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99 Cards in this Set

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3 most common sono findings that indicate abnormality
1. Uterus enlargement
2. Contour irregularity
3. Thickened endometrium
What is associated with uterine enlargement at reproductive age?
pregnancy, fibroids
What is assoc. w/ uterine enlargement post menopause?
fibroids, endometrial pathology
What is assoc. w/ uterine enlargement in pediatric patients?
Hormonal stimulation
What is contour irregularity assoc. with or due to?
Fibroids, or developmental abnormalities (bicornuate)
What is endo. thickening associated with?
Hyperplasia, carcinoma...sonohysterography is best imaging modality!
What is Gestational Trophoblastic disease?
A group of diseases that develop from trophoblastic cells
4 forms of GTD
1) Molar Pregnancy
2)Invasive mole
4) Choriocarcinoma
First form of GTD (molar pregnancy) has what 3 subtypes?
1) Hydatidiform (complete mole)
2) Incomplete/partial
3) Co-existent
Which type of molar pregnancy is associated with abnormal fertilization of empty ovum?
Which form of GTD is associated with 20% progressing to PTN
This type is associated with chorionic villi persisting and growing
Who is most prone to getting a hydat. mole?
>46, <14, people with hx of molar pregnancy, asians
What is the sono appearnance of a hydat. mole in the 1st trimester?
blighted ovum, may resemble a hematoma, or a necrotic fibroid
sono appearance of hydat. mole in 2nd tri?
resembles a bunch of grapes..cysts develop and inc. in size
which other appearances do hydat. moles have?
snowstorm appearance, theca lutein cysts (ovary)
complications of molar pregnancy
progresses to PTN, hyperthyroidism, anemia/hemorrhage, pulmonary edema, rupture, hemorrhage or torsion of theca lutein cyts
Partial (incomplete mole) 4 things about it
1.focal hyperplasia of tropho. cells with identifiable fetus, amnion, fetal parts
2. chromosomal triploid (fertilized by 2 sperm, or 1 diploid)
3. Pregnancy may be viable
4. Little malignant potential (5% to PTN)
Differential of Incomplete mole
Missed AB
In this type of molar pregnancy, there is an enlarged placenta and clinical signs are more mild due to less trophoblastic proliferation
Incomplete mole
What does a coexistent mole result from?
dizygotic twin pregnancy
A coexistent mole contains what 3 things has what?
mole, placenta, fetus
What is the prognosis for a coexistent mole?
poor prognosis, rare, risk for pers. GTD
coexistent moles have what benign or malignant potential?
How do you treat a molar pregnancy?
D & C, Beta HCG monitoring..weekly till its 3 weeks clear, then monthly for 6 months, birth control pills
3 categories of PTN or persistent trophoblastic neoplasia
invasive mole, Choriocarcinoma, PSTT
What does an invasive mole invade?
myometrium, blood vessels, possibly peritoneum
What is the most common form of PTN, which is also benign?
invasive mole
When beta HCG levels do not drop after HDM evac, what should you expect?
Invasive mole
Sono appearance of invasive mole
focial irregular anechoic and echogenic areas in myometrium (hemorrhagic necrosis), heterogeneous and enlarged
Which type of PTN is highly malignant and metastatic?
Percentages for choriocarcinoma
>50% follow HDM
22% normal pregnancy
25% follow abortion
3% follow ectopic
What is the clinical picture of choriocarcinoma? (5 things)
1. history of HDM evac
2. Persistent vaginal bleeding
3. Dyspnea
4. Persistently elevated HCG
5. Persistent theca lutein cysts
Where does choriocarcinoma spread?
lungs, liver, brain
What does Doppler show with Choriocarc?
What is the rarest and most fatal form of GTD?
What type of pregnancy does PSTT follow?
any type
Where does PSTT spread?
-lungs, liver, lymph nodes, placental, peritoneum, brain
what is PSTT resistant to?
Treatments of GTD
CXR, CT, U.S., D&C, beta HCG monitoring, Chemo
What are uterine fibroids?
benign smooth muscle and fibrous tissue tumors arising from myometrium
What is the most common pelvic mass and cause of uterine enlargement?
What race is most common to get fibroids?
African Americans
up to 40% of women can get
fibroids are sensitive to what?
fibroids increase in size with pregnancy and...
unopposed estrogen, HRT, Tamoxifen
Fibroids regress with...
symptoms of fibroids
asymptomatic, pelvic pain/fullness, increase ab. girth, enlarged ut, back pain, abnormal bleeding (irreg. spotting, menorrhagia), frequent urination, rectal pressure
4 places uterine fibroids can occur
1. intramural (within myometrium)
2. Subseroseal- benath serosa-may be pedunculated, sep. from ut.
3. submucosal- below endo- may distort endo
4. cervical-rare and may obstruct childbirth
most common site of fibroids
Sono appearance of fibroids
contour irregularity, enlargement, distortion of endo, attenuation/shadowing, single/multiple/diffuse, hypo or iso to myo, hetero.
