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85 Cards in this Set

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What regulates the transitions between different phases of the cell cycle?

- Cyclins
- CDKs
- Tumor Suppressors
What are the stages of mitosis?
- Prophase
- Metaphase
- Anaphase
- Telophase
What is the shortest phase of the cell cycle?
What are CDKs?
Cyclin-Dependent Kinases
- Constitutive
- Inactive until activated by Cyclin
What are Cyclins?
- Regulatory proteins
- Control cell cycle events by activating CDKs
- Phase specific
What do CDKs and Cyclins form / do?
- Form Cyclin-CDK complexes
- Must be both activated and inactivated for cell cycle to progress
What are the tumor suppressors involved in the cell cycle? Functions?
- p53
- Hypophosphorylated Rb
- These inhibit G1-to-S progression
- Mutations lead to unrestrained cell division
- p53
- Hypophosphorylated Rb
- These inhibit G1-to-S progression
- Mutations lead to unrestrained cell division
What are the types of cells (in terms of cell cycle activity)?
- Permanent: remain in Go, regenerate from stem cells
- Stable (Quiescent): enter G1 from Go when stimulated
- Labile: never go to Go, divide rapidly w/ a short G1
What kind of cells are "Permanent"? What happens to these cells?
- Neurons, skeletal and cardiac muscle, RBCs
- Remain in Go, regenerates from stem cells
What kind of cells are "Stable (Quiescent)"? What happens to these cells?
- Hepatocytes and lymphocytes
- Enter G1 from Go when stimulated
What kind of cells are "Labile"? What happens to these cells?
- Bone marrow, gut epithelium, skin, hair follicles, germ cells
- Never go to Go, divide rapidly with a short G1
What are the phases of the cell cycle?
- Mitosis
- G1 ←→ Go
- S phase (synthesis)
- G2
What happens in the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER)?
- Synthesis of secretory (exported) proteins
- N-linked oligosaccharide addition to many proteins
What is the name for the RER in neurons? Function?
Nissl Bodies
- Synthesizes enzymes (eg, ChAT - choline acetyltransferase makes ACh)
- Synthesizes peptide neurotransmitters
What happens in Free Ribosomes (unattached to any membrane)?
Site of synthesis of cytosolic and organellar proteins
Which cells in the body are rich in RER?
- Mucus-secreting goblet cells of the small intestine
- Antibody-secreting plasma cells
What happens in the Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER)?
- Steroid synthesis
- Detoxification of drugs and poisons
Which cells in the body are rich in SER?
- Liver hepatocytes
- Steroid hormone-producing cells of the adrenal cortex
Which organelle is the distribution center for proteins and lipids from the ER?
What happens in the Golgi?
- Sends the proteins and lipids to the vesicles and plasma membrane
- Modifies N-oligosaccharies on asparagine
- Adds O-oligosaccharides on serine and threonine
- Adds mannose-6phosphate to proteins for trafficking to lysosomes
What is the "sorting center" for material from outside the cell or from the Golgi?
What is the function of Endosomes?
Sorting Center
- Receives material from outside the cell or from the Golgi
- Sends it to lysosomes for destruction OR back to the membrane / Golgi for further use
What happens in I-cell disease?
Inclusion Cell Disease
- Inherited lysosomal storage disorder
- Failure of addition of mannose-6-phosphate to lysosome proteins
- Enzymes are secreted outside the cell instead of being targeted to the lysosome
What are the symptoms of Inclusion Cell Disease (I-Cell Disease)?
- Coarse facial features
- Clouded corneas
- Restricted joint movement
- High plasma levels of lysosomal enzymes
- Often fatal in childhood
What are the vesicular trafficking proteins?
- Golgi → Golgi (retrograde)
- Golgi → ER

- Golgi → Golgi (anterograde)
- ER → Golgi

- trans-Golgi → Lysosomes
- Plasma Membrane → Endosomes (receptor-mediated endocytosis)
- Golgi → Golgi (retrograde)
- Golgi → ER

