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50 Cards in this Set

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1. PROLIX (PROH-liks)

Wordy and tiresome, longwinded and boring, verbose, using more than necessary to getthe point across.
Synonyms: circumlocutory, tautological, pleonastic.
Antonyms: concise, terse, pithy, succinct, sententious.
Etymology and usage: Latin prolixus, widely extended. Prolix applies to longwindedspeech or writing that is tediously discursive, desultory, or protracted.
2. APOCRYPHAL (uh-PAHK-ruh-ful)
Not genuine, counterfeit, illegitimate, specifically, of doubtful authenticity or authorship.
Synonyms: spurious (Level 8, Word 18), unauthorized, unauthenticated, fabricated,fraudulent, supposititious.
Antonyms: genuine, authentic, valid, bona fide.
Etymology and related words: The Apocrypha are fourteen books of an earlytranslation of the Old Testament into Greek called the Septuagint. The authenticity ofthese books was called into question. Today, apocrypha, spelled with a small a, refers toany writings of doubtful authenticity or authorship.
3. CUPIDITY (kyoo-PID-i-tee)
Greed, a strong desire for wealth or material things.
Synonyms: avarice, acquisitiveness, covetousness, venality.
Etymology: Latin cupidus, desirous, longing, eager, also, eager for power or money,avaricious. The corresponding Latin noun cupido, desire, is the source of Cupid, thecherubic god of love in Roman mythology.
4. VERNAL (VUR-nul)
NewLine Pertaining to spring, occurring in the spring, also, having the qualities of spring: fresh,warm, and mild.
Antonyms: hibernal, hiemal (pertaining to winter, wintry).
Additional useful words: Hibernia, poetic name for Ireland, estival, pertaining, like, orbelonging to summer, estivate, to pass the summer (the opposite of hibernate, to pass thewinter).
Additional useful information: The vernal equinox, which occurs in March and marksthe beginning of spring, and the autumnal equinox, which occurs in September and marksthe beginning of fall, are the times during the year ` when the sun crosses the equator andday and night are approximately the same length.
5. TEMERITY (tuh-MER-i-tee)
Recklessness, rashness, foolhardiness, reckless disregard for danger, risk, orconsequences.
Synonyms: nerve, cheek, gall, audacity, heedlessness, imprudence, impetuosity,presumptuousness, effrontery.
Antonyms: timidity, bashfulness, faintheartedness, sheepishness, apprehension,diffidence, timorousness.
Corresponding adjective: temerarious.
Etymology: Latin temere, rashly, blindly, heedlessly.
6. RAPPROCHEMENT (rap-rohsh-MAH(N))
Reconciliation, a reestablishing of friendly relations.
Etymology: Rapprochement comes from a French verb meaning to bring together, andmeans literally to approach again.
A formal discussion of or inquiry into a subject, a discourse.
Synonyms: (general) treatise, critique, commentary, (specific) lecture, thesis, oration,homily, tract, monograph, dissertation.N.B. This discussion distinguishes the words discourse, dissertation, and disquisition.
To prohibit, forbid, outlaw.
Synonyms: ban, denounce, disallow, condemn, censure, ostracize, expatriate,interdict.
Antonyms: permit, tolerate, legalize, authorize, sanction.
Etymology: Latin proscribere, to post or publish the name of an outlaw or a person to bebanished or put to death.
Usage tip: Be careful to distinguish the verbs to proscribe and to prescribe, which areopposite in meaning.
9. MUNIFICENCE (myoo-NIF-i-sins)
Great generosity, lavish giving.
Synonyms: philanthropy, liberality, benevolence, bountifulness, bounteousness,beneficence, largess.
Antonyms: stinginess, miserliness, closefistedness, penuriousness, parsimony.
Corresponding adjective: munificent.
Etymology: Latin munificus, generous, liberal, bountiful, from munus, a gift, present', orfavor.
10. PROBITY (PROH-bi-tee)
Honesty, integrity, fairness, straightforwardness. and sincerity in one's dealings withothers.
Synonyms: uprightness, trustworthiness, scrupulousness, veracity, rectitude.
Antonyms: improbity, dishonesty, deceitfulness unscrupulousness, duplicity,malfeasance, perfidy.
11. PUISSANT (PYOO-i-sint, also, PWIS-int and pyoo-IS-int)
Powerful, mighty, strong, forceful.
Synonyms: vigorous, potent, dynamic, stalwart.
Antonyms: weak, feeble, infirm, debilitated, enervated, flaccid, valetudinarian.
Corresponding noun: puissance, power, strength, might.
