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155 Cards in this Set

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If the true lumen is measured at 8mm and the residual lumen is measured at 2 mm, what is the diameter reduction?

75% residual/time-100x100%

From an infrarenal abdominal aneursym, what is the most frequent complication from the disease?


T or F. A 50% area reduction is equal to a 75% diameter reduction


The SVC is formed by the confluence of which 2 vessels?

Bilateral innominate veins

A physician asks you to record only the flow velocities in the dialysis graft. What is the significance of a PSV of 85cm/sec in the case?

Patient has arterial inflow problem

You detect antegrade flow in the ipsilateral ACA. What is the significance of the finding?

Crossover collateralization

Venous hypertension most often results from

Deep venous reflux

If PSVs are greater than or equal to 400cm/sec in the SFA, the probable area reduction is:

greater than or equal to 75%

A carotid duplex exam reports an ICA plaque to be a 60-79% diameter stenosis as indicated by the performing lab duplex criteria. Angiography reports this lesion to be a 90% stenosis. All of the following might cause discrepancy except:

Correcting to 45 degrees when true incident was 60 degrees; angiographic suit reports its stenosis values as % area reduction

The most common sequelae of DVT is:

Valvular destruction

What is the role in venous evaluations?

To detect the presence/absence of venous insufficiency

What is the classification of ABI? (normal, mild PAD, Moderate PAD, Severe PAD)

greater than 1.0=normal

greater than 9.0-1.0=Asymptomatic obstructive disease


less than 0.5=rest pain; sever arterial disease

*Thigh pressures indices are greater than 1.2 , while 0.8-1.2 suggests aortoiliac disease and <0.8 indicates that proximal occlusion is likely.

A disadvantage of indirect arterial testing over direct duplex scanning methods is:

Cannot distinguish stenosis from occlusion.

Low-resistance flow patterns are expected in all of the following arteries except:

Pre-prandial SMA


Which of the following pathway for arterial flow is correct?


Turbulent flow occurs in all instances except:

At a site 2 cm proximal to severe stenosis of 50% or greater.

Turbulent flow is in the carotid bulb; after a sever stenosis; or placement of the sample volume near the arterial wall.

Which of the following is not typical in a patient with portal vein HTN?


A type of plethysmography that is concerned with the simultaneous measurement of pulse arrival times and pressures between the patient's right and left side is:

OPG-K (OPG-Karchner)

It is often reported that the high thigh pressure should be at least 20-30 mmHg higher than the brachial pressure. Which statement below best describes the reason for this?

Thigh cuff is bigger than the arm cuff; arm cuff is bigger than the thigh cuff; the pressure in the CFA is greater than the pressure in the brachial artery; there are 2 arteries (SFA, PFA) under the thigh cuff and 1 (brachial artery) under the arm.

A lab reports that its carotid exam is 95% accurate in the identification of carotid stenosis with specificity of 85%. Which of the following statements are true?

Sensitivity is greater than specificity; NPV is higher than PPV.

What is the significance of finding PSVs of 80cm/sec in the aorta and 240cm/sec in the left renal artery?

Within normal limits

Which of the following Doppler parameters is most effective at differentiating a 60-70% ICA stenosis from an 80-99% stenosis?

Diastolic velocity

A patient with a new CVA with right-sided hemiparesis undergoes carotid duplex evaluation. High quality images are obtained and reveal the following:

Sys dia ICA/CCA flow %stenosis

R ICA 175cm/s 55cm/s 2.6 laminar 20%

L ICA 350cm/s 160cm/s 4.8 turbulent 90%

Which is the most likely correct answer?

Patient has falsely elevated right ICA stenosis

The principle site of peripheral resistance in the vascular bed is:

The arterioles

The most common site for the development of stenotic lesions in bypass grafts is:

Distal anastomosis

A 69 year old present with a 1 year history of uncontrollable HTN. Duplex findings include elevated, low resistance PSVs (160-180cm/sec) throughout the RRA with out post-stenotic turbulence, as well as cystic right kidney, absence of flow in the left renal artery, and a small left kidney with PSVs of 8cm/sec. What is the most likely explanation for the elevated velocities in the RRA?

Contralateral renal artery occlusion.

