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102 Cards in this Set

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Pt w/ positive Rf and weak positive ANA w/ symmetric small hand joint paint and swelling w/ mild fever. Pain subsides after 2wks.
ML Dx?
Viral Arthritis (symmetric small joint inflammatory arthritis)
-Parvovirus, HIV, hepatitis, mumps, rubella
How to differentiate septic arthritis from crystalline arthritis?
Joint aspiration
Types of seronegative spondylarthropathies?
Type of arthritis seen?
Ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, reactive arthritis
-assymetric w/ inflammatory back pain
-negative Rf
55yo Pt w/ sore stiff muscles in neck, shoulders, ANA normal, ESR 45
ML Dx?
Polymyalgia rheumatica (neck/shoulder stiff, ESR>40, normal ANA, >50yo)
Type of diarrhea in IBD?
-findings suggesting this?
Inflammatory diarrhea (is chronic >4wks)
-fecal occult stool, up ESR, reactive thrombocytosis (elevated plts), anemia, acute phase reactants
Type of diarrhea in lactose intolerance?
Osmotic diarrhea
Type of diarrhea in hyperthyroidism?
motor diarrhea
Side effect of carbamazepine?
Aplastic Anemia (routine cbc before use)
-Atypical bipolar and Trigeminal Neuralgia
Pt to ED from restaurant w/ difficulty breathing from laryngeal edema.
Flow-volume loop pattern?
TMT Steps?
-horizontal top and bottom lines (difficulty on inspiration and expiration)
-allergy to food
-Epinephrine, systemic corticosteroids, and antihistamines
What stat is the probability of being free of disease if negative test result? ("doc, what's the chance I really don't have it?)
Negative predictive value (this varies by pretest probability so if hi pretest prob, then low neg predictive value)
A patient had an CXR for dx of pancreatitis. What stat term is low here?
Low validity (appropriateness of test)
3yo girl w/ red rash starting on face, now blisters over body, febrile, exam w/ flaccid bullae that detach on gentle pressure, crusting at mouth.
ML Dx?
Result of bullae cx?
Staph Scalded Skin Syndrome
-sterile bullae (since toxin mediated)
-anti-staph abx and supportive wound care
-Prodrome (fever, irritability, skin tender)->face erythema in 24hrs->flaccid blisters and perioral crusting->for 5 days, resolved in 1-2wks
-exfoliative staph aureus toxin disrupts desmogleins causing separation keratinocyte adhesion (as in pemph vulgaris)
Kid w/ honey-colored crusting lesions on face =?
-s. aureus or group a strep
Pt w/ fatigue, weight loss, AST/ALT 70/90, Alk phosph 400, hepatomegaly, Hgb 8.9, MCV 70, vague abd pain, fecal occult Positive, smoker, alcoholic, negative hepatojug reflex, ankle edema.
ML Dx?
Next Dx Test?
Metastatic GI malignancy
-IV contrast CT Scan
4mo old infant vomiting 10-12x daily nbnb emesis occuring after feeds, normal growth, no other sx, takes normal formula.
ML Dx?
Initial TMT?
Infantile GERD (in 50% infants)
-peaks at 4mos and resolves by 1yo
-Thicken formula w/ rice cereal and reposition baby upright (prone), if this fails, then PPI
Risk of uterine cancer progression by endometrial hyperplasia reports on bx?
Simple-1% penny
Complex -5% nickel
Simple atypical -10% dime
Complex atypical -25% quarter
female w/ menorrhagia w/ complex hyperplasia w/ atypica on endometrial bx.
Risk of cancer?
What if want to get pregnant in future
-cyclic progestins w/ rpt bx in 3-6mos
female w/ menometrorrhagia w/ complex hyperplasia w/ no atypia on endometrial bx.
Risk of ca?
Cyclic progestins
Female w/ LLQ abd pain, last menses 2wks ago, no fever or accompanying sx, not taking OCPs
ML Dx?
