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351 Cards in this Set

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where does the proximal 2/3 vagina/uterus drain to
obturator, external iliac and hypogastric nodes
what kinds of things can collect in pouch of douglas
unclotted blood (ectopic pregnancny), implants in endometriosis, seeding in uterine cancer
what does the suspensory ligament of the ovary connect
ovary to pelvic wall
what does the cardinal ligament connect
cervix to pelvis
what does the round ligament of the uterus connect
uterine fundus to labia majora
what does the broad ligament connect
uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries to pelvic wall
what does the ligament of the ovary (i.e. ovarian ligament) connect
ovary to lateral uterus
what structures does the suspensory ligament contain
ovarian vessels
what structures does the cardinal ligament contain
uterine vessels
what structures does the broad ligament contain
fallopian tube, ovaries, round ligaments of uterus
what female reproductive structure contains simple cuboidal epithelium
name the structures sperm passes through as it is ejected
SEVEn UP - seminiferous tubules, epididymis, vas deferens, ejaculatory ducts, urethra, penis
what structure in the penis contains the penile urethra
corpus spongiosum
how does the autonomic nervous system control erection
parasympathetics stimulate NO release which leads to vasodilation and erection. NE leads to calcium release which leads to vasoconstriction
what nerve controls erection
pelvic nerve (parasympathetic)
what nerve controls emission
hypogastric nerve (sympathetic)
what nerve controls ejaculation
pudendal n
emission vs ejaculation
emission is up until prostatic urethra. Ejaculation is afterwards
what nerve roots does pelvic nerve contain
what is the acrosome of the sperm derived from
golgi apperatus
what organelles are contained in the neck of the sperm
what is the energy source for sperm
5 functions of sertoli cells
1. inhibitin 2. androgen binding protein 3. blood testis barrier 4. spermatogenesis 5. antimullerian hormone
3 functions of FSH
1. prepares follicle 2. makes aromatase 3. increases LHr
3 functions of LH
1. increases testosterone synthesis in theca cells 2. promotes synthesis of progesterone 3. LH surge -> ovulation
what things increase sex hormone binding globulin
what things decrease sex hormone binding globulin
androgen, obesity, hypoT
does sex hormone binding globulin have higher affinity for estrogen or testosterone
how long does spermatogenesis take to complete
what is a spermatid that has completed spermiogenesis
if meiosis 1 is blocked, what cells in spermatogenesis will accumulate
1* spermatocyte
do spermatogonium exist inside or outside of the blood testis barrier
review HP-testis axis picture
rank the androgens in order of potency
DHT > testosterone > androstenedione
5 functions of testosterone
1. differentiation of mesonephric derivatives (SEED) 2. 2* sex characteristics (muscles, vocal cord, hair, bones) 3. spermatogenesis 4. closing of epiphyseal plates 5. libido
functions of DHT
early - differentiation of external genetalia and prostate. Late - balding and sebaceous gland activity
what produces most of DHEA? Androstenedione?
DHEA is mostly in adrenal cortex. Androstenedione is 50/50 adrenal/ovaries
why does exogenous testosterone result in infertility
decreased intratesticular testosterone shrinks size of testes
what estrogen is associated with normal female physiology
what estrogen is associated with postmenopausal? Where is it from?
