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465 Cards in this Set

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Dx patient w fatigue, fever, weight loss, non deforming arthritis, oral ulcers, serositis, hem abnormalitis, proteinuria, and rash.
SLE. The arthritis most likely affect the MCP and the PIP joints.
Dx patient with swelling of the head, with veins of the anterior chest wall appear engorged.
Superior Vena cava syndrome due to obstructions of some sort. Get an Xray.
Etiology of Baker Cyst
excessive fluid in the synovium due to inflammation. Teh fluid builds up creating a tender mass.
Isoniazid SE
peripheral neuropathy, hepatitis, it is important to start them on pyridoxine.
Mgmt for unstable sv tach
Tx for someone who has SIADH
fluid restriction.
Risk factors for PAC
tobacco and alcohol
Dx patient with triad of dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia
Pellagra, the late stage of niacin deficiency.
Dx patient who develops fever urticarial rash, polyarthralgia, and lymphadenopathy after being adminisstered penicillin
Serum sickness like reaction
Infection acquired through sad leading to pruritis erythematous papules over the arm, which progress to elevated lesions evident bilaterally on the extremeties
Cutaneous larva migrans
Tx of patient with a pheochromoctoma
If you give beta blocker first, you will lead to a rise in blood pressure. Need to alpha block them first, then the beta blocker.
Vision loss thats associated with head movement
usually papilledema.
Dx patient with thyrotoxicosis and low iodine uptake
1. painless thyroiditis, 2. granulomatous thyroiditis (dequervians), 3. iodine induced thyroid toxicosis 4. drug od 5. struma ovarii
Fxn of dipyridamole
and adenosine works as coronary vasodilators. Diseases vessels cant dilate. Thus the other vessels steal away from teh diseased vessels.
Mgmt of patient w metastatic breast cancer that is resectable
resect it.
Dx patient with elevated levels of 17 alpha hydroxyprogesterone.
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Due to a 21 hydroxylase deficiency.
Mgmt of patients who recieved blood transfusions before 1986
all of them need hep b and c testing. If before 1992, need hep C.
Dx patient with cape like distribution of loss of pain and temp. with preserved position and vibration. Also areflexic weakness.
Syringomyelia caused by cord cavitation.
Which is more common in young people, septic or gonocchocal arthritis
GA. Will usually have preceding polyarthritis features.
Secondary pneumonia causeing pneumatocoeles
staph infection.
Dx patient w vasculitis, upper and lower airway granulomatous inflammation and glomerulonephritis
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis. Wegeners. Cutaneous manifestations include subcutaneous nodules, palpable purpura, or pyoderma gangrenosisum like lesions as above.
Dx patient with increased calcium, normal PTH levels, and low calcium clearance
familila hypocalciuric hypercalcemia.
Dx patient with palpable purpura, glomerulonephritis, arthralgia, hepatosplenomegaly, peripheral neuropathy, and hypocomplementemia
Cryoglobulinemia. Low complement
Tx for tinea corporis
terbinafine, or other topical antifungals.
Dx patient w struvite crystals
Most likely has alkaline urine because of infection w urease producing bacteria. have a UTI
Most common cause of kidney stones
Calcium oxalate. Envelope shaped crystals.
Side effects of methotrexate
stomatitis, nausea, anema, and hepatotoxicity.
Mgmt of patient w new onset dyspepsia over 55
Failing antacids is indication for endoscope, but you dont start them on people, test for h pylori in patients over 55
Dx patient with sacroiliac jt involvement, p anca, and bloody diarrhea
IBD. if no diarrhea, just ankylsing.
Cutaneous manifestations of UC
erythema nodosum or pyoderma gangrenosum. Episcleritis, arthritis, and cholangitis. P anca is positive in UC.
Mgmt of patient diabetic neuropathy
TCAs. Can cause urinary symptoms and orthostatic hypotension due CV autonomic neurpathy. Also helpful is gabapentin or NSADS.
Genetic testing in patient with breast cancer
Needs to get oncogene amplification by FISH. Looking for teh HER2 gene which will allow therapy with trastuzumab and anthacycline chemo.
Dx patient wtih hemiparesis of face arm and leg wo higher cortical dysfunction or visual field abnormalitis
internal capsule
Mgmt of patient diabetic neuropathy
TCAs. Can cause urinary symptoms and orthostatic hypotension due CV autonomic neurpathy. Also helpful is gabapentin or NSADS.
Genetic testing in patient with breast cancer
Needs to get oncogene amplification by FISH. Looking for teh HER2 gene which will allow therapy with trastuzumab and anthacycline chemo.
Dx patient wtih hemiparesis of face arm and leg wo higher cortical dysfunction or visual field abnormalitis
internal capsule
Patient with less than 30 min of pain in the mornings
usually associated with OA. Will also have low cell count, joint narrowing, and osteophyte formation
hyperreflexia after surgery
is indicative of hypocalcemia. Other changes are will be muscle cramos, and convulsions.
treatment of hypovolemia hypernatremia
correct the volume problem first, then deal with the concentration issue, mainly giving half normal saline.
tx of toxic megacolon
steroids, nasogastric decompression and fluid managment, antibioitcs.
Tamoxifen increases the risk of what cancer
endometrial cancer. Tamoxifen works as a mixed agonist and antagonist acitivyt on estrogen receptors, increasing the risk of endometrial cancer and venous thrombosis.
Nystagmus is present in which intoxications
alcohol and phenytoin intoxication
Most frequent cause of prosthetic septic joint arthritis
staph aureus
Changes associated wtih hypovolemic shock
decreased CO, increased SVR, decreased wedge, decreased BP, increas HR
Mechanism of hypertension in patients w thyrotoxicosis
hyperdynamic flow
Mechanism of hypertension in hypothyroidism
increased SVR
Dx pathophys of ALS
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis has both upper and lower motor neuron symptoms, due to lesions in both areas.