Mittelschmerz (midcycle pain)
-pain from ovulation itself that is unilateral in pts not on birth control (so ovulating)
70yo Pt w/ brbpr, negative blood in NG tube placement, rectal w/ blood on glove, no pain.
ML Dx?
Greatest risk factor?
Diverticulosis (most common in elderly, more than angiodysplasia)
Constipation from low fiber diet
Pt w/ abd pain out of proportion to findings, naus/vom, bloody diarrhea =?
Acute mesenteric thrombosis (causing mucosal sloughing), pts have multiple atherosclerotic risk factors
28yo sexually active female w/ no hx STDs or UTIs, yesterday w/ R wrist joint pain, L ankle joint pain, now w/ R knee joint pain and swelling, febrile, knee warm w/ effusion. Tapping knee shows WBC 75000.
ML Dx?
Dx Test?
Gonoccocal Septic arthritis
-young sexually active, either asymmetic polyarthritis (w/ skin rash or tenosynovitis) that can lead to purulent monoarthritis. Criteria: fever, joint pain, synovial fluid WBC high)
-Gram stain of synovial fluid/blood cx/ Urethral cx
What is important factor for potassium uptake from GI?
Alcoholic pt admitted, found to have low K, is given IV and oral supplement w/ no change.
ML cause?
hypomagnesemia (needed for absorption to gi tract)
Risk factors for nasopharyngeal ca?
Prognosis of this?
mediterranean/far east descent, EBV, smoking, nitrosamines (salted fish)
-very poor since usually dxed late and already mets
Pt w/ hx multiple otitis media, alcohol use, syphilis, recurrent sinusitis, smoker, takes vitamins, has episodes epistaxis. Nasal exam shows mass in posterior cavitiy.
ML Dx?
Dx test?
Risk factor?
How to track therapy?
Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
-Bx of mass
-EBV, smoking, nitrosamines, mediterranean/far east descent
-EBV titer levels
Pt found to have peptic ulcer dz.
What ca increased risk for?
H. pylori increases risk of gut-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma (GALT)
Pt recently swallowed chicken bone, now with scratchy throat, unable to fully open mouth, pain on extending neck, febrile,
ML Dx?
Dx Test?
Retropharyngeal Abscess
-Trismus (unable to open mouth), limited cervical extension, usually following blunt trauma (chicken bone)
-CT scan neck and/or lateral XR
-immediate drainage and abx
Child w/ fever, sore throat, pain on swallowing. Exam shows vesicles on soft palate and tonsils.
ML Dx?
-Cocksackie A virus
Child w/ low grade fever, unilateral nasal discharge, cervical lymphadenopathy, pharyngitis, no neck pain.
ML Dx?
Finding on op exam?
-pseudomembranous pharyngitis (grey covering)
posterior cervical lymphadenopathy in kid = ?
What's the triad?
-fever, pharyngitis, posterior cervical lymphadenopathy
-will have atypical lymphocytosis on blood smear
Differential for HIV pt CD4 <50?
MAC, TB, disseminated CMV, non-Hodgkins lymphoma
HIV pt w/ CD4 40. What to do?
start azithromycin ppx against MAC
should already be on Bactrim for PCP ppx
TMT for pt w myocbacterium avium complex infxn?
Clarithromycin + Ethambutol
When give CMV ppx and what to give in HIV pt?
CD4 <50 and serum CMV IgG + or biopsy for CMV +
Pt being treated for TB has red urine.
ML Dx?
Rifampin induced drug rxn (causes body fluids to turn orange, including coontacts from tears)
-since pt is on RIPE
Cancer pt w/ weight loss, decreased appetite and cachexia.
Best TMT?
-side effect tmt
Progestins (megestrol acetat and medroxyprogesterone acetate) or corticosteroids
-slight increased risk DVT
15yo F w/ breast development, hair tanner stage 3, blind vaginal pouch, no menses, bilateral inguinal masses.
ML Dx?
Alternative name?
What organs has/missing?
Dx Test?