As you evaluate flow patterns in a patient you document a PSV of 104 cm/sec at the distal aorta, 218 cm/sec at the take-off of the left CIA and 226 cm/sec at the right proximal CIA. What would your preliminary report include?

Patient has >50% diameter reduction of the CIAs bilaterally.

Patient has CHF. How might CHF be associated with dialysis access?

You suspect the access is too close to the heart and a large amount of blood is being shunted into the venous circulation, stressing the heart.

The most common cause of edema involving one leg only is:

Chronic venous disease

Which of the following procedures does not provide information on the status of the microcirculation?

segmental pressures

A carotid bruit is heard because:

Audible turbulence localized at the carotid bifurcation.

T or F. In the event of occlusive diseases in the ICA proximal to the carotid siphon, the ECA provides collateral circulation through the ophthamalmic artery via the distal branches of the superficial temporal artery.


It is often reported that the high thigh pressure should be at least 20-30mmHg higher than the brachial pressure. Which statement below best describes the reason for this?

None of these: Thigh cuff is bigger than the arm cuff; arm cuff is bigger than the thigh cuff; the pressure in the CFA is greater than the pressure in the brachial artery; there are 2 arteries (SFA, PFA) under the thigh cuff and 1 (brachial) under the arm cuff.

All of the follow statements about interpreting flow in a native artery of the upper extremity are true except:

The stenosis profile is not evident in upper extremity disease.

The true statements are: PSVs can vary widely secondary to changes in temperature; there is no criteria consistent with a >50% diameter reduction; absence of Doppler signals is most likely consistent with an occlusion; distal emboli may be associated with a subclavian aneurysm.

If the lower extremity and upper extremity superficial veins are not suitable as an arterial conduit for coronary artery bypass surgery, which vessel will most likely be considered for this procedure?

Radial artery

What would the report include if the aortic PSV was 70cm/sec and the RRA (right renal artery) had peak velocities of 280cm/sec?

> or equal to 60% diameter reduction of the right renal artery

The gastrocnemius vein terminates at the:

Posterior tibial viens

You are concerned when you see a well-defined area of very low-level echoes within the aneurysmal sac. Although you are unable to detect flow in that area with color flow Doppler, you suspect something is going on. What is the best description?

Endotension: not a true leak but defined as continued expansion greater than 5mm.

Of the statements below, the one that is true is:

The adventitial layer of the artery is stronger and thicker than that of the vein.

If sensitivity: 98%, specificity: 93%, PPV: 97%, and NPV: 91%, what is the accuracy?


An ICA duplex waveform demonstrating a normal spectral window, a systolic velocity of 150cm/sec, a diastolic velocity of 20cm/s and an ICA/CCA ratio of 1.0 would signify:

Elevated CCA flow

A drop in pressure from above the knee to below the cuffs indicates:

Popliteal artery obstruction

A 74 year old female is undergoing a carotid duplex study because of a pulsatile mass in her neck. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for a pulsatile mass in the cervical carotid artery?

Tortous CCA

Superficial thrombophlebitis treatment is:

7-10 days of IV heprin, aspirin, and heat to the infected area

The Internal Jugular Vein carries blood into which vessel?

Innominate vein

The venous Doppler examination is:

Compares the response of one side of the body with the response of the other side; highly accurate in the detection of the calf vein thrombosis.

The preliminary report to the surgeon would most likely be based on which of the following pieces of information?

(narrowing of the vessel; flow is decreased)

Rapid production of smooth muscle cells

What flow changes would you expect to see if TIPSS procedure is successful?

Pressure in the portal vein would decrease

Where is contrast agent injected for a venogram? (Ascending)

Superficial vein on dorsum of foot

What is the Virchow's triad? Name them.

Trauma, stasis, hypercoagulability

What would you call a bruit if you palpated it?


The principle control mechanisms affecting blood volume changes are:

Cardiac output and peripheral resistance

The wavelength in a material having a wave velocity of 1500m/s employing a transducer frequency of 5 MHz is:

0.3 mm

With a hemodynamically significant, short segment stenosis, one would expect:

An increase PSV and a increase in EDV

Aliasing will not occur as long as the Doppler shifted frequency is:

Equal to 1/2 PRF and < 1/2 PRF

Which of the following statements is true about this image (no flow in distal ICA with calcification) from a previously healthy 54 year old with no history of vascular disease?