estrone. From fat cells
what estrogen is associated with pregnancy
rank the estrogens in order of potency
estradiol > estrone > estriol
is estrone and estradiol increased in pregnancy
yes, but much less than estriol
5 functions of estrogen
1. 2* sex characteristics 2. follicle growth, endometrial proliferation, and myometrial excitability 3. upregulates estrogen, LH, progesterone receptors; feedback on FSH, LH 4. increases transport proteins 5. increase hmg coa reductase, increase hdl, decrease ldl
what steroid synthesis enzyme is theca cell lacking
what steroid synthesis enzyme is granulosa cell lacking
what hormone stimulates endometrial glandular secretion and spiral artery development
what hormone decreases myometrial excitability
what hormone causes production of thick cervical mucus
what hormone increases basal body temperature
effect of progesterone on smooth muscle
relaxes smooth muscle everywhere
effect of progesterone on estrogen receptors
decreases receptor sensitivity
length of follicular phase of menstrual cycle vs luteal phase
luteal phase is always 14d. Follicular phase varies
what is oligomenorrhea
what is polymenorrhea
<31d cycle
what is the main cause of menstrual cramping
what are three layers of endometrium
basalis, spongiosum, compactum. All but basalis is shed
during ovulation, what is concentration of gnrh receptors on pituitary
what is mittelschmerz
blood from ruptured follicle irritates peritoneum that can imitate peritonitis
what stage are oocytes arrested after birth
prophase of meiosis I (until ovulation)
what stage are oocytes arrested after ovulation
metaphase of meiosis II (until fertilization)
most common location of fertilization
when does fetus implant after fertilization
how quickly can bhcg be detected in blood after pregnancy? Urine?
1w. 2w
effect of estrogen on prolactin
increases synthesis, but blocks its effect
what are normal changes in pregnancy: increased plasma volume, decreased rbc mass, decreased ratio of plasma volume to rbc mass, increased gfr, respiratory acidosis, hypothyroid, hypercortisol, hypocoagulability, insulin resistance
all are true except: increased RBC mass, respiratory alkalosis (cuz estrogen and progesterone stimulate respiratory center), increased T4 and cortisol, and hypercoagulability (cuz don't want hemorrhage in baby), and HPL stimulates insulin resistance so more for baby
what is responsible for morning sickness
progesterone and hcg (inhibits GI)
what causes menopause
decrease in follicles
risk factor for earlier menopause
what is source of estrogen after menopause
from fat (estrone)
what is the best test to confirm menopause
increased FSH (not LH even tho that's increased)
sx of menopause
HAVOC - hirsutism, hot flash (diaphoresis + palpitation + sweating), atrophy of vagina, osteoporosis, CAD
this pt with tall long extremeties. Male with external genetalia, but testicles atrophied. See barr body in genetic scan
klinefelter (XXY)
what is pathogenesis of klinefelter
testicular atrophy leads to dysfunction of sertoli cells (decreased inhibitin and increased fsh), and leydig dysfunction leads to decreased testosterone and increased lh (thus increased estrogen)
absent knucle on 4th metacarpal
absent knucle on 4th AND 5th metacarpal
short female with weak pulses and hx of amenorrhea and webbed neck
heart changes in turners
preductal coarc, BICUSPID AORTIC VALVE
turners pts have risk of developing what tumor
are XYY pts fertile
increased testosterone and lh
androgen insensitivity
increased testosterone but decreased lh
testosterone secreting tumor, steroids
decreased testosterone, increased lh
1* hypogonadism
decreased testosterone and lh
hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
what is pseudohermaphroditism
desagreement b/w phenotypic and gonadal sex
mcc of female pseudohermaphroditism
excessive exposure to androgens during early gestation (CAH, exogenous during pregnancy)
mcc of male pseudohermaphroditism
androgen insensitivity