- Golgi → Golgi (anterograde)
- ER → Golgi

- trans-Golgi → Lysosomes
- Plasma Membrane → Endosomes (receptor-mediated endocytosis)
What is the peroxisome? Function?
- Membrane enclosed organelle
- Involved in catabolism of very long fatty acids and amino acids
What is the proteasome? Function?
- Barrel-shaped protein complex
- Degrades damaged or unnecessary proteins tagged for destruction with ubiquitin
Where do proteins tagged with ubiquitin go?
Proteasome, where they are degraded
What is the organization of a microtubule?
- Cylindrical structure
- Helical array of polymerized dimers of α and β tubulin
- Each dimer has 2 GTP bound
- Grows slowly and collapses quickly
What are microtubules used for?
- Flagella
- Cilia
- Mitotic spindles
- Slow axoplasmic transport in neurons
- Flagella
- Cilia
- Mitotic spindles
- Slow axoplasmic transport in neurons
What is the function of molecular motor proteins?
Transport cellular cargo toward opposite ends of microtubule tracks
Which molecular motor protein transports cellular cargo in the retrograde direction along microtubules (+ → -)?
Which molecular motor protein transports cellular cargo in the anterograde direction along microtubules (- → +)?
Which drugs act on microtubules?
- Mebendazole / Thiabendazole (anti-helminthic)
- Griseofulvin (anti-fungal)
- Vincristine / Vinblastine (anti-cancer)
- Paclitaxel (anti-breast cancer)
- Colchicine (anti-gout)
Which anti-helminthic drugs act on microtubules?
Mebendazole and Thiabendazole
Which anti-fungal drug acts on microtubules?
Which anti-cancer drugs act on microtubules?
- Vincristine
- Vinblastine
- Paclitaxel (anti-breast cancer)
Which anti-gout drugs act on microtubules?
What disease is caused by mutations in the lysosomal trafficking regulator gene (LYST)?
Chédiak-Higashi Syndrome
What causes Chédiak-Higashi Syndrome?
- Mutations in the lysosomal trafficking regulator gene (LYST)
- The product of LYST is required for the microtubule dependent sorting of endosomalproteins into late multi-vesicular endosomes
- Results in recurrent pyogenic infections, partial albinism, and peripheral neuropathy
What are the symptoms of Chédiak-Higashi Syndrome?
- Recurrent pyogenic infections
- Partial albinism
- Peripheral neuropathy
What is the organization of a cilia?
- 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules
- Anoxemal dynein: ATPase that links peripheral 9 doublets and causes bending of cilium by differential sliding of doublets
- 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules
- Anoxemal dynein: ATPase that links peripheral 9 doublets and causes bending of cilium by differential sliding of doublets
What disease is signified by immotile cilia?
Kartagener's Syndrome (Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia)
What causes Kartagener's Syndrome (Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia)? Symptoms?
- Immotile cilia due to a dynein arm defect

- Male infertility (immotile sperm) and decreased female fertility
- Bronchiectasis
- Recurrent sinusitis (bacteria and particles not pushed out)
- Associated with situs inversus
What structures are actin and myosin part of?
- Microvilli
- Muscle contraction
- Cytokinesis
- Adherens junctions
What structures are microtubles part of?
- Cilia
- Flagella
- Mitotic spindles
- Axonal trafficking
- Centrioles
What structures are intermediate filaments part of?
- Vimentin
- Desmin
- Cytokeratin
- Lamins
- Glial fibrillary acid proteins (GFAP)
- Neurofilaments
What is the plasma membrane composed of?
- Asymmetric lipid bilayer
- Contains cholesterol, phospholipids, sphingolipids, glycolipids, and proteins
What are the intermediate filaments? What kind of cells are they found in?
- Vimentin - CT
- Desmin - Muscle
- Cytokeratin - Epithelial Cells
- GFAP - NeuroGlia (astrocytes)
- Neurofilaments - Neurons
What is the organization and effect of the Sodium-Potassium Pump?
- Na+/K+ ATPase located in plasma membrane
- ATP site is on cytosolic side
- For each ATP consumed, 3 Na+ go OUT and 2 K+ go IN
- During cycle, pump is phosphorylated
- Na+/K+ ATPase located in plasma membrane
- ATP site is on cytosolic side
- For each ATP consumed, 3 Na+ go OUT and 2 K+ go IN
- During cycle, pump is phosphorylated
What drugs / toxins affect the Na+/K+ ATPase?
- Ouabain
- Cardiac glycosides (Digoxin and Digitoxin)
What is the action of Ouabain?
Inhibits the Na+/K+ ATPase by binding to the K+ site
What is the action of Cardiac Glycosides (Digoxin and Digitoxin)?
Directly inhibit the Na+/K+ ATPase, which leads to indirect inhibition of Na+/Ca2+ exchange → ↑ [Ca2+]i → ↑ Cardiac contractility
What is the most abundant protein in the human body?
What are the characteristics of Collagen?
- Most abundant protein in humans
- Extensively modified by post-translational modifications
- Organizes and strengthens ECM
What are the types of Collagen? Location? (Mnemonic?)
Be (So Totally) Cool, Read Books

- Type I: Bone, Skin, Tendons
- Type II: Cartilage
- Type III: Reticulin
- Type IV: Basement membrane or Basal lamina
What is the most common type of Collagen?
Type I
Where is Collagen Type I found?
- Bone, Skin, Tendon [Be (So Totally) Cool, Read Books]

- Also in Dentin, Fascia, Cornea, and involved in late wound repair
In what disease is Type I Collagen defective?
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Where is Collagen Type II found?
- Cartilage (including hyaline)
[Be (So Totally) Cool, Read Books]

