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368 Cards in this Set

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from the shores of Troy
ab oris Troiae
profugus fato
an exile by fate
venit Italiam
came to Italy
multum iactatus
much tossed
venit litora
came to the shores
et terris et alto
on land and on the deep
vi superum
through violence of gods above
ob memorem iram saevae Iunonis
on acct of the unforgeting rage of cruel Juno
passus multo quoque bello
having suffered much in war
dea iam tum tenditque fovetque hoc esse regnum gentibus
the goddess already aims and fondly hopes this shall be seat of royal power for the nations
si qua fata sinant
if by any means desstiny shall allow
sed enim audierat progenium duci a Troiano sanguine
but indeed she had heard a race was springing up from Trojan blood
quae verteret Tyrias arces olim
that would overturn Tyrian towers in times to come
hinc populum regem late superbumque bello venurum excidio Libyae
that hence a nation ruling far and wide and proud in war would come for the destruction of Libya
sic Parcas volvere
thus the fates were planning
Saturnia metuens id
daughter of saturn fearing this
memorque veteris bellis
mindful of the old war
quod prima gesserat ad Troiam pro caris Argis
(war) which she had formerly wages at Troy for her dear Greeks
nec dum etiam causae irarum saevique dolores exciderant animo
nor yet had the ground of her wrath and bitter resentment faded from her mind
manet alta repostum mente iudicium Paridis
there remains deep buried in her mind the judgment of Paris
iniuria spretae formae
the wrong to her slighted beauty
invisum genus
the hated race
honores rapti Ganymedis
honors to ravished ganymede
(Troas -obj) reliquias Danaum arque immitis Achilli
the gleanings of the greeks and crual Achilles
(Troas -obj) iactatos toto aequore
tossed on the whole ocean
perque multos annos errabant
for many years they were wandering
tante molis erat condere romanam gentem
such proportions it was to found roman nation
vix e conspectu telluris siculae
scarce out of sight of the land of sicily
dabant vela in altum
they were spreading their sails over the deep
et laeti ruebant aere spumas salis
and joyously were turning up with their beaks foam of salt sea
cum Iuno servans sub pectora aeternum volnus
when Juno, nursing in her heart the neverdying wound
mene victam desistere incepit
am i baffled to give over my attempt
nec posse avertere regem Teucrorum Itala
and not be able to turn aside king of Trojans from Italy?
Quippe vetor fatis
true i am forbidden by the Fates
pallas potuit exurere classem argivom pallas
was able to burn up fleet of greeks
submergere ipsos ponto
and submerge drown (them) in sea
noxam et furias unius
of the guilt and frenzy of one man
ipsa, iaculata iovis rapidum ignem e nubibus
she herself, hurling jove's swift lightning from the clouds
disiecit rates evertitque aequora ventis
both scattered vessels and upturned waters with the winds
illum expirantem flammas transfixo pectore
him breathing flames from his pierced breast
corripuit turbine infixtque acuto scopulo
she seized in a whirlwind and impaled on a sharp rock
atque soror et coniunx iovis
both sister and wife to jove
gero bello tot annos cum una gente
i have to wage war for so many years with one nation!