Dx sustained muscle contraction resulting in twisting repetitive movements
sensation of restleness that causes pt to move frequently
Dx patient with brief irregular unintentional muscle contractions
Dx patient with rhtymic contraction or relaxation
Back pain with pt tenderness and fever
probs osteo, need to get the MIR
Pt with RET proto oncogene mutation
Has MEN IIa syndrome. Remove teh thyroid.
Abx of choice in COPD flares
need to use levo, its newer and covers atypicals. Older ones like fluoro, isnt as good for strep coverage.
Common co morbidity of dermatomyositis
thye have a high incidence of ovarian cancer, Rememver that these patients have the heliotrope sign and on teh back they have a shawl sign. The knuckles and elbos are known as gottrons papules.
Dx patient with anti Mi2 antibodies (helicase)
What is the immunologic features of bullous pemphigoid
THey have IgG and C3 depositis at teh dermal and epidermal junction.
Ot with IgG deposits between the epidermal cells
most likely PV
Tx for patient with crypto
THey need amphtericin plus flucytosine
Tx of peritonsilar abscess
needs to be drained and then taken to surgery
First step in severe hypercalcemia
need to have saline hydration first then loop diuretics
Dx patient who is black w painless hematuria
sickle cell
Cauda equina syndrome mechanism
Spinal nerve root impingement. Symptoms will include low back pain, bladder dysfunction, saddle anesthesia, sciatica, perineal anesthesisa, reflex abnormalitis, and an elevated post void volume. Need to get an emrgent MRI.
Most common SE of EPO administration
hypertension. THen headaches adn flues. Iron supplemets before EPO. Indicatiosn are a hematorice less than 30 or hgb less than 10.
Dx patient w tick bite, systemic symptoms, thrombocytopenia, and elevated LFTs
Ehrlicosis. Treat w doxycycline. Caused by three diff gram negatices. No rash,
Tx for RMSF in pregnant women
Dx patient w body temp of 105, hot adn dry, DIC, adn ARDS
heat stroke.
Dx patient w body temp of 105 with hypertension and neuromuscular hyperactivity
these patients either have serotonin syndrom or neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Tx strategy for hepatic encephalopathy,
lactulose, neomycin or rifaximen, and laxatives
Main complication of rhabod
Acute renal failure. Need to treat with hydration, mannitol, or urine alkalization
Side effects of isoniazid
Peripheral neuropathy, hepatotoxicity. Mild LFTs might occur, less than 100, and you dont need to wrry baboutt his.
Dx patient with lymphocytes of various forms, w convuluted nuclei, and vacuolated cytoplasm
These are the findings typical of infection mono,
Dx 11 yo patient wtih proteinuria who is HBV positive
most likely membranous.
Dx patient with flushing, valvular heart disease, and diarrhea
Carcinoid syndrome. Carcinoid tumors are common, which secrete sertonin. These patietns are at risk for developing niacin deficiency. Due to the icnrease formaiton of serotonin from tryptophan.
Tx strategy for single brain met w stable extracranial disease
surgical resection, followed by radiation
Congenital cause of fanconi anemia
due to an autosomal recessive disorder than causes poor groth, macrocytic anema. due to chromosomal breaks
Mgmt of patient who presents with acute limb ischemia
embolectomy. Start heparin and then either due it my embolectomy or intra arterial fibrinoylis.
Therapy for patient w progression of clot and subtherapeutic INR
they need heparin bridging. Warfarin for at least 6 moths in these patients.
Pain and guarding while passively moving the arm above the head
a positive neer test, which indicated impingement and tendiniits.
Pathophys of patient with huntingtons
they ahve atrophy of the caudate nucleus. Also enlargement of the lateral ventricles.
Dx patient with sudden increase in CK and myopathy
alwasy think hypothyroidi induced myopathy.
Tx for patient with mallory weiss tear
they need vasopressin, endoscopic injection or electrocautery if it doesnt resolve on its own
Fungal infection with sin, bone and pulm manifestations
sounds liek blasto. Lesions are characterized as well circumscribed, verrucous, crusted lesions
Dx patient with flushing, valvular heart disease, and diarrhea
Carcinoid syndrome. Carcinoid tumors are common, which secrete sertonin. These patietns are at risk for developing niacin deficiency. Due to the icnrease formaiton of serotonin from tryptophan.
Tx strategy for single brain met w stable extracranial disease
surgical resection, followed by radiation
Congenital cause of fanconi anemia
due to an autosomal recessive disorder than causes poor groth, macrocytic anema. due to chromosomal breaks
Mgmt of patient who presents with acute limb ischemia
embolectomy. Start heparin and then either due it my embolectomy or intra arterial fibrinoylis.
Therapy for patient w progression of clot and subtherapeutic INR
they need heparin bridging. Warfarin for at least 6 moths in these patients.
Pain and guarding while passively moving the arm above the head
a positive neer test, which indicated impingement and tendiniits.
Pathophys of patient with huntingtons
they ahve atrophy of the caudate nucleus. Also enlargement of the lateral ventricles.
Dx patient with sudden increase in CK and myopathy
alwasy think hypothyroidi induced myopathy.
Tx for patient with mallory weiss tear
they need vasopressin, endoscopic injection or electrocautery if it doesnt resolve on its own
Fungal infection with sin, bone and pulm manifestations
sounds liek blasto. Lesions are characterized as well circumscribed, verrucous, crusted lesions
TEst of choice for reocclusion after MI
CK MB. CK MB levels go down teh fastest and would be teh most useful, they go down i 1-2 days, whceras Trop T levels take up to 10 days to do it.
Dx patient with PMN of 315 in the paracentesis, and aSAAG of 1.2
this is portal hypertension and bacterial peritonitis. A PMN count greater than 250 is definitive.
Dx patient with ear pain, drainage, and granualtion tissue near teh canal. Leading to facial nerve pathology
Malignant otitis externa, most likely caused by pseudomonas. Treat w cipro.
How do you dx suspected adrenal insuficiency
Need to do the cosyntropin test. Cosyntropin is an anolog of ACTH.
