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21 Cards in this Set

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How does furosemide work? What drugs will reduce its function? What's an alternative drug?
1) Blocks Na/K/2Cl symporter in TALoH from reabsorbing; the indirect Ca2+/Mg2+ paracellular absorption is also prevented. Also stimulates PGE synthesis (↑GFR→ ↑Rx delivery to loop)

2) NSAIDS will block its PGE inducing action

3) Alternative = Ethacrynic Acid (not a sulfa drug)
What are the treatments for Tonic-Clonic seizures?
What are the types of errors in statistics?
Type 1 = α - rejecting null when there really isn't any difference/effect (false-pos)

Type II = ß - failing to reject the null when in reality, there is a difference/effect (false-neg)
What is the main cause of PID (acute)?
Neisseria gonorrhea

Often along w/ Chlamydia trachomatis (subacute) = #1 bacterial STD in US

Major RF for ectopic pregnancy
What is a non-GU effect of PID?
Perihepatitis (Fitz-Hughes-Curtis syndrome)

Infection of the liver capsule and "violin string" adhesions of the parietal peritoneum to the liver
What is the empiric treatment of PID?
P-oliticians I-n D-enial from C-oral G-ables to D-C:
- Ceftriaxone (Gonorrhea)
- Doxycycline (Chlamydia)
What nerves are associated with the 1st branchial arch?
TM = 1st is TradeMarked
Nerve = T-rige-M-inal
- V-Two
- V-Three
What muscles are associated with the 1st branchial arch?
TM = 1st is TradeMarked
Muscle = of M-astication
- T-emporalis
- M-asseter
- pT-erygoids
- M-ylohyoid
- T-ensor (tympani, veli palatini)
- an-T-erior belly of digastric
What bone/cartilage is associated with the 1st branchial arch?
TM = 1st is TradeMarked
M-eckel's cartilage:
- M-andible
- M-alleus
- spheno-M-andibular ligament
- T-emporal bone
- incus
What is an abnormality a/w 1st Branchial Arch development?
TM = 1st is TradeMarked

T-reacher Collins syndrome = failure of neural crest migration:
- M-andibular hypoplasia
- Facial abnormalities
What nerves are associated with the 2nd branchial arch?
2nd is S-econd = S's:
Nerve = S-even (VII = facial nerve)
What muscles are associated with the 2nd branchial arch?
2nd is S-econd = S's:
- S-tapedius
- S-tylohyoid
- of facial expre-SS-ion
- po-S-terior belly of digastric
What bone/cartilage is associated with the 2nd branchial arch?
2nd is S-econd = S's:
Reichert's cartilage:
- S-tapes
- S-tyloid proce-SS
- S-tylohyoid ligament
- le-SS-er horn of hyoid
What are the toxicities of ACE-I tx?
the -prils, e.g. CAPTOPRIL:
- Cough
- Angioedema
- Proteinuria
- Taste change
- hyp-O-tension
- Pregnancy problems
- Rash
- Increased renin
- Lower AII
What lab values would you expect to change if starting someone on ACE-I?
↑Creatine (30% in 2-5 days)

d/t preventing the EFFerent arterioles from constricting → ↓GFR

AVOID ACE-I if there's bilateral RAS
What tx is used for acute thyrotoxicosis to handle symptoms? What isn't helped?
1) ß-Blockers
2) Exophthalmos doesn't respond b/c it's an increase in tissue (not an autonomic problem)
If a patient has angina, but is allergic to Aspirin, what can you give them?

MOA = Irreversibly blocks ADP-R → prevents GpIIb/IIIa expression → prevents fibrinogen binding
What causes Lyme disease and what are the symptoms of each stage?
E-very B-ody K-nows to A-void BOR-is' key LYME pie:
- E-rythema chrnoicum migrans (Stage 1)
- B-ell's palsy (Stage 2)
- K-ardiac block (Stage 2)
- A-rthritis (Stage 3)
- BOR-relia burgdorferi
What gene mutation leads to uncontrolled cell proliferation of adenomatous polyps in the colon?

Size of polyps is important:
- <1cm → 0% chance
- >4cm → 40% chance
What stains amyloid?
Congo Red
What is the sequence of gene mutations in most CRC?
1) APC (normal mucosa → small polyp)
2) k-RAS (increase size)
3) p53 & DCC (malignant transformation)