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170 Cards in this Set

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Smudge cells are highly characteristic of what?
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)
Male + LAD + lymphocytosis + recurrent infx's + smudge cells = ?
Sx of hypokalemia?
muscle cramps
Sx of severe hypokalemia?
EKG findings in pt. with hypokalemia?
broad, flat T waves
U waves
Si/Sx Lewy body dementia
decreased alertness
visual hallucinations
What is a Lewy body?
eosinophilic nuclear inclusion - accumulations of alpha-synuclein protein
Where are Lewy bodies found?
susbstantia nigra
locus ceruleus
dorsal raphe
substantia innominata
Tx. for Lewy body dementia?
acetylcholinesterase inhibitors: Rivastigmine
Lewy body dementia vs. Parkinson's
LBD: early appearance of dementia

Parkinson's: motor sx.
MCC of ascites
portal HTN - usually due to cirrhosis from chronic liver disease
Paradoxical Embolism
passage of an embolus from the venous circulation across the foramen ovale or ASD into systemic circulation
Bell's Palsy vs. Central Facial Paresis
Bell's Palsy: unable to furrow forehead

Central Facial paresis: able to furrow forehead, contralateral motor innervation of forehead remains intact
Main MoA of nitroglycerin in decreased anginal pain?
dilatation of veins

decr. ventricular preload
significant smoking hx (>45y) + hyper Ca + hilar mass
Sca++mous cell cancer
What is hepatic encephalopathy?
reversible decline in neurologic fx. ppt'd by hepatic damage
MC form of kidney damage in HIVpos pts.?
collapsing focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis
What type of kidney damage do you suspect if HIVpos + HepB?
membranous glomerulonephritis
HIVpos + nephritic range proteinuria + azotemia + normal sized kidneys = ?
collapsing focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis
Nephritic syndrome is characterized by?
When is surgery the best option for atherosclerotic lesions in the carotids?
irregular atherosclerotic lesion with blockage =/> 60%

(although, 100% stenosis is a contraindication)
HTN + hypercholesterolemia + peripheral vascular ds. = what meds?
- good peripheral vasodilating properties
-metabolically neutral, no affect on plasma lipid profile
HTN + worsening peripheral vascular ds. = d/c which meds?
beta blockers
What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?
nocturnal hypoventilation

pt. cont's to contract diaphragm but airflow is impeded by upper airway obstruction
OSA v. OHS (Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome)
OSA: normal ABG

OHS: underventilation of lungs - chronically elevated PaCO2 and decr. PaO2
Five common SE's of Amiodarone
1. Pulm toxicity - pulm. fibrosis
2. Thyroid dysfx.
3. Hepatotoxicity
4. Corneal deposits
5. Skin changes - blue-gray skin
Amiodarone treats?
atrial/ventricular arrhythmias

Class III
Procainamide treats?
atrial/ventricular arrhythmias

Class IA
Procainamide SE's?
1. nausea
2. drug-induced lupus
3. agranulocytosis (decr. neutrophils)
4. QT prolongation
Lidocaine treats?
ventricular arrhythmias
Class IB
Lidocaine SE's?
1. confusion
2. seizures
3. resp depression
Quinidine treats?
atrial arrhythmias
Class IA
Quinidine SE's?
QT prolongation
torsades de pointes
hemolytic anemia
Digoxin treats?
atrial arrhythmias
Digoxin SE's?
1. nausea
2. anorexia
3. AV block
4. ventricular/supraventricular arrhythmias
Arrhythmia most specific for digitalis toxicity?
atrial tachycardia + AV block
How does digitalis cause arrhythmias?
Ectopy and increased vagal tone:

Ectopy = atrial tach
incr. vagal tone = AV block
What is porphyria cutanea tarda characterized by? (3)
1. painless blisters
2. hypertrichosis
3. hyperpigmentation
Porphyria Cutanea Tarda is often assoc. with?
Hep C
What can trigger Porphyria Cutanea Tarda?
Class I antiarrhythmics
membrane stabilizing agents - decr. excitogenicity of plasma mmbr

Na channel
Class II antiarrhythmics
anti-sympathetic/beta blockers
Class III antiarrhythmics
K+ efflux
Class IV antiarrhythmics
Ca++ channels / AV node
Class V antiarrhythmics
direct nodal inhibition
MCC nephrotic syndrome in adults in the US?
focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
esp. in hispanics and blacks
What does amyloid deposition do to the heart?
restrictive cardiomyopathy with thickened ventricular walls and diastolic dysfx.

