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39 Cards in this Set

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3 layers of blood vessel walls

tunica intima- inner most endothelium

media- layer of smooth muscle vasoconstrics and vasodialation

externa- loosen woven collagen fibers- vasa vasorum- tiny blood vessels that feed larger ones

structure and function of arteries

elastic/conducting- thick walled near heart, largest and has most elastic due to lots of press.

muscular(distributing)- distal to elastic, deliver blood to body organs, thickest tunic media b/c how much pressure to send to each organ

arterioles- smallest have all 3 tunics, media mostly smooth little elastic, diameter crucial in getting organs proper blood

types of capillaries

continous cap- less flow through them, abundant in skin and muscle, tj are incomplete and allow intracellular clefts brain cap lack these creating BBB

fenestrated cap- has pores or windows, found where cap absorbtion or filtrate

sinusoids cap- highly modified, leaky, in liver, spleen, bm, adernal medulla, lg irregular lumen, fenestrated allows lg molecules to pass bf slow liver needs time to remove toxins

Capillary bed

interweaving network of cap. microcirculation flow from arteriole to cap to venule

true capillary- the precapillary sphincters open and allow blood thru the true cap

thoroughfare- pre. sphincters closed blood direct line thru vascular shunt metarteriole and thoroughfare channel


formed when cap unite, postcap venule (smallest) composes of endothelium surround by pericytes very porous allow fluid and WBC to pass LG venules have 2 layers of smooth muscle and thin externa


formed when venules join

3 layered like arteries but thinner and have lger lumen, tunica externa thickest and contains bundles

vascular anastomosis

prevent loss of bf to rest of body, common in joints, ab organs, brain and heart not in retina, spleen and kidney

arterial anastomosis- web of interconected arteries feeding one organ or region, if blocked will take another path

blood flow

volume of blood flowing through a vessel

blood pressure

force per unit area exerted on vessel walls mmHg


opposition to flow friction created by wall

-viscosity of blood over hydrated thin blood

-bv diameter lger diameter less friction

vasoconstriction- more resistance less flow

vasodilation- less resistance more flow

arterial blood pressure

1- how much elastic arteries closest to heart can be stretched

2- vol of blood forced into them at anytime

diastole- 2x longer than systole so MAP not 1/2 way pt MAP= dias press+( pulse press/3)

capillary blood pressure

entry into cap bed 35mmhg after 15mmhg

this is good b/c 1. cap are fragile and high pres. would rupture. 2. most cap are permeable so high bp would force everything out

venous blood pressure

consistant at 15mmhg needs help pumping

1. respiratory pump inhale ab pr. forces blood to heart

2. muscular pump skeletal muscle contracts squeezes veins and moves blood

3. smooth muscle constriction under sympathetic control

short term nerual control bp

works by altering peripheral resistance (and CO)

goals 1. maintain adequate MAP by altering vessel diameter

2.. altering blood distribution to physiological needs

vasomotor center

baroreceptors- pressure sensitive mechanoreceters respong to change in aterial pres and stretch located around neck and heart

chemoreceptor- sense CO2 rising, ph falling, O2 falling, signal cardioacceleratory center to increase CO and vasomotor to stimulate vasoconstriction

higher brain centers

medulla oblongata and brain stem have centers to aid in control of bp cerebral cortex and hypothalamus can activate/inhibit control centers

hormones in BP

atrial natriuretic peptide- lowers BP dilation

NE and epinephrine-inc BP and res constric



long term renal (kidney) reg. BP

direct method- independent of hormones, bv/bp increase rate of filtration speeds up, kidney cant process fast enough, stays in urine bp and v fall

inderect- renin angiontensis release hormone

vital signs

pulse- presure waves felt in artery from surface

pressure points- some points can be pressed to prevent hemerrhage

BP- measured in brachial artery in arm

hypotension- low bp systolic pres less than 100

hypertension- high bp 140 problem at 160

velocity of blood flow

farther away from the aorta bf velocity slows

slow cap flow is important for exchanges between blood and tissue

moves from cap (4500cm3) to vena cava 8 cm3

velocity increase depending on skeletal pump

autoregulation local bf reg

dif organs need more/less supply of blood

reg. occurs thru modifying diam. of local arterioles 1. metabolic/chemical 2. myogenic/physical

metabolic controls

lower level of o2 and accumulation of metabolic waste stimulate autoreg

waste can directly relax vascular smooth muscle can cause NO release

NO powerful vasodilater

endothelium releases endothelins that act as vasoconstrictors

myogenic control

vascular smoot muscle repsong to passive stretch w/ inc tone, which resist stretch casuse vasoconstrict

reduce stretch= vasodilation

reactive hypermia- inc bf after blood flow has been cutoff temp. resulst from both myo and meta

long term autoreg

angiogenisis- formation # of bv in region not getting enough bs increase and existing vessels enlarge

common in coronary vessels

bf in skeletal muscle at rest

1 L blood/min 25% cap open

cap density of bf inc in red (slow oxidative) than white (fast glycolytic) myogenic and general nerual mech predominate

bf in active skeletal

bf inc in direct proportion to their metabolic activity, excercise, hypermia occurss entirely in response to low o2 concentration and high metabolic factors

NE- vasoconstriction

increase 10x more from resting

bf in brain

has both metabolic and myogenic

MAP dec. cerebral vessels dilate to insure adequate perfusion

MAP inc cerebral vessels constrict protects small vessels

BF in skin

supplies nutrients to cell, aids in body temp. reg, provides blood reservoir

depending on body temp plexuses can accomodate by changing from 50 ml to 2500

bradykinin- stimulate the vessels endothelial cells to release NO

bf in lungs

02 rereoute when blockage is present like anastomes

short pathways consisting of arteries and arterioles less bp needed to propel blood through lungs

dec o2 constrics inc o2 dilates opposite to other tissue

bf in heart

fast HR does not allow sufficient gas exchange

at rest bf 250 remains constant while coronary pres varies

bf may inc 3-4x

cardiac cells use 65% o2 carried to them opposed to 25% by others

4 routes across cap

1- diffusion across membranes for lipid soluble molecules ( gases)

2- fluid filled intracellular cap clefts for small h2o soluble solutes like sugar

3- fenestration same molecules as #2

4- active transport for lg molecules (proteins) via pinocyte

fluid movement bulk flow

20 L of fluid are filtered out of cap per day 7x total plasma volume

direction and amount of flow reflects balance between hydrostatic and osmotic pressure

hydrostatic pressure

actual BP

cap. hydro pres HPc tends to force fluids out through cap walls BP dec as volume dec

intersitiual fluid HPif opposes HPc pushing from outside in on walls usually no press

net hydro pres= HPc-HPif HPif usually 0

osmotic pressure

forces opposing Hp created by lg non diffusible molecules (plasma protein) that can't cross cap wall molecules encourage osmosis

Cap colloid Op OPc= 26 mmhg

OPif= 1

net filtration pressure NFP

fluid lost organized by body

fluid exits if net HP is higher than OP

fluid enters if net HP is lower than OP

circulatory shock

any condition in which blood vessels are inadequately filled and blood cannot circulate normally

hypovolemic shock

dec blood volume blood loss, acute hemorrhage, extensive burns

vascular shock

bv normal circulation is poor, result in expansion of vascular bed

anaphylactic shock, sun bathing, septicema

cardiogenic shock

pump failure, myocardial infarction

heart attack