Immunizations for someone getting splenectomy
they need pneumovax, haemophilus, and meningococal vaccinations . theyre risk for sepsis is over 30 years
Patient with desire for ICE, clay dirt or paper products
is PICA. THis is a mineral deficiency. and is indicative of an iron def.
Best test for suspected diverticulitis
get a CT scan
ADvice for photo protection
avoding being outside from 10 am to 4 m.
SE of amiloride
Amiloride is a k sparing diuretic, so can lead to hyperkalemia
Tx for patient w condylomata acuminata
treat with podophyllin. Caused by HPC, characterized by verrucuous, papilliform, andskin colered. LATA is more flat or velvety.
Age cutoff for HPV vaccine
from 9-26.
Appetitite stimulant in patient with cancer
Progestin or corticosteroids. Examples are megestrol acetate or medroxyrogesterone acetate.
Stroke management in patient w sickle cell
exchange transfusion, want to remove as many sickle cells as possible and prevent second infract. Sickling cant be fixed by fibrinolytics.
Dx patient w swollen eyelids and conjunctiva, hypopyon, corneal edema and infection
postoperative endopthalmitis
co morbidities of lynch syndrome II
common extracolonic tumors are endometrial carcinoma.
Common SE of loop diuretics
can cause permanent hearing loss or tinnitus
Tx forHIV patient presenting w esophagitis
treat w oral fluconazole.
Indications for screening for chlamydia
all sexually active women under the age of 24 should be checked.
Most common cause of post flu pneumonia
staph aureus. Gram cocci in clusters.
Dx patient w widened mediastinum, unilateral effusion, and chest pain, after vomitting
esophageal perforation
Most common cause of osteomyelits in infants and children
staph aureus.
Patient presenting with stiff neck, shoulders and hips for 3 months
has polymyalgia rheumatica. Treat with low dose prednisone.
Dx patient w low LH, and infertility, and small testes
probably was taking steroids.
Significant hyperfaclcemia w low PTH
think malignancy induced.
Cause of infection bloody diarrhea
think EHEC, enterohemorrahge E coli.
SE of dig toxicity
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, vision changes, and arrhytmias
Dx patient with constipation, abdominal pain, polyuria and polydipsia
hypercalcemia, possible secondary due Vit D intoxication.
Abx of choice for human or dog bite
amoxixillin-clavulanate is the therapy of choice
Imaging of choice for NF II
Need to get MRI w gadolinium. They have hearing loss
Treatment of hoice for chemo induced nausea and vomiting
Serotonin antagonists that block 5ht3 receptors.
Dx patient who worisk w pigs and has fluid filled cysts in the brain parenchyma
Tx of choice for NPH
put a shunt in.
Work up for stroke
TPA yo.
Dx patient with neuropsychiatric symptoms and liver problems
Wilson disease. Hemocrhomatosis doesnt really have neuro symptoms.
Tx of patient with first degree relative wi colon cancer
need to get colonoscopy 10 years before he got the cancer
Dx patient w hypotension, tachycardia, and SOB and history of DVT
had a PE leading to dialted righ ventricle.
What is the therapy of choice for acute cluster headace
100% o2 yo. Prophylazis is done using CCBs.
Dx patient with isolated elavation of systolic bp
has still arteries, especially if they are old.
Tx of choice for rosecea
topical metronidazole. Pustules and papules may be presents.
Dx patient who is PAS psositve, w arthralgia, weight loss, fever, adn abdominal pein, and diarrhea
whipples disease. Also seen is skin hyperprimgentation. You can have heart involvement as well.
Calcification of the adrenal gland
this is classic for TB.
Mgmt of patient w suspected aortic dissection
Need to lower BP first, then get a TEE.
Dx patient limited neck mobiliy and numbness in teh foream
cervical spondylosis, they have bone spurs.
Dx patient w neck pain and stiff and tender neck muscles who just took metoclopramide
Has a metoclopramide induced dystonic reaction. IT is a dopamine receptor antagonist to treat nausea vomiting and gastroparesis,. Can lead to a dystonia.
Dx patient with sun burst femur and sclerotic lesion
osteosarcoma. Codmans trinalge is anoter feature.
Dx patient with central scotoma, afferent pupillary defect, changes in color percetpion
optic neuritis.
Which hyperthyroid med will cause a thyrotoxic state
radioactive iodine may initially cause an exacerbation
anti centromere antibodies
limited cutanenous.
Dx patient w a non healing isolated ulcer in the vermillion zone of the lip with sun exposure
squamous cell.
Tx of choice for torsades
Magnesum sulfate.
Dx patient with large level of bands and segs, and low number of retic os promyelocytes or blasts
CML. These patiets will also have a decreased leuk. alkp phos. Thats the leukomodi reactin.
Common cause of Gout in a 60 yo man
Occurs commonly in myeloproliferative disroders. Pvera can cause splenomegaly and pruritis w hot baths due to large amounts of histmine. 40% of patiets w PVERA have gout.
Dx patient with gout, behaviroal problems, and neurologic disability
Lesch nyhan syndrome, def of hypoxanthing guanine
Tx for essential tremor
first line is beta blocker, second line is primidone
Tx for parkinsonian tremor
Treat wtih trihexyphenidyl
Diarrhea due to seafood
vibrio parahaemolyticus
Diarrah due to pork
sporadi yersiniosis
Diarrhea due to chicken
diarrhea due to day care center or institituions setting
diarrreah due to ground beef undercoked
E coli e 157.
Contraindicatications for triptans
1.hemiplegic migraines, uncontrolled hypertension, pregnancy, CAD, prinz angina, ischemic stroke, basilar migraine
Dx patient with inflammatory changes in teh medial canthal region of the eye
dacryocystitis. infection of lacrimal sac. has discharge.
