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20 Cards in this Set

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What primary hormone is increased or deccreased in :
Cushing's: high cortisol
Conn's: high aldosterone
Addison's: def in aldosterone and cortisol
Graves':thyoroid stimulating/TSHR antibodies
Pt dx with DM 3o years ago comes to office for a gen wellnes exam. What would you pay particular attention to on you phys exam?
Non enzymatic glycosylation: small vessel dz --> retinopathy (hemorrhage, exudates, micro aneurysm, vessel prolif), glaucoma, nephropathy (nodular sclerosis, progressive proteinuria, chronic renal failur, arteriosclerosis leading to Htn, kimmelstiel-wilson nodules

large vessel atherosclerosis, CAD, perip vac occlusive dz, gangrene, CVD

Osmtoic damage: neuropathy (motor, sensory, and autonomic degeneration),
Cataracts (sorbitol accum)
how does the m.o.a of typical antipsychotics differ from the m.o.a of atypicals
typcials block dopamine D2 R

atypicals block 5HT2, alpha, H1 and dopamine R
Do the nitrate drugs have a greater effect on v or art? hydrazlazine?
nitrates have greater effect veins>>arteries

hydralazine: arterioles>veins
What equation is used to calculate the anion gap? Describe what PCO2 and what HCO3 you would find in an anion gap metabolic acidosis.a
anion gap: Na - (Cl + HCO3)

met acidosis: PCO2<40 HCO3 depressed
oral agents for DMII contol characteristisc

*lactic acidoss is rare but worrisome
*MC side effect is hypoglycemia
*only oral not a/w wt gain
*met by liver; excellent for renal dz
*primarily effcts postprandrial hyperglycemia
*ideal firs line for overwt pts
lactic acidosis: biguanindes (mefortmin)
hypoglycemia effect: sulfonylureas and meglitinides
not a/w wt gain: biguanides
for renal dz pts:glitazones
postprandial hyperglycemia: alpha-glucosidas inhibitors
for overwt diabetics: biguanides
Which antifungal drug and diruetic drug inibit steroid synthesis?
ketoconazole and spirinolactone
What are the signs of w/d from opioids?
anxiety insomnia, anorexia, sweating, dilated pupil, piloerction, fever, rhinorrhea, nausea, stomach crampos, diarrhea (flu like symp) yawning
What are the main differences between the myocardial AP and the pacemaker AP
Pacemaker differs in:

Phase 0: upstroke - opening of VG Ca ch. don't have fast Vg Na ch --> slow cond vel

Phase 2: there is no plateau
Phase 3: inactivation of CA chn and increase activation of K ch --> up K efflux
Phase 4: slow diastolic depol - mem pot spont depol as Na cond increases. accts for automaticity of AV/SA node. Slope determines HR
What urine specific gravity and serum osmalility would you see in a pt with DI?
urine spec grav = <1.006 and serum osm = >290 mOsm/L
What are the 2 diff types of second degree AV blocks? differ?
type 1 : progressive lengthening of PR, then beat drops.

type 2: dropped beats that are not preceded by a change in the lenght of the PR
which Mycobact spp fits?
*cause leprosy
*pulmonary TB like symp in COPD pts
*cervical lymphadenitis in kids
*disseminated dz in AIDS pts
leprosy: M leprae
TB like symptoms: M. kansaii
cervical lymphadenitis: M. tb
dissemination in AIDS: M avium-intracellulare
What common OTC med is used to remove excess thick sputum by stimulating the vagus n. to generate low viscosity secretions in bronchial tree
What are the clinical manif of Addison's? what casues it?
hypotensions, skin hyperpigmentation

def in aldosterone and cortisol due to adrenal atrophy or destruction by dz
What is the underlying cause of DiGeorge syn? manifestaions?
thymus and parathyroid fails to dev owing to failure of 3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouches

presents with tetany owing to hypocalcemia. Recurrent viral and fungal infeccton due to T cel def. 22q11 deletion
Cinical use of Clindamycin. Well known side effect?
tx anaerobic infections (Bacteroides fragilis. C prefingens

side effect. Pseudomembranous colitis
Which antiviral agent can be used to tx not only Influenza A or B but also swine flu? M.OA?
Zanamavir and oseltamivir

inhibit influenza neruaminidase, decreasing release of progeny virus
What GLUT R would you expect to find on muscle and fat?
what is the most comon form of adrenal hyperplasi? Which hormone levels are altered as a result on this enzyme def? clinical manif of def?
21 alpha hydroxylase def.
decrease cortisol (up ACTCH), down mineralcorticoids, up sex hormones.

leads to masculinization, female pseudohermaphrodites, hypotenstion, hyperkalemia up plasma renin activity and volume depletion
What importatn secretory products are secreted fromthe following cells if GI tract?
*G cells
*I cells
*S cells
*D cells
*parietal cells
*chief cells
G: gastrin
I: Cholecystokinin
S: Secretin
D: somatostatin
Parietal: IF, gastric acid
Chief: pepsin