Increased risk for what?
Androgen insensitity Syndrome
-Male pseudohermaphrodite
-46 XY, mutation in androgen receptor causes them to not be sensitive to testosterone, breasts develop since testosterone converted to estrogen
-No mullerian structures (uterus, fallopian tubes), has testes
-Karyotype and abd U/S to document testes
-gonadectomy after puberty
-increased risk testicular ca
Pt w/ painless blistering on back of hands, increased fragility of skin, noticed when outside gardening, has hyperpigmentation of face, started OCPs last month, hx of chronic hep C, mom w/ similar stuff.
ML Dx?
Dx Test?
Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
-from drugs (ethanol, estrogens) and related to Hep C
-from deficiency of uroporphyrin decarboxylase needed for heme synthesis, causes painless blisters, skin fragile, and facial hypertrichosis and hyperpigment
-Urinary porphyrin level elevated
-Phlebotomy or Hydroxychloroquine or interferon-alpha (if also has Hep C)
What test confirms herpes zoster?
Tzanck smear positive from vesicle
Pt w/ GI irritability, pruritic papules and vesicles on elbows, knees, buttocks
ML Dx?
Dermatitis Herpetiformis
-Celiac Dz (gluten-sensitive enteropathy)
HIV pt w/ deteriorating vision bilaterally w eye pain, conjunctivitis, marked keratitis, fundoscopy w/ retinal lesions and retinal central necrosis.
ML Dx?
Acute Retinal Necrosis Syndrome
Herpes Simplex (also can be herpes zoster): cause bilateral necrotizing retinitis, most common cause corneal blindness in USA)
differentiate CMV retinitis from HSV retitinits in HIV pt
CMV is painless w/ fundoscopy w/ fluffy granular retinal lesions around retinal vessels
HSV is painful w/ fund w/ keratitis, pale, peripheral lesions and central retinal necrosis
Pt in MVC s/p splenectomy for bleeding, no stable postop.
Next step?
Give meningococcal vaccine, and vaccines for SHIN encapsulated organisms (strep pneumo, HiB, neiserria meningtitis)
pneumococcal booster q5yrs
Incidental xray shows solitary round lesion right upper lobe lung.
Next Step?
Features suggestive of Ca?
Compare to prior Xrays, if no change->regular follow up w/ CT scans, if changed->do bronch for central located lesion or CT guided bx for peripheral located lesion
-large size, low density, spiculated border, no calcifications = cancer
Pt w/ hyperthyroidism w/ single 2cm hot nodule is at risk for what if not treated?
Rapid bone loss from increased osteoclastic resorption (not proptosis if pt only has toxic adenoma not graves)
Area of brain damaged in pt w/ unilateral violent arm flinging.
What is this
contralateral subthalamic nucleus
1yo boy w/ bloody stool, multiple episodes otitis media, pna, easy bruising, afebrile, dry scaly patches on cheeks and lower extremites, bruising and purpura on lower extrem, plts 20,000, Hgb 11.5, WBC 6500. On blood smear, few plts and all small
ML Dx?
Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome
-x linked recessive, plts less than 50000, decreased plt production, can cause life-threatening bleeds
-triade thrombocytopenia, eczema, recurrent bacterial infxn w/ SHIN
How to differentiate orbital and preseptal cellulitis?
Dx test to differentiate if unclear?
TMT of each
Complications orbital?
both have eyelid edema, erythema, tenderness, fever, leukocytosis. Only orbital has opthalmoplegia (double vision), pain w/ extraocular movement, proptosis, vision impairment (low visual acuity)
-CT scan of orbits
-outpt abx if preseptal, admit for IV abx for orbital
-blindness, abscess, cavernous sinus thrombosis, intracranial infxn
36wk gestation preg mom w/ dull low back pain less in morning worse later.
ML Dx?
