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79 Cards in this Set

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Pt with neuro deficits + acute renal failure + hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia
Most likely dx?
Tx: plasma exchange (plasmaharesis)
Plt transfusion is CONTRAINDICATED
Pt with chronic headaches and painless hematuria
Most likely dx?
Analgesic Nephropathy
Pt with palpable purpura + proteinuria + hematuria + decreased complement levels
Most likely dx?
Next step?
Mixed essential cryoglobulinemia
Next step: Test for HCV (most have underlying HCV)
Gram negative rods that cause pneumonia?
At risk pts?
- Pseudomonas
- intubated patients (nosocomial), exposure to contaminated water faucets, pools, plant products
- 4th gen cephalosporin (cefepime), Cipro, aminoglycosides, Pip-tazo
mobile cavitary mass
stellate purpura with gunmental grey seen in?
endometritis tx (abx)
clinda + gent
hearing loss + elevated alk phos
likely dx?
- elevated alk phos but normal Ca and Phos
neuro deficits in subarachnoid hemorrhage
no focal neuro deficits!
most common site of hypertensive hemorrhage (hemorrhagic stroke from htn)
basal ganglia - particularly putamen
normal liver span
6-12 cm in midclavicular line
antiemetic that causes extrapyramidal symptoms and neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Tx: D/C med and give Diphenhydramine/ or Benztropine
ear fullness is particularly suggestive of...?
meniere's (inner ear disease)
Kaposi sarcoma caused by...?
Human Herpesvirus 8 (HHV 8)
recurrent oral ulcers, recurrent genital ulcers, vision problems (uveitis), painful skin ulcers (nodules)
- Behcet's syndrome
- steroids only for symptomatic relief
- progresses to dementia/blindness
diarrhea after ingestion of seafood.
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
syphilis tx if allergic to PCN
PO Azithromycin x1
or 2weeks or PO Doxycyline
JAK2 mutation found in
Polycythemia vera
RMSF tx?
RMSF tx in pregnant?
If pregnant -- Chloramphenicol
Legionnaire's tx
intravascular hemolysis labs
elevated LDH and bili
intravascular hemolysis + vein thrombosis
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
Pamidronate - what is it and what is it used for?
bisphosphonate, for long-term treatment of hypercalcemia of malignancy
salicylate intoxication symptoms
tinnitus, n/v, fever, AMS, acidosis
serotonin syndrome symptoms
tachycardia, diaphoresis, dilated pupils, hyperthermia
vertical nystagmus - intoxication of?
horizontal nystagmus - intoxication of?
vertical - PCP (phencyclidine)
horizontal - PCP, phenytoin
theophylline toxicity symptoms
n/v, hypotension, seizures, hyperthermia, arrhythmias
diphenhydramine intoxication symptoms
drowsiness, confusion, ataxia, blurry vision, pupil dilation, dry mouth, urinary retention)
(i.e. anti-cholinergic effects)
tx: cholinesterase inhibitor: physostigmine
+Prussian blue = meaning?
indicates hemosiderin = hemolysis
chondrocalcinosis seen in?
COX-2 mechanism, advantages, risks, example
mech: selective cox-2 inhibitor
adv: no GI effects, no hemostatsis effects
risks: heart disease
ex: Celecoxib
tx for malignant otitis externa
type of lung CA associated with SIADH
small cell CA
EARLY side effect of levodopa/carbidopa
hallucinations, confusion, somnolence
LATE side effects of levodopa/carbidopa (>5-10years)
involuntary movements: dyskinesia, dystonia
Livedo reticularis side effect of which rx?
If null value is INSIDE the CI --> significant or not?
If null value is OUTSIDE the CI --> significant or not
If inside --> NOT significant
if outside --> Significant
amoxicillin coverage
gram-positives, HELPSS (H. flu, E. coli, Listeria, Proteus, Salmonella, Shigella)
tachy-brady sinusoidal fetal tracing dx?
ruptured fetal umbilical vessel
permanent dilation of bronchi
how to dx?
- high-res CT
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome tx? (Name three, mechanism)
Dantrolene (muscle relaxant) - 1st line
Bropmocriptine (dopamine agonist)
Amantidine (antiviral with dopaminergic properties)
B12 vs folate deficiency --> labs?
both have increased homocysteine
only b12 deficiency has elevated methylmalonic acid
patients who need B6 supplement
TB pts treated with INH
B6 deficiency symptoms
peripheral neuropathy, seizures, sideroblastic anemia
bug in infective endocarditis in pt with prosthetic valve
Staph epidermidis
bug in infective endocarditis in pt with diseased valve (subacute)
Strep viridans
most common CA from asbestosis
bronchogenic carcinoma
(note: asbestosis is the only RF for mesothelioma, but bronchogenic carcinoma is the most common lung CA from asbestosis)
intox with ? lead to prolonged QRS
TRAP stain for?
hairy cell leukemia (TRAP the HAIRy animal)
ok to breastfeed with hepatitis- Y/N?
cushing's abnormal electrolyte
(cushings: elev cortisol -> elev aldo -> Na reabsorption and K wasting -> hypokalemia)
femoral bowing dx
severe wheezing after taking NSAID or ASA
other symptoms and findings?
Aspirin exacerbated resp dz
symptoms: wheezing, recurrent nasal discharge, recurrent nasal congestion, NASAL POLYPS -> bland taste
nosebleed during pregnancy. dx?
pyogenic granuloma
bug in UTI with long indwelling catheter
Proteus -> very basic urine pH
electrolyte abnormality in subarachnoid hemorrhage
cerebral salt wasting -> hyponatremia
COPD vs emphysema (DLCO and slang)
COPD = blue bloater, normal DLCO
Emphysema = pink puffer, decreased DLCO
ards - resp alkalosis or acidosis?
resp alkalosis (decreased O2 transfer, decreased CO2 due to decreased ventilation)
Decreased leukocyte alk phos seen in?
1. CML
2. PNH
3. Hypophosphatemia
Positive Alpha-naphthyl esterase test
acute monocytic leukemia
+PAS stain