12. PECULATE (PEK-yuh-layt)
To steal, embezzle, specifically, to steal or misuse money or property entrusted to one'scare.N.B. This discussion distinguishes the verbs to peculate and to defalcate.
Corresponding noun: peculation.
13. DIFFIDENT (DIF-i-dint)
Shy, timid, bashful, lacking in self-confidence, hesitant to speak or act.
Etymology: Latin dis-, not, and fidere, to trust, put confidence in.
14. VENAL (VEE-nal)
Corruptible, bribable, capable of being bribed or bought off, able to be obtained for aprice.
Synonym: mercenary (Level 3, Word 14).
Etymology: Latin venalis, for sale.
Usage tip: The words venal and venial are often confused. Venial, means excusable,forgivable, minor, as a venial sin, offense, or error.
Stingy, miserly, extremely tight with money.
Synonyms: grasping, money-grubbing, pennypinching, close-fisted, penurious,niggardly.
Antonyms: generous, liberal, open-handed, bountiful, beneficent, magnanimous,munificent.
Corresponding noun: parsimony, excessive or unnecessary economy or frugality.
Cowardly, lacking courage, timid, fainthearted, irresolute.
Corresponding noun: pusillanimity.
17. EXTANT (EK-stint)
Existing, still in existence, not extinct, not lost oi destroyed.
Etymology: Latin exstare, to stand out, from ex, out, and stare, to stand.
Tawdry, gaudy, attractive in a flashy or cheap way, falsely alluring, deceptively enticing.
Etymology: By derivation, meretricious means pertaining to or like a meretrix, aprostitute.
Usage tip: The words meretricious and meritor ous are often confused, but they arenearly opposite in meaning. Meritorious means worth! of merit, deserving praise.
19. XENOPHOBIA (ZEN-uh-FOH-bee-uh)
Fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners, or of anything strange or foreign.
Antonyms: xenomania, an inordinate attachment to anything or anyone foreign,xenophilia means love for or attraction to foreigners, foreign cultures, or foreigncustoms.
Etymology: (Greek) prefix xeno-, alien, strange, and suffix -phobia, fear.
Related words: xenophobe, a person who fears or hates strangers, xenophobic, affectedwith xenophobia.
Pronunciation tip: In the words xenophobia, xenophobe, and xenophobic, the prefixxeno- should be pronounced ZEN-uh, not ZEE-nuh.
20. QUOTIDIAN (kwoh-TID-ee-in)
(1) Daily, recurring every day or pertaining to every day.
(2) Of an everyday nature, ordinary, commonplace, trivial.
Synonym: diurnal (Level 2, Word 49).
21. EXIGENCY (EKS-i-jin-see)
An urgency, pressing need, a situation demanding immediate attention or action.
Etymology: Latin exigere, to demand, force or drive out.N.B. This discussion distinguishes the words exigency, emergency, and crisis.
22. PULCHRITUDE (PUHL-kri-t(y)ood)
Beauty, loveliness, attractiveness.
Corresponding adjective: pulchritudinous.
The unraveling or resolution of a plot, as of a novel or a drama, the outcome or resolutionof any complex situation.
24. FUGACIOUS (fyoo-GAY-shus)
Fleeting, passing quickly away.
Synonyms: transient (Level 2, Word 31 ), ephemeral (Level 4, Word 12), transitory(Level 5, Word 4), evanescent.
Etymology: Fugacious and fugitive come from the Latin fugere, to flee, fly away.
25. TURBID (TUR-bid)
Literally, muddy, clouded, roiled, murky, as if from stirred-up sediment, figuratively,muddled, obscure, confused, not lucid.
Usage tip: Turbid sometimes is confused with turgid and tumid, which mean swollen,inflated. Tumid usually is used literally to mean swollen or distended, turgid usually isused figuratively of language or style that is inflated pompous, pretentious, bombastic.Turbid never suggests swelling or inflation, but rather muddiness, cloudiness,disturbance, or confusion.
26. INDEFEASIBLE (in-de-FEEZ-uh-buul)
Not capable of being undone, taken away, annulled, or rendered void.
Related words: defeasance, the annulment or voiding of a deed or contract, or a clausewithin a deed or contract that provides a means for annulling it or rendering it void,defeasible, capable of being invalidated, undone, or rendered void.N.B. This discussion distinguishes the words . inalienable and indefeasible.
27. DISINGENUOUS (DIS-in-JEN-yoo-us)
Insincere, crafty, sly, not straightforward or frank.
Synonyms: wily, subtle, slippery, deceptive, hypocritical, fraudulent, mendacious.
