has___ teeth. A kitten has ___ teeth and an adult cat has ___ teeth.
puppy- 28
adult dog- 42
kitten- 26
adult cat- 30
___ is the hardest substance in the body and is fairly resistant to stains.
Dentine is produced by ___ which are cells that line the pulp chamber.
The area between the free gingiva and the tooth is know as the ___ in healthy animals when there is no space between the gingiva and tooth and a ___ when there is space.
The tooth is held in place in the alveolus or socket by the?
periodontal ligament
The dental formula for the adult dog?
The dental formula for the puppy?
2x (I 3/3, C 1/1, PM 4/4, M 2/3) = 42
2x (I 3/3, C 1/1, PM 3/3) = 28
The dental formula for the adult cat?
The dental formula for the kitten?
2x (I 3/3, C 1/1, PM 3/2, M 1/1) = 30
2x (I 3/3, C 1/1, PM 3/2) = 26
The primary teeth are indicated by ___ case letters?
The triadan system identifies each quadrant by?
R upper- 100's
L upper- 200's
L lower- 300's
R lower- 400's
___ orthodontics is the process of extracting primary teeth when it appears that they will cause orthodontic malocclusions.
Cranial mandibular osteodystrophy occurs primarily in what type of dog?
west highland white terriers
A class ___ occlusion is said to occur when the mandible is shorter than normal.
The condition known as maxillary brachygnathism is caused by a ___ maxilla.
A ___ bite is a condition in which the central incisors of the mandible and the maxilla do not align evenly.
wry bite
___ is inflammation of the gingiva
___ disease is disease of the surrounding tissues of a tooth.
periodontal disease
___ normally resists staining, whereas ___ is porous and stains easily.
___results from the friction of teeth against an external object, such as hair or a tennis ball.
___ occurs as the result of the friction of teeth again each other.
___ ___ can results from conditions that cause a temporary debilitation of the patient, such as high fever.
enamel hypoplasia
___ is the treatment of disease inside the tooth.
A fracture that has penetrated enamel and dentine and involved the pulp chamber should be treated by ___ or ___.
RC or extraction
the most common fracture of the fourth premolar is the ___ fracture.
Purple discoloration indicates ___ in the pulp.
An ___ is the displacement of the tooth from the socket.
FORL stands for? AKA?
Feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions or aka resorptive cervical line lesion
___ tumors generally do not spread deep into tissue or metastasize to lymph node or lungs.
As with many oral malignancies, clients may first notice a minor change such as?
A class 1 fracture is? Tx?
is a chip fracture that has caused only loss of enamel.
-many are insignificant and do not require treatment
A class 2 fracture is? A class 2b fracture is?Tx?
FX2- involves the enamel and dentin
tx- depending on if the fracture has jagged edges or not will depend on if the fracture requires tx.

FX2b- enamel/dentin are involved and the pulp chamber is not exposed- although the fx extends below the gumline
tx- may required endodontic and/or periodontic tx
A class 3 fracture is? A Class 3b fracture is? tx?
FX3-involves the enamel, dentin and exposes the pulp chamber.
tx- RC or extraction

FX2b- involves the enamel, dentin, exposes the pulp chamber and extends below the gumline.
tx- RC or extraction
A class 4 fracture is? tx?
FX4- involves the root
tx- extraction
The four types of hand instruments are?
The four portions of all instruments are?
terminal shank
working end
Color-banded probes have bands that are either ___ or ___ mm wide, or a combination of the two widths.
2mm or 3mm
The newer probe lengths are ___ and ____mm?
15mm and 18 mm
Scalers have ___ sharp sides and a sharp tip.
Sclaers are used for ____ scaling only.
supragingival scaling
Curettes and scalers are usually ___ ___; this means that they can adapt to opposite surfaces.
mirror images
The ___ edge is the working portion of the scaler
cutting edge= working portion
the ___ curette may be adapted to almost all the dental surfaces.