et quisquam praterea adoret numun iunonis
and will anyone in the future worship divinity of juno
supplex imponet honorem aris
as a suppliant place a sacrifice upon her altar
volutans talia secum flammato corde
revolving such (thoughts) in her incensed heart
dea venit in aeoliam
the goddess comes to aeolium
patriam nimborum
to the land of storms
lora feta furentibus austris
to places pregnant with raging winds south
tempestates frenat carcere et vinclis
curbs storms in prison with chains
illi indignantes cum magno murmure montis
they indignant with mighty rumbling of mountain
illi fremunt circum claustra
they rage around the barriers
aeolus sedet celsa arce tenens sceptra
he sits in his lofty citadel holding his sceptre
mollitque animos et temperat iras
and he soothes the passions and calsm their wrath
ni faciat
were he not to do so
ferant rapidi secum maris ac terras profumdumque caelum
they would quickly carry with them sea and earth and deep heaven
verrant per auras
they would sweep (them) through the air
abdidit atris specluncis metuens hoc
he has hidden them in dark cave fearing this
imposuit insuper molem et altos montis
he has placed over them a heavy mass and lofty mountains
dedit regem qui sciret certo foedere et premere et iussus dare laxas habena
he has given them a king who should know by fixed law both to tighten and when bidden slacken reins
tollere fluctus vento
raise the waves with the wind
gens inimica mihi
a race inimical to me
avigat Tyrrhenum aequor
sails over Turcan sea
portans Ilium
carrying trojans
perflant terras turbine
blow over the earth in hurricane
creber procellis ruunt totum a imis sedibus
teeming with storms turn up the whole of it from lowest depths
volvunt vastos fluctus ad litora
they roll mighty waves to shore
insequitur clamorque virum stridorque rudentum
then follow shouting of men and creaking of cordage
subito eripiunt caelumque diemque ex oculis Teucrorum
suddenly clouds snatch nth heaven and day from eyes of trojans
poli intonuere et aether micat crebis ignibus
heavens thunder and sky flashes with frequent ligtning
omnia intentant praesentem mortem viris
all threatens imminent death to men
extemplo membra aeneae solvuntur frigore
at once limbs of aeneus are paralyzed with chilling fear
ingemit et tendens duplicis palmas ad sidera
he groans and holding out both hands to stars
refert talia voce
utters these words with his voice
beati quis contigit oppertere ante patrum ora
blessed whose lot it was to die in fathers presence
sub altis moenibus troiae
beneath lofty moenibus of troy
occumbere campis iliacis effundereque hanc animum tua dextra
to die on plains of troy and pour out this life by your right hand
ubi saevis hector iacet telo aeacidae
where cruel hector lies by the spear of achilles
where ingens sarpedon volvit scuta galeasque et fortia corpora tot virumcorrepta sub undis
where sarpedon rolls shields and helmets and strong bodies of so many heroes carried away beneath waves
iactanti talis procella stridens aquilone ferit velum adversa
uttering these words the hurricane whistling with south wind strikes his sail in front
tollit fluctus ad sidera
raises waves to stars
remi fraguntur
oars are broken
dat latus undis
exposes side to waves
praeruptus mons aquae insequitur cumulo
a precipitate mountain of water follows in a heap
hi pendent in smmo fluctu
some are hanging on top of flood
his dehiscens unda aperit terram inter fluctus
to others gaping wave opens land between waves
aestus furit arenis
the flood furies with sand
notus abreptas tris torquet in latentia saxa
south wind carris off 3 and casts them on hidden rocks
itali vocant saxa quae in mediis fluctibus aras
the italians call rockes which are in midst of waves altas
immane dorsum summo mari
an immense ridge on surface of sea
tris eurus urget ab alto on brevia et syrtis
3 the east wind drives from deep on to shoals and quicksand
inlidit vadis
dashes them on the shallows
cingit aggere arenae
girds them with mound of sand
unam quae vehebat fidum orontem
one which was carrying faithful orontes
ingens pontus a vertice ferit in puppim ante ipsuis oculus
mighty sea from above strikes on stern before his very eyes
magister excutitur volviturque pronus in caput
helmsman is dashed and rolled headprone
ast fluctus ter ibidem torquet agens illam circum
but waves 3x samespot twists turning (ship) around
rapidus vortex vorat aequore
a swift whirlpool whirls it in its waters
dum conderet urbem
til he should found a city
accensa his super
inflamed at this besides
arcebat longe Latio Troas
she was keeping the Trojans far from Latium
acti Fatis circum omnia maria
(they) driven by fates round all seas
haec secum
spoke thus to self
ast ego. quae incedo, regina divom
but i who walk in majesty the queen of gods
hic rex aoelus vast antro premit imperio luctantis ventos
here king aeolus in a mighty cave keeps down by his power the struggling winds
atra nox incubant ponto
black night broods over the sea
rari nantes adparent in vasto gurgite
scattered swimmers appear on mighty abyss
Troia gaza per undas
trojan wealth among waves
iam hiemps vicit validam navem ilionei
now storm overcomes stout ship of Ilioneus
fortis achati
of brave achates
que abas vectus
that in which abas sailed
omnes accipiunt imicum imbrem laxis compagibus laterum gatiscuntque rimis
they all admit the fatal water through loose joints of their sides and open with chinks
graviter commotus
deeply disturbed
neptunus sensit pontum misceri magno murmure
neptune perceived that the sea was being disturbed with a great roar
heimem emissam
that storm storm had been launched forth
stagna refusa imis vadis
that the waters poured back from lowest depths
prospiciens alto extulit placidum caput summa unda
peering forth over the deep, he raised his calm head on the surface of the water
videt classem aeneae disiectam toto aequore
he sees fleet of aeneas scattered over the whole sea
nec doli et irae iononis latuere fratrem
not did the wiles and wrath of juno escape her brother
dehinc fatur talia
then he speaks so:
tantane fiducia vestri generis tenuit vos
has so great confidence inyour birth possessed you?
