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53 Cards in this Set

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What is chalazion?
What if recurrent?
obstructed meibomian gland eyelid
-hot compress->if fails->steroid inj or I&D
-If recurrs->histo exam for possible meibomian gland carcinoma (sebaceous ca) vs. basal cell ca
Pt w/ chronic hep C are at risk for what?
1. cryoglobulinemia->membranoprolif glomerulonephritis (immune-complex mediated)
2. B-Cell lymphoma
3. Autoimmune->sjogren's, thyroiditis
4. Lichen planus
5. porphyrea cutanea tarda
7. ITP
Tell me 4 types of familial disorders of hyperbilirubinemia
Crigler-Najjar 1: aut rec, severe jaundice + kernicterus (bili encephalopathy) in neonate, indirect bili>20, LFTs and liver histo normal, nonresponsive to phenobarbital, TMT phototherapy or plasmapheresis, liver transplant
Crigler-Najjar 2: aut rec, milder, jaundice but survive to adult w/ no neuro prob, ibili<20, TMT improves on IV phenobarb or clofibrate (given if necessary)
Gilbert: familial lack of UDP glucuronyl transferase->up ibili still <3, icterus 2/2 stress/excercise/fatigue/fasting, all normal
Rotor: benign, up dbili and ibili w/ leakage to plasma and darkend urine
supracondylar fracture=concern for what?
How to tell?
brachial artery
-check radial pulse (and recheck after surgery)
TMT of bedwetting?
1. behavior techniques (enuresis alarms)
2.desmopressin (ADH analogue)
3. TCA imipramine
Describe ligamentous sprain (when is pain worse and best, is it tender?)
painful w/ movement, feel best in morning
tender perispinal (NOT Over vertebrae)
Describe vertebral compression?
This is not cord compression, so no neuro findings. It is a compression fracture usually in old pt w/ osteoporosis due to vertebral body demineralization
Most common glomerular association w/ HepB?
What else is associated w/ this glomerular dz?
Membranous glomerulonephritis
-solid tumor ca, NSAIDS
How to differentiate factitious diarrhea from IBS?
factitious: look for pt from high socioeconomic level, medical field, mult hospital admissions, Bx w/ dark brown discolored colon w/ lymph follicles shining though pale patches (melanosis coli)->from ingesting laxatives, may also seen pigmentation in macrophages in lamina propria
Fibromyalgia tmt?
1. TCA-amitriptyline->restores phase 4 sleep (which is absent in fibromyalgia)
2. cyclobenzaprine
3. SSRI (if depression cooexistent)
What pts w/ afib get anticoagulation?
CHADS-2 score:
Stroke hx =2pts
0-2: intermediate risk: aspirin or anticoag
>2: anticoag w/ warf
What should all pts w/ STEMI get (in order of time)?
What if RV infarct?
1. Reperfusion therapy (thrombolytic vs per angio/PCA->no thrombolytic if major bleed hx/surgery w/in2wks, severe HTN, stroke w/in6mos)
2. Aspirin vs. clopidegrel (if aspirin not tolerated)
3. Morphine, O2, Nitrates/nitrog (nitrate contraindicated in aortic stenosis, PDE5i use, RV infarct->will know since clear lungs or inferior infarct)
4. B-blocker, ACEi/ARB (at anytime in admission)
5. Heparin
RV infarct: IV fluid bolus (to increase RV stroke vol and LV filling) and other tmts, but no nitrates or diuretics
Pt w/ refractory to med HTN, fam hx HTN, gross hematuria, bilat flank mass.
ML dx?
Polycystic kidney dz
-aut dom, 75% have fam hx
How do you calculate PEEP?
do end-expiratory hold maneuver, since plateau pressure= elastic pressure (during inspiration) + PEEP, so the plateau pressure=PEEP at end-expiration
How do you calculate pulm compliance on ventilator?
Do end-inspiratory hold (since PEEP is zero here), plateau pressure=elastic pressure + PEEP (0 here) and elastic pressure is inversely correlated to pulm compliance (less compliant = more elastic pressure)
What conditions have hi peak and plateau pressure?
What have hi peak and normal plateau?
PTX, pulm edema, PNA, atelectasis, R main intubation
-bronchospasm, mucus plug, biting ET tube (things that don't effect the lung compliance but only increase resistance)
What conditions typically cause anemia of CD?
RA, cancer, chronic infxn
-treat underlying condition (if RA: methotexate, hydroxychloroquine, anti-tnf inflximab/etanercept)
TMT of placental abruption during delivery?