Increased lumbar lordosis (common in 3rd trimester)
Differentiate Allergic vs. nonallergic rhinitis (NAR) presentation and tmt?
features allergic: EYE sx, early age onset, identifiable triggers, pallor nasal mucosa, rhinorrhea, sneezing (ME)
-TMT w/ allergen avoidance and topical intranasal glucocorticoids
features NAR: nasal stuffed, dry cough (postnasal drip), late onset >20, no trigger, red nasal mucosa
-TMT w/ topical intranasal glucorticoids or intranasal antihistamine
Most common kidney stones?
Causes of them?
Calcium Oxalate
-small bowel disease, surgical resection bowel causing malabsorption (in IBD)), any fat malabsorption, ethylene glycol
Cause of calcium phosphate kidney stones?
primary hyperparathyroidism, RTA
Cause of uric acid stones?
hyperuricemia from increased cell turnover, dehydration, in acidic urine
Cause of cysteine stones?
up excretion cystein from inborn metabolism error, look for family hx, seen at young age
Cause of struvite stones?
urine alkaline from invsn (urease producing bacteria Proteus), hx of UTI
Pt s/p mastectomy for breast ca, now w/ solitary long nodule.
what if bone mets too?
1.CT scan body to determin other mets
2.Bx of lesion
TMT: if solitary: surgery (since primary tumor removed, no other mets, low op risk w/out comorbid conditions)
-if mets, do systemic chemo or homone therapy
Pregnant mom w/ HIV. Steps?
Zidovudine tmt to mom throughout pregnancy and labor. Zidovudine tmt to neonate for 1st 6wks of life (risk down 70%)

Add on C-section (reduce risk 50%) after zdv tmt if mom agrees

Do NOT breastfeed
What vaccine can reduce risk of developing ca?
Hep B vaccine: prevents Hepatocellular Ca
What is cause of lacunar stroke?
What are 4 types of lacunar stroke?
1. pure motor hemiparesis: posterior limb internal capsule, unilat motor deficit
2.pure sensory: VPL thalamus, unilateral numbness
3.ataxic-hemiparesis: Anterior limb internal capsule, lower extrem weakness w/ ipsilateral arm/leg incoordination
4.Dysarthria-clumsy hand; basis pontis, hand weak, motor aphasia (slutted speech)
Pt w/ bony hard mass in mouth hard palate for years, no sx.
ML Dx?
Torus palatinus
-Congenital benign bony growth (exostosis) seen in younger women, asians (may slightly increase in lifetime, usually <2cm)-->surgery if interferes w/ eating/speech
Pt w/ 6mos non-healing ulcer on R forearm w/ scaling plaque and central ulceration 1.5cm diameter. Bx w/ polygonal cells and atypical nuclei at all epidermal levels w/ zones keratinzation.
ML Dx?
Greatest risk factor?
Squamous Cell Carcinoma (2nd most common non-melanoma skin ca)
-Sunlight (UV damages DNA and is mutagenic)
Pt w/ 3days SOB, cough, breath sounds less in LLL, full inspiratory/expiratory phases, dullness to percuss, increased fremitus.
ML Dx?
ML Cause lung findings?
Lobar community acquired pna
-Consolidation (bronchial breath sounds = full expiratory phase, dull percuss, increased fremitus, egophany, bronchophnoy)
Differentiate pleural effusion from consolidation?
consolidatioon has increased fremitus, effusion has decreased
Findings on lung exam in emphysema?
hyperinflation, hyperresonance to percuss, decreased breath sounds, decreased fremitus, wheezing present
Pt w/ air fluid level in gallbladder and curvilinear gas shadowing.
ML Dx?
Emphysematous Cholecystitis (clostridium)
-Cholecystectomy, fluid rescuscitate, and IV abx against gram + anaerobic clostridium (amp-sulbactam, pip/taz, aminoglycoside or quinolone w/ clinda or metronidazole)
Charcot's triad =
pathomenonic for?
labs elevated?
fever, RUQ pain, jaundice
Acute Cholangitis
Alk phosph and WBC
Pt w/ suspected kidney stone.