audetis miscere caelum terramque sine meo numine venti
do you now dare to confound heaven and earth without my leave, you winds
sed praestat componere motos fluctus
but it is better to calm the troubled waves
post luetis mihi
later you will atone to me
commissa nom simili poena
for your crimes by a very different punishment
maturate fugam
speed on your flight
haec dicite vestro regi
take this message to your king
non illi sed mihi imperium pelagi saevumque tridentem datum sorte
not to him but to me has authority over the sea and the cruel trident been assigned by lot
ille tenet immania saxa
he holds the enormous rocks
aeolus iactet se in illa aula
let him vaunt himself in that court
regnet clauso carcere ventorum
let him rule in the pent prison of the winds
citius dicto placat tumida aequora
quicker than his words he calms the swollen waters
fugat collectas nubes
he puts to flight the gathered clouds
reducit solem
he brings back the sun
simul adnixus detrudent navis acuto scopulo
they by joint effort push off the ships from the sharp rocks
ipse levat tridenti
he himself raises them with his trident
aperit vastas syrtis
he discloses the mighty quicksans
temperat aequor
he calms the sea
ac veluti cum saepe in magno populo
and just as when as often happens in a great mob
seditio coorta est, ignobileque volgus saevit animis
a riot has arisen and the base rabble rages with passion
iam faces et saxa volant
now firebrands and stones fly
furor ministrat arma
frenzy supplies weapons
si forte conspexere virum gravem pietate ac meritis
if perchance they behold a man revered by moralworth and services
silent astantque auribus arrectis
they are silent and stand with ears erect
ille regit animos dictis
he controls pasions with his words
mulcet pectora
he calms their breasts
sic cunctus fragor pelagi cecidit postquam genitor prospiciens aequora
even so the whole crash of ocean subsided when father looking forth upon the water
invectus aperto caelo flectit equis
borne through open sky he guides his horses
volans dat lora secundo curru
flying he gives rein to his speeding car
aeneadae defessi contendunt petere cursu litora
followers of aeneas tired out hasten to gain in their course the shores
quae proxuma et vertuntur ad oras libyae
which are nearest and turn to the coasts of libya
est locus in longo secessu
there is a spot in a deep bay
insula efficit portum obiectu laterum
an island forms a harbor by projection of its sides
quibus omnis unda ab alto frangitur
against which every wave from the deep breaks
scindit sese in reductos sinus
it divides itself into the retiring bays
hinc atque hinc
on either side
vastae rupes geminique scopuli minantur in caelum
huge rocks and twin cliffs rise in menace to the sky
sub quorum vertice tuta aequora silent late
beneath whose top the safe waters lie silent far and wide
tum scaena coruscis silvis atrumque nemus horrenti umbra immine desuper
then a scene of quivering woods and dark grove of bristling shade hangs over from above
here, in this place
to this place
from here, hence
hinc portum petit
from here he seeks the harbor
socios partitur in omnes
it is divided among all the companions
horrentique atrum nemus imminet umbra
a black grove hangs over with bristling shade
in that place
Conticuere omnes
all were hushed
intenti ora tenebant
they kept their faces fixed on him
inde toro pater Aeneas sic orsus ab alto
then father aeneas thus began from his lofty couch
Infandum iubes renouare dolorem
you order me to renew unspeakable sorrow
Troianas ut opes eruerint Danai
how the greek utterly destroyed the wealth of troy
et lamentabile regnum
and the kingdom we must weep for
quorum pars magna fui
in which I played a great part
quis talia fando
who reciting such things
quis Myrmidonum Dolopumue aut duri miles Vlixi
who of greeks or what soldier of cruel Ulysses
quis temperet a lacrimis?