+PAS reaction
Whipple's disease

name aminoglycosides.
toxic effects?
Gentamycin, Neomycin, Amikacin, Tobramycin, Streptomycin
covers for Gram-negative rods (including pseudomonas)
causes nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity, teratogenic
palpable bilateral abdominal masses + hematuria + HTN + headaches
common complication?
- intracranial berry aneurysm
trastuzumab aka?
cardiotoxic -> need Echo before starting
location of a purely sensory stroke
thalamus (VPL nucleus)
location of purely motor stroke
internal capsule
vaginismus tx
kegel and gradual dilation/desensitization with fingers, dilators, etc.
cat scratch tx
po azithromycin
tx for primary biliary cirrhosis
Ursodeoxycholic acid - choice; slows dz progression
methotrexate and colchicine with some benefit
liver transplant for advanced dz and the only definitive tx (7-10 yr survival without transplant)
corn-based diet typically deficient in _?
niacin deficiency
- pellagra: diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia, (and death)
tamoxifen - increased risk for which type of CA
endometrial CA
toxoplasmosis in HIV - tx?
sulfadiazine + pyrimethamine
cause of painless hematuria in sickle cell patients
papillary ischemia
describe TBG and thyroid hormone changes in pregnancy
increase in estrogen in pregnancy causes increase in TBG -> so increased TOTAL T3 and T4 (TBG binds most of the thyroid hormones) but FREE T3,4 remain normal
chalazion tx
hordeolum tx
chalazion - incision and curettage

hordeoulum - warm compress, I&d if doesnt resolve in 48hrs
uti in indwelling foley pts. bug?
proteus - very basic urine.
klebsiella and candida also common - but urine not alkaline.
HOCM pattern of inheritance
osteomyelitis in kids - bugs
S. aureus
Increased leukocyte alk phos
Leukomoid reaction

vs decreased leukocyte phos in CML