are uterus and uterine tubes present in androgen insensitivity syndrome
no (cuz sertoli cells can secrete mif just fine)
where are testes located in pt with androgen insensitivity
usually in labia majora, therefore often removed to prevent malignancy
girl who is just going through puberty, who has just recently grown a penis
5alpha reductase deficiency
what is kallman syndrome
hypothalamic hypogonadism (lack of GnRH) + anosmia. Do not see 2* sex characteristics
review SRY pathway
most common precursor of choriocarcinoma
hydatidiform mole
honeycombed uterus
hydatidiform mole
painless vaginal bleeding w/ sx of eclampsia in 1st trimester -- must rule out
hydatidiform mole
snowstorm appearance on ultrasound
hydatidiform mole
tx for hydatiform mole
methotrexate and d&c
genotype: complete vs partial mole
46 vs 69
what is neoplastic tissue in hydatidiform mole
complete chorionic villus (benign tumor)
hcg levels: complete vs partial mole
much higher in complete, less so in partial
uterus size: complete vs partial mole
complete has highly enlarged uterus
conversion to choriocarcinoma: complete vs partial mole
complete has a 2% conversion
presence of fetal parts: complete vs partial mole
partial has some fetal parts
gonadal tissue present: complete vs partial mole
both have 2 sperm, partial has 1 gg, whereas complete has an empty egg
risk of malignancy: complete vs partial mole
complete has higher risk
most comon cause of recurrent miscarriage during first weeks
low progesterone levels
mcc of recurrent miscarraiges during 1nd trimester
chromosomal abnormalities
mcc of recurrent miscarraiges during 2nd trimester
bicornucate uterus
triad of preeclampsia
htn + proteinuria + pitting edema
what is eclampsia
preeclampsia + seizures
when does preeclampsia usually occur
3rd trimester. 1st trimester preeclampsia can be sx of hydatidiform mole
risk factor for preeclampsia
htn, dm, ckd, autoimmune
what is pathogenesis of preeclampsia
placental vascular insufficiency due to impaired vasodilation of spiral arteries
what is HELLP syndrome
hemolysis, elevated lfts, and low platelets. Assoc w/ preeclampsia
cause of death in preeclampsia
cerebral hemorrhage, ARDS
lab findings in preeclampsia
thrombocytopenia and hyperuricemia
tx for preeclampsia
delivery ASAP, try bed rest and salt restriction. But can use IV MgSO4 and diazepam
relationship of afp to gestational age
afp increases w/ age
ddx of increased afp
ntd, anterior abdominal wall defect, multiple gestation, underestimation of age
decreased estriol may indicate
placental insufficiency
increased hcg may indicate
placental malignancy or multiple gestation
reflexes and preeclampsia
increased reflexes in preeclampsia
painful bleeding in 3rd trimester may indicate
abruptio placentae
painless bleeding in any trimester may indicate
placenta previa
what is abruptio placentae
detachment of placenta, may cause dic
what increases risk of abruptio placentae
smoking, htn, cocaine
what is placenta accretia
decidua attaches to myometrium, so it cannot separate after birth.
risks for placenta accretia
prior c section, inflammation, and placenta previa
massive bleeding after delivery
placenta accretia
risk factors for placenta previa
multiparity and prior c section
how to confirm ectopic pregnancy
first do hcg, and then get US
risk factors for ectopic pregnancy
hx of infertility, PID, ruptured appendix, prior tubal surgery
risk of retained placental tissue
postpartum hemorrhage
what is polyhydramnios
>1.5L amniotic fluid
what is polyhydramnios assoc w
esophageal/duodenal atresia, anencephaly
what is oligohydramnios
<.5L amniotic fluid
what is oligohydramnios assoc w
placental insufficiency, bilat renal agenesis, posterior urethral valves in males
risk factors for cervical dysplasia
what is seen on pap smear that can indicate cancer
cause of death from invasive cervical cancer
invasion to ureters that can cause kidney fail
correlation of endometriosis w anemia
not very good, cuz you're not bleeding out
what is endometriosis
