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12 Cards in this Set

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Water Potential (ψ)
The tendency for water to move from one region to another
In terms of water potential, in what direction will water move (assuming it is not bound to solute or surfaces)?
From regions of high water potential to regions of low water potential
What unit of measure is used in calculating water potential?
Megapascals (MPa)
To what form of water has the value ψ = 0 been assigned?
Pure water in a container open to the atmosphere at sea level and room temperature (standard conditions)
The Water Potential Equation
ψ = ψs + ψp

ψ = Water potential
ψs = Solute/Osmotic Potential
ψp = Pressure Potential
Solute Potential (ψs)
The number of dissolved solute molecules in a solution; also called osmotic potential due to its effect on osmosis direction
Why is solute potential always negative?
Solutes bind to water molecules and reduce the number of free water molecules able to do work
Pressure Potential (ψp)
The physical pressure on a solution; can be positive or negative
Turgor Pressure
The pushing of a cell's plasma membrane against the cell wall by the cell's contents
The shrinking of a plant cell due to water loss
Drooping of leaves and stems as a result of cells becoming flaccid
Transport proteins that allow water to diffuse into a cell