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74 Cards in this Set

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how does the tunica media differ in a vein vs. an artery?
arteries tunica media is thicker and stronger than a vein in order to contain the high blood pressure of the blood of the arterial system.
which vessels have valves within theM
define vasoconstriction
narrowing of a blood vessel when a blood vessel constricts, blood flow is restricted
dialation of a blood vessel causing increased blood flow within it
directo connection btw arteries and veins
what is the first sonographic branch of the abdominal aorta, and does it come off anteriorly or laterially?
the celac axis, comes off anteriorly
what are the 3 branches of the celiac axis, and descrie the route that each takes to it's respective organs.
splenic artery-Comes off to the left, and travels along the superior border of the pancreas. It supplies the spleen, and pancreas.
hepatic artery-Comes off to the right. IT is lateral and anterior the the main portal vein. It supplies the left lobe
Lt gastric artery-travels supreior and to the left. It supplies the stomach and esophagus
What is the 2nd sonographically visible branch of the abdominal aorta?
-supplies most of the small intestine, cecum, ascending colon, transvers colon
-branches off the aorta anteriorly
-travels osterior the pancreativ body and courses laterally
Which vessels lie btw the sma and aorta?
The left renal vein.
Which vessel is found posterior to the IVC?
right renal artery
Do renal arteries come off the aorta anteriorly, or laterally?
Are the renal arteries anterior or posterior to their respective veins
What 2 arteries does the aorta bifercate into?
the common iliac arteries.
Describe the relationship of the IVC and AO?
They run parallel to eachother, and the IVC is posterior the and to the right of the ao.
Which vessels make up the portal vein?
SMV, IMV, and Splenic vein.
Describe the course of the veins that make up the portal vein
SMV-Drains blood from the small intestine, and portions of the large intestine, stomach, and pancreas
-IMV-passes into the splenic vein, and drains a portion of the lg. intestine.
-splenic vein-drains blood from the spleen, pancreas, stomach, and part of the lg. intestine.
what is the proper way to measure vessels?
outer to outer
What 4 questions should a sonographer ask himself when evaluating a vessel?
is the size normal
is it in the right spot?
is the vessel patent?
is the motion normal
What is the ultrasound appearence of the AO?
DIS-1.5 cm
How may we manipulate a patient in order to visualize the AO better?
as the patient to turn to a right lateral decubitus position
-apply more pressure(to push gas out of the way)
What is the valsalva maneuver?
patient hols their breath, and "bears down". This initially causes the IVC to decrese in size, but it will eventually increase.
Describe the sonographic appearance of the IVC
hockey shaped appearance
hypoechoic within the lumen
what is the normal relationship btw the splenic vein and SMA?
THe splenic vein is anterior, and runs perpendicular to the SMA
What is the normal relationship btw the SMV and the SMA
run parallel to eachother; The SMA is to the left of the SMV
What is the relationship btw the hepatic artery and the portal vein?
anterior to the portal vein.
where is the HA in relation to the head of the pancreas?
superior to the head of the pancreas
where is the spleic artery in relation to the tail of the pancreas
it is superior to the tail of the pancreas
where is the SMA in relation to the the body of the pancreas and splenic vein.
The SMA is posterior to the body of the pancreas, and splenic vein.
Where is the SMA in relation to the aorta?
the SMA is anterior to the aorta
Compare the location of the IVC with the RRA
the RRA is posterior to the IVC
Describe the course of the veins that make up the portal vein
SMV-Drains blood from the small intestine, and portions of the large intestine, stomach, and pancreas
-IMV-passes into the splenic vein, and drains a portion of the lg. intestine.
-splenic vein-drains blood from the spleen, pancreas, stomach, and part of the lg. intestine.
what is the proper way to measure vessels?
outer to outer
What 4 questions should a sonographer ask himself when evaluating a vessel?
is the size normal
is it in the right spot?
is the vessel patent?
is the motion normal
What is the ultrasound appearence of the AO?
DIS-1.5 cm
How may we manipulate a patient in order to visualize the AO better?
as the patient to turn to a right lateral decubitus position
-apply more pressure(to push gas out of the way)
What is the valsalva maneuver?
patient hols their breath, and "bears down". This initially causes the IVC to decrese in size, but it will eventually increase.
Describe the sonographic appearance of the IVC
hockey shaped appearance
hypoechoic within the lumen
what is the normal relationship btw the splenic vein and SMA?
THe splenic vein is anterior, and runs perpendicular to the SMA
What is the normal relationship btw the SMV and the SMA
run parallel to eachother; The SMA is to the left of the SMV
What is the relationship btw the hepatic artery and the portal vein?
anterior to the portal vein.
where is the HA in relation to the head of the pancreas?
superior to the head of the pancreas
where is the spleic artery in relation to the tail of the pancreas
it is superior to the tail of the pancreas
where is the SMA in relation to the the body of the pancreas and splenic vein.
The SMA is posterior to the body of the pancreas, and splenic vein.
Where is the SMA in relation to the aorta?
the SMA is anterior to the aorta
Compare the location of the IVC with the RRA
the RRA is posterior to the IVC
Compare the splenic vein to the tail of the pancreas
the splenic vein is posterior to the tail of the pancreas
compare the SMV to the SMA
the SMV is parallel, and to the right of the SMA
compare the LRV to the aorta and SMA
the LRV is anterior to the aorta, and posterior to the SMA
where is the portal triad found found in relation to the epiploic foramen?
the portal triad is to the right of the epiploic foramen
What is the relationship of the left subphrenic space to the spleen
the left subphrenic space is superior to the spleen
What are chylous ascites?
Ascites containing lymph
What makes up the portal confluence?
splenic vein, SMV, IMV
What is the longest branch of the Celiac axis?
the splenic artery
What are the walls of vessels from inner to outer?
tunica intima
comective tissue
tunica media
tunica adventicia
what is the difference btw and artery and vein
-intima is smooth and valveless
-media is well developed

-intima contains valves(tips point towards the heart)
-less developed media
what is the vasa vasorum?
blood suply and drainage neetwork for blood vessels found within the adventicia.
what are capillaries?
small vessels whose walls contain a single layer of epithelium, and substances can readily pass through them. THis allows for exchange of gases, nutrients, and wastes.
What are metarterioles?
a channel directly btw an arteriole and a venule that causes blood to bypass the capillary system.
which renal artery is longer then the other?
The Right Renal artery is longer than the Left
Where does the RRA travel comparted to the RRV
THe right renal artery travels posterior to the right renal vein
Where do ovarian arteries arize from?
the posterior aspect of the aorta
Where do lumbar arteries arize from?
the posterior aspect of the aorta(there are usually 4 on each side)
what is the medial sacral artery?
small branch just before the Aortic bifercation(not routinely visible on ultrasound)
which vessels enter the rt atrium of the heart?
the SVC, and IVC
what are the branches of the IVC in order from origin?
Right gonadal, Renal, adrenal, hepatic
what does the portal venous system drain?
blood from bowel and spleen
Where do portal veins carry blood?
from the intestines to the liver.
what is the arterial supply to the gallbladder via?
the cystic artery
T/F the portal vein drains blood out of the kidneys?
what vessel passes anterior to the uncinate process?
the SMV
What vessel arises from the anterior aortic wall, and takees a parallel course to the aorta?
the SMA
What vascular structure courses btw the aorta and SMA?
the left renal vein.
Where do renal arteries branch off of the aorta/
from the lateral wall inferior to the SMA.
Which vascular structure, arising from the celiac trunk passes anterior to the portal vein to enter the liver at the poarta hepatis?
the hepatic artery