endometrial tissue outside endometrium
cyclic bleeding (corresponds w/ menstruation), see blood filled cysts
what does pain in endometriosis correspond w/
complication of endometriosis
causes of endometriosis
retrograde propagation or ascending infection
what is adenomyosis
endometrial tissue within myometrium
sx of adenomyosis
similar sx to endometriosis except uterus enlarged
can endometriosis cause dyspareunia
postmenopausal vaginal bleeding
endometrial hyperplasia
risk factors for endometrial hyperplasia
anovulatory cycles, hrt, pcos, granulosa cell tumor (i.e. anything which increases estrogen)
age relationship of gyn cancers
30=leiomyoma. 45 = cervical. 55=endometrial. 65=ovarian
risk factors for endometrial carcinoma
HONDA = HTN, obesity, nulliparity, DM (linked to obesity), anovulatory state
what is an anovulatory cycle
menstrual cycle where interval varies and luteal phase is absent. Bleeding is caused by the fact that proliferative effects of estrogen eventually break through and cause bleeding
what race has increased leiomyomas
what gyn tumors are estrogen sensitive
endometrial, LEIOMYOMA, breast,
whorled pattern of smooth muscle bundles
what does leiomyosarcoma arise from
usually de novo
what is premature ovarian failure defined as
menopause after puberty but before 40
causes of anovulation
pcos, obesity, asherman syndrome, HPO axis problem, premature ovarian failure, hyperprolactin, thyroid issue, eating disorder, cushing, adrenal insufficiency
infertility and insulin resistance
labs for pcos
increased LH leads to increased estrogen and testosterone, but decreased FSH cuz of feedback (LH doesn't respond to feedback)
most common ovarian mass in young women
follicular cyst
what is a follicular cyst
distended unruptured follicle
what is a CL cyst
hemorrhage into persistant CL
what is a theca lutein cyst
excess gonadotropin stimulation leads to cyst, often bilateral and multiple
what neoplasm is theca lutein cyst assoc w
choriocarcinoma and mole
where do chocolate cysts often occur
tumor markers of dysgerminoma
hcg, ldh
tumor marker for choriocarcinoma
tumor marker for yolk sac tumor
another name for yok sac tumor
embryonal sinus tumor
what is most common age group for ovarian GERM CELL tumors
is dysgerminoma more or less common than seminoma in males
much less common
are chorionic villi present in choriocarcinoma
risk factors for choriocarcinoma
hydatidiform mole, spontaneous abortion
what cells are involved in choriocarcinoma? Where met
syncytiotrophoblast, cytotrophoblast. Lung
where can yolk sac tumor occur
1. gonads 2. sacrococcygeal area
schiller duval bodies -- what do they resemble and what do they occur in
glomeruli. Yolk sac tumors
what color are masses in yolk sac tumor
characteristic locatiosn of teratomas
midline structures (pineal gland, anterior mediastinum, ovaries)
what is the most common benign ovarian tumor
mature teratoma
what type of tumor is struma ovarii? What do they secrete
teratoma that secretes thyroid
mature vs immature teratoma: which has better behavior
mature is more well behaved
what is the general behavior of the ovarian germ cell tumors
all are malignant except mature teratoma
what is the most common ovarian non germ cell tumor
serous cystadenocarcinoma
what is the general genetic associations w ovarian tumor
brca1 and hnpcc
what ovarian cancer has psomma bodies
serous cystadenocarcinoma
what type of ovarian cancer is frequently bilateral
serous cystadenoma and cystadenocarcinoma
what type of ovarian tumor has intestine like tissue
mucinous cystadenoma
what is pseudomyxoma peritonei
intraperitoneal collection of tumor from OVARY or APPENDIX
whatis a brenner tumor
surface derived ovarian tumor that looks like bladder
palpable ovaries in elderly
what is meigs syndrome
ovarian fibroma + ascites + hydrothorax (i.e. pleural effusion)
what are 2 sex cord tumors
fibroma, granulosa cell tumor
what are call exner bodies
small follicles filled with eosinophilic stuff