- Also in Vitreous Body, Nucleus Polposus
Where is Collagen Type III found?
- Reticulin
[Be (So Totally) Cool, Read Books]

- Reticulin is a part of skin, blood vessels, uterus, fetal tissue, and granulation tissue
In what disease is Type III Collagen defective?
Ehlers-Danlos (ThreE-D)
Where is Collagen Type IV found?
Basement membrane or Basal lamina
[Be (So Totally) Cool, Read Books]

Type Four under the Floor (BM)
In what disease is Type IV Collagen defective?
Alport Syndrome
What diseases does a defect in each of the types of collagen cause?
- Type I: Osteogenesis Imperfecta (found in bone)
- Type II: N/A
- Type III: Ehlers-Danlos (threE-D)
- Type IV: Alport Syndrome (found in BM)
What are the steps of collagen synthesis? Location?
Inside Fibroblasts:
1. Synthesis (RER)
2. Hydroxylation (ER)
3. Glycosylation (ER)
4. Exocytosis

Outside Fibroblasts
5 Proteolytic processing
6. Cross-linking
What happens during the first step of collagen synthesis? Location?
Synthesis (RER of fibroblast)
- Translation of collagen α chains (PRE-PROCOLLAGEN)
- Usually Gly-X-Y (X and Y are proline or lysine)
What happens during the second step of collagen synthesis, after synthesis? Location?
Hydroxylation (ER of fibroblast)
- Specific proline and lysine residues
- Requires vitamin C (deficiency leads to scurvy)
What happens during the third step of collagen synthesis, after hydroxylation? Location?
Glycosylation (ER of fibroblast)
- Pro-α-chain hydroxylysine residues are glycosylated
- Formation of PROCOLLAGEN via hydrogen and disulfide bonds (triple helix of 3 collagen α chains)
- Problems forming triple helix → osteogenesis imperfecta
What happens during the fourth step of collagen synthesis, after glycosylation? Location?
Exocytosis (fibroblast to outside fibroblast)
- Exocytosis of PROCOLLAGEN into extracellular space
What happens during the fifth step of collagen synthesis, after exocytosis? Location?
Proteolytic Processing (outside fibroblasts)
- Cleavage of disulfide-rich terminal regions of procollagen
- Transforms into insoluble TROPOCOLLAGEN
What happens during the sixth step of collagen synthesis, after proteolytic processing? Location?
- Reinforcement of many staggered TROPOCOLLAGEN molecules by covalent lysine-hydroxylysine cross-linking (by Cu2+ containing lysyl oxidase)
- Forms collagen fibrils
- Problems with cross-linking → Ehlers-Danlos
What causes Osteogenesis Imperfecta?
Genetic bone disorder
- Causes brittle bone disease
- Most common cause is an Autosomal Dominant Type I collagen defect
What are the symptoms of Osteogenesis Imperfecta?
- Multiple fractures with minimal trauma; may occur during birth process
- Blue sclerae d/t translucency of CT over choroidal veins
- Hearing loss (abnormal middle ear bones)
- Dental imperfections d/t lack of dentin
- May be confuse...
- Multiple fractures with minimal trauma; may occur during birth process
- Blue sclerae d/t translucency of CT over choroidal veins
- Hearing loss (abnormal middle ear bones)
- Dental imperfections d/t lack of dentin
- May be confused with child abuse
What causes Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome?
Faulty collagen synthesis (many types)
- Can be autosomal or recessive
- Type I or Type V collagen most frequently affected in severe classic Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
What are the symptoms of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome?
- Hyperextensible skin
- Tendency to bleed (easy bruising)
- Hypermobile joints

- May be associated with joint dislocation, berry aneurysms, organ rupture
What causes Alport Syndrome?
Variety of gene defects resulting in abnormal type IV collagen
- Most common form is X-linked recessive
What are the symptoms of Alport Syndrome?
- Progressive, hereditary
- Nephritis
- Deafness
- May be associated with ocular disturbances

(Remember Type IV collagen is an important structural component of the BM of the kidney, ears, and eyes)
Where is elastin found?
- Skin
- Lungs
- Large arteries
- Elastic ligaments
- Vocal cords
- Ligament flava (connects vertebrae → relaxed and stretched conformations)
What is elastin made of? Organization?
- Rich in proline and glycine, nonhydroxylated forms
- Tropoelastin with fibrillin scaffolding
- Cross-linking takes place extracellularly
What gives elastin its elastic properties?
Cross-linking that takes place extracellularly
What can break down Elastin?
Elastase - normally inhibited by α1-antitrypsin
What causes Marfan's Syndrome?
Defect in Fibrillin
What is the genetic cause of emphysema?
- Can be caused by α1-antitrypsin deficiency
- Results in excess elastase activity
What causes wrinkles with aging?
Reduced collagen and elastin production