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101 Cards in this Set

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Father of modern psychology, established first psychology lab in 1879. Studied Introspection.
Wilhelm Wundt
Who was the famous psychologist who studied Structuralism?
Wilhelm Wundt
Who was Wilhelm Wundt, and what area of psychology did he specialize in?
Wilhelm Wundt was the father of modern psychology, and specialized in Structuralism
Define Structuralism
The classification of mental structures
The classification of mental structures is an area of psychology known as what?
Who was the first American psychologist, who graduated from Harvard University?
William James
William James specialized in what area of psychology?
Define Functionalism
The study of the function of the mind
The study of the function of the mind is an area of psychology known as what?
Who were the four key psychologists in the area of Behaviorism?
Pavlov: Dogs salivating at the sound of a bell
John B. Watson: Foremost Proponent
B. F. Skinner: How outcomes effect behavior
Bandura: Social Learning Theory
This psychologist showed that dogs could be made to salivate at the sound of a bell
This psychologist is famous for his work with the Foremost Proponent
John B. Watson
This psychologist studied how outcomes effect behavior
B. F. Skinner
This psychologist is famous for his development of the Social Learning Theory
Define Behaviorism
The scientific study of behavior and its environmental determinants
The scientific study of behavior and its environmental determinants is an area of psychology known as what?
The belief that the mind is a Black Box, which cannot be understood, is characteristic of what area of psychology?
This psychologist is famous for his work in the area of psychoanalysis
Sigmund Freud
Compared the mind to an iceberg, with most thought processes taking place below the surface (subconscious)
Sigmund Freud
Believed in a conflict between our biological instincts and societal rules, studied stages of development as well as the role of early experience
Sigmund Freud
Define Psychoanalysis
The study of the unconscious aspects of the mind
The study of the unconscious aspects of the mind is an area of psychology known as what?
This psychologist is famous for his work in the area of Cognitive Psychology, and the development of the Information Processing approach
Herbert Simon
What is the focus of Cognitive Psychologists?
Cognitive Psychologists focus on basic psychological processes, such as learning, memory, and perception
The study of basic psychological processes, such as learning, memory, and perception, is known as what?
Cognitive Psychology
What is the focus of Biological Psychologists?
Biological Psychologists focus on the influence of brain chemistry and other physiological factors on behavior and the mental processes
The study of the influence of brain chemistry and other physiological factors on behavior and the mental processes is known as what?
Biological Psychology
What is the focus of Personality Psychologists?
Personality Psychologists focus on characteristics that set people apart from one another
The study of characteristics that set people apart from one another is known as what?
Personality Psychology
What is the focus of Developmental Psychologists?
Developmental Psychologists specialize in trying to understand the development of behavior and mental processes over a lifetime
The study of development of behavior and mental processes over a lifetime is known as what?
Developmental Psychology
What is the focus of Quantitative Psychologists?
Quantitative Psychologists develop methods for statistical analysis of data
The development of methods for statistical analysis of data is known as what?
Quantitative Psychology
What is the focus of Clinical and Counseling Psychologists?
Clinical and Counseling Psychologists provide direct service to troubled people and conduct research on abnormal behavior
The research of abnormal behavior and providing of service to troubled people is known as what?
Clinical/Counseling Psychology
What is the focus of Community Psychologists?
Community Psychologists work to prevent mental disorders and extend mental health services to those who need it
The work of preventing mental disorders and extending mental health services to those who need it is known as what?
Community Psychology
What is the focus of Educational Psychologists?
educational Psychologists conduct and apply research on teaching and learning
The conducting and application of research on teaching and learning is known as what?
Educational Psychology
What is the focus of School Psychologists?
School Psychologists sqecialize in assessing and alleviating children's academic problems
The assessing and alleviation of children's academic problems is known as what?
School Psychology
What is the focus of Social Psychology?
Social Psychologists examine questions regarding how people influence one another
The study of how people influence one another is known as what?
Social Psychology
What is the focus of Industrial/Organizational Psychologists?
Industrial/Organizational Psychologists conduct research on topics such as increasing the motivation of employees and helping companies select the best new workers
The conducting of research on topics such as increasing the motivation of employees and helping companies select the best new workers is known as what?