who could hold back tears
si tantus amor casus cognoscere nostros
if you have so great a desire to hear our misfortunes
quamquam animus meminisse horret luctuque refugit
although my mind shudders at the memory and recoils through grief
i will begin
ductores Danaum
the leaders of the greeks
tot iam labentibus annis
when now so many years were gliding by
secta intexuntque abiete costas
and line its ribs with placks of pine
uotum pro reditu simulant
they pretend it is a votive offering for their return
huc caeco lateri furtim includunt corpora virum delecta sortiti
in its dark sides they stealthily enclose bodies of men picked for the purpose
armato milite
with armed soldiery
tenedos est in conspectu
tenedos lies within sigfht
Priami dum regna manebant
while priam's realm stood
nunc tantum sinus et statio male fida carinis
now only a bay and a treacherous roadstead for vessels
huc se prouecti deserto in litore condunt = huc provecti condunt se in deserto litore
hither they sail and hide themselves in the desolate shore
nos abiisse rati
we thought that they had gone away
nos rati vento petiisse Mycenas
we thought they had sought mycenae with the wind
portae panduntur
the gates are thrown open
iuvat ire et videre Dorica castra
we delight to go and see the greek camp
manus dolopum
a band of dolopians
hic saevus achilles tendebat
here cruel achilles used to pitch his tent
hhic solebat certare acie
here they used to contend in battle
pars stupet exitiale donum innuptae minervae
some are amazed at the deadly present to the maiden minerva
mirantur molem equi
they marvel at the bulk of the horse
thymoestes primus hortatur duci intro muros
thymoetes is the first to advise that it be brought within the walls
hortatur locari arce
he advises it be placed in the citadel
sive dolo
if with tresonable intent
seu fata troiae iam sic ferebant
or the destiny of troy now so directed
iubent aut praecipitare pelago insidias danaum suspectaque dona
they bid ua either to hurl into the sea the snare of greeks and their mistrusted present
urere flammis subiectis
to burn it by placing fire underneath
terebrare et temptare cavas latebras uteri
to pierce and probe the hollow hiding places of the womb
incertim volgus scinditur in contraria studia
the fickle populace is divided into opposite factions
magna caterva comitante
with a mighty crowd attending
Laocoon ardens summa decurrit ab arce
Laocoon runs down eagerly from the top of the citadel
creditis auectos hostis?
do you think the foe has sailed away?
putatis ulla dona danaum carere dolis?
or any gifts of the greeks can be free from guile?
sic notus Vlixes?
is this how you know ulysses?
aut hoc inclusi ligno occultantur Achivi
either greeks are hiding shut up in thiis wood
aut haec in nostros fabricata est machina muros
or this engine has been fashioned against our walls
inspectura domos uenturaque desuper urbi
to look into ur homes and to come doen from above upon the city
aut aliquis latet error
or some trickery lurks behind it
quidquid id est, timeo Danaos et dona ferentis
whatever it is, I fear the greeks bearing gifts
in latus feri
against the side of the monster
in alvum curvam compagibus
against its belly rounded with jointed fraework
stetit illa tremens
it stood quivering
utero recusso insonuere cauae gemitumque dedere cauernae
when the womb was struck, the hollow cavern rang again and gave forth a groan
si fata deum, si mens non laeua fuisset
if the destiny of heaven, if our mind had bot been unpropitious
impulerat ferro Argolicas foedare latebras
he had induced us to spoil the grecian hiding places with the sword
Troiaque nunc staret
and Troy would now be standing
Priami arx alta maneres
the lofty citadel of priam, you would still endure!