A ___ blade reflects light, whereas a ___ blade does not reflect light.
dull blade reflects light
sharp blade does not
The instrument should be sharpened so that it has a ___ to ___ degree angle.
75-80 degree angle
As the Arkansas Stone is moved down a "___" should be observed on the face of the instrument.
Powered scalers convert ___ or ____ energy into mechanical vibrations.
electrical or pneumatic energy
The two following types of devices in the handpiece can pick up the sound wave and turn it into a vibration.
magnetostrictive and piezoelectric
The piezoelectric ultrasonic scalers use ___ in the handpiece to pick up the vibrations.
Sonce scalers are driven by ___ and ___.
air and wobbling
Handpieces usually operate at ___ to ___ psi.
30 to 40 psi
___ must be periodically drained from air storage tanks.
High-speed handpieces operate at ___ speed than low-speed handpieces but have ___ torque than low-speed handpieces.
Burs should be treated as ___.
Employers are required by ___ to provide employees with preventive safety equipment and require them to wear it during dental procedures.
Proper hand washing is important for disease control. Employees should be careful to rinse their hands in ___ water.
Hazards are classified as follows: ___, ___, ___, ___.
biological, chemical, physical ergonomical.
A type 1 allergic reaction takes place ___ after exposure.
What are the 4 areas of anesthesia that are most important w/cohats?
airway management
patient monitoring
pain management
Hemoglobin saturation measures the percentage of ___ that is bound w/O2, w/100% being the maximum.
Conducting airways includes what structures that each successively branch off the bronchi down to the bronchioles.
main stem bronchi
CETT is the abbreviation for?
cuffed endotracheal tube
The ___ ___ is the hole in the side of the tube between the cuff and the tip of the CETT.
murphy's eye
Periodontal disease is an ___ and ___ of the tissues surrounding the tooth. How is it characterized?
infection and inflammation
- characterized by movement of the gingiva towards the apex and migration of the junctional epithelium with associated loss of the periodontal ligament and bone surround the tooth.
A glycoprotein component of saliva known as ___ ___ attaches to the tooth surface.
acquired pellicle
As periodontal disease progresses, ___ __ bacteria begins to colonize.
gram negative
Healthy gingiva has a ___ margins and is ___ ___ in color or a pigmented color.
knifelike margin and is coral pink in color
PD1 can appear ___ to ___ days after plaque accumulation in previously healthy gingiva.
2-4 days
PD2 is known as?
advanced gingivitis
The PD stage w/advance breakdown, severe pocket depth, bleeding easily on probing, pus, bone loss, and mobility is sate?
___ is performed on patients with healthy PD1-PD2 and ____ is performed on patients with PD3-PD4.
periodontal tx
Ultrasonic instrments can damage teeth by ___ ___ or ___ ___.
mechanical etching or thermal heating
The ___ ___ ___ is the method of holding dental instruments.
modified pen grasp
Gentle irrigation of the sulcus flushes out trapped ___ and ___ the intrasulcular fluids.
trapped debris and oxygenates the intrasulcular fluids
The most important strategy in the prevention of periodontal disease is?
plaque control
In 1997 the American Veterinary Dental College formed the?
Veterinary Oral Health Council = VOHC
Plaque forms ___ to ___ hours after brushing.
6-8 hrs
The primary objective of periodontal therapy is to treat?
periodontal disease
Periodontal therapy is performed on patients with what stages of PD?
3 and 4
___ is the mechanical removal of plaque, calculus, and stains from the crown and root surfaces.
The objective of root planning is to?
create a clean, smooth, glasslike root surface
Root planning is performed using a ___ with overlapping strokes in ___, ___ and ___ directions.
horizontal, vertical and oblique
___ ___ is the treatment of gingival and periodontal inflammation.
periodontal debridement
Newer research has shown that it is no longer necessary to remove ___ when performing periodontal therapy?
The sonic waves produced by ultrasonic scalers have a cavitation effect, ___ the bacterial cell wall.