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Gender, Ethnicity, Age, and Religion are examples of what type of variables?
Gender, Ethnicity, Age, and Religion are examples of Sociocultural Variables
Psychologists who adopt a ______ Approach examine how physiological factors shape behavior and mental processes
Biological Approach
Darwin's theory helped stimulate the ______ Approach, which emphasizes the inherite, adaptive aspects of behavior and mental processes
Evolutionary Approach
The ______ Approach sees behavior and mental processes as a struggle to resolve conflicts between impulses and the demands made by society to control those impulses
Psychodynamic Approach
Psychologists who take the ______ Approach consider behavior to be determined by learning based on experience with rewards and punishments
Behavioral Approach
The ______ Approach assumes that behavior can be understood through analysis of the mental processes that underlie it
Cognitive Approach
The ______ Approach views behavior as controlled by the decisions that people make about their lives based on their perceptions of the world
Humanistic Approach
What is Naturalistic Observation?
Naturalistic Observation is the study of a subject in its natural environment, without interference
What is a Case Study?
Case Studies are intensive examinations of a particular individual, group, or situation, and often involve an unusal case
What is a Survey?
Surveys ask questions, through interviews of questionnaires, about behavior, attitudes, beliefs, opinions, and intentions
What is a Correlational Study?
Correlational Studies examine the Correlation, or relationship, between variables in order to describe research data, test predictions, evaluate theories, and suggest hypotheses
In Experiments, researchers manipulate a(n) ______ and observe the effect of that manipulation on a(n) ______
Independent Variable,
Dependent Variable
Define the term Representative Sample
A Representative Sample is one which matches the population in a number of important characteristics, such as gender, ethnicity, age, religion, and economic status
Define the term Random Sample
A Random Sample is one in which every member of the population has an equal chance of being chosen
Define the term Convenience Sample
A Convenience Sample is one which is chosen based on convenience, and may or may not be representative of the population as a whole
Anything other than a truly Random Sample is said to be a ______ Sample of participants
Biased Sample
Define the term Statistically Significant
Data is said to be Statistically Significant when a Correlation Coefficient, a difference between groups, or some other research finding is larger than would be expected by chance alone
The Medulla, a major structure in the Hindbrain, serves what major functions?
The Medulla regulates breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure
The Reticular Formation, a major structure in the Hindbrain and enxtending into the Midbrain, serves what major functions?
The Reticular Formation regulates arousal and attention
The Cerebellum, a major structure in the Hindbrain, serves what major functions?
The Cerebellum controls finely coordinated movements and certain cognitive processes
The Medulla, Reticular Formation, and Cerebellum are major structures in what part of the brain?
The Medulla, Reticular Formation, and Cerebellum are major structures in the Hindbrain
The Various Nuclei found in the Midbrain serve what major functions?
The Various Nuclei of the Midbrain relay sensory signals to the Forebrain, create automatic responses to certain stimuli, and initiate smooth movement
The Thalamus, a major structure in the Forebrain, serves what major functions?
The Thalamus interprets and relays sensory information
The Hypothalamus, a major structure in the Forebrain, serves what major funtions?
The Hypothalamus regulates hunger, thirst, and sex drives
The Amygdala, a major structure in the Forebrain, serves what major functions?
The Amygdala connects sensations and emotions
The Hippocampus, a major structure in the Forebrain, serves what major functions?
The Hippocampus forms new memories
The Cerebral Cortex, a major structure in the Forebrain, serves what major functions?
The Cerebral Cortex analyzes sensory information, as well as controlling voluntary movements, abstract thinking, and other complex cognitive activity
The Corpus Callosum, a major structure in the Forebrain, serves what major functions?
The Corpus Callosum transfers information between the two cerebral hemispheres
The Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Amygdala, Hippocampus, Cerebral Cortex, and Corpus Callosum are major structures in what part of the brain?
The Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Amygdala, Hippocampus, Cerebral Cortex, and Corpus Callosum are major structures in the Forebrain
The specialized cells of the nervous system that send and receive signals are called ______
The specialized cells of the nervous system that send and receive signals are called Neurons
______ help Neurons communicate by directing their growth, keeping their chemical environment stable, providing energy, secreting chemicals to help repair damage, and even responding to signals from Neurons
Glial Cells help Neurons communicate by directing their growth, keeping their chemical environment stable, providing energy, secreting chemicals to help repair damage, and even responding to signals from Neurons
______ carry signals away from the cell body, while ______ detect and receive the signals sent out by other Neurons
Axons carry signals away from the cell body, while Dendrites detect and receive the signals sent out by other Neurons
The brief state of recovery following the firing of a cell is know as what?
The Refractory Period
Neurons communicate with each other by sending chemicals called ______ across the gap between the Axon and Dendrites, which is known as the ______
Neurons communicate with each other by sending chemicals called Neurotransmitters across the gap between the Axon and Dendrites, which is known as the Synapse
What is the function of the Axon?
The Axon carries signals away from the cell body
What is the function of the Dendrite?
The Dendrite detects and carries signals to the cell body
What is the function of the Synapse?
The Synapse provides an area for the transfer of signals between Neurons, usually between the Axon and Dendrite
What is the function of the Neurotransmitter?
Neurotransmitters are chemicals released by one cell that bind to the Receptors on another cell
What is the function of the Receptor?
Receptors are proteins on the cell membrane that receive chemical signals
Shrinkage of the Hippocampus has been shown to have a correlation with what disease?
Shrinkage of the Hippocampus has been shown to have a correlation with ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE
Alzheimer's Disease has been shown to have a correlation with shrinkage of what major structure of the brain?
Alzheimer's Disease has been shown to have a correlation with shrinkage of the HIPPOCAMPUS
What part of the brain controls voluntary movements in specific parts of the body?
The MOTOR CORTEX controls voluntary movements in specific parts of the body
The Visual Cortex, Auditory Cortex, and Somatosensory Cortex are functional areas of the brain known collectivly as the ______
The Visual Cortex, Auditory Cortex, and Somatosensory Cortex are functional areas of the brain known collectivly as the SENSORY CORTEX
Parts of the brain that receive input from more than one sense or input that combines sensory and motor information are referred to as ______
Parts of the brain that receive input from more than one sense or input that combines sensory and motor information are referred to as ASSOCIATION CORTEX
Damage to Association Cortex in the Left Frontal Lobe, known as Broca's Area, would have what result?
Damage to Broca's Area disrupts speech and organization, a condition called BROCA'S APHASIA
damage to Association Cortex in the Left Temporal Lobe, known as Wernicke's Area, would have what result?
Damage to Wernicke's Area can leave patients with the ability to speak but disrupts the ability to understand the meaning of words or to speak understandably
The Neurotransmitter Acetylcholine affects what functions?
The Neurotransmitter Acetylcholine affects MEMORY and MOVEMENT
The Neurotransmitter Norepinephrine affects what functions?
The Neurotransmitter Norepinephrine affects MOOD, SLEEP, and LEARNING
The Neurotransmitter Serotonin affects what functions?
The Neurotransmitter Serotonin affects MOOD, APPETITE, and IMPULSIVITY
The Neurotransmitter Dopamine affects what functions?
The Neurotransmitter Dopamine affects MOVEMENT and REWARD
The Neurotransmitter GABA affects what functions?
The Neurotransmitter GABA affects SLEEP and MOVEMENT
The Neurotransmitter Glutamate affects what function?
The Neurotransmitter Glutamate affects MEMORY
Endorphines, Peptides that act as Neurotransmitters, serve what function?
Endorphines affect PAIN CONTROL
Nitric Oxide, a Gas that acts as a Neurotransmitter, serves what function?
Nitric Oxide affects MEMORY
The cells of the Endocrine Organs, or ______, communicate by secreting chemicals known as ______
The cells of the Endocrine Organs, or GLANDS, communicate by secreting chemicals known as HORMONES
The ______ Response is a result of the combined effects of the Adrenal Hormones and the activation of the Sympathetic Nevous System
The FIGHT-OR-FLIGHT RESPONSE is a result of the combined effects of the Adrenal Hormones and the activation of the Sympathetic Nevous System