Vestibulum ante ipsum primoque in limine Pyrrhus exsultat telis et luce coruscus aena
frigida sub terra tumidum quem bruma tegebat
whom swelling the cold winter was lately hiding underground
pastus mala gramina
fed on poisonous herbs
nunc, positis nouus exuuiis
having shed his old skin with new life
nitidusque iuuenta
and shining with youthful beauty
lubrica conuoluit sublato pectore terga
rolls forth his slimy body with upreared breast
sublato pectore
with upreared breast
arduus ad solem
raising his head to the sunshine
una ingens Periphas et armiger Automedon Achillis
with him great periphas and automedon his armor-bearer
equorum agitator
driver of the steeds
una omnis Scyria pubes
with hime all the youth of scyria
succedunt tecto
come up to the building
et flammas ad culmina iactant
and hurl firebrands to the roof
ipse inter primos
he himself amid the first
ipse correpta bipenni
himself seizes a 2-edged axe
limina dura perrumpit
he tries to break through the stout door
iamque excisa trabe
and now he has cut out a plank
et ingentem lato dedit ore fenestram
and made a huge window with a gaping mouth
et atria longa patescunt
and the long halls are disclosed to view
penetralia Priami
the inner chambers of priam
armatosque uident stantis in limine primo
and they see armed men standing on the very threshold
penitusque cauae plangoribus aedes femineis ululant
and the hollow rooms reecjo with women's cries ferit aurea sidera clamor
tum pauidae tectis matres ingentibus errant
then the fearstricken matrons are running to and fro through the great palace
tenent postis
holding on to dooposts
amplexaeque atque oscula figunt
embracing them and fixing kisses on them
instat ui patria Pyrrhus
pyrrhus presses on with his father's force
nec claustra nec ipsi custodes sufferre ualent
nor barriers nor guards themselves are able to withstand
labat ariete crebroianua
the door gives way under the frequent strokes oof ram
when let in
et late loca milite complent
and fill the space far and wide with soldiers
non sic
not so (violently)
aggeribus ruptis cum spumeus amnis
a foaming river when bursting its banks
exiit oppositasque euicit moles
iy has poured forth overcomes the opposing dams
camposque per omnis
through all the fields
cum stabulis armenta trahit
it carries the herds with their stalls
uidi ipse furentem caede
I myself saw raging with destruction
Neoptolemum geminosque in limine Atridas
neoptolemus and 2 sons of atreus on the threshold
hic mihi nescio quod trepido male numen amicum confusam eripuit mentem.
Hereupon some unkindly divinity confounded and took away my presence of mind in my confusion
namque auia cursu dum sequor
for while I follow the trackless path in my course
et nota excedo regione uiarum
and depart from the familiar direction of the road
errauitne uia
she wandered from the road
resedit lassa
she sat down weary
it is not known which
nec post oculis est reddita nostris
nor was she afterward restored to my sight
animum reflexi priusquam tumulum uenimus
turn my thoughts (to her) until we came to the mound
hic demum collectis omnibus una defuit
here at last when all were gathered, she alone was wanting
fefellit comites natumque uirumque
she was missed by her companions, son, husband
quem non incusaui amens hominumque deorumque
whom of men and of gods did I not upbraid in my madness
aut quid in euersa uidi crudelius urbe?
