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63 Cards in this Set

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acabar con, terminar con
to finish off
acabé con la leche.
to run out of
ésta agotado
we're out of it
acabar de
to have just
acabar en, acabar + gerund
to end in
acabar por
finally, in the end
no se me antoja
i don't feel like it
luego se me va a antojar
I'll feel like it later
turn it down, slow down
to take in time expressions
Tarda el tiempo que quieras. ¿Cuanto tardará en venir? Tardé en llegar porque había mucho tráfico. El tren está tardando en llegar.
echar ganas
to show enthusiasm, to give it a good effort
echar una mano
to lend a hand
encargar de
to take charge of, to put someone in charge of
el encargado
the guy in charge
to entrust, to order, to count on
¿Te encargo unos tacos?, Le encargué dos litros al lechero. Se lo encargo mucho./Te lo encargo mucho. (I'm really counting on you (to bring it to me)).
equivocarse de
to make a mistake
te equivocaste de día
estar equivocado
someone is mistaken
to use or display something for the first time, to debut
to guard, to save, to hold onto something, to put something away
¿Me los guardas? guárdalo. guardame un poco. (Use cuidar for to keep an eye on or to watch).
hace un rato
a little while ago
to pretend
no te hagas la víctima, no te hagas tonto, no te hagas-cut it out, don't gimmie that
irle a
to root for
le voy a los thunder
to get along, to take something
me lo llevo. me llevo dos. llévatelo. me llevo un suéter por si hace frío.
se nota
i can see that
se te nota
so i see (one notes that in you.)
stop it, cut it out
estar parados(as)
to be standing up
párate que nos vamos
¿Qué te parece?
What do you think?
¿Te parece?
is that ok with you?
no me parece
i don't like it
me parece bien
fine with me
parece que
to look as if
parece que va a llover
pedir permiso
to ask permission
pedir informes
to ask for info
pedir perdón
to ask forgiveness
ni pensarlo
don't even think about it
pensandolo bien
on second thought
¿yo que se?
what do i know?
que yo sepa
as far as i know
to follow, to continue, to keep on (+ gerund), still
sigue creyendo en santa clause, sigo enfermo, sigues sin creer en dios?, sigue sin trabajo
keep it up
¿Quien sigue?
who's next?
¿Cómo sigues?
how are you getting along (after someone has been sick or had trouble)
to work
no sirve mi tele
to blow one's nose
sonar a alguien
to smack someone
la sonaste a andrea
me toca
my turn
¿A quien le toca?
whose turn is it?
no viene al caso
thats beside the point
tener que ver con
to have to do with
lo veo dificil
it looks difficult to me
se ve que + clause
you can tell that
se ve que son grandes amigos
fijate que + subj
make sure
fijate que esté bien cerrada la puerta
fijate que
look... how about that whaddaya know
fijate que van a cerrar la autopista mañana
watch out, pay attention
haz de cuenta que
make believe, pretend
not to be working well
estar fallando
to fail an exam or course
faltar a
to miss something you were expected to attend
to place, to adjust
to guess
atinar, acertar
to guess right
le atinó mi nombre. he guessed my name. a ver si le aciertas al ganador. lets see if you can guess the winner. a ver si le atino. lets see if i van guess it. de que pais eres? adivina. pues, de canada? atinaste!
to make, force