Thrombosis of the ICA= B-mode findings

Starting a OPG-Gee the brachial pressures on the patient are 160/90 on the right and 158/88 on the left. As you follow normal testing protocol, you instill a local anesthetic to the eyes and apply 500 mmHg pressure to the eye cups. You immediately document pulsations on the recording. What is the next step?

Cannot complete due to HTN

All the following information accurately describes MCA findings except:

Signal is obtained at 60-70 mm

True statements: antegrade flow is expected; velocity: 55+- 12cm/sec; probe is angled anterior and superior; Bi-directional flow at its origin is an important landmark

Ms. Lewis is being evaluated for acute left hemiplegia and aphasia. Flow in the right CCA is: biphasic, high resistance. This flow pattern mostly likely suggests:

If unilateral, distal occlusion

Patient with brawny, brownish discoloration of the lower extremity presents with complaints of increased swelling of lower extremity. Which of the following findings would be least likely?

An initial VRT of 34sec with a VRT of 26sec with tourniquet.

Patient is having a carotid duplex for a 2nd opinion. Her original study was consistent with a high-grade stenosis of left carotid artery. This waveform (spectral broading with velocities at <450cm/sec) is consistent with all the following except:

Results anything Doppler angle is <60 degrees

Inverse damping factor

The ratio of the distal pulsatility index to the proximal pulsatility index of an arterial segment. Indicates the degree to which the wave is dampened as it moves through an arterial segment.

SFA occlusion or severe stenosis when inverse femoral popliteal damping factor is less than 0.9. Normal=0.9-1.1

Which of the following is not a method for restricting the dynamic range of the signal?


The brawny brownish discoloration of patient's legs is related to alterations in blood flow that can result from all the following conditions except:

decrease venous pressure

The circle of Willis is compose of all the following arteries except:

Anterior choroidal artery

Occlusion of the MCA may cause abnormalities on all of the following except:

Carotid imaging

T or F. Emboli monitoring with TCD should be performed at least 15 minutes in order to properly calculate the EPH.


When listening to the posterior tibial vein with a CW pencil probe, the examiner hears brisk cephalad-directional flow upon release of calf compression. This is consistent with:

Acute DVT

A transducer made up of concentric rings cut from the same slab of piezoelectric material describes:

Annular array transducers

Axial resolution is determined chiefly by the

Pulse duration

Lateral resolution is determined by the:

beam width

Which intensity value is the highest?


What are the sites of highest to lowest systolic pressures when a 12 cm is on a typical normal patient

Thigh, ankle, arm

After aortoiliac endarterectomy, a 55 year old patient complaining of that he has become impotent, whereas prior to operation, he had no such problem. A penile blood pressure measured to be 100mmHg, with an arm pressure of 120mmHg is documented. which is the correct statement?

Neurogenic impotence

The units used to quantify the rate of attenuation are:


Flow in the carotid siphon exhibits which of the following:

bi-directional flow

End diastolic ratios are more sensitive in detecting:

high degrees of stenosis

Flow resistance decreases with an increase in which of the following?

Vessel length, vessel diameter, and blood viscosity

According the Reynold's the development of turbulent flow depends mainly on:

Velocity and vessel size

The deep and superficial venous systems are connected at all of the following sites except:

Distal thigh: gastrofemoral junction.

True junctions: The groin: saphenofemoral junction; the popliteal fossa: saphenofemoral junction; the ankle perforators.

ABI: which statement is correct:

Right left

Arm: 140 141

High thigh: 188 181

Low thigh: 177 170

Calf: 133 160

Ankle: 93 143

Right leg multilevel disease

The PVR tracing is: (rounded at the peak and rounded diacrotic notch)

Normal, with a diacrotic notch in late diastole

The Doppler signal demonstrates: (phasic flow below the baseline with an augmented flow also below the baseline.)

Normal phasic venous flow pattern

A hydrophone is used to measure:


What is the normal flow characteristics of a portal vein?

Hepatopetal, minimally phasic and almost continuous

A carotid waveform is aliasing. All of the following may resolve this problem except:

Switching to a higher frequency

Which of the following is not a diagnostic test that has been used to diagnose DVT?

non-imaging PW probe

A 68 year old male diabetic patient complains of left lower extremity numbness. The patient denies claudication. Triphasic Doppler signals are recorded bilaterally. Pressures were: right brachial: 140; Left bracial: 137; Right ankle 120; left ankle: 206; right big toe: 140; left big toe: 120. Which statement is most correct?