risk factor for vaginal clear cell adenocarcinoma
des exposure in utero
what is sarcoma botryoides
vaginal rhabdomyosarcoma in girls <4yo that has spindle cells w/ desmin
most common gyn tumor in <25yo
fibroadenoma of breast
21 year old female pt complains of 2 week unilateral enlargement of breast and is afraid that it's breast cancer
fibroadenoma of breast
small, mobile, firm mass with sharp margins in young woman
fibroadenoma of breast
what type of benign tumor can grow and compress glands that results in characteristic histological picture
fibroadenoma of breast
mcc of bloody nipple in female < 50yo
intraductal papilloma
what benign breast tumor has risk for progression to carcinoma
intraductal papilloma, phyllodes
benign tumor that grows in lactiferous ducts usually beneath areola
intraductal pailloma
large bulky benign tumor of breast
when does phyllodes tumor usually occur
benign breast tumor that has leaf like projections
what is a gonadoblastoma
malignant tumor that is dysgerminoma + sex cord tumor. (classified as sex cord tumor). Abnormal sexual development
most common cause of breast lumps in women from 25 to menopause
fibrocystic change
what proteins are commonly overexpressed in breast cancer
estrogen/progesterone R, erbB2 (HER2)
what is the most important prognostic factor in breast cancer
axillary node involement
characteristic histologic change in malignant breast cancer
loss of myoepithelium
risk factors for breast cacner
estrogen exposure, more menstrual cycles, older age at 1st birth, obesity
factors that decrease risk for breast cancer
breast feeding and exercise
what types of breast changes have microcalcification
DCIS and sclerosing adenosis
what is the worst form of malignant breast cancer
invasive ductal carcinoma
what is the most common malignant breast cancer
invasive ductal carcinoma
histology of invasive lobular carcinoma
single file cells
what gene is oft inactivated in invasive lobular carcinoma
e cadherin
what type of malignant breast cancer is most likely to be bilateral
invasive lobular
what type of invasive breast cancer has caseous necrosis
peau d orange apparance of breast
inflammatory breast cancer
eczema on nipple w/ cells that have a large clear halo
paget dz
prognosis of comedocarcinoma
what is comedocarcinoma a subtype of
what type of breast cancer can have signet rings
lobular carcinoma in situ
complication of modified radical mastectomy
lymphedema, winged scapula
when is gynecomastia normal
newborn, elderly, teen
are breast cancers in old women likely to have estrogen receptors
yes, cuz receptors are upregulated in the estrogen deficient state
is fibrocystic disease unilateral or bilateral
tends to be bilateral
what breast diseases are known for fluctuating size w/ menstruation
fibrocystic change and fibroadenoma
what is sclerosing adenosis
type of fibrocystic change where there are increased acini and intralobular fibrosis. Associated with calcifications
when does acute mastitis usually occur
during breast feeding, w/ cracks in nipple. Keep breast feeding
what is breast cancer in males assoc w/
BRCA2, klinefelter or choriocarcinoma
what can cause gynecomastia
hyperestrogen, klinefelter, drugs
what drugs can cause gynecomastia
estrogen, marijuana, heroin, psychoactive drugs, spironolactone, digitalis, cimetidine, alcohol, ketoconazole)
is gynecomastia assoc w breast cancer
what breast dzz tend to occur in nipple
paget, abscess
what breast dzz tend to occur in lactiferous sinus
intraductal papilloma, mastitis
what breast dzz tend to occur in major ducts of breast
fibrocystic change (epithelial hyperplasia)
what breast dzz tend to occur in terminal duct
tubular carcinoma
what breast dzz tend to occur in lobules
lobular carcinoma, sclerosing adenosis
what breast dzz tend to occur in stroma
fibroadenoma, fibrocystic change, phylloses
is epithelial hyperplasia a precursor for malignant change in breast
no, it's common. Dysplasia and atypia can increase risk tho