2 large bore IVs first w/ IV fluid and foley cath
c-section if: uncontrolled hemorrhage, rapid hemorrhage/hypOtension, fetal distress(late decels)
Vaginal if: fetus doing well, mother bp is ok, baby is dead already
Pt w/ suspected UC toxic megacolon.
1st confirm w/ abd XR that colon dilated >6cm (suspect megacolon w/ fever>38, HR>120, PMN leukocytosis>10500, anemia + 1 of: volume deplete, AMS, electrolyte abn, HypOtn)
-IV prednisone and abx (if inxn suspected)
What is milk-alkali syndrome?
in PUD, used to be treated by milk and nonabsrobable alkali->cause triad of hypercalcemia, met alkalosis, and renal failure
PTH levels in sarcoid?
down, since up extra-renal conversion of 25-h->1,24 D calcitriaol by granulomatous tissue->increaed Ca abs from GI tract and hypercalcemia->suppresses PTH
Describe fetal hydantoin syndrome?
What causes it?
midfacial hypoplasia, microcephaly, CLEFT LIP & PALATE, digital hypoplasia (no phalanges fingers/otes), hirsuit (lots ofhair), dev delay
-Phenytoin, carbamazepine
What conditions can cause pulsus paradoxus?
1. Cardiac Tamponade
2 & 3. COPD and Asthma! surprise
What is the inheritance pattern of HOCM?
What pop pts get it?
Aut Dom
-blacks>whites, young, no cardiac risk factors
What causes stasis dermatitis?
Venous HTN and peripheral vasc dz->blood pooling in legs from valv incompetence->increased pressure->damages capillaries->extravasation plasma, fluids, RBCs->hemosiderin deposit, fibrin and plt aggregation
What are electrolyte changes of subarachnoid hemorrhage?
"cerebral salt-wasting syndrome"
inappropriate vasopressin secretion to retain water->increased secretion atria/b natriuretic peptide->HYPONATREMIA in 102wks and SIADH
Findings in CSF of GBS?
hi ptn, normal wbc/rbc/glucose=albumino-cytologic dissociation
TMT w/ IVIG and plasmapherisis
Describe presentation of myotonic muscular dystrophy?
normal birth, as child slow muscle weakness w/ progressive muscle wasting=face (temporal wasting, thin cheeks, inverted V upper lip), emaciated extrems(atrophy thenar and hypothenar, prox muscle weak, +gower sign, wing scapula, myotonia=stuck handshake), endocrine (DM, testicular atrophy, frontal balding, hypothyroid)
-muscular dystrophy all muscles
-aut dom (also called Seinert dz)
How to calculate calcium correction?
0.8mg Ca per 1g albumin (norm alb=4g)
Corrected Ca=0.8(norm albumin or 4 - measured albu)+measured Ca
What is cradle cap?
Describe lesion and location?
Differentiate from tinea capitis
seborrheic Dermatitis (keratosis is the "waxy stuck on")
-chronic inflammatory papulosquamous yellow and scaling plaques in infancy starting on scalp, eyebrows, nasolabial folds, base of eyelashes, paranasal skin
-moisturizer, topical antifungal, anti-dandruff shampoos, topical steroid
-Tinea is patchy fine WHITE adherent scales w/ ADENOPATHY on SCALP only
boy w/ back pain and palpable "step off" in lumbosacrum=?
-developmental dz w/ forward slipping of L5 over S1 causing chronic back pain and possible neuro dysfunction if significant
Common GNRs? What do they infect? What abx against them?
e.coli, staph saprophyticus, klebsiella, enterobacter, serratia, proteus, pseudomonas ("emily sees klebsiella easily swimming up her pretty parts")
-BUL: bowel (peritonitis/diverticulitis), Urine (pyelo, UTI), liver (cholecystitis, cholangitis)
-Emily's QuAC PAC: quinolones, aminoglyc, carbapenems, piperac/ticarc, aztreonam, cephalosporins
Side effects of amikacin?
Its an aminoglycoside: nephrotoxic, ototoxic
BUL: for GNRs in bowel, urinary, liver
Difference in cause of ascending vs descending aortic aneurysms?
Ascending: cystic medial necrosis (old age) vs connective tissue dz (marfan's, ehlers-Danlos)
Descending: athersclerosis (HTN, hyperlipid, smoking)
Risk of cancer in PBC vs PSC?
PBC: hepatocellular
PSC: cholangiocarcinoma and colon ca
Antibodies and associated labs and dz in PBC vs. PSC?