Exodontics may be indicated if the tooth is judged nonsalvageable or if the client is unable or willing to perform?
home care
___ ___ are instruments that are used to engage teeth and raise them from the root socket.
dental elevators
___ ___ are used to grasp the tooth and remove it from the socket.
extraction forceps
The ___, ___, and ___ are fine elevators and are good for extracting very small teeth.
301, 301S, and 301SS
The ___ root tip pick and HB10/11 root tip picks are useful in extracting retained root tips.
Use of ___ ___ forceps are recommended for exodontics.
The ___ technique breaks bone (and tooth root) and causes more trauma than necessary.
force technique
The use of elevators to fracture bone by excessive force is or isn't recommended?
A ___ motion rather than a "seesaw" motion should be used with exodontics.
In ___ rotation the elevator parallel to the root is used w/exodontics.
A ___-___ cut can be made on the maxillary first molar.
W/radiograph film- between the plastic and the radiographic film itself is a ___ and ___ layer.
paper and lead
The parallel technique when taking radiographs is indicated for radiographs to evaluate ___ ___ teeth and ___ ___.
posterior mandibular teeth and nasal cavity.
The ___ ___ technique is used w/radiographs when parallel projection cannot be made.
bisecting angle technique
If the radiograph machine is aimed at the tooth it will distort the xray by ___?
If the radiograph machine is aimed at the film it will distort the xray by___?
The maxillary posterior teeth are best evaluated when you place the xray machine's head ___ degrees off the vertical or horizontal plane of the palate and radiographic film.
45 degrees
The canine tooth is best evaluated on radiograph if the head of the machine is placed ___ degrees from the front and ___ degrees from the side of the patient.
45 degrees
45 degrees
___ film is film that has been overexposed, overdeveloped, or exposed to light during processing.
___ film is filim that has not been exposed to xrays.
Old ___ gives a washed-out background and fogs the film.
Processing xray solutions should never be poured?
down the drain.
Periodontal flaps are created to expose ___ ___ and ___.
tooth roots and bone
A ___ ___ and ___ ___ are used diagnostically before an oral procedure to determine the location of the pocket and to aid in the selecting of an appropriate form of therapy.
periodontal probe and dental xray
A No. ___ handle is the standard scalpel handle in dentistry.
___ is only performed in cases where hyperplastic gingiva is present.
The frenoplasty procedure is designed to relieve the ___ from the gingiva.
Most commonly, bacteria gains entry into the pulp chamber via a ___ ___.
fractured tooth
A discolored tooth, especially if pink or purple indicates ___ ___.
pulpal hemorrhage
VP is indicated w/in ___ hours of the fracture of a mature tooth.
48 hrs
Files and reamers have two dimensions: ___ and ___
length and diameter
___ (endodontic instrument) have blunted tips and are used to vertically compact gutta-percha.
A ___ ___ is an abnormal occlusal patter where the upper and lower incisors occlude cusp to cusp.
level bite
In ___ ___ or lingually displaced canine teeth, the tips of the mandibular canines are displaced lingually and occlude on the hard palate.
base narrow
A ___ ___ is an abnormal occlusion caused by a difference in length of two maxillae and mandibles
wry bite
___ ___ are made for orthodontic evaluation and treatment and the manufacture of restorative crowns.
dental models
___ or ___ ___ are used to mix alginate. The mixing bowl is flexible and allows for better mixing.
plastic or metal spatula
The two conditions of the oral cavity that are more common in cats than any other species are?
LPS- lymphocytic plasmacytic stomatitis
FORL- feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions
___ is defined as an inflammation of the oral mucosa, including the buccal and labial mucosa, palate, tongue, floor of the mouth, and gingiva.
___ cells activate immune response in the oral cavity of a cat.
plasma cells
Altered immune state in a cat may be caused by ___ or ___.
In the treatment of LPS/F, each tooth with indications of periodontal disease should be treated by either ___ ___ or ___.
periodontal therapy or extraction
About 50% of the domestic cat population has ___?
The lesions of FORLs causes ___ of the tooth.
Grade ___ FORL involve the enamel only.
The most common treatment for a FORL is?