or what more cruel sight did I see in the overthrown city
commendo Ascanium Anchisenque patrem Teucrosque penatis sociis
I committed ascanius and my father and the household gods to my companions
recondo curva valle
I conceal them in the winding valley
ipse urbem repeto et cingor fulgentibus armis
I myself again seek the city and gird on my shining arms
stat casus renouare omnis omnemque reuerti per Troiam
My purpose is to revive all risks and to return through the whole of troy
rursus caput obiectare periclis
once again to expose myself to danger
qua gressum extuleram, repeto et uestigia retro
first of all I seek again the walls and dark threshold of the gate by which I had borne my steps out
obseruata sequor per noctem et lumine lustro
I examine and retrace our footsteps through the darkness and sccan them with my eyes
me refero:
firstr I betake myself home if perchance if perchance she may have borne her steps (thither)
inruerant Danai et tectum omne tenebant
the greeks had rushed in and were in possession of the whole house
ilicet ignis edax summa ad fastigia uento uoluitur
henceforth the devouring flame is rolled on by the wind to the topmost pinnacles
procedo et Priami sedes arcemque reuiso
I advance and revisit the palace of priam and the citadel
iam porticibus uacuis Iunonis asylo custodes lecti Phoenix et dirus ulixes praedam adseruabant
now in the empty porticibus, in the sanctuary of juno chosen sentinels phoenix and terrible ulysses were guarding the spoils
porticibus uacuis
in the empty colonnades
custodes lecti
chosen guards
pueri et pauidae longo ordine matres stant circum
boys and matrons in long array stnad trembling all around
quin etiam ausus
nay, more, I dared
ausus uoces iactare per umbram
I dared the fling cries through the darkness
impleui clamore uias,
I filled the streets with my shouts
apparent Priami et ueterum penetralia regum
the inner chambers of priam and of ancient kings is seen
with its torrent
fertur in arua furens cumulo
is borne over the fields raging in a mass
apparet domus intus
the house within is seen
at domus interior gemitu miseroque tumultu miscetur
but the palace within is confounded with groans and wretched turmoil
fit uia ui
a way is made by force
with its torrent
Hic nescio quod male amicum numen confusam eripuit mentem mihi trepidum
Hereupon some unkindly divinity confounded and took away my presence of mind in my confusion
namque auia cursu dum sequor
for while I follow the trackless path in my coursembling all around
heu misero coniunx
alas, unfortunate Creusa
nec amissam respexi
nor did I look back for the lost one
horror ubique animo, simul ipsa silentia terrent
everywhere horror and at the same time the darkness itself frightens my soul
exsuperant flammae
the flames triumph
huc undique Troia gaza
here on all sides the treasures of troy
crateres auro solidi, captiuaque uestis congeritur
bowls of solid gold and plundered garments are piled together
quaerenti et tectis urbis sine fine ruenti
as i was seeking and raging without end through houses of the city
infelix simulacrum atque ipsius umbra Creusae uisa mihi ante oculos et nota maior imago
the sad ghost and shade of creusa herself appearred before my eyes and her likeness larger than the well-known form
uisa mihi ante oculos
appeared before my eyes
i was spellbound
steterunt comae et uox faucibus haesit
my hair stood on end and my voice stuck in my throat
furenti sine fine
raging without end
'quid tantum insano iuuat indulgere dolori,o dulcis coniunx?
why do you delight so much to give way to frenzied grief, dear husband?
