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62 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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acercarse a
to approach
bajar a
to go down to
entrar a
to enter
ir a
to go to
llegar a
to arrive
parecerse a
to look like, resemble
semejarse a
to look like, resemble
caer(se) a
to fall into
oler a
to smell of
saber a
to taste like
subir a
to go up to
jugar a(l)
to play
convidar a
to invite to
invitar a
to invite to
abusar de
to abuse
acordarse de
to remember
cambiar(se) de
to (ex)change (for something else)
desconfiar de
to distrust
disculparse de (por)
to apologize for
difrutar de
to enjoy
dudar de
to doubt
fiarse de
to trust
ocuparse de
to take care of
despedirse de
to say goodbye to
enamorarse de
to fall in love with
gozar de
to enjoy
mudarse de
to move, change residence
sorprenderse de
to be surprised at
tratar de
to be about
olvidarse de
to forget
salir de
to leave, go out of
compadecerse de
to feel sorry for
depender de
to depend on
hacer de
to serve as, play the part of
reírse de
to laugh at
burlarse de
to make fun of
servir de
to serve as
entrar en
to enter
fijarse en
to notice
influir en
to influence
interesarse en (por)
to be interested in
reparar en
to notice
caer(se) en
to fall into
consistir en
to consist of
pensar en
to think about
acabar con
to put an end to
casarse con
to marry
contar con
to count on
dar con
run across, hit upon (an idea)
correr con
to be responsible for
encariñarse con
to become fond of
encontrarse con
to run across, to meet
soñar con
to dream about
topar con
to run across
apurarse por
to worry about
disculparse por
to apologize for
felicitar por
to congratulate on
inquietarse por
to worry about
mirar por
to look out for
preguntar por
to ask for, about
preocuparse por
to worry about
pasar por
to stop by for; pass as