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93 Cards in this Set

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Ventilation is
exchange of air between external environment and the alveoli
The equation for bulk flow of fluid is
Flow (F) = Pressure gradient (DeltaP)/Resistance (R), where DeltaP is difference between atmospheric pressure (Patm) and alveolar pressure (Palv) and R is resistance to air flow in the airways
All pressures in the respiratory system are given relative to
atmospheric pressure
The most important factor determining airway resistance is
the diameter (or radius) of these passage, where resistance is inversely proportional to the 4th power of the radius.
Under normal conditions, airway resistance is
very low
Boyle’s Law states that
at constant temperature, the pressure exerted by a fixed number of gas molecules varies inversely with the volume of the container.
Changes in alveolar pressure with the volume of the lungs changes
the pressure gradient between the alveoli and the external environment.
Air flows either into or out of the alveoli depending on
the direction of the pressure gradient.
Transpulmonary pressure is measured
between the inside and outside of the lungs (not between the alveoli and the outside of the chest wall)
The inside transpulmonary pressure is
the pressure of the air in the alveoli
The outside transpulmonary pressure is
the pressure of the intrapleural fluid
The equation for transpulmonary pressure is
P(tp) = P(alv) – P(ip)
Changes in transpulmonary pressure cause
the changes in lung volume that ultimately result in air movement.
At the end of expiration, the tendency for the lungs to expand because of the positive transpulmonary pressure is exactly balanced by
the elastic recoil force of the chest wall.
Intrapleural pressure is ______ with respect to atmospheric pressure.
Inspiration is initiated by
neutrally induced contraction of the diaphragm and inspiratory intercostal muscles between the ribs
Inspiration results in ______ in the size (volume) of the thorax.
Increase in volume of thorax during inspiration causes a ______ in intrapleural pressure.
Increase in volume of thorax during inspiration causes a ______ in transpulmonary pressure.
Expansion of the lungs _____ the volume of the alveoli.
By Boyle’s Law, when the alveoli volume increases, the alveolar pressure.
The decrease in alveolar pressure ______ the pressure gradient between alveoli and external environment and results in.
increases (alveolar pressure less than atmospheric), movement of air into the lungs.
The sequence of events for inspiration is
1. Diaphragm and inspiratory intercostals contract, 2. Thorax expands, 3. P(ip) becomes more subatmospheric, 4. Transpulmonary pressure increases, 5. Lungs expand, 6. P(alv) becomes subatmospheric, 7. Air flows into alveoli.
Expiration is initiated by
relaxation of the diaphragm and inspiratory intercostal muscles.
During expiration, chest volume decreases
passively due to its elastic recoil after no longer being pulled outward
During expiration, transpulmonary pressure
During expiration, the decrease in transpulmonary pressure results in
a decrease in the volume of the lungs.
During expiration, due to Boyle’s law, the pressure of air in the alveoli ________ due to.
increases, volume of the alveoli decreasing
During expiration, the increase in alveolar pressure
increases the pressure gradient between the alveoli and external environment (alveolar pressure greater than atmospheric pressure) and air is expelled from the lungs.
With normal quiet breathing, expiration is an entirely ________ process.
The full sequence of events for expiration is
1. Diaphgram and inspiratory intercostals stop contracting, 2. Chest wall recoils inward, 3. P(ip) moves back toward preinspiration value, 4. Transpulmonary pressure moves back toward preinspiration value, 5. Lungs recoil toward preinspiration size, 6. Air in alveoli becomes compressed, 7. P(alv) becomes greater than P(atm), 8. Air flows out of lungs.
At the end of expiration, P(alv) and P(atm) are
equal and there is no air flow
At mid-inspiration, P(alv) and P(atm) are
different due to chest wall expanding (lowers P(ip) amd makes P(tp) more positive) making P(alv) more negative and air flow inward.
At end-inspiration, P(alv) and P(atm) are
equal and there is no air flow due to chest wall no longer expanding or contracting (lung size is not changing and glottis is open to the atmosphere)
At mid expiration, P(alv) and P(atm) are
P(alv) greater than P(atm) and air is force out of lungs due to respiratory muscles relaxing and lungs and chest passively collapsing due to elastic recoil
Lung compliance is
the magnitude of the change in lung volume (DeltaV) produced by a given change in transpulmonary pressure
Lung compliance equation is
lung compliance (Cl) = Change in volume of lungs (deltaVl)/ change in transpulmonary pressure(Delta(P(alv)-P(ip))
Low lung compliance means that
a greater-than-normal transpulmonary pressure must be generated to produce a given amount of lung expansion.
The determinants of lung compliance are
1. Elasticity of pulmonary connective tissue, 2. Alveolar surface tension
Elasticity of pulmonary connective tissue, a determinant of lung compliance, is compromised in patients with
connective tissue disorders.
Alveolar surface tension occurs at
the interface between the air in the alveoli and the liquid matrix of the cells lining the alveoli.
Surfactant is secreted by
type II alveolar cells
The function of surfactant is