Antonyms: ingenuous, truthful, frank, candid, unselfconscious, unaffected, guileless.
Corresponding noun: disingenuousness.
Etymology and related word: Disingenuous combines the prefix dis-, meaning "not,"with the Latin ingenuus, freeborn, of free birth, hence, noble, honorable, upright. Fromthe Latin ingenuus, by way of French, English has also acquired the word ingénue, whichthe Century Dictionary defines as "a woman or girl who displays innocent candor orsimplicity, specifically, such a character represented on the stage, or the actress whoplays it."
Foul-mouthed, obscene, using or expressed in language that is coarse, vulgar, andabusive.
Synonyms: shameless, indelicate, lewd, smutty, ribald (Level 7, Word 42), irreverent,insolent, disparaging, derisive, contumelious.
Antonyms: polite, refined, tasteful, cultured, sophisticated, cultivated, decorous,urbane.
Etymology: Latin scurrilis, mocking, jesting, or jeering like a buffoon.
Corresponding nouns: scurrility and scurrilousness.
A revival, renewal, fresh outbreak after a period of inactivity or quiescence.
Etymology and usage: Recrudescence comes from the Latin recrudescere, to becomeraw again, break out again, open afresh. In medicine, recrudescence is used of a woundor sore that partially heals and then reopens, or of a fever that abates and then breaks outagain.
Corresponding verb: recrudesce, to break out again, show renewed activity after aninactive period.
Corresponding adjective: recrudescent, breaking out afresh (a recrudescent epidemic,a recrudescent revolt).
30. DEFENESTRATE (dee-FEN-i-strayt)
To throw something or someone out of a window.
Etymology: prefix de-, out, and Latin fenestra, a window.
Corresponding noun: defenestration, the act of throwing something or someone out ofa window.
31. DILATORY (DIL-uh-for-ee)
Delaying, causing or intended to cause delay, also, slow, tardy, characterized by delay orprocrastination.
32. VILIFY (VIL-uh-fy)
To defame, slander, attack with vicious, abusive language.
Synonyms: disparage, denigrate, stigmatize, malign, revile, vituperate, calumniate,traduce.
Antonyms: praise, commend, laud, extol, glorify, eulogize, venerate.
Etymology: Latin vilis, cheap, worthless.
Corresponding noun: vilification.
33. PHLEGMATIC (fleg-MAT-ik)
Calm and unemotional, having a sluggish, apathetic temperament, difficult to move toemotion or action.
Etymology: Phlegmatic comes from the Greek phlegmatikos, pertaining to the humorphlegm. In ancient and medieval physiology, there were four humors, or bodily fluids,
thought to determine a person's health or disposition: blood, also known as the sanguinehumor, which made you upbeat, cheerful, and confident, choler, also known as yellowbile, which made you passionate or irascible, melancholy, also known as black bile,which made you gloomy or dejected, and phlegm, which made you either cool andindifferent or dull and sluggish. From this medieval humor phlegm we inherit theadjective phlegmatic, which by derivation means full of phlegm, hence, having asluggish, apathetic temperament, calm and unemotional, difficult to move to emotion oraction.
Accidentally or casually acquired, not belonging naturally to something, associated bychance, not inherent or integral.
Synonyms: foreign, extrinsic, incidental, extraneous, fortuitous, supervenient.
35. DESICCATED (DES-i-kay-tid)
Dried or dried up, dehydrated, deprived of moisture.
Corresponding verb: desiccate, to dry thoroughly.
Corresponding noun: desiccation, the act of drying or dehydrating.
Etymology: Latin desiccare, to dry completely.
36. COMITY (KAHM-i-tee)
Courtesy, civility, politeness, respectful and considerate behavior.
Etymology: Latin comitas, courtesy, friendliness, from comis, courteous, kind, polite.
Comity of nations: courteous and friendly relations between nations involvingrecognition and respect for each other's laws and institutions.
37. SPECIOUS (SPEE-shus)
Appearing to be true, genuine, or correct but actually false or deceptive, superficiallyreasonable or just but not so in reality.
Etymology: Latin speciosus, beautiful, splendid, handsome, from species, outwardappearance, and specere, to look at. By derivation, something specious has an outwardappearance that is beautiful, splendid, or handsome to look upon but that underneath isfalse, deceptive, or flawed.N.B. This discussion distinguishes the words specious and plausible.
38. NOISOME (NOY-sum)
(1) Harmful to health or well-being, unwholesome, dangerous, destructive.
Synonyms: injurious, ruinous, deleterious, noxious, baneful, malign, pernicious.
(2) Foul-smelling, offensive, disgusting.