Risk factors for aspiration pneumonia
altered conciousness, dysphagia, neurolgoic disorder, sedation
Tx for patient with TIAs
they should be on aspirin. If there was an embolus, then you can put them on warfarin therapy
Zenkers mgmt
need to get esophagram first, then surgery
Dx patient with hematuria, deafness, and family hx of renal failure
alports syndrome. Splitting of the GBM.
Etiology of CHF post viral infection
viral myocarditis leads to dilated ventricles w diffuse hypokinesia. Most often due to a coxsackie infection, direct viral damage.
Mgmt of patient having an alcohol withdrawel
Need to give them chlordiazepoxide, a common benzo.
Tx of opiod withdrawl
need to give them methadone. Patieints present with nausea vomiting abdominal pain diarrhea myalgias, increased bowel sounds, mydrias and piloerection. Does not cause seizures
Dc patient with htn, tachycardia, agitation, hallucinations, fever,
D. Tremens. Treat with benzos
Dx patient with pseudomembranes
Due to c diff infection, causes a pancolitis
Dx patient wtih neutropilc crypts
IBD. Remember IBD is bimodal, with one peak at 20 and the other at 60
MOst important prognostic feature of breast cancer
the TNM staing.
CSF picture in viral meningitis
high wbc, high protein, nl rbs, nl glucose
CSF in bacteria
high wbc, high protein, low glucose
CSF in herp encephalitis
elevated WBC/RBC, nl protein and glucose
MOst common cause of osteomyeltisi in patients with sickle celll
PCP is what drug
Dx patient w new onset diabets, arthropathy, and hepatomegaly
Dx patient w multiple non enhacing brain lesions and HIV
multifocal leukoencephlopathy.
Patient w weakly enhancing lesion on mri and EBV in CSF
has a CNS lymphoma
Dx patient with C3 deposits in the glomerulus
This is membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, caused by IgG antibodies, aka C3 phactor. This leads to persistent activation of the alt. complement system.
Mgmt for patient with menieres disease
Need to have a low salt diet. Also avoid alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, and diuretics are helpful
Pathophys of diabeteic neuroptahy
can cause nerve damage.
Tx for symptomatic gallstones
needs to get them out. ACute pancreatitis is often caused by gallstones, which would be an indication for surgery.
Tx for syph with patients who are allergic to penicillin
azithromycin or two week course of doxy. (same as chlamydia)
Dx patient w cotton wool spots
diabetic retinopathy
Dx patient with proliferative retinopathy or newly formed vessels
diabetic retinopathy
Dx patient with microaneurysms, hemorrhage, exudates, and retinal edema
diabetic retinopathy
Tx of postprandial bloatin, early satiety, and diarrhea secondary to DM
metoclopramide, for autonomic neuropathy of GI tract. Basically its a promotility agent
Tx for alzheimers dementia
one of them is donepezil.
Common SE of ARBS
hyperkalemia, hypotension, and renal failure
Tests for the syph
Tx of septic shock
hydration and abx.
Dx patient who has better bone conduction than air conduction and low freq hearing loss
this is classic for otoscleroris
Mgmt of child with suspected pyelonephritis
give them empric antibiotics. If they fail, then get teh CT.
tx of parkinson tumor
Dx patient with atypical enlarged hepatocytes containing glycogen and lipid deposits.
hepatic adenoma. Benign epithelial tumor of the liver in young and middle aged women who have long OCP history. Elevated alk phos, and elevated GGT
Dx patient with sunusoids and kupffer cells on biopsy, with presence of anomalous arteries present in the centre of the nodule
Focal nodular hyperplasia
Dx patient with ear drainage and difficulty hearing, ear pain, fever, irritability, and diarrhea
Acute otitis media
Tx for post ictal lactic acidosis
is common, and you can just recheck labs in 2 hours and it should be normal.
Dx patient with two strong systolic peaks of the aortic pulse from left ventr. ejection separated by midsystolic dip
pulsus bisferiens, typical of aoirtic regurgitation and in HOCM
Dx patient w opening snap
chracteristic of mitral steoniss.
Dx patient with low 3 am sugar levels and hyperglycemia in teh morning
Somogyi effect, body produces EPi and norepi, and releases glucagon to increase the glucose levels. DC the insulin.
Most common cause of blindness in industrialized nations
macular degeneration. starts with percieving that straight grid lines look curved.
Dx patient with raised area of erythema, hot, and mass in her right groin
cellulitis, the groin mass is just lymphadenopathy
Dx patient with temporal and parietal lobe atrophy
Alzhiemers dementia
Which cardiac drugs can worsen cardiac ischemia
The dihydropyridine CCBs can worsen cardiac ischemia. They cause peripheral vasodilation and reflex tachycardia.
Dx older patient, with elevated alk phos, no pain, and elevated direct bilirubin,
Think malignancy. Need to get a CT>
What is the best imaging modality for MS
need to get an MRI, pathology is demyelination of focal regions of white matter
Dx patient with fluctuating cognitive impairment, recurrent visual hallucinations, and motor features of parkinsonism
lewy body with dementia.
Dx patient w personality change, compulsive behaviors, and impaired memory
Pick's disease, a fronto temporal dementia.
Dx patient with CT scan showing a pulmonary nodule with a halo sign or lesions w an air crescent
Tx strategy for toxo in AIDS patietns
Need to treat with sulfadiazine and pyrimethamine
These tumor never metastasize to the brain
non-melanomatous skin cancer, mouth cancer, esophageal cancer, prostate cancer
Brain cancer met
most often due to malignant melanoma.
What is the most common type of diabetic mononeuropathy
symmetrical distal polyneuropathy. Characterized by the stocking glove pattehr.
Electrolyte profile seen in a patient with aldosterone deficiency
They have a non gap metabolic acidosis, characterized by hyperkalemia, and hyponatremia
Common drug that causes nephrotoxicity
the aminoglycasides, like amikacin, tobra, etc.
Dx patient who has to hold books at an arms length to read
he has presbyopia, and its ccaused by a decrease in lens elasticity.
