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53 Cards in this Set

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What branches arise from the aortic arch?
1.Inominate /Brachiocephalic
2.Left Common Carotid Artery
3.Left Subclavian Artery
Describe the inominate artery.
1.Also called the Brachiocephalic Artery
2.Arises from the right only
3.Divides into the right common carotid and subclavian arteries
Describe the subclavian artery.
1.Arches above clavicle;behind scalenus anterior muscle.
2.Runs laterally/downward to outer border of first rib becoming axillary artery.
3.Most important branches: vertebral,thyrocervical, internal thoracic and costocervical.
Which artery becomes the brachial artery after giving off several branches?
Axillary Artery
Describe the radial artery.
1.originates from the brachial artery
2.travels down lateral side of the forearm into the hand
3.branches to form the superficial palmar arch
4.terminates in the deep palmar arch
Describe the ulnar artery.
1.originates from the brachial artery
2.travels down the medial of the forearm into the hand
3.branches to form the deep palmar (volar) branch
4.terminates in the superficial palmar arch
What does the superfical palmar arch include?
1.distal portion of the ulnar artery
2.branch of the radial artery
What does the deep palmar arch include?
1.deep palmar branch of the ulnar artery
2.distal portion of the radial artery
List the visceral branches of the abdominal aorta.
1.Celiac artery
2.Superior Mesenteric Artery
3.Renal Arteries
4.Inferior mesenteric arteries
Describe the celiac artery.
1.supplies stomach,liver, pancreas,duodenum,and spleen.
2.branches into left gastric,splenic,and common hepatic arteries.
Describe the superior mesenteric artery (SMA).
1.supplies small intestine,cecum,parts of colon
2.located about 1 cm behind celiac artery
3.can be a common trunk of the celiac artery and sma
Describe the renal arteries.
1.supply blood to the kidneys,suprarenal glands,ureters
2.multiple renal arteries not uncommon bilaterally
What is a landmark for locating the left renal artery?
the left renal vein which crosses the aorta anteriorly
What are the terminal branches of the abdominal aorta?
1.Common iliac arteries
2.Peroneal arteries
3.Digital arteries/Plantar arch
Which arteries are the most distal branches of the aorta carrying blood to the pelvis,abdominal wall, and lower limbs?
Common Iliac Arteries (CIA)
The common iliac arteries divide into what two arteries?
1.Internal Iliac Artery (hypogastric)
2.External Iliac Artery
Describe the internal iliac artery.
1.Also called the hpogastric artery
2.divides into parietal and visceral branches
Describe the external iliac artery.
1.travels in a lateral/inferior direction along medial side of psoas major muscle
2.passes underneath the inguinal ligament and becomes the CFA
What are the lower extremity arteries?
1.Common Femoral Artery
2.Superficial Femoral Artery
3.Deep Femoral Artery(profunda femoris)
4.Popliteal Artery
5.Anterior Tibial Artery
6.Dorsalis Pedis Artery
7.Posterior Tibial Artery
8.Peroneal Artery
The common femoral artery divides into which two arteries?
1.Superficial Femoral
2.Deep Femoral (Profunda Femoris)
Describe the superficial femoral artery.
1.Runs the length of the thigh,passing through an opening in the tendon of the adductor hiatus (adductor canal,Hunter's canal)
2.enters the popliteal fossa behind the knee
Describe the deep femoral artery.
1.also called the profunda femoris
2.a large branch;arises about 5 cm. fromthe inguinal ligament on the lateral side
3.can act as a collateral connection
Describe the popliteal artery.
1.gives off number of genicular branches (which can act as collateral branches)to supply muscles, knee joint, and skin
2.at interval between tibia and fibula(at lower portion of popliteus muscle)
3.divides into anterior and posterior tibial arteries
Describe the anterior tibial artery (ATA).
1.first branch off the popliteal artery
2.passes superficially to interosseous membrane;runs deep in front of leg
3.at its lower end, becomes dorsalis pedis artery (DPA) and is directed across dorsum of foot towards base of great toe
4.major branch of DPA:deep plantar artery;penetrating the sole of the foot,it unites with lateral plantar artery to complete plantar arch
Describe the posterior tibial artery (PTA).