systolic fx. and ventricular dimensions are preserved and remain unchanged
Describe the heart in alcohol related heart disease.
dilated cardiomyopathy
Organs commonly involved in amyloidosis.
Heart: restrictive cardiomyopathy
Kidneys: proteinuria
Liver: inhibit synth. of coag factors, easy bruising
Classic findings in hemachromatosis
restrictive cardiomyopathy
pancreatic dysfx.
bronze skin
Classic Findings in Sarcoidosis
restrictive cardiomyopathy
bilateral hilar adenopathy
erythema nodosum
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy murmur?
- systolic ejection murmur at left lower sternal border
- strong apical impulse
- worsened by maneuvers that decr. preload (valsalva, standing)
Why does the hypertrophic cardiomyopathy murmur increase as preload decreases?
decr. preload lessens the size of the ventricular cavity and causes increased outflow obstruction
prolonged tachysystolic afib + LV dysfx.: How do you improve LV fx.?
control rhythm and rate
Effect of prolonged tachysystolic afib on LV?
significant LV dilation, depressed EF
prolonged tachysystolic afib --> LV dysfx.: HOW?
- tachycardia
- neurohumoral activation
- absence of an atrial 'kick'
- atrial-ventricular desynchronization
MCC nephrotic syndrome in children/adolescents?
minimal change ds.

may occur following URT infx or in assoc with tumors
MCC nephrotic range proteinuria in adults
membranous glomerulonephritis
MCC of nephrotic syndrome in AA adults
Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)

(also in HIV pts. and IVDA's)
2 major side effects of statins:
1. incr. liver enzymes
2. myopathy
Why do statins cause myopathy?
decr. synth of non-cholesterol products such has CoQ10 may be implicated in myopathy
MoA of statins
inhibit HMG CoA reductase, a rate limiting enzyme in the synth of cholesterol - converts HMG CoA --> mevalonate
pain/discomfort centered in the upper abdomen
Pt. <45y/o + dyspepsia: 1st step in management?
H. pylori breath test
What is a leukemoid reaction?
marked increase in leukocytes due to severe infection or inflammation
What is typically found in a leukemoid rxn.?
incr. LAP (leukocyte alkaline phosphatase)
Leukemoid rxn v. chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)
Leukemoid rxn: incr. LAP

CML: decr. LAP
absence of peristaltic waves in lower 2/3 of esophagus + significant decr. in LES tone =
esophageal dysmotility assoc. with scleroderma
MCC of non traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage?
rupture of saccular aneurysms
When to start screening for colon ca? What is 1st degree relative with colon ca?

ten years before the age the relative was diagnosed
Leading organisms implicated in cellulitis
IVDA + new onset murmur =
infectious endocarditis, usually Staph aureus
Empiric antibiotic for IVDA and IE? Why?
vancomycin and gentimycin:
- covers staph, enterococci, strep
- beta lactam antibiotics are synergistic with aminoglycosides
When does lipid screening start?
men = 35
women = 45
Goal LDL's?
0 - 1 RF: <160 mg/dL
2 RF: <130 mg/dL
CAD/DM/AAA: <100 mg/dL
CAD risk factors
+ FamHx
low HDL
getting lost in own neighborhood (visuospatial problems) + difficulty making new memories (anterograde formation) + well preserved old memories =
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus is characterized by what?
- dementia
- abnormal gait (broadbased, shuffling)
- urinary incontinence

"wet, wobbly and wacky"
Huntington's disease affects which part of the brain?
caudate and putamen
Wernicke's =
Korsakoff =
syncopal episode with following disorientation + hearing impairment + FamHx sudden cardiac death =