Indications for bacterial peritnonits
A positive ascities culture and a PMN level great than 250. Done before antibiotics, enteric like e coli and klebsielal are the most common. Treat w a third generation ceph.
Common causes of enthesitis
Common finding in ankylosing spondylitis .
Dx patient wtih trouble hearing and fluid draining form the ear, and dever diarrhea
Pt has acute otitis media.
Shoulder pain that does not improve with lidocaine
indicates some kind of tear. MRI is necessary for seeing the associated soft tissue structures.
Dx patient with personality changes, compulsive behavior, and impaired memory
frontotemporal dementia
Pt with asbestos expsure who has cancer
Its either mesothelioma or BAC, but BAC is more common. Also, if its in the lung field, you can safely say that its not pleural mesothelioma.
Dx patient who complains of pruritus after bathing, elavated HCT, and RBC mass, with a granulocytosis or thrombocytosisand splenomegaly. elevated leuk alk phos
Pvera. Low epo levels, since its a proliferation of the marrow, not of epo production.
Type of osteomyelitis you get from a puncture wound
usually do to pseudomonas
Mgmt of patient w suspected MGUS
need to get bon scan anyways to make sure.
Dx patient wtih follicular conjunctivis and pannus (neovascularization) in teh cornea
trachoma. Caused by chlamydia.
Lab findings in patient with IBD
they will have an elevated ESR, a thrombocytosis, weight loss, anemia, and postiive FOBT.
Dx patient with mallory bodies, infilgration by neurtophils, liver cell necrosis, and periventricular dist of inflmmation of the liver
alcoholic hepatitis.
First line treatment for patient with visual loss, increasd ICP, and female morbid obesity
treat with acetazolamide.
Tx of choice for patients with bright red blood in rectum who are less than 50 wo risk factors for colon cancer.
Dx patient with bronchial breath sounds that have a full expiratory phase
lung oconsolidation
Vit def in patients with CF
they cant absorb fat soluble vitatimine, so ADEK is down. K causes a def. in factor VII.
Tx strategy for patients with TTP
they need plamsa exchange. Recovery is characterized by normalizatino of the plately count adn LDH levles. TTP is usualy do to def od ADAMTS13, leading to too much VWF multimers.
Damage of one eye after having trauma of teh other
sympathetic ophtalmia, releasing hidden antigens and starting autoantibodies against the otehr eye.
MGMT of patient w chronic pancreatitis who presents with epigastric pain
Think CANCER, need to get teh ctof the abdomen.
MOst common form of glomerulopathy associated wtih HIV
focal segmental, leading to proteinuria, azotemia, and normal sized kidneys, also prevalent among blacks.
MGMT of patient suspected of a pneumonia
need to get the xray first , then abx, then gram stain
Side effect of anti histamines
can cause eye and oropharangeal dryness and urinary retention. These are diphenhydramine, chlorpheniramine, doxepin, and hydroxyzine. IT presents the detrusser from contracting, leading to retention
Dx patient with elevated transaminases, increased serum iron and ferritin levels, and a history of non alcoholic cirrhosis, with increased skin pigmentation, diabetes, and arthralgias
this is hemocrhomatosis
Indications for carotid intervetion
if more than 79% stensosed, then you need to do a carotid endarterectomy. if less then manage symptoms. if less than 50, dont worry about it, follow w us. Asymptomatic patients from 60-99.
Dx patient presenting with photopsia *flashing lifhgts and floaters
retinal detachment.
Masses found in the anterior mediastunum
thyroid, teratoma, lymphoma,
Middle mediastinum masses
tracheal tumors, pericardial cysts, lymphoma, lymph node enlargment, and aortic aneurysms, bronchogenic cysts
Posterior mediastinum
meningocele, enteric cysts, lymphomas, diaphragmatic hernias, esophageal tumors and aortic aneurysms
Dx patient with rapidly progressive dementia, myoclonus, and periodic synchronus bi or triphasic waves on EEG
HOw do you treat SVT
How do you treat wide complex tachycardias
Amiodarone or lidocaine.
Dx patient with many stomach ulcers, test of the stool show fat
ZE syndrome, which can lead to malabsorption bc of acid inactivation of pancreatic enzymes.
MGMT of patient with stones due to hypercalciuria
Ironically, give them thiazide diuretics, as you dont want the urine to build up calcium. Lasix will lead to calciuria, which is bad.
CREST syndrome
esophageeal dysmotolity, telangectais, sclerodactyl, reynauds, calcinosis cutis
Dx patient with resp problems and new onset RBBB
think PE
Dx patient wtih facial rash, proteinuria, and decrease C3 levles.
lupus, leads to kidney damage through immune complex deposition.Too much complex activation .
What is the chloride concentration in vomiting
it is usually low, since youre trying to retain NACl.
Dx patient with hypokalemia, alkalosis and normotension with high urine concentrations
they have either bartter or gitelman syndrome.
Amiodarone side effects
pulmonary fibrosis, hepatoxicity, thyroid dysfunction
Dx patient with decreased CI, increased TPR, adn inreased LVEDV
Systolic heart failure. LVEDV will be elevated in systolic heart faiulre, Things that may reduce LVEDV would be low TPR thing or hypovelemia.
Tx for patient with history of rheumaitc fever
they need to get penicillin prophylaxis
Cause of rheumatic fever
due to strep pharyngitis, jones criteria is imp. Major criteria are carditis, polyarthritis, chorea, rash, sub cut nodules. Minor are arthralgia, fever, elevated phase reactiants, and prlonged PR interval.
Most common valvular problem in rheumatic fever
mitral stenosis
Dx patient with acute onset of severe eye pain and blurred bision w nausea and vomitting
Acute closure glaucoma. Red eye, steamy cornea, dilated pupil on reactive light
Mgmt of HIV patient with diarrhea
check the stool for ova and parasites.
Anemiai assocaited wtih non hodkins lymphoma or CLL
usually due to warm autoimminue hemolytic anemia. Treat wtih prednisone.
