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71 Cards in this Set

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Noninfectious watery diarrhea
1. Hyperproduction of VIP (pancreatic cholera)
2. Carcinoid syndrome
3. Oral admin of non-absorbable osmotic agents
TPN has which associated electrolyte disturbances?
1. hypokalemia
2. hypomagnesemia
3. hypophosphatemia
(refeeding syndrome)
Describe thyroid hormone and TSH changes during pregnancy
1. Thyroid gland enlarges in size
2. Increased free T4 and T3 because of thyroid-stimulating activity of hCG
3. Incr T4 and T3 cause decr in TSH and TRH (decr by 10-20% NORMALLY in pregnancy)
4. Free T4 and T3 are in normal range during pregnancy
What effect does estrogen have on thyroxine-binding globulin?
Estrogen increases TBG which leads to incease in total T4 and T3 but free T4 and T3 remain the same
Methanol poisoning (eg in windshield cleaning solution)
Would cause visual disturbances
Ethylene glycol poisoning
metabolic acidosis
low pH
low bicarb
possibly low CO2 to compensate
will be gapped!

other sx: formation of calcium oxalate crystals, hematuria, flank pain
Respiratory acidosis
low pH
high CO2
Respiratory alkalosis
high pH
low CO2
Diuretic use
Metabolic alkalosis
high pH
incr bicarb
Reactive NST
Considered reactive if 2 or more HR accels of 15 bpm over the baseline that last for 15 seconds over a 20 minute interval
Nonreactive NST
Baby is sleeping so arouse with vibroacoustic stimulation.
If test remains nonreactive, then concern - possible placental insufficiency causing hypoxemia
Ecthyma gangrenosum
Associate with pseudomonas; initially erythematous and tender; then evolves to nontender nodules with central necrosis
Syncope associated with preceding prodromal dizziness and blurred vision when getting up from supine to standing position is associated with?
Orthostatic hypotension (antihypertensives or alpha-blockers for BPH are common cause)
Vasovagal syncope with preceding prodromal nausea, pallor and diaphoresis that occurs after urinating?
Micturation syncope
Describe cardiac tamponade
1. Pericardial fluid exerts pressure on heart
2. Thus, decrease CO
3. During deep inhalation, negative thoracic pressure allows for a pressure difference between the vena cava and the right atrium
4. Pulsus parodoxus (large decr in systolic blood pressure upon inspiration)
5. See loss of radial pulse during inspiration!
in the setting of tamponade, what happens to systemic venous pressure?
it increases because right atrial filling is impaired; however lungs sound clear!
HSV encephalitis
1. Fever
2. Headache
3. Confusion/agitation
4. Stupor
5. EEG shows abnormalities in frontotemporal region
HSV encephalitis - CSF findings
1. lymphocytic pleocytosis
2. normal glucose
3. normal protein
4. xanthochromia from increased RBC destruction/hemorrhage from frontotemporal lobes. (looks yellow)
Bacterial meningitis
1. low glucose
2. elevated protein
3. neutrophilic pleocytosis
Chronic bacterial meningitis (M. tuberculosis)
1. low glucose
2. elevated protein
3. lymphocytic pleocytosis
Pain when walking downhill
Pain with both walking and standing
(Exacerbated when walking downhill)

Commonly caused by spinal stenosis secondary to spinal osteoarthritis
Polypeptide hormones
Amino acid hormones
Important prophylaxis for ALL HIV patients? (Prior to below 200 CD4 count?)
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Prophylaxis for Toxoplasmosis and Pneumocystis pneumonia when CD4 below 200?
Prophylaxis for MAC in pt with CD4 below 50?
When to start antiretroviral drugs?
When CD4 drops below 350
Superior vena cava
1. HA worse when leaning fwd
2. JVD with lack of edema
3. Facial and UE swelling
4. Conjunctival congestion
Primary tx of SVC syndrome
Radiation therapy
Causes of SVC?
1. Fibrosing mediastinitis from granulomatous infxn due to TB or Histo
2. Lung CA
Signs and Sx of aspiration pneumonia
1. Low-grade fever
2. Dyspnea
3. Productive cough
4. Malaise
5. Occurs over a few days
6. x-ray: posterior basal segment of right lung
SBP findings in peritoneal fluid?
>250 neutrophils in ascitic fluid
Bullous pemphigoid
1. Autoimmune blistering disease
2. Knee folds, axilla, groin (flexural areas)
3. Pruritis there
4. 1/3 of pts have oral lesions; usually >60 years of age.
5. Bx under light microscopy: subepidermal blisters; can also look for linear pattern of IgG deposition under IF
MRI findings of brain in MS pts
1. Ovoid plaques in periventricular region; corpus collosum, and deep white matter
Black cohosh
Botanical for menopausal and menstrual sx
Max B12 for prego?