congenital long QT syndrome / Jervell-Lange-Nielson syndrome

Tx.: beta blockers
Tx. of Jervell-Lange-Nielson syndrome
beta blockers
In mechanically ventilated pats., the end inspiratory hold maneuver calculates?
Lung compliance
In mechanically ventilated pts., the positive end expiratory hold maneuver calculates?
Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) / typically ='s atmospheric P but not in obstructive lunch ds. b/c alveoli cannot empty completely
How is airway resistance calculated in mechanically ventilated pts.?
examining peak airway pressures
DoC for cancer assoc. anorexia
megestrol acetate
What is Waterhouse Friderichson syndrome?
acute adrenal insufficiency caused by profound, usually b/l bleeding into the adrenal glands b/c of disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)
A very serious complication of meningococcal meningitis caused by N. meningitidis
Waterhouse-Friderichson syndrome
Characteristic signs of circulatory collapse
clammy skin
cold extremities
high fever
precipitous drop in BP
possible coma
Horner's Syndrome
high grade fever + severe sore throat + odynophagia + drooling + harsh shrill
MCC of epiglottitis
H. influenza
Strep pyogenes
Normal liver span?
6-12 cm in mid-clavicular line
3 major pathologic stages of alcohol liver disease:
1. Fatty liver (steatosis)
2. Alcoholic hepatitis
3. Alcoholic fibrosis/cirrhosis
Liver bx shows Mallory's hyaline and neutrophilic infilrate: Dx?
Alcoholic hepatitis
Alcohol hepatitis is characterized by what pathology?
- Mallory bodies
- infiltration by neutrophils
- liver cell necrosis
- perivenular distribution of inflamm.
True cirrhosis is characterized by?
regenerative nodules
What do regenerative nodules look like in true cirrhosis?
round nodules with fibrous pseudo capsule with bile ductules due to obstruction of bile flow
What stages of alcoholic liver ds. are reversible with cessation of alcohol?
1. Fatty liver, steatosis: reversible
2. Alcoholic hepatitis: reversible
3. Alcoholic fibrosis/cirrhosis: early stages still reversible
When do you order an upper endoscopy in management of GERD?
1. nausea/vomiting
2. wt. loss, anemia, melena/blood in stool
3. long duration of sx. (>1-2yrs) esp. in Caucasian males >45y/o
4. failure to respond to PPI's
Pt. with PE most commonly presents with what Sx.? (4)
- dyspnea
- tachypnea
- cough
- pain worsened with respiration
Drugs that may cause priapism
short h/o fever + malaise + pharyngitis + posterior cervical LAD
infectious mononucleosis due to EBV
diagnostic tests for infectious mono due to EBV?
heterophile Ab test
anti-EBV Ab test
HIV v. infectious mono?
Same: fever, malaise, generalized LAD, sore throat

Differences: HIV: rash, GI Sx.
Mono: tonsillar exudate
How do diffuse esophageal spasms manifest?
chest pain
Two conditions in which the LES does not relax and manometry shows absent peristalsis:
1. achalasia
2. Trypanosoma cruzi
Barium swallow reveals "corkscrew" esophagus
diffuse esophageal spasm
What is scleroderma?
collagen vascular disorder - loss of distal peristalsis of esophagus

- fibrosis & complete atrophy of esophageal smooth muscle
- LES becomes incompetent
Isolated liver mass - more likely metastatis or primary?
metastatic - usually GI, lung or breast
Common cause of combined low back pain and leg pain + normal neuro exam
lumbar spinal stenosis
How does lumbar spinal stenosis occur?
any condition that narrow the spinal cord and compresses nerve roots
MCC of spinal stenosis:
vertebral degeneration disk disease - DJD
What is neurogenic claudication?
leg pain exacerbated by extension of spine or narrowing of spinal canal (walking, standing) and improved by flexion or widening of the spinal canal (sitting, lying down)
Neurogenic claudication v. claudication of PVD (peripheral vascular disease)
Neuro - presence of normal arterial pulses

PVD - exertional pain rather than positional pain / no low back pain
back pain + paralysis + hyperreflexia + urinary/fecal incontinence / urinary retention =
spinal cord compression
low back pain that worsens with sitting + sciatica + positive straight leg test =
herniated disk
2 initial tests recommended in all pts. with possible BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia)
serum creatinine
- direct acting smooth muscle relaxant
- tx's HTN by acting as vasodilator in arteries and arterioles
What is incidence?
Frequency of new cases arising in a population at risk over a specified period of time
What is a cohort study?
prospective observational study in which groups are chosen based upon presence or absence of one or more RF's: all subj.'s are then observed over time for development of specified disease allowing estimation of incidence with tot. pop. & comparison of incidences betw. subgroups
What is prevalence?
total # of cases in a population at a given time
What does Vit K do?
important cofactor for liver exzyme gamma glutamyl carboxylase which adds carboxyl groups to glutamate residues of several coag factors (II, VII, IX & X, protein C & S) - these extra carboxyl groups incr. affinity of these proteins for phospholipids on the surface of platelets
h/o tick bite + fever + HA + malaise + leukopenia + thrombocytopenia + elev. AST & ALT = ?

