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100 Cards in this Set

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What are the three determining factors of Stroke volume?
Preload, Contractiity and Afterload
What factor of stroke volume is affected by a stenotic aortic valve?
What is the mechanism for compensatory tachycardia and vasoconstriction following standing?
The baroreceptor reflex
The activated renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system affects which factor of Stroke volume?
What test is used to diagnose asthma?
Methacholine challenge
Respiratory drive in pts w/ COPD is primarily driven by _________
Hypoxemia --> don't give O2!
What syndrome is diagnosed by presence of sudden-onset respiratory failure, bilateral diffuse pulmonary infiltrates, severe hypoxemia and coexistence of a disease known to cause it?
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Which type of lung cancer is susceptible to radiation therapy?
SCC (non-small cell treated with surgery)
What are the three causes of renal failure?
hypoperfusion (prerenal), intrinsic (renal), obstruction (postrenal)
What are the two most common causes of end-stage renal dz?
Diabetes and HTN?
What renal problem is characterized by "muddy brown" casts in urine?
What is the level of proteinuria seen in nephrotic syndromes?
> 3 g qd
GFR is inversely proportional to and can be measured by _________
Serum creatinine
Ang II preferentially vaso______ the __________ arteriole
Vasonconstricts the efferent arteriole
Normally, effective circulating volume is regulated by adjusting ________ excretion, whereas osmolality is regulated by adjusting ________ excretion.
Sodium; Water
All diuretics lower extracellular fluid volume by inhibiting tubular reasorption of ________
How long does compensation for respiratory alkalosis take?
Several days for kidneys to compensate
What are the 4 most common causes of metabolic alkalosis?
Vomiting, diuretics, volume depletion, and mineralocorticoid excess
How is anion gap calculated?
Na - (Cl + HCO3)
What is the mnemonic for wide anion gap metabolic acidosis?

Methanol, Uremia, DKA, Paraldehyde, INH/Iron, Lactic acidosis, Ethylene glycol, Salicylates
What is the characteristic pathogenesis and finding of achalasia?
Destruction of the myenteric plexus --> bird's beak on barium swallow
What are the two most common causes of PUD?
NSAIDs --> gastric ulcer

H. pylori --> duodenal ulcer
What are the two major complications of ulcerative colitis?
Colon cancer and toxic megacolon
Is sclerosing cholangitis more commonly associated with Crohn's or UC?
Ulcerative colitis
Which two elevated enzyme levels would point you in the direction of cholestatic dz?
ALP and GGT (ALT and AST --> think hepatic)
Which hepatitis viruses are transmitted via the sexy time?
B and C (D accompanies B)
What is the toxic metabolite of Tylenol?
What is the most common pituitary tumor?
What are the two presentations of growth-hormone secreting tumors (pre and post closure of the epiphyseal plates)?
pre-closure --> gigantism

post-closure --> acromegaly
What are the two mechanism by which cortisol --> hypeglycemia?
Protein catabolism in muscle to free up AAs (precursors to gluconeogenesis) and lipolysis to free up fatty acids (used for energy source)
What is the cause of Grave's dz?
Anti-bodies stimulate TSH receptor
What is the mechanism by which oral contraceptives prevent a small human from taking up residence in a woman's uterus?
Estrogen in the OCP's provides constant negative feedback to the Anterior pituitary --> stabilizing FSH and LH secretion --> preventing surges that would lead to ovulation
What are the 4 thromboembolic phenomena a/w oral contraceptive use and what behavior increases these risks?
Stroke, MI, PE, DVT increased by smoking
Why does amenorrhea occur with anovulation?
No corpus luteum --> no progesterone spike/decline --> absence of menses (remember estrogen grows the grass, and progesterone mows the lawn)
What is the MOA by which leuprolide places a pt in a state of artificial menopause?
Constant agonist at GnRH receptors --> inhibition of FSH/LH secretion --> no ovulation/endometrial proliferation
Why does sickle cell cause deformation of RBCs?
Insertion of valine for glutamate on 6th codon of beta-globin gene --> less soluble deoxyhemoglobin --> conditions that increase deoxyhemoglobin concentration --> precipitation of hemoglobin in RBCs --> deformation
In _________ anemias, cell proliferation outpaces hemoglobin synthesis
What disease is caused by a defect in the erythrocyte cytoskeleton --> spherically shaped RBCs?
Hereditary spherocytosis
What is the compensatory response to hemolysis?
What events occur in primary and secondary hemostasis?
Primary --> platelet plug

Secondary --> coagulation cascade and formation of fibrin plug
What are the deficient coagulation factors in Hemophilia A and B?
A --> def VIII

B --> def IX
What is the function of the factor deficient in the most common hereditary bleeding disorder?
von Willebrand factor --> anchors platelets to subendothelial collagen following vascular injury
Which drug irreversibly inhibits COX?
What disease should you think of when a pt presents with focal back pain without a history of trauma and constitutional symptoms of malaise, unintentional weight loss, and recurrent infections?
Multiple myeloma
What is the most common childhood cancer and its presentation?
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma --> presents with fatigue, night sweats, weight loss and bone pain
Which disease is associated with 9;22 translocation?
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
Which disease biopsy reveals the presence of large binucleated cells among other lymphocytes, histiocytes and granulocytes?
Hodgkin's lymphoma
What is used to classify the type of a neoplasm?
The hypothesized cell of origin
What three factors determine the stage of most solid cancers?
Size, number of involved lymph nodes, presence of mets
What causes jaundice?
buildup of bilirubin in the blood
What is required for loss of function mutation?
Two hits of a tumor supressor gene
Secretion of peptides or antibodies by a neoplasm causes what condition?
Paraneoplastic syndromes
Which Ig is a/w immature B cells?
What cells are activated by T helper cells?
Th1 --> activation of cytotoxic T cells

