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48 Cards in this Set

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what are the divisions of the venous system




name main trunks of systemic circulation

superior/inferior vena cava

what's a cavocaval anastomoses

a connection between inf and sup vena cava

what are connections between portal vein and vena cava called

portal-caval anastomoses

where does superior vena cava arise from

r + l brachiocephalic v

whats the venous angle

junction of internal jugular v and subclavian v = forms brachiocephalic

what opens into the venous angle

right lymphatic duct/thoracic duct

where does the inferior vena cava arise from

from the union of common iliac v( int lilac pelvis and ext iliac leg)

what are tributaries for the inf vena cava

common iliac (ext+int), median sacral,testicular,ovarian,lumbar,renal,suprarenal,hepatic,inf. phrenic

on which side of the body is the azygos v located


what does the azygos v start off as in the abdominal cavity

asc. lumbar

where does the azygos v empty

to sup vena cava via arch of azygos v (T4)

thoracic tributaries of azygos v?

right sup. intercostal,hemiazygos,variable accessory hemiazygos, esophageal,mediastinal,pericardial

what makes up the abdominal portion of the azygos v

acc lumbar, right post intercostal, subcostal

what side is the hemiazygos v from


what is it's continuation in the abd cavity

left asc lumbar

where does the hemiazygos v empty

azygos (level T7)

whats the divisions of veins of the vertebral column

internal(ant,post) + external venous plexuses(ant,post)

how are the internal and external venous plexuses connected

basivertebral veins

which veins empty into brachiocephalic

inf. thyroid, unpaired thyroid plexuses, verterbral veins(communicate w cranial cavity via suboccipital and deep cervical), internal thoracic

what does the internal jugular v drain


where does the internal jugular vein begin

at the jugular foramen, sup. bulb of jugular foramen

where can the inf bulb of jugular v be seen

at the venous angle

what are the extra cranial tributaries of int jugular v

pharyngeal,meningeal,sup thyroid,middle thyroid,sternocleidomastoid,facial v (receives blood from retromandibular v+sup. temporal v+pterygoid plexus)

how does the ext. jugular vein arise

joining of occipital vein and post. auricular v; empties near venous angle

what superficial venous trunk opens into the ext jugular v

ant jugular v (maybe connected via jugular venous arch), transverse cervial, suprascapular

how does the internal jugular vein receive tributaries from the interior of the cranium

via dural venous sinuses (venous channels of dura matter)

what is found at level of occipital protuberance

confluence of sinuses (joining)

what does the transverse sinus continue as

sigmoid sinus

where does the sigmoid sinus travel to

along petrous part of temporal bone to jugular foramen (where int jugular v forms)

which sinus encircles foramen magnum


what does the marginal sinus connect

dural venous sinus to vertebral venous sinus

where is the occipital sinus

vertically and connects marginal sinus to confluence

what is the plexus that lies on the clivus bw marginal sinus and cavernous sinus

basilar plexus

where is the cavernous sinus

in the sella turcica + pit. gland, internal carotid a and abducent n pass thru

what other sinuses do u have

sup sagittal

inf sagittal

straight sinus

what vein does the straight sinus receive

great cerebral v

where does the iliolumbar v open

r + left common iliac

where does the median sacral v open

left common iliac

special feature about int iliac v


name some other tributaries of inferior vena cava

sup/inf gluteal, obturator, lateral sacral, rectal venous plexus

visceral branches of int iliac v

vesical venous plexus

uterine venous plexus

internal pudendal v

what are some tributaries of int pudendal v

1. veins of penis

2.inf rectal

3.post scrotal/labial

4.vein of bulb of vestibule/penis

the external iliac is a continuation of

femoral v

tributaries of ext iliac vein

inf epigastric


deep circumflex iliac

What structures are connected by ductus arteriosus Batoli in the fetal blood.

pulmonary artery and aortic arch

What vessels conduct deoxygenated blood from the fetus to placenta?

umbilical a

in fetus how does the blood reach the inf vena cava

via the ductus venosus then thru foramen ovale to left atrium