PBC: anti-mitochondrial ab, IgM, alk phosph/bili up late in dz, dx w/ liver bx, tmt w/ ursodeoxycholic acid
PSC: P-ANCA, UC, possible IgM, hi alk phosph and bili, dx w/ ERCP seeing strictures/beeding, TMT w/ ursodeoxcholic acid/cholestyramine and dilation of strictures w/ stening->need liver transplant
Findings in zinc deficiency?
Where is it digested?
Associated conditions that it is lacked in?
Foods that have it?
alopecia, abnormal taste, bullous pustulous lesions around body orifices, impaired wound healing, growth retardation
-dietary deficiency, TPN formula, surgery w/ jejunal removal
-animal ptn, grains, beans, nuts
Findings in vit A deficiency?
blindness, dry skin, impaired immunity
Finding in selenium deficiency?
Foods that have it?
same as zing (meats, nuts, grains)
get this from chronic TPN or malabsorption
3 common hip diseases in kids and how to differentiate?q
Congenital hip dysplasia: in infants, newborn on screening exam->ortolani and barlow "click" or "clunk", TMT w/ pavlik harness
Legg-Calve-Perthes/Avasc Necrosis fem head: 2-8yo, painful limp (antalgic gait), pain knee/groin/hip, xray w/ joint widened and effusion, TMT w/ rest/NSAIDS and surgery later
SCFE: obese adolescent, painful limp, externally rotate leg, xray w/ widened joint, internal fixation w/ pinning
Needle shaped crystals in u/a=?
uric acid stones (don't show up on xr)->do CT scan
What GI dz can come from kidney stones?
What regulates prolactin production?
inhibited by dopamine and stim by serotonin and TRH
Therefore, hypothyroid->hyperprolactinemia, dopamine agonists (antipsychotics, TCAs, MAOis)->same, pituitary tumors
What do you use for anaerobic infxn?
Oral (above diaphragm): penicillin/ampicillin/amoxicillin, clindamycin (PAAC your mouth)
GI: metronidazole, beta-lactam/lactamase combos

2nd line: piperacillin, carbapenems, 2nd gen cephalosporins
TMT of aspiration pneumonia?
need anaerobic coverage: clindamycin
Pt w/ smear w/ bite cells on bactrim.
ML Dx?
Pt pop?
G6PD deficiency
back pain, hemolysis w/ dark urine,"", fatigue, pallor
-NORMAL G6Pd during episode, hi ibili, hi LDH, lo haptoglobin, bite cells, heinz bodies
-mediterraneion, black, asian, X-linked
-primaquine, sulfas/bactrim, fava beans, infxn, dapsone)
Pt w/ recurrrent episode hemoptysis, 5days malaise, throat pain, dry cough, yellow sputum w/ red specks, afebrile, bilateral wheezes, CXR clear.
ML Dx?
Dx Test?
Acute bronchitis (young normal pt w/out suspicious hx w/ hemoptysis w/ negative xray)
supportive w/ close observation since likely viral
Acute tmt of pheochromocytoma?
Alpha blockers FIRST, then beta blockers (if you give b-blockers alone->will have unregulated alpha stimulation->rapid increase in already hi BP!)
When is the back pain of ankylosing spondylitis worst?
worse w/ rest (worst in morning and night w/ morning stiffness)
TMT: excercise + NSAIDS, if fail->anti TNF ifliximab/etanercept
What underlying dz of restictive cardiomyopathy can actually be reversed w/ tmt?
Hemochromatosis: phlebotomy and defuroxamine
Focal-segmental nephrotic synd caused by?
HIV/AIDS, 50% blacks, Heroin/IV drug use
What is tmt of acute cholecysitis?
cholecystectomy w/in 72hrs
in meantime: IV fluids, abx, pain meds
4 types of glycogen storage dz and differentiating features?
"Very Poor Carb Metabolism"
1=glucose-6-phosphatase def=Von Gierkes: 3-4mos, sever hypoglycemia w/ seizures possible, hyperuricemia, hyperlipidema, lactic acidosis, "doll-like face"/fat cheeks, thin extrem, short stature, large kidney/liver
2=acid maltase def=Pompes: hepatomegaly, "floppy baby" w/ feeding difficulty, macroglossia, progressive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy->CHF
3=debranching enzyme=Cori's: same appearance as Von-Gierkes but labs w/ up LFTs, fasting KETOSIS, normal lactate/uric acid
4=branching enzyme/skeletal muscle glyc phosphorylase=McArdle: benign, hepatomegaly, growth retard, mild hypoglyc/hyperlipi/hyperketo, normal lactic/uric