Treatment of PDE inhibitor and alpha blocker
need to give it at 4 hours apart, for risk of hypotension. Sildenafil is contraindicated in those with nitrates, priapism, things that will affect its half life, or using alpha blocker.
Mgmt of patien w new onset of seizures
need to get non contast head CT.
Mgmt of patient with acne
first line is topical retinoids, then topical antibiotics, then oral abx, then oral isotretinoin
Tx of patielt w chronic hep B and persitantly elevated ALT levels, detectable surface antigen, e antigen, or HBV dna
need to be treate with interferon or lamivudine.
How to treat HBV stick
vaccine and HBIG if not immune .
Next line for patient on albu. whos asthma isnt controlled
need to be on a corticosteroid, then a laba
Dx patient with hypotension, tachycardia, and heart failure
they have tamponade
Someone with vesicles,
almost always some kind of herpes.
Virux infection associated with atopic dermatitis
eczema herpeticum
How to differentiate between epiglottitis and and a retropharyngeal abscess
think time of onset.
3 year old with fever, irritiability, folowed by erythema, flaccid blisters, and a positive nikolsky sign
indicative of staph scalded skin syndrome.
Dx of depression
need 1 major and 5 minor
UC complications, which one requires surveillance
you can get toxic megacolon, PSC (if there is elevated alk phos), UC needs annual colonosocly.
How to dx celiac disease
Dx with a d xylose absoprtion test. If you have it, youll poop out d xylose, even after ABX (to rool our bacterial overgrowht). Pancreatic insuficiency would give you steathorrea, but would not impair the absorption of sugar.
Where are bile salts absorbed
in the terminal iluem.
Dx crooked, branching, beaded, gram positive and partiall aci fast filaents on micriscopy
nocardiosis, treat with bactrim. Empyemea is common with these patietns
Dx pateint wtih triad of encephalopathy, oculomotor dysfunction and gait ataxia
wernickes due to thiamin deficiency.
Dx patient w irreversible amnesia, confabulation, and apathy
Korsakoffs, due to thiamine deficiency
Cast differentials
Muddy brown casts: ATN
RBC casts: GMN
WBC casts: Interestitial nephritis, and pyelo
Fatty Casts: Nephrotic Syndrome
Broad and waxy casts: Chronic renal failure
indicators for hypovolemic ATN
urina Na great than 20, Fena greater than 2 %, urine osm greater than 300
Treatment for lyme
doxy, if allergic, then amox
Decrease in levels of LFTS with an increase in the levels of PT and PTT
indicates fulm. hepatic necrosis.
How to tell superinection of hep D
usually see an increase in LFTS
Difference between a follicular adenoma from a cancer
usually has to do with the involvement invasion to the tumor capsule and blood vessels. Follicular is encapsulating.
Best way to treat hypercalcemia of malignancy
CSF picture of patient with MS
will have oligoclonal bands. Usually IGG.
high protein. Called albumino cytologic disscoaition
Tx for acute central retinal oclusion
eyeball massage and O2
Dx patient with fever, rash, occipial or posterior lymph, and arthritis
Koplik spots
measels. also thinka descending maculopapular rash, but think a viral rodrome. noarthritis usually.
Hematuria right after a strep infection
think an IgA neprhopathy. complement levels will be normal. Will also have hematuria.
How to treat an acute migraine
give prochlorperazinel, it is an antiemetic. or metaclopramide is an option as well.
Murmer that dissapear w squatting
CA 19-9
pancreatic cancer. not good for screening, can be useful in monitoring after chemotherapy.
What is the prophylaxis of choice for malaria
Mefloquine. Chloroquine would be for places where its sensitive. Endemic areas are usually chloroquine resitant.
Dx patient with erythema migrans, a facial nerve palsy
Think lyme disease. The erytheam migrans rash usually doenst preset wtih pain, itching, or burning.
How to help a patient wtih diverticulosis
Advise patient to take in more fiber. Smoking or alcohol doesnt help really help.
Ot with chondrocalcinosis
this is pseudogout image.
DIP joint nodules
heberdens. Bouchards is the PIP jt.
Initial management of patient cf for back pain fora month
get an MRI to see if there are any fractures or lytic lesions
how do antihistmaines hep with cough
they reduce secretions
Mechanism of ACE inhibitor cough
it leads to the overproduction of kinins, activation of the arachidonic acid pathway
Tx strategy for patient with allergic rhinitis
Need to see if they have it. Get a nasal smear for eosinophils
Other causes for nasal eosinophilia
nasal polyposis, can lead non allergic rhinitis.
Bad Prognosti factors for patients with heart failure
Hyponatremia is a bad feeature, it indicates a high level of neurohumoral activation. Also present is hypo or hperkalemia
What is the mechanism of benefit form patient being given sodium bicarb
Bicarb can narrow teh QRS complex, preventing the develpment of arrhtymia in antidepressant toxicity (they affect teh action sodium channel). Important for TCA toxicity
First line therapy for a young person presenting with a new cardiac diastolic murmur
She needs an echo. Only midsystoloc soft murmurs who are asymptomatic should be left alone.
Side effect of trastuzumab therapy
It works in patients who are HER 2 positive. Also known as herceptin, risk of cardiotoxicity.
Inability to concentrate urine
referred as hyposthernuia, common in patients w sickle cell trait. Due to red blood sickling, impairs countercurrent exchagne and free water reabsorption .
Indicators of bells palsy
you wont have forehead furrows. If you have forehead furrows, then its mroe a central facial paresis.
Rejection hapening within a few minutes of a transfusion
Is common in anaphylactis reaction, common in patients with an IgA def. Also, there will be no fever, rapid onset, and bronchoconstriction.
Dx patient w trasfusion who has fever, flank pain, dark uring, and DIC
ABO mismatch.
Dx patient with bradycahrdia, miosis, rhonchi, muscle fasciluation, salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation
Organophopshate poisoning, revers w atropine. You basically dont have acetylcholinestarase that is functioning. Need to remove clothing
What is the most likely cause of UTI in patient with alkaline urine
Proteus. Common in patients wtih alkalotic urine and chronic indwelling catheter.