malignant tumor of breast that occurs in terminal ductules w/ incidence in opposite breast
tubular carcinoma
what is most common cause of chronic prostitis
abacterial cause
most common infective agent in prostitis
>35 = typical UTI bugs. <35 = STD
what areas of prostate are enlarged in BPH
periurethral (lateral and middle)
complications of bph
hypertrophy of bladder, hydronephrosis, ckd, uti
free PSA in bph
should be high
what areas of prostate enlarged in prostate cancer
posterior lobe
markers of prostate cancer
prostatic acid phosphatase, and psa
why doesn't spermatogenesis occur in cryptoorchidism
increased body temp
risk factor for cryptorchidism
complication of cryptorchidism
germ cell tumors
are leydig cells affect in cryptorchidms
most common age of presentaiton for testicular germ cell tumor
what type of testicular germ cell tumor is PAINFUL
embryonal carcinoma
general behavior of testicular germ cell tumors
most common testicular tumor
"fried egg" appearance testicular tumor
tx for seminoma
what markers are increased in embryonal carcinoma
afp, hcg
when do yolk sac tumors tend to occur in boys
can choriocarcinoma occur in males
how does choriocarcinoma met in males (mechanism)
tumor that contains reinke crystal
leydig cell
golden brown tumor in testicle
leydig cell
most common testicular tumor in older men
testicular lymphoma
what fails to fuse that causes hydrocele
processus vaginalis
what is bowenitis
infection of foreskin usually candida
what is bowen's dz
gray solitary plaque on shaft or scrotum. Can progress to scc. Older pts
what is erythroplasia of queryat
ret velvet plaques usually glans. Otherwise similar to bowne
what is bowenoid papulosis
penile CIS w/ multiple papular lesions in younger pts. Not invasive
where is scc of penis more common
africa, asia, south america
peyronie's dz? where is defect?
bent penis due to fibrous defect in corpus cavernosus
causes of ed
Psych - performance anxiety, depression
Disease - diabetes, atherosclerosis, prolactinoma, hypogonadism
Drugs - alcohol, bb, ssri, neuroleptic
review HPG axis diagram and pharmacologic intervention
what drug can be used to tx uterine fibroids
what is leuprolide
gnrh agonist
what drug can be used to tx er positive breast cancer
testosterone, tamoxifen, raloxifene
what repro drug can help to promote recovery after burn or injury
lipid profile after testosterone use
increase ldl, decrease hdl
why should testosterone be avoided in childre
close epiphyseal plate
what can beused to tx bph and also prevent hair loss
mechansim of flutamide
competitive testosterone inhibitor
mechanism of ketoconazole
inhibits desmolase and blocks steroid synthesis
mechanism of spironolactone
competitive testosterone inhibitor
what drugs can be used for pcos
ketoconazole, spironolactone, clomiphene
tx for prostate cancer
leuprolide+flutamide, estrogens
what are aromatase inhib used for
breast cancer
what are the aromatose inhib
anastrazole, exemestane
mechanism of clomiphene
serm. pt agonist at estrogen receptor in brain, which turns on LH and FSH, which causes ovulation
what repro drug can cause visual disturbances
why is progestin added to HRT
unopposed estrogen can cause endometrial cancer
mechanism of mifepristone
progesterone receptor antagonist
what is mifepristone
competitive inhibitor of progesterone receptor used for abortion, used with misopristol (contractions)
mechanism of OCP
feedback inhibition results in no ovulation
what cancers can OCPs help to prevent
endometrial, ovarian
what repro drug can tx acne
lipid profile after taking ocp
increased tg
what cancers do OCPs increase risk for
breast, cervical
CI for ocp
smokers >35yo, hypercoag pts or pts w/ history of coag or estrogen dep tumor
what is main pathogenic mechanism for ovarian and endometrial tumor
correlates with number of cycles
what is main pathogenic mechanism for breast and cervical cancer
correlates with chronic estrogen
mechanism of dinopristone
PGE2 analog, causes dilation and contraction
what is ritodrine