significantly reduces the surface tension forces within the alveoli to increase lung compliance.
The effect of deep breaths is
enhances the secretion of surfactant by stretching the Type II alveolar cells.
Airway resistance is determined by
physical, neural, and chemical factors
Airway resistance is normally
very low
For airway resistance, small pressure gradients result in
movement of large volumes of air.
Airway resistance increases significantly in
disease states.
Physical factors determining airway resistance include
transpulmonary pressure and lateral traction
Transpulmonary pressure, a physical factor determining airway resistance, affects airway resistance by
distending airways, particularly those without cartilage, and reduces resistance to air flow
Lateral traction, a physical factor determining airway resistance, is
the force exerted by elastic connective tissue fibers attached to exterior of airways to distend the airways.
Neural factors determining airway resistance include
epinephrine, leukotrines, neuroendocrine, and paracrine factors.
Epinephrine, a neural factor determining airway resistance, affects airway resistance by
relaxing airway smooth muscle (beta-adrenergic receptors) and reduces airway resistance
Leukotrienes, a neural factor determining airway resistance, affects airway resistance by
being produced during inflammatory processes and contracting airway smooth muscle to increase airway resistance.
Asthma is a result of
inflammation that causes airway smooth muscles to contract and increase airway resistance.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) causes
difficulties with ventilation and oxygenation of blood
COPD is not caused by
increase in smooth muscle contraction
Emphysema is a result of
destruction of alveoli, enlargement of alveolar air spaces, and loss of pulmonary capillaries.
The hypothesized cause of emphysema is
lung produces proteolytic enzymes and elastic tissue is destroyed.
Chronic bronchitis is the result of
excessive mucus production in the bronchi and chronic inflammatory changes in small airways.
The total lung volume can be divided into four mutually exclusive volumes
1. Tidal volume, 2. Inspiratory reserve volume, 3. Expiratory reserve volume, 4. Residual volume.
The lung tidal volume is
the volume of air moved in and out of the lungs during quite breathing.
The inspiratory reserve volume is
the additional volume of air that can be inspired by maximum exertion of the inspiratory muscles following a normal inspiration.
The expiratory reserve volume is
the additional volume of air that can be exhaled by maximal contraction of the expiratory muscles following a normal expiration.
The residual volume is
the amount of air that is left in the lungs at the end of a maximal expiration.
Lung capacities are defined as
various combinations of individual lung volumes.
The inspiratory capacity is
the sum of the tidal volume and inspiratory reserve volume (represents the amount of air that can be inspired from the end of a normal expiration).
The functional residual capacity is
the sum of the expiratory reserve volume and the residual volume (represents the amount of air that remains in the lungs at the end of a normal expiration).
The total lung volume is the sum of
the inspiratory capacity and the functional residual capacity.
The vital capacity is
the total amount of air that can be inspired after performing a maximal expiration (the sum of the expiratory reserve volume, the tidal volume, and the inspiratory reserve volume).
The total lung capacity is
the total lung volume and sum of the four individual lung volumes.
The forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) is
the amount of air an individual can exhale in 1 second by maximum respiratory exertion following a maximal inspiration.
The important clinical measurement for FEV1 is
FEV1/Vital capacity (VC) ratio
FEV1/VC ratio expresses
the forced expiratory volume in 1 second a percentage of the vital capacity
The normal value of FEV1/VC ratio is
In obstructive lung disease, the FEV1/VC ratio is
significantly less than 80% due to narrowing (obstruction) of respiratory airways.
In restrictive lung diseases, the FEV1/VC ratio is
is normal
In restrictive lung diseases, the airway resistance is
In restrictive lung diseases, the respiratory movements are
In restrictive lung diseases, the vital capacity is
Minute ventilation is
the total amount of air moved into and out of the lungs over a 1 minute period
Minute ventilation equation is
minute ventilation (ml/min) = tital volume (ml/breath) x respiratory rate (breaths/min)
Standard minute ventilation is
5000 mL/min
The conducting airways have a volume of approximately
150 ml
Anatomic dead space refers to
conducting airway volume where no gas exchange occurs.
Not all of the 500 mL of air inhaled on a normal breath goes to alveoli, because

150 mL stays in conducting airways

Alveolar ventilation is
the amount of fresh air that moves into the alveoli during a 1 minute period
Alveolar ventilation equation is
alveolar ventilation (ml/min) = (tidal volume – dead space volume) (in ml/breath) x respiratory rate (breaths/min)
Always use ________ to asses the efficacy of ventilation.
alveolar ventilation
Alveolar dead space is
the volume of air contained in alveoli that have little or no blood supply.
Physiologic dead space is
the sum of anatomic dead space and alveolar dead space (total dead space)
At the end of a quiet expiration, the air in the anatomic dead space has
relatively high CO2 and low O2
When you exhale, the first air that comes out is
dead space air