Common causes of UTI in patients with chronic indwelling catheters who do not produce alkaline urine
Candida, pseudomonas, klebsiella
Does E coli produce urease
Dx patient with chronic abdominal pain and diarrhea
think of chronic pancreatitis, as these patients have problems absorbing teh fats. Need to check for a stoll elastase, you souldnt have any?
Tx of choice for paient with a UTI, postoperative
Give bactrim
Dx patient with artharlgias, and intermitent elevations of AST and ALT
this is classic for hepatiis C. Also common is cryoglobulinemia, porphyria cutanea tarda, and glmorelunophretis
Characteristics of chronic hep. B
less likely to have waxing and waning levels or arthralgias
Rejection hapening within a few minutes of a transfusion
Is common in anaphylactis reaction, common in patients with an IgA def. Also, there will be no fever, rapid onset, and bronchoconstriction.
Dx patient w trasfusion who has fever, flank pain, dark uring, and DIC
ABO mismatch.
Dx patient with bradycahrdia, miosis, rhonchi, muscle fasciluation, salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation
Organophopshate poisoning, revers w atropine. You basically dont have acetylcholinestarase that is functioning. Need to remove clothing
What is the most likely cause of UTI in patient with alkaline urine
Proteus. Common in patients wtih alkalotic urine and chronic indwelling catheter.
Common causes of UTI in patients with chronic indwelling catheters who do not produce alkaline urine
Candida, pseudomonas, klebsiella
Does E coli produce urease
Dx patient with chronic abdominal pain and diarrhea
think of chronic pancreatitis, as these patients have problems absorbing teh fats. Need to check for a stoll elastase, you souldnt have any?
Tx of choice for paient with a UTI, postoperative
Give bactrim
Dx patient with artharlgias, and intermitent elevations of AST and ALT
this is classic for hepatiis C. Also common is cryoglobulinemia, porphyria cutanea tarda, and glmorelunophretis
Characteristics of chronic hep. B
less likely to have waxing and waning levels or arthralgias
Dx patient with jaundice in the third trimester, with pruritis and elevated total bile acids
intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy. Increased bile acid concentrations.
Tx of choice for patients with esophagitis in HIV
first treat them with flucanozole. If it doest work, then think CMVa nd you treat with ganciclovir. CMV esopahgitis will show large, shallow, and superficial
Dx patient with multiple small and well circumscribed, volcano like apearance
These patient have HSV esophagitis, treat with acyclovir
Common side effects of glucocorticoids
Increases the bone marrow and mobilization of the marginated neutrophil pool, thus giving you a netrophilia
Mgmt of rabies
If dog is not captured, give post rabies immunization. If it is captures and doesnt have symptoms, wait 10 days. ou uses AB analysis.
If there is any exposure of teh head or neck, start therapy immediately
SHould patients chronic liver disease get pneumovax
What type of def. is assicated with a tea and toast diet.
Commonly def. in folic acid. It is heat sensitve, and will cause a macrocytic anemia.
Dx patient with jaundice in the third trimester, with pruritis and elevated total bile acids
intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy. Increased bile acid concentrations.
Third trimester of prgnancy, elevation of transaminases, and on biopsy you see you microvesicular fat deposition in teh hepatocyte wo evidence of inflammation or necrosis.
fatty deposits of pregnancy t
Tx of choice for patients with esophagitis in HIV
first treat them with flucanozole. If it doest work, then think CMVa nd you treat with ganciclovir. CMV esopahgitis will show large, shallow, and superficial
Dx patient with multiple small and well circumscribed, volcano like apearance
These patient have HSV esophagitis, treat with acyclovir
Common side effects of glucocorticoids
Increases the bone marrow and mobilization of the marginated neutrophil pool, thus giving you a netrophilia
Mgmt of rabies
If dog is not captured, give post rabies immunization. If it is captures and doesnt have symptoms, wait 10 days. ou uses AB analysis.
If there is any exposure of teh head or neck, start therapy immediately
SHould patients chronic liver disease get pneumovax
What type of def. is assicated with a tea and toast diet.
Commonly def. in folic acid. It is heat sensitve, and will cause a macrocytic anemia.
Dx patient w perifolicular hemorrhage, swollen gums, and pour wound healing
Vit C def.
Proximal pain and weakness after steroid therapy
steroid induced cardiomyopathy.
levles of G6Pd during flares
are actually normal in many patients.
What are untreated hyperthyroid patients at risk for
bone loss from increased osteoclastic activity. Also arrhtymias.
Dx patient w trouble swalloing solid food, eye dryness, dental caries
This is sjogrens. Anti RO LA, SSA, also large submandibular swelling
Best way of preventing diabetic neuropahy
bp control
Drug used for rate control in Afib
diltiazem or beta blocker.
Which lung cancer hast the least association w smoking
adenocarcionoma. Usually located in the peripher.
Lab features of Pagets dIsease
Usually seen by an isolated high alk phos level.
patient presenting with symmetric swlling of the hand joints, rheumatoid factor is postive, and ANA is only wekalky positive goes away in 2 weeks
most likely a viral etiology
Patient who is thrombotic due to high homocysteine levels
need to treat with vit Bg, or pyridoxine
Pleural effusion that isnt draining, thick peel in place
need to get surgery. Decortication to remove the peel
Mechanism of anemia in SLE
formation of autoantibides leads to a pancytopenia, and a type 2 hypersenstiivyt reaction. Same mechanisms of ITP
Type of tremor associated with alcoholic abusers
Intention tremor, due to cereballar atrohy.
Dx patient w ataxia, broad based gait, dysmetria, intention tremor, problem with rapid movement, and nystagmus
Cerebellar dysfunction
Tx of choice for malignant otitis externa
Treat with cipro. Amp doesnt work for pseudomonas.