1.extends obliquely down posterior/medial side of leg
2.largest branch:peroneal artery arises at its superior end
3.tibioperoneal trunk:short segment between ATA branch and branches of PTA and peroneal arteries
4.major branches:lateral and medial plantar arteries, branching below medial malleolus to supply sole of foot
Describe the peroneal artery.
Passes toward fibula, traveling down medial side of that bone to supply structures of the lateral side of leg/foot.
Describe the digital arteries/plantar arch.
1.the plantar and dorsal metatarsals distribute blood to digits.
2.plantar arch consists of deep plantar arch and lateral plantar artery which unites with the deep plantar artery
What are capillaries?
1.vessels of microcirculation
2.arteries transport gases, nutrients,and other essential substances to the capillaries.
3.at the capillary level, nutrients and waste products are exchanged between the tisue and blood
What are the layers of the arterial wall?
1.Tunica Intima
2.Tunica Media
3.Tunica Externa
What is the tunica intima?
the thin inner layer of the arterial wall consisting of smooth endothelium,base membrane,and connective tissue.
What is the tunica media?
the thicker intermediate layer of the arterial wall which consist of smooth muscle and connective tissue
What is the tunica externa?
1.The outer layer (adventitia) which is somewhat thinner than media and contains fibrous connective tissue and some muscle fibers
2.adventitial layer contains the vasa vasorum(tiny vessels that carry blood to the walls of the larger arteries)
Arterial System: 1.Multi-branched elastic conduit set into oscillation by ______
_____ of the heart.
each beat
Arterial System: 2.Each beat pumps about ___ milliliters of blood into the aorta causing a blood pressure pulse.
Arterial System: 3.How does cardiac contraction begin?
1.pressure in the left ventricle rises rapidly
2.left ventricle pressure exceeds that in the aorta
3.aortic valve opens,blood is ejected,BP rises
Arterial system: 4 Increased heart rate delivers an ______
______ ______.
increased blood volume
_____ ______ ______ plays an important role in the movement of blood throughout the vascular symptoms.
Patient's cardiac status
What is the function of the heart pump?
1.generates the pressure to move the blood
2.results in a pressure wave(energy wave) that travels rapidly throughout the system,demonstrating a gradual transformation as it travels distally
Pumping action of heart results in ____ _____ ___ _____ in _____ to maintain a high pressure gradient between the arteries and veins.
high volume of blood;arteries
______ ______ governs the amount of blood that enters the arterial system; _______
______ and total ______ ______
determines the amount that leaves it.
cardiac output;arterial pressure;peripheral resistance
Each cardiac contraction _____
the arteries,which serves as reservoirs to store some blood volume and potential energy supplied to the system.
Pressure is _____ at the heart,gradually _______ as the blood moves further away. This pressure is ______ to maintain blood flow.
What two things are required for the movement of any fluid medium between two points?
1.a pathway along which the fluid can flow
2.difference in energy levels (pressure difference)
What does the amount of flow depend on?
1.energy difference,including losses resulting from movement of fluid
2.any resistance which tends to oppose such movement
Lower Resistance=_____ ______ _______.
Higher flow rate
Higher resistance=______ ____ ______.
Lower flow rate
The total energy contained in moving fluid is the sum of _______,_______,and_______ energies.
How is pressure(potential) energy expressed?
mm Hg
How is kinetic energy expressed?
In terms of fluid density and its velocity measurements
What is gravitational energy(hydrostatic pressure) equivalent to?
the weight of the column of blood extending from the heart to the level where pressure is measured
Gravitational Energy (hydrostatic pressure):
1.arteries and veins are nearly the ____ ____ as the heart.
same level
Hydrostatic pressure:
2.there is a ___ mmHg against the arteries and veins at the ankle.
Hysrostatic pressure:
3.when standing ,HP increases,adding about ____ mmHg against ankle vessels.