non haec sine numine diuum eueniunt
these things are not happening without divine decree
nec fas te comitem hinc portare Creusam
nor is it the divine will that you shall carry hence creusa as a companion
longa tibi exsilia et uastum maris aequor arandum
you have a long exile and a wide tract of ocean to plough through
terram Hesperiam uenies
you shall come to the land of the west
ubi Lydius inter opima arua uirum leni fluit agmine Thybris
where the etruscan tiber flows with gentle stream amid the rich plains of men
illic res laetae regnumque et regia coniunx parta tibi
there prosperous fortunes and a kingdom and a royal bride are provided for you
lacrimas dilectae pelle Creusae
put away tears for your beloved creusa
non ego Myrmidonum sedes Dolopumue superbas aspiciam
i will not behold the proud dwellings of the greeks
Dardanis et diuae Veneris nurus
i a trojan woman and daughter-in-law of the goddess venus
sed me magna deum genetrix his detinet oris
but the great mother of the gods keeps me on these shores
iamque uale et nati serua communis amorem
now farewell and preserve your love for our common son
haec ubi dicta dedit, lacrimantem et multa uolentem dicere deseruit, tenuisque recessit in auras
when she had said these words as I was shedding tears and wishing to say much she left me and vanished in thin air
tenuis recessit in auras
she vanished in thin air
ter conatus ibi collo dare bracchia circum
three times I tried on the spot to throw my arms around her neck
ter frustra comprensa manus effugit imago
three time the shade caught at in vain escaped from my hands
par leuibus uentis uolucrique simillima somno
like fleet wind and very like winged sleep
sic demum socios consumpta nocte reuiso
thus at length when the night had passed, I revisit my comrades
Atque hic ingentem comitum adfluxisse nouorum inuenio admirans numerum,
and here I find to my surprise that a vast number of new companions have flocked in
matresque uirosque, collectam exsilio pubem, miserabile uulgus.
matrons and men and youth collected for exile a wretched throng
undique conuenere animis opibusque parati
from every side they flock, ready in heart and means (to follow me) over the sea
in quascumque uelim pelago deducere terras
to whatever land I wish to lead
iamque iugis summae surgebat Lucifer Idae
and now the morning star was rising over the ridge of lofty Ida
ducebatque diem
it was ushering in the day
Danaique obsessa tenebant limina portarum
the greeks were holding the blockades threshold of the gates
nec spes opis ulla dabaturx
nor did any hope of help appear
cessi et sublato montis genitore petiui.
I yielded to fate and taking up my father made for the mount
hic solebat certare acie
here they used to contend in battle
procul 'o miseri, quae tanta insania, ciues?
from afar unhappy citizens, what strange madness is this?
aut ulla putatis dona carere dolis Danaum?
or any gifts of the greeks can be free from guile?
equo ne credite, Teucri
do not trust the horse, trojans
qualis ubi in lucem coluber mala gramina pastus
just as when into the light a snake fed on poisonous herbs
frigida bruma
during the cold winter
et linguis micat ore trisulcis
and quivers with his 3-forked tongue in his mouth
firma cauauit robora
hollowed the sturdy oak
inde domum, si forte pedem, si forte tulisset me refero
first I betake myself home if perchance if perchance she may have borne her steps (thither)
Iunonis asylo
in the sanctuary of juno
principio repeto muros obscuraque limina portae qua gressum extuleram, repeto et uestigia retro
first of all I seek again the walls and dark threshold of the gate by which I had borne my steps out
ingeminans nequiquam maestusque iterumque iterumque uocaui Creusam
repeating in vain and sorrowfully again and again I called creusa
tum sic adfari et curas his demere dictis
then she addressed me and removed my anxiety with these words
aut ille sinit superi regnator Olympi
or does the great ruler of heaven above permit it
aut Grais seruitum matribus ibo
nor shall I go to be a slave to greek matrons
fracti bello fatisque repulsi
crushed by war and beaten back by destiny
insula notissima fama
an island wellknown to fame
dives opum
rich in resources
ergo omnis teucria solvit se longo luctu
and so all troy relaxes itself from its long struggle
sic fatus contorsit validis ingentem uiribus hastam
having said this, he hurled a great spear with all his might
vellit perrumpit a cardine postis aeratos
he wants to wrench from their hinges the bronze posts
quorum menti melior sententia
those in whose mind was a better thought
sedemque sacratam antiquae Cereris
to the sacred temple
quaeque ipse miserrima uidi
those very sad sights which I myself saw
et iam nox umida caelo praecipitat suadentque cadentia sidera somnos
and now damp night is falling from the sky and the setting stars invite sleep
breuiter Troiae supremum audire laborem
briefly to listen to the last struggle of troy
instar montis equum diuina Palladis arte aedificant
they build a horse as large as a mountain by the heavenly skill of pallas
ea fama uagatur
that rumor spreads
penitus complent ingentis cavernas uterumque
far within they fill its huge cavity and womb