Normal except non-obstructive diabetic medial calcification.

Definition of Accuracy

Detecting disease when disease is present and excluding disease when the circulation is considered normal.

The term genicular refers to:

The Knee

What is true regarding venous circulation?

Veins contain valves

The CFV lie_____ to the CFA, while CFV bifurcation lies ______ to the CFA bifurcation.

Medial and inferior

Flow patterns of tibial arteries (normal/abnormal)

Waveforms are consistent with a low flow state; flow is monophasic; waveforms are severely dampened.

With the 3 cuff method, how should the thigh pressure compare to the brachial pressures?

Thigh pressures are expected to be similar to the brachial pressures in the absence of aortoiliac occlusive disease.

A 35 year old male who complains of severe pain in his feet at night. Which is the most significant of his risk factors?

smokes 3ppd

Ms. Peters, presents to the clinic with bluish discoloration of her right big toe. all pulses are palpable. Denies any history of pain in her legs with activity or pain that wakes her up at night. Has no risk factors associated with arterial disease. What do you suspect is the most likely cause of her problem?

Aneurysmal disease

Energy losses associated with a stenosis are greatest:

When multiple lesions are in a series

Ms. Morris presents to your vascular lab for arterial testing because she has pain in her legs when she walks. If she has vascular disease, what is the most likely cause?


A patient presents with left lower extremity claudication. The right waveforms were normal but the left had rounded, broad plethysmographic waveforms at the thigh level, which were similar to the calf and ankle levels. Doppler pressures are brachial: 150; left thigh: 100; calf: 90; ankle: 90. These findings suggest:

Suspected left ileo-femoral arterial obstructive disease

A proplerly set up longitudinal color flow image of a normal CCA is displayed to show the flow in the proximal portion of the vessel in the red. Which of the following is true?

Darker red seen at the edges and lighter in the middle

Which of the following 2 Doppler shifts will alias if the PRF is 5 KHz. A 3KHz and/or 5KHz Doppler shift?

Both 3KHz and 5KHz

As you evaluate the plethysmographic waveforms form a patient who complains of bilateral hip/thigh pain with activity. You notice that there is no notch (reflection) on the downslope of the waveforms bilaterally. What is the significance of that observation?

Is likely based on the result of collateral arterial branches

If patient cannot walk on treadmill, protocol is to complete reactive hyperemia. All the following are true:

Provides an alternative method for stressing peripheral circulation; both large thigh cuffs are inflated to 30mmHg above the higher brachial pressure; Normal limbs may show a temporary drop of < or = 34%; Multilevel disease is considered with a >50% drop in pressure

A 71 year old male presents for post operative evaluation of his right femoral-posterior tibial reverse saphenous vein bypass graft. At rest ABI is 0.92. The biphasic Doppler velocities are 85 cm/sec in the native CFA, 100 cm/sec in the proximal anastomosis, and 50 cm/sec at the knee level, with a range of 48-52 cm/sec at the distal anastomosis and native PTA. No post-stenotic turblence is observed. What is the most likely cause of the decrease in velocites?

Increase in graft diameter

An embolic episode involving the ophthalmic artery (amaurosis fugax) or its branches can result in:

Transient blindness of the ipsilateral eye

"End point detectors"

Photoplethysmography; stethoscope; volume plethysmography; CW Doppler

If the PSV in the region of stenosis is measured at 224cm/sec, what would the prestenotic PSVs have to be for this stenosis to be considered > or = 75% diameter reduction?

56 cm/sec

224 x .75= 0.56

Mr. Richards has ABIs of 0.8 bilaterally using bother the PTA and DPA jwith a PBI of 0.38. What is your impression?

Has impotence due to vascular disease of his aorticiliac arteries.

A 63 year old non-diabetic male complains of bilateral claudication and is sent to you for arterial testing:

right left

Arm: 120 180

High thigh: 100 180

Low thigh: 96 108

Below knee: 106 104

PTA: 90 50

DPA: 100 40

Which statement is correct?

Severe nature of the disease on the left is consistent with impending gangrene.