Ehrlichiosis (RMSF)

Tx.: doxycycline
Tx. FMSF/Ehrlichiosis in pregnancy?
DoC for Legionnaire's disease
Most feared complication of bronchiectasis?
life-threatening hemoptysis (rupture of hypertrophied & tortuous bronchial arteries) & lung abscesses
Paget's disease is characterized by?
high bone turnover
aberrant osteoid formation
Elev. alk phos + normal Ca, phosphorous, other liver enzymes =
Paget's bone remodeling
acute onset of epigastric pain that radiates to the back + N/V + tenderness =
acute pancreatitis
cause of hypovolemic shock as an early complication of acute pancreatitis?
inflamm. effects of locally released activated pancreatic enzymes --> incr. in vascular permeability with exudation of large vol. of plasma into retroperitoneum
AIDS + CD4 Ct. <50/ul + yellow white patches of retinal opacification & hemorrhages
CMV retinitis
low calcium + elev. phosphorous =
chronic renal failure - primary hypoparathyroidism
4 causes of primary hypoparathyroidism
1. post-surg
2. congenital absence
3. autoimmune
4. defective Ca-sensing receptor on parathyroids
How does hypocalcemia usually present?
neuromuscular irritability
perioral tingling
muscle cramps
carpopedal spasms
prolonged QT
Congenital hypoplasia of parathyroid glands is seen in pts. with _____.
DiGeorge Syndrome
What is pseudohypoparathyroidism?
resistance to PTH
hypercalcemia + hypoparathyroidism =
secondary hyperparathyroidism
renal failure
tertiary hyperparathyroidism
chronic stimulation of the parathyroid glands - autonomous production of PTH
Describe Nocardia asteroides
gram +
partially acid fast
filamentous aerobe
soil bacterium
What does Nocardia asteroides cause?
pulmonary or disseminated ds. in immunocompromised host
What does a Norcardiosis CXR look like?
alveolar infiltrates & nodules
chest wall invasion
Describe 3 main sx. of Nocardiosis:
wt loss
night sweats
Tx. for Nocardiosis asteroides
Toxic SE's of aminoglycosides
Mechanism underlying aminoglycoside-induced ototoxicity:
damage to motion sensitive hair cells in the inner ear
Vertigo + gait imbalance suggests what kind of insult?
What abx is particularly vestibulotoxic?
What is Meniere's disease?
disorder of the inner ear - presents with triad of dizziness, hearing loss, tinnitus
Viral myocarditis is most commonly seen following ________.
Coxsackie B infection
blood transfusion + fever + chills + flank pain + hemoglobinuria =
acute hemolytic transfusion rxn.
MC blood transfusion rxn?
febrile nonhemolytic rxn - rxn to cytokines stored in tranfused blood products (during blood storage, leukocytes release cytokines which cause fevers, chills, malaise when transfused
Low grade hemolysis 2-10 days s/p transfusion
delayed hemolytic transfusion rxn - secondary to amnestic Ab response to an RBC Ag
MC non-neoplastic colonic polyp
MC type of colonic polyp
Cancer is seen more commonly in sessile or stalked (pedunculated) polyps?
As the villus OR tuberous component increases, the risk of malignancy increases (in colonic adenomatous polyps).
At what size are colonic polyps considered to have a substantial risk of invasive cancer?
Prostate Ca + back pain + brisk LE reflexes + weak rectal sphincter tone + tenderness over L5/S1 region =
acute cord compression with cauda equina - promp admin of IV steroids
mobile cavitary mass in lung + intermittent hemoptysis =
air fluid level on CXR + incr. WBC
lung abscess
prelim investigation of choice in management of pleural effusion
diagnostic thoracentesis; unless CHF, then diuretic trial
DDx for hemoptysis
Bronchitis, bronchiectasis
Lung abscess
Cocaine use
Mitral stenosis
During which decades does Ankylosing spondylitis most often occur?
2nd and 3rd
young pt. + progressive low back pain + morning stiffness + improvement with exercise =
ankylosing spondylitis
plain film xray demonstrating fused sacroiliac jts. and/or bamboo spine
ankylosing spondylitis
MCC of ductopenia ("vanishing bile duct syndrome") in adults
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis

Others: failing liver transplant, Hodgkins, GVH ds., sarcoid, CMV, HIV, meds
post-bone marrow transplant (~45 days) + pneumonitis + colitis =