Danger of giving lidocaine prophylactically in ACS
can cause asystole
Dx patient with rickets w a normla calcium, normal serum alk phos, and normal 25 OH D
hypophosphatemic rickets. ALso see is rachitic roasary and harrisons groove.
Two sources of ascending paralysis
Ticks and GBS. GBS will show an abnormality on CSF.
Hyperplastic polyps
Normal, non neoplastic, arise from mucosal prolieation, benign adn no work up is needed.
Peutz jegher polyp
usually are hamartomatous, and are non malgnant
Most comomon form of poly in the colon
Adenoma, potentially premalignant. These are sessile or stalked,
Dx patient with problems with hand grip and elevated ESR that is 32
most likely RA. Look for problems with cervical spine. Theyu have C1 and C2 instability.
Dx patient w a non prouritic maculopapular rash involing the entire body with lmphadenopathy
think syphillis, secondary. Start wtih an RPR or VDRL then get an FTA AS. Worry about the jarisch herxheimer reaction after therapy. A febrile reaction with headaches and myalgias. Remember PALMS AND SOLES. w genearalized lymphadenopathy
CT changes in alzheimers
generalized cortical atrophy
Dx patient with depostits that show apple green birefringence on congo red stain
this is amyloidosis. They will have RA, enlarged kidneys, and hepatomegaly
Dx patient with rash on the dorsum of the fingers
This is chracteritis of dermatomyositis. Gottrons papules are the rash on teh dorsum of teh fingers
Cardiac thickening and renal and liver involvement
Most common side effect of steroid use
Common causes of cholestasis, drugs
chlorpromazine, nitrofurantoin, erythromycin, and anabolic steroids
causes of fatty liver
tetracycline, valproate, anti retrovirals
causes of hepatitis
halothane, phenytoin, isonizid, and alpha ethyl dopa
causes of toxic or fulminant liver failure
thetrachloride or acetaminphen
causes of granulomatous liver
allopurinol and phenybutazone
INdications for dexa scan
all women 65 and older
dx patient with heterogenous and serspiginous contrast enhancement, with a butterfuly shape
GBM. glioblastoma multiforme.
Dx patient with anion gap with disc hyperemia and dry mucos
think methanol posioning. vision!
Dx patient w a gap acidosis with tinnitus, fever and hyperventilation
Most common clotting disorder
factor 5 leiden.
Concave hemorrhage
a convex hemorrhage
epidural hemorrhage
Tx for open angle glaucoma
treat with acetazolamide
Tx for temporal arteritis
Side effect of didanosine
SE of abacavir
hypersensitivety syndrome
SE of indinavir (a protease inhibitor)
crystal induced nephropathy.
SE of neripapine
liver failuer
problems with the NRTIs
lactic acidosis
problems with the NNRTIs
stevens johnsons
a convex hemorrhage
epidural hemorrhage
3 sign, notching of the ribs,
coarctation of teh aorta
Tx for open angle glaucoma
treat with acetazolamide
Tx for temporal arteritis
Side effect of didanosine
SE of abacavir
hypersensitivety syndrome
SE of indinavir (a protease inhibitor)
crystal induced nephropathy.
SE of neripapine
liver failuer
problems with the NRTIs
lactic acidosis
problems with the NNRTIs
stevens johnsons
dx patient with tinnitus, fever, and tachycardia
aspirin OD. Respiratory alkalosis (bc of tachypnea) and a metabolic acidosis.
Patients w chronic hep c who hace elevated liver enzymes
usually dont have histo abnormalitis, dont need to be treated with antivirals. They dont need biopsy
Tx of choice for aortic regugication
Want to reduce afterload, and thus use CCB or an ACE. BB can worse it.
Most common pathogen in nursing home patients
Panacinar emphysema
more typical in A1 def.
Dx patient with chornic cough, prominent bronchovascular markins, nromal DLCO
chornic bronchitis. Low o2 sat.
DLCO in emphysema
is LOW.
Compliance of lungs in COPD
are more compliant.
MEchanism of of the contours in COPD
due to work of breathing, leads to flattening, and vice versa
HOw to treat acute hyponatremia that leads to seizures
need to treat wtih 3% saline, if it happened fast. Always treat at the speed that it occured.
MOst reliable indicator in patient recovering from DKA
serum anion gap
BNP level that indicates CHF
greater than 100.
Dx patient w chornic rhinosinusitis, asthma, asprin induced bronchospams
they have polyps. aspirin induce respiratory disease, also bladn tasting food, glestiening mucoid masses in mucosa.
Liver cyst after trip to mexico
entamoeba histolytica. Will have a bloody diarrhea
liver Cyst after hanging out with dogs
hydatid cysts.
Dx patient with sudden onset of vertigo, vomiting, and occipital headache
think cerebellar hemorrhage. Also will have a 6th nerve palsy, conjugate deviation, blepharosopams and coma
Tx for frostbite injury
rewarm with warm water.
Moist common pituitary tumor
Physical exam findings with OA
will have crepitus, bony enlargement, bony tenderness, and lack of warmth mornign sitffness. It is an on inflammatory disease, so no soft tissue swelling.
Is sarcoid an interstitial disease
No it is a disease of inflammatory granulomas.
Treatment strategy for patient with fibromyalgia
treat with amitriptyline, also cyclobenzaprine will work. increase restorative sleep.
Surgery for skin lesion
excision with 1-2 mm of clear margins. highest cure rate for basal cell cancer
Tx of choice for OA, 1st line
start with acetaminophen
Dx patient with acute MI w papillary dysfunction, what murmur do they ahve
they have mitra regurg leading to left atrial enlargment
Treatment for PAB
no treatment necessary.
Electrolyte abnormality due to prolonged bed rest
can lead to hypercalcemia. too much osteoclast activation.
Patient wi afib who is pulseless
need to start chest compressions. PEA. 6 hs and 6ts. You cant shock someone out of afib.
Dx patient with back pain, with tenderness on eprcussion, and is not releived by lying down
compression fracture, most