What happens to fibroids during pregnancy..?
increase in size, and decrease in echogenicity (cystic degeneration)
Why are large fibroids significant during pregnancy?
Compete with placenta for uterine blood vessels, & if fibroids "win," fetus may be growth restricted
what is Leiomyosarcoma?
malig. form of leiomyoma, can arise from existing fibroid, rare, can't be diff. from a benign one
3 treatments for fibroids
1. Monitoring growth
2. myomectomy, hysterectomy
3. embolization (get rid of blood vessels supplying myoma)
Endo measurements for days 1-4, 6-13, 14-28and for post meno.
1-4= <4
6-13= 4-12 mm
14-28 = up to 15 mm

post meno= <4-5 w/ no HRT, up to 8 w/
What causes endo thickening?
Early IUP, ectopic, incomplete AB, retained POC, GTD, endometritis, polyps, hyperplasia, carcinoma
endo pathology is best evaluated with what?
transvag and sonohyst.
What are endo polyps?
localized overgrowths of endometrial glands and stroma
-asymptomatic or irregular bleeding
Sono of polyps
-broad based/pedunculated
-discrete echo mass
-diffuse/non-specific endo thickening
What is endometrial hyperplasia?
Benign overgrowth of endometrium
What usually causes endo hyperplasia?
effects of unopposed estrogen w/o regulating effects of progesterone
Endo hyperplasia causes
-polycystic ov. disease
-gran. cell tumors
-tamoxifen use
Most common cause of postmenopausal bleeding
endometrial hyperplasia
how is the diagnosis for endo hyperplasia made?
Treatments for endo hyperplasia
curettage, hormonal therapy, hysterectomy
Most common GYN malignancy in us
endometrial carcinoma
incidence of endo carc. increases with use of what
HRT, tamoxifen
Risk factors for endo carcinoma
chronic anovulation
early menarche/late menopause
Endo carcinoma appears more ______ & ________ than benign hyperplasia
irregular and thicker
Reason for vag. fluid during reproductive age
blood due to menstruation
Reason for vag. fluid during prepubertal
vag/cx obx, vag septum
Reason for vag fluid postmenopausal
malignancy, cervical stenosis
vaginal canal=
uterine cavity=
mucosal secretions=
Where are Gartner's duct cysts seen?
Lateral aspect of vagina
w/I broad ligament
Adnexa (adj. to ovary)
What are nabothian cysts (5 things)
benign cysts of cx
obx endocervical cysts
no clinical significance
internal echoes
What 3 things do IUDs do?
1.Stimulate low-grade inflammatory responses in endo (toxic to sperm
2. Some release hormones
prog=alter endo
levonorgestrol= prevents ovulation
3. Alters phase of endo.
IUD contraindications
abnormal ut. bleeding
congenital ut. abnormalities
Hx ectopic pregnancy
3 things US does in evaluating IUDS
1. locate lost ones
detached string
improper loc.
2. uterine perforation
3. evaluate pelvis for PID/abscess
Sono appearance of IUDs
Type specific echogenic pattern
high-amp linear echoes w/in cavity
acoustic shadowing
what is uterine adenomyosis?
endo growing in myo (internal endraphically
ometriosis of myo)
-difficult to diagnose sonog.
-diffuse enlargement w/normal contour
-heterogeneous echotexture
-focal or like a fibroid occasionally
-pain, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia
what is 2nd to endo cancer in incidence?
cervical cancer
what is the most common type of cervical cancer?
squamous cell carcinoma
how is diagnosis of cx cancer made
pap smear
cx cancer rarely presents as a ____
solid mass
what might you also visualize with cx cancer?
hydro or hematometra secondary to cx obx
What is DES syndrome?
drug given from 40's-70s for treatment of a threatened abortion
What did DES affect?
genital tract development
2 things common with DES recipients (baby in utero that is grown now)
T-shaped uterus, poor pregnancy outcomes as an adult
3 things that happen post hysterectomy
1. vaginal cuff
2. ovaries in cul-de-sac
3. bowel loops fill space that ut occupied
What happens postpartum?
ut decreases 2-3 mos following delivery, fluid/blood in cavity, thin endo, abnormal bleeding
bladder flap hematoma
following C-section..hemorrhage at incision site..fluid between bladder and ut.
Pediatric pelvic sonography for Amenorrhea
abnormal hormone levels
trans vag septum
cx stenosis
pediatric pelvic sonography for ab genital tract dev.
ambiguous ext. genitalia
turner's syndrome
precocious puberty
sec. sex char. dev. before age 8 or menstruation before 10
-evaluate ov./adrenals
-hormone prod. tumor (gran/theca cell or teratoma)