Synonyms: rank, rancid, putrid, fetid, malodorous, mephitic.
Antonyms: salutary, salubrious.
39. CALUMNY (KAL-um-nee)
Defamation of character, slander, a false and malicious statement or accusation meant toinjure a person's reputation.
Synonyms: backbiting, denigration, obloquy, vilification.
Corresponding adjective: calumnious.
Corresponding verb: calumniate.
Etymology: Latin calumniare, to accuse falsely, from calumnia, a trick.
40. EXCORIATE (ek-SKOR-ee-ayt)
(1) To strip, scrape, or tear off the skin.
Synonyms: abrade, chafe, scalp, gall, flay.
(2) To rebuke or denounce harshly and severely.
Synonyms: censure, castigate, vituperate.N.B. This discussion distinguishes the verbs to flay and to excoriate.
Corresponding noun: excoriation.
41. LASSITUDE (LAS-i-t(y)ood)
Weariness, fatigue, a weak or exhausted state or feeling, a sluggish relaxation of body ormind.
Synonyms: listlessness, lethargy, debility, indolence, inertia, enervation, torpor, languor,oscitancy.
Additional useful word: osculation, the act of kissing.N.B. This discussion distinguishes the words fatigue, weariness, and lassitude.
42. TRADUCE (truh-D(Y)OOS)
To publicly disgrace or humiliate by making false and malicious statements, to makea mockery of, expose to public ridicule or contempt.
Synonyms: defame, slander, denigrate, malign, vituperate, calumniate, vilify (Level 9,Word 32).
Etymology: Traduce comes from the Latin traducere, to lead across or lead in front ofothers, hence, to exhibit as a spectacle, expose to ridicule, disgrace or humiliate inpublic
Corresponding nouns: traducement, the act of traducing, traducer, a person whotraduces, who makes false, malicious, humiliating statements.
(1) The state of being partly clothed, partial undress.
(2) The state of being casually or carelessly dressed, as in one's night clothes orlounging attire.
Additional useful word: prurient (PRUUR-ee-int), characterized by or arousing lust.
44. SATURNALIA (SAT-ur-NAY-lee-uh)
An orgy, licentious merrymaking, unrestrained revelry.
Etymology: Saturnalia (capital S) denotes the licentious seven-day festival of Saturncelebrated in December by the ancient Romans, from that, saturnalia (small s) hascome to mean any period or occasion of unrestrained revelry.
45. EXTIRPATE (EK-stur-payt)
To pull or dig up by the roots, root out, exterminate, abolish or destroy completely.
Etymology: Latin extirpare, to tear up by the roots, from ex-, out, and stirps, the stemand roots of a plant.
Synonyms: eradicate, deracinate.
Corresponding noun: extirpation.
46. FLAGITIOUS (fluh-JISH-us)
Extremely wicked, shamefully and scandalously criminal, vice-ridden, or corrupt.
Synonyms: atrocious, egregious, heinous, diabolical, nefarious, odious, execrable.
Etymology: Latin flagitiosus, shameful, disgraceful, infamous, from flagitium, ashameful crime, disgraceful action.
Usage: Flagitious may be used of persons who are grossly wicked and guilty ofatrocious crimes or vices, or of actions or things to mean shamefully wicked, villainous,or evil.
47. PERIPATETIC (PER-i-puh-TET-ik)
Walking about, going from place to place on foot.
Synonyms: ambulating, itinerant.
Usage: When spelled with a capital P, Peripatetic refers to the ancient Greek school ofphilosophy founded by Aristotle, who expounded his theories while strolling in theLyceum in Athens. When spelled with a small p, peripatetic means walking about,traveling on foot.
Corresponding noun: peripatetic, a pedestrian or itinerant, someone who walks ormoves about on foot.
48. CACHINNATE (KAK-i-nayt)
To laugh loudly and immoderately, laugh convulsively or hysterically.
Corresponding noun: cachinnation, immoderate, convulsive, or hysterical laughter.
To set free, liberate, emancipate, deliver from slavery or bondage.
Synonyms: unshackle, unfetter, enfranchise, disenthrall.
Antonyms: enslave, enthrall, subjugate, shackle, fetter, manacle, trammel.
Etymology: Latin manumittere, to free a slave, from manus, the hand, and mittere, tosend, let go.N.B. This discussion distinguishes the verbs to manumit, emancipate, and enfranchise.
50. EXPIATION (EK-spee-AY-shin)
Atonement, reparation for a sin, crime, or offense.
Etymology: Latin expiare, to atone for, purify, engage in a ritual cleansing.
Corresponding verb: expiate, to atone for, make amends for.