Low dose ASA CI in prego when?
<2.6 mcg

Low-dose ASA CI in 3rd trimester
Bilateral proximal muscle weakness (symmetric) with elevation of enzymes like LDH and CPK, and AST/ALT)
Polymyalgia rheumatica
Proximal muscle tenderness (no elev of enzymes)
Todd's paralysis
Transient post-ictal neuro sx
Monoarticular joint pain
Septic arthritis
Reactive arthritis (secondary to chlamydia or gonorrhea)
Migratory/polyarticular/symmetric pain
Inflammatory pain
Knee and hand involvement
Renal disease
TX of wide-complex tachycardia?
TX of SVT?
If not effective, verapamil
Most feared complication of esophageal dilation (e.g. for achalsia)?
Esophageal rupture leading to mediastinitis leading to sepsis!
Signs and sx of mediastinitis secondary to esophageal rupture?
1. Chest pain
2. SOB
3. N/V/retching
4. Emesis (with clotted blood)
5. L-sided pleural effusion
6. Pneumomediastinum
Do you usually see hematemesis with PE?
Primary hyperaldosternism (Conn's) - causes?
Bilateral adrenal hyperplasia
Functioning adrenal adenoma
TX of Conn's?
Signs and SX of Conn's?
1. HTN (secondary to sodium reabsorption and vol expansion)
2. Hypokalemia causing muscle weakness (b/c of potassium excretion)
Cause of lethargy, confusion and coma in malignancy (or hyperparathyroid)?
Hypercalcemia (>14)
Mild or moderate elevated calcium can cause?
GI problems (constipation, nausea)
Kidney stones
Renal failure
Cardiac problems
What diuretics worsen hypercalcemia?
Thiazides! Because they decrease renal excretion of calcium
prophylaxis for decreasing gallstones in gastric bypass?
Ursodeoxycholic acid
Renal osteodystrophy
Chronic renal failure causes
1. phophate retention
2. abnormal vit d processing leads to hypocalcemia
3. secondary hyperparathyroidism with parathyroid hypertrophy
1. Hyponatremia
2. Plasma is hypo-osm
3. Urine is hyper-osm
4. Urine has high sodium
TX of overflow incontinence
Cholinergic agonist (bethanecol)

Avoid TCA or beta agonist that can exacerbate
Mainstay tx of stress incontinence
Pelvic floor exercises
TX to reduce risk of esophageal variceal hemorrhage?
Non-selective b-blockers like propranolol or nadolol
Iron poisoning
Vomiting (with blood)
Diarrhea (with blood; "dark, green stool")
Lactic (metabolic) acidosis
Bowel Obstruction
Antibiotic prophylaxis for dental procedures for patients with the following are needed
If high-risk:
1. Prothetic heart valve
2. Prior hx of IE
3. Unrepaired congenital heart disease

do not need if MVP, aortic valve disease (acquired), or bicuspid valve
Causes of polyneuropathy
1. DM
2. Alcoholism
3. Nutr def
4. Uremia
5. Charcot-Marie-Tooth
6. Acute intermittent porphyria
TX to reverse extrapyramidal sx of muscle stiffness, rigidity
Vascular dementia shows
Step-wise deterioration of cognitive functioning
Renal failure (toxic effect of light chain casts on renal tubules)
Multiple Myeloma
Heterozygous alpha thalassemia minor
2 deletions
Typically asymptomatic with mild fatigue
Mild hypochromic anemia
Severe microcytosis (very small MCV)
Target cells
Facial flushing after spicy food or alcohol?
TX of Rosacea
Vag pH is normal (4-4.5)
Curd-like vag discharge
Discharge is thinner than candida
Vag pH is higher than normal
No dyspareunia
Trichomonas infection
Vag pH elevated
Malodorous, green frothy discharge