Step of management?
1. NonCon CT scan abd
2. narcotics and NSAIDS (nsaids prefered if normal renal function since don't affect nausea/vom)
3.If stone<5mm, will pass spont->fluid hydrate >2L/day
if stone >5mm, ESWL or stone retrieval
4. Uro referall if pt anuria, urosepsis, acute renal failure
Pt w/ 3rd episode kidney stone
What do?
After tmt kidney stone, do metabolic eval w/ 24hr urine collection measuring Ca, citrate, cr, uric acid, oxalate, pH, Na
Pt w/ hx Hep C, IV drug user, no evidence HepB infxn or immunization.
Next Step?
Hep B Vaccination
Pt w/ likely Fe deficiency anemia, low serum fe and ferritin.
1st step?
Most likely cause in adults?
Test occult blood in stool
Chronic GI blood loss
Pt w/ UTI or pyelo has dipstick done.
ML findings?
ML organism?
positive nitrites (indicates enterobacteriaceae/family of e. coli present converting nitrates to nitrites) and leuk esterase (indicated pyuria)
-E. Coli
Pt s/p surgery managed postop on broad spec abx POD 6 now febrile w/ naus/vom/abd pain and profuse watery diarrhea.
ML Dx?
Dx Step?
C. Diff colitis
-Cytoxin assay of stool (since c. dif secretes toxin that affects instesinal epithliocytes, and can be detected w/ hi sensitivity wheras stool cx takes long time)
-po or IV metronidazole
"stocking glove" sensory loss =
-TMT if painful?
-side effects and alternate?
diabetic neuropathy
-TCAs (amitryptiline, nortiptyline)
-worsen urinary sx and ortho hypotension
-2nd line gabapentin
Mexican farmer w/ RUQ discomfort/nausea, hepatomegaly, U/S w/ smooth round big cysts and daughter cysts.
ML Dx?
what does he farm?
Echinococcosis: parasitic tapeworm/hydatid cyst
-found in sheep, transmitted to dog who are fed sheep intestines, infectious eggs in dog feces past to humans. Alternative form causes lung dz (alveolar echinococcus)
18yo female w/ nosebleed yesterday treated w/ nasal packing now w/ vomiting/fever/dizzy/rash w/ diffuse confluent erythematous macules on trunk and extrem, orthostatic hypotension to 70/40, RR 23, HR 120
ML Dx?
Risk factors?
Toxic Shock Syndrome
-Nasal packing, tampon use, foreign bodies
-s. aureus exotoxin (TSST-1) is superantigen cause massive cytokine release and rash eruption, includes palms/soles, strawberry tongue, conjunctiva red, desquamation (may occur 1-2wks later)
Differentiate Scarlet fever vs. Toxic shock?
toxic shock acute rash w/ systemic shock
scarlet fever has prodrome fever/ha/vom/sore throat, hx of strep infxn preceding it, sandpaper like texture
What common drugs cause TEN and SJS?
What is difference of 2?
Sulfa abx, antiepileptics, NSAIDS, allopurinol, NNRTI HAART meds
-SJS<10% body area involved, TEN >30%
How to evaluate palpable breast mass?
If <30: U/S->if simple cyst->needle aspiration;
->if complex cyst/solid mass->image guided bx

If >30: Diagnostic mammo & U/S->suspicion for malignancy->core bx
Breast findings concerning for malignancy vs benign
benign: rubbery, firm, mobile
malignant: hard, irregular, fixed
New mother w/ pain lateral side wrist, esp when lifting baby from crib. Exam w/ tender radial side wrist and first dorsal comparment. Passive stretch of thumb over radial styloid aggravates pain.
ML Dx?
Name of test?
De Quervain tenosynovitis
-affects new mom, inflammation abductor pollicis longus/extensor pollicis brevus passing under fibrous sheet at radial stylloid process
-Finkelstein test: passive stretch affect tendon by grabbing flexed thumb into palm w/ fingers=pain
Pt w/ pain over palmar aspect 1st MCP joint and locking of thumb in flexion
ML Dx?