Th2 --> activate B cells to plasma cells
Which surface proteins on T helper cells do class II MHC molecules?
T-cell receptor and CD4
What is the mechanism of the 4 types of hypersensitivity?
Type 1 --> IgE mediated degranulation of mast cells

Type 2 --> cell-bound antigens allow antibody-mediated cytotoxicity

Type 3 --> immune complexes lead to complement mediated damage

Type 4 --> Th1 cell-mediated damage
Which type of anti-psychotics have a high incidence of anticholinergic effects, sedation, and orthostatic hypotension?
Low potency typicals
What is the mood stabilizer of choice for bipolar disorder?
What are the side effects and OD tox of TCAs?
S/E --> anticholinergic, orthostatic hypotension, and sedation

OD tox --> cardiac arythmias, convulsions, coma and death
What receptor is acted upon by alcohol, benzodiazepine, and barbiturates?
GABA receptor
What is the typical inheritance pattern for defects in structural proteins?
What are the 4 routinely screened newborn diseases which manifeststions can be prevented by early treatment?
Phenylketonuria, conginetal hypothyroidism, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, and galactosemia
What is the most common inherited form of mental retardation?
Fragile X syndrome
Information from the __________ retina travels to the ipsilateral brain
What do fragile X and Huntington's have in common?
Trinucleotide repeat disorders
What is a "pie in the sky" lesion?
Contralateral temporal lobe --> temporal visual field radiations
Which type of glaucoma is an acute, painful, vision-threatening condition?
What eye position is a/w third nerve palsy?
Down and out
Are upper or lower motor neuron symptoms exhibited in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis?
What is the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease?
Destruction of dopamenergic neurons in the substantia nigra --> eliminating projections to basal ganglia
What is the pathogenesis of Myasthenia gravis?
Autoimmune destruction of nicotinic receptor on skeletal smooth muscle --> weakness
In __________, a fluid-filled cavity within the central spinal cord can compress the fibers of the spinothalmic tract
What are the three most important anastomoses with the esophageal veins/superior rectal veins/paraumbilical veins?
esophageal veins <--> azygos system

superior rectal veins <--> inferior and middle rectal veins

paraumbilical veins <--> superficial epigastric veins
Which type of hernia begins lateral to the epigastric vessels?
The _________ recurrent laryngeal nerve originates from the vagus nerve just inferior to the right subclavian artery. The _________ recurrent nerve originates just inferior to the aorta.
Right; Left
What provides lymphatic drainage and arterial supply to the gonads?
Lymphatics - pre-aortic and para-aortic

Blood - gonadal arteries branched directly from the aorta
What are the two types of systemic sclerosis and the difference between the two?
Scleroderma --> limited amounts of skin and internal organ involvement

Diffuse cutaneous scleroderma --> large areas of skin and extensive internal organ involvement
What is the typical manifestation of SLE in the skin and heart?
Skin --> malar rash

Heart --> pericarditis and Libman-Sacks endocarditis
What autoantibody is shared among many of the autoimmune diseases?
Which cells are defective in osteopetrosis, how does this disease affect blood?
Defective osteoclasts --> thick bone --> crowding out marrow --> anemia
____ are defined by the presence of leukocytes in the vessel walls and typically present with vague constitutional symptoms, such as fever, fatigue, malaise, myalgias, or arthralgias
What are the two most widely used indicators of the acute-phase protein response?
ESR and C-reactive protein
What type of symptoms are typical of vasculitides?
Vague constitutional symptoms
What epidemiologic factors typically help distinguish vasculitides?
Age and Race
What is important to determine when developing a treatment plan for pneumonia?
Nosocomial or CAP (different causative organisms)
Bacterial endocarditis that occurs soon after prosthetic valvular surgery is commonly due to what organism?
Staph. epidermidis
What disease should you think of in a patient who recently traveled to New England complaining of flulike symptoms and large erythematous rash with central clearing?
Lyme Disease (Borrelia burgdorferi)
What is the gold standard for TB diagnosis?
Sputum culture growing acid-fast bacilli
All DNA viruses except __________ contain double-stranded DNA, and all are enveloped except _________, __________ and ________
Parvoviridae; Parvoviridae, Adenoviridae, and Papovaviridae
What 3 major organisms are responsible for MOST infections in both children and adults?
Pneumococcus, Neisseria meningitides, and enteroviruses
What are the two broad categories of parasites?
Protozoa (single-celled eukaryotes) and Metazoa (worms)
How is the mechanism of Amp B and nystatin different from Azoles?
Azoles --> inhibit ergosterol synthesis

Amp B/nystatin --> bind ergosterol and create pores
What affect do prostaglandins have on uterine, vascular and bronchial tone?
Increase uterine tone, decrease bronchial and vascular tone
Opioids bind mu receptors and ____polarize the cell
What drugs reverse OD on acetaminophen, benzodiazepines, and opioids?
Acetaminophen --> acetylcysteine

Benzos --> flumazenil

Opioids --> naloxone
What is the MOA of cardiac glycosides?
Increase intracellular calcium levels --> increased cardiac contractility
The __________ of a diagnostic test is a measure of how effectively it can detect a disease in a pt who has a disease; whereas the ________ of a diagnostic test is a measure of how effectively it can detect the absence of disease
Sensitivity; Specificity
What is the equation for positive predictive value? Negative predictive value?
PPV = TP / TP + FP

NPV = TN / TN + FN
The _________ reflects the probability that the difference observed between groups could occur by chance alone
In a ________ study, a group of individuals is classified according to exposure and then followed to determine the effect of exposure on disease outcome. In a ________ study, individuals are classified according to the presence or absence of disease, and correlations are made between past exposures and the presence of disease
Cohort; Case-control