b2 agonist - relaxes uterus and cause contraction
what is terbutaline
b2 agonist - relaxes uterus and cause contraction
why is tamsulosin better for bph
inhibits smooth muscle contraction and is selective for alpha 1a&d (vascular alpha is alpha1b)
what repro drug can cause dyspepsia
phosphodiesterase inhib
what repro drug can can cause blue green color blind
phosphodiesterase inhib
what salt can be used to induce ocntraction
ci for phosphodiesterase inhib
what bacteria cause donovan bodies
calymmatobacterium granulomatosis
raised painless genital sore that heals with scar and doesn't produce lymphadenopathy
granuloma inguinale (calymattobacterium)
another name for calymmatobacterium granulomatosis
klebsiella granulomatosis
incubation period of chlamydia
chlamydia infection that produces papules w/ no ulceration
lymphogranuloma venerum
painful ulcers w/ inguinal lymphadenopathy
hemophilus ducreyi=chancroid
strawberry cervix, red mucosa, painful green/gray discharge
t vaginalis
lichen simplex vs lichen sclerosis
simplex = achanthosis + pruritis. Sclerosis = post menopoausal THINNING & atrophy that has risk of scc
painful benign tumor of apocrine sweat gland on labia majora
papillary hidradenoma
red crusted vulvar lesion that is PAS+ and shows intraepithelial adenocarcinoma in histology
extramammary paget
well differentiated vulvar scc w/ pushing border
verrucous carcinoma
remnant of wolffian duct on lateral wall of vagina
gartner's duct cyst
absence of upper vagina and uterus that leads to amenorrhea
rokitansky kuster hauser
glandular epithelium in superficial vagina that is DES+
adenosis or clear cell adenocarcinoma
inflammation of cervix w/ lymphoid infiltrate that forms germinal centers
follicular cervicitis
2 purposes of pap smear
1. rule out dysplasia 2. evaluate hormones (if superficial squamous then estrogen adequate. If intermediate squamous cells then adequate progesterone. If parabasal, then lack of both)
postcoital bleeding and vaginal discharge that does not have HPV+
endocervical polyp
postcoital, abnormal vaginal bleeding that can lead to pyelonephritis
cervical cancer
events preceding menarche normaly
breast bud -> growth spurt -> pubic hair -> axillary hair -> menarche
what is definite sign of virilization
what is dysfunctional uterine bleeding
menstrual bleeding not related to anatomic cause
what is usual cause of dysfunctional uterine bleeding
anovulatory cycle
when do anovulatory cycles tend to occur
extremes of reproductive life
anovulatory cycle vs inadequate luteasl phase vs irregular shedding/persistent luteal
increased estrogen vs decreased progesterone vs increased progesterone
causes of prepubertal abnormal vaginal bleeding
vulvovaginits, embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
causes of abnormal vaginal bleeding: teen
anovulatory cycle, vDW
causes of abnormal vaginal bleeding: 20-40
pregnancy, ovulatory DUB, PID, endometrial polpp, endometriosis
causes of abnormal vaginal bleeding: 40+
anovulatory. Endometrial hyperplasia or cancer
causes of amenorrhea
1. HP axis dysfunction 2. ovarian issue 3. defect in genital tract (like RKH syndrome or imperforate hymen)
types of endometrial carcinoma
adenocarcinoma, papillary/clear cell
what type of leiomyoma could cause menorrhagia
fever, lower abdominal pain, cervical motion tenderness, uterine tenderness w/ hx of unprotected sex
what is chrioamnionitis
infection of fetal membranes
what hormone is responsible for closing of epiphyseal plate
estrogen (converted from testosterone)
what are causes of 1* vs 2* dysmenorrhea
1* = increased PGF, only seen in ovulatory cycles. 2* = endometriosis, adenomyosis, leiomyoma, cervical stenosis (i.e. anatomic causes)
when does dysfunctional uterine bleeding usually occur. Why?
not related to anatomy. Peri/post menopausal. 1 - anovulatory cycle 2. inadequate luteal phase (ovulatory) 3. persistent luteal (ovulatory)
likelihood of cervical dysplasia progressing to invasive carcinoma
only 10% progress after 2 yrs