Trigger thumb
What is motion that causes scaphoid fracture?
forceful hyperextension of wrist on falling on outstretched hand
Pain w/ radial flexion wrist and point tenderness over trapezium?
Flexor Carpi Radialis Tenosynovitis
Gardener w/ painless ulcer on finger R hand that began as painless papule, has multiple nontender nodules on R foream.
ML Dx?
Sporotrichosis (from dimorphic fungus hyphae in bark tree/shrubs/garden plant), after inoculation at initial site, fungus spreads thru lymphatics causing nodules upward
What 2 resp dz do not correct w/ supplemental O2?
intracardiac shunt and extensive ARDS
25yo female recently married has pain on sexual intercourse, genital pain during menses, and same pain during bowel movements.
ML Dx?
Only definitive Test?
Endometriosis (3D's dyspareunia, dyschezia, dysmenorrhea)
-OCPs, could also tryp GnRH analog Leuprolide, or Danazol
Define early fetal HR decelerations?
drop in fetal HR by 15 bpm for more than 15sec beginning at initiation uterine contraction and ending before contraction ceases.
-fetal head compression (is not concerning)
Define late fetal HR decelerations?
drop fetal HR 15bpm for 15sec that begins at or after peak of uterine contraction and continues after contraction ends.
-Fetal acidosis, uteroplacental insufficiency
What causes variable fetal HR decelerations?
fetal cord compression
TMT of mumps w/ orchitis?
Other common mumps complications?
cold compresses on parotid and testes
-aseptic meningitis & encephalitis
Cause of constitutional growth delay?
Tests and findigns?
btwn 6mo to 3yo, height growth velocity slows, but returns to normal at 3yo causing delay
-hand radiograph bone age less than chronologic age and growth curve height matches bone age.
Lung findings in COPDers?
increased total lung capacity, functional residual capacity, and residual volume, hyperinflation, diaphragm flattening (causing increased work of breathing)
Leukemia pt w/ hi dose induction chemo now w/ sudden painful L 1st MTP joint.
ML Dx?
How to confirm?
What ppx should have been used
Acute Gouty Arthritis (from tumor lysis syndrome)
-joint aspiration showing needle-shaped negative birefringent urate crystals w/ WBC <50000.
-Allopurinol (xanthine oxidase inhibitor that decreased uric acid production)
What screening for pts who prior had received blood products?
if b4 1986: screen for anti-HBcAg and Hep C
if b4 1992: screen for Hep C
What is often used to treat COPD pt w/ cor pulmonale?
What is its major side effect?
-Hypokalemia and prereanl renal failure from reduced cardiac output (OH DANG = ototoxicity, hypokalemia, dehydration, allergy/sulfa, nephritis/interstitial, gout)
Strongest risk factor for Stroke?
other risk factors
-smoking, DM
Difference btwn allergic conjunctivitis and atopic keratoconjunctivitis?
atopic has mucus discharge, photophobia, and blurred vision
allergic has tearing, eyelid edema, itching, family/personal hx of asthma/allergies/rhinitis
Pt w/ crusty discharge on eyelashes.
ML Dx?
Anterior Blepharitis (chronic inflammatory condition of eyelid margins)
Pt w/ hyperemic lid magins and telangiectasias.
ML Dx?
Posterior blepharitis (chronic inflammatory condition of eyelid margins)
Pt w/ metastatic breast ca to bone w/ lytic lesions treated w/ chemo and hormone therapy w/ hypercalcemia.
What if in hypercalcemic crisis?
Tumor secretes PTHrP and osteolytic cytokines
-IV fluids and furosemide
TMT of mysasthenia gravis?
Permanent tmt?
Pyridostigmine or neostigmine (acetylcohinesterase inhibitor) since MG causes antibodies to ACh receptors
-Thymectomy and immunosuppresive (prednisone/azathioprine/cyclosporine)