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27 Cards in this Set

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What drug should be used to treat plasmodium vivax and ovale?
PRIMAQUINE + chloroquine
Antibiotics mainly used against anaerobes:
metronidazole, clindamycin, cefoxitin
Drugs that inhibit influenza A uncoating:
amantidine and rimantidine
Most common location of shingles outbreak?
dermatome T4 (at the level of the nipple)
What drug treats for CMV?
What drug is used to treat RSV?
viruses that cause encephalitis:
arboviruses (toga, flavi, bunya) and herpes
which virus mainly affects the temporal lobe?
which are the cold viruses:
rhynovirus, adenovirus(winter), coronavirus(summer), herpes(gingivostomatitis, apthous ulcers), orthomyxo(influenza-cryoglobulinemia), paramyxo(parainfluenza)
which bacterial pneumonia is common after the flu?
S. aureus
childhood diseases:
coxsackie A (hand-foot-mouth dz), paramyxo (mumps), paramyxo/togavirus (measels), VZV, parvovirus B19 (fifths dz- erythema infectiosum-slapped ckeek fever), HHV-6 (roseola-exanthema subitum - only rash that breaks out when fever is gone), HHV-7 (pityariasis rosea)
acute parotitis (high levels of salivary amylase), orchitis/oophoritis, pancreatitis
rubeola (regular 2 week measels, paramyxo family, before the rash: koplik spots-cough-coryza-conjunctivitis, rash starts in head and neck and moves down the body, complications: otitis media-pneumonia-subacute sclerosing panencephalitis)

rubella (togavirus family, 3 day/German measels, posterior auricular and occipital nodes, complications: cataracts-hearing loss-autism-PDA, crosses PBB)
what is parvovirus notorious for?
aplastic anemia - B19 infects immature erythroid progenitor cells
parainfluenza (80%), RSV (15% - most fatal), adenovirus, influenza
most common cause of viral gastroenteritis in children:
most common cause of viral gastroenteritis in adults:
viral cystitis:
viral myocarditis/pericarditis:
coxsackie B
viral pancreatitis:
coxsackie B
ALT/AST ratio
normal 2:1
less than 2:1 - viral hepatitis
greater than 2:1 - alcoholism
how is hepB vaccine culture?
culture in yeast therefore contraindicated in yeast allergy
2 vaccines made from eggs?
influenza and MMR
painful genital ulcerations:
canchroid, lymphogranuloma benarium, granuloma inguinal, herpes
lesions on palms and soles:
toxic shock, scarlet fever, scalded skin, kawasaki dz, coxsackie A, syphillis, rocky mountain spotted fever,
what part of the CNS does syphillis affect?
dorsal column (tabes dorsalis) & edinger-westphalt nucleus (accommodates but cant react)
infections that cause heart block:
diptheria, chagas, typhoid fever, legionellas, limes dz