MCA- window, depth, direction, velocity, angle

Transtemporal, 30-60, Antegrade, 55+- 12, Anterior superior

T ICA-window, depth, direction, velocity, angle

Transtemporal, 55-65, bi-directional, 55+-12, Anterior superior

ACA- window, depth, direction, velocity, angle

Transtemporal, 60-80, retrograde, 50+-11, anterior superior

PCA- window, depth, direction, velocity, angle

Transtemporal, 60-70, antegrade, 39+-10, posterior/ laterally

Carotid Siphiod- window, depth, direction, velocity, angle

Transoribital, 60-80, Para-antegrade, Supra-retrograde, Geno-bi-directional, 47+-14, varies.

Ophthalmic-window, depth, direction, velocity, angle

Transorbital, 40-60, antegrade, 21+-5, medial

Vertebral arteries- window, depth, direction, velocity, angle

Transforamental/subocciptal, 60-90, retrograde, 38+-10, right or left midline

Basilar arteries-window, depth, direction, velocity, angle

Transforamental/subocciptal, 80-120, retrograde, 41+-10, midline


frame to frame averaging or "smoothing" of an image

VRT of <20 sec that normalizes to >20sec with an above the knee tourniquet.

GSV reflux

Does APG measure volume changes indirectly or directly?


Venous flow in a vasconstricted state- increases or decreases?


Portal vein is hepatopetal or hepatofugal in direction of flow?

Hepatopetal- carries approximately 80% of blood flow to the liver.

Does venous flow in the portal vein change with inspiration?


What veins carry blood from the liver into the IVC?

Hepatic veins

Corresponding veins

Venae Comitantes

What is May-Thurner Syndrome?

Left CIV passes under the right CIA causing compression.

What 2 veins form the IVC?

The confluence of bilateral CIV.

Perforators carry blood from______ to ______ system.

superficial to deep system

Brachial veins are formed by_______

Confluence of the radial and ulnar veins.

Axillary veins are formed by __________________

Brachial and basilic veins.

Subclavian veins are formed by ______________

Axillary and cephalic veins

Innominate (brachiocephalic) veins are formed by ________________

Subclavian and internal jugular vein.

The Superior Vena Cava is formed by ____________

Right and Left innominate veins carries blood to the right atrium

When standing, what is the hydrostatic pressure at the ankle, heart, and at a raised arm?

100 mmHg, 0 mmHg, -50 mmHg

How does the valsalva maneuver affect venous flow?

Causes all venous flow to halt.

Venous ulcers are usually located in what location? What do they look like? Painful?

Near the medial malleolus, shallow, mild compared to arterial ulcers.

Arterial ulcers are usually located in what location? Skin changes? Appearance? Pain?

Boney area or toes; dryness, scaly, loss of hair, thickened toenails; deep punched out appearance; severe pain.

What is Budd-Chiari Syndrome?

obstruction to hepatic venous outflow causing extreme blood retention of the liver. Collateral pathways develop quickly with an acute event. Potential reversed Portal venous flow.

Paget-Schroetter disease

Effort induced thrombosis after vigorous activity; mostly in young males

Hollenhorst's plaque

A cholestrol embolus that is seen in a blood vessel of the retina

You are performing a Doppler exam on a patient with suspected renovascular HTN. Which diagnostic parameter is the best indicator o renovascular disease?

Renal/Aortic ratio; <3.5

Monckenberg's Sclerosis

Rigidity of arterial walls. (Calcification)

Takayasu's Disease

Chronic inflammation of the aorta. Pulselessness disease

What are the smallest veins?


What are the largest veins?

Vena Cava

In a supine patient, is there arterial pressure? venous? hydrostatic?

Yes, Yes, No

Poiseuille's equation

Q=(P1-P2) 3.14 r^4/8nL


The ability of most vascular beds to maintain a constant level of blood flow over a wide range of perfusion pressures


objects to maintain their status quo maintain flow.

Stroke volume

The amount of blood ejected

hydrostatic pressure

equivalent to the weight of the column of blood

Vasospasm readings are most accurate in the______

MCA; Severe vasospasm=> 200cm/sec

Transmural pressure

The difference between intraluminal pressure pushing the vein open and the external tissue pressure attempting to compress the vein.

Which site is the absence of spontaneous flow a normal variant?

Posterior tibial vein

What is the most common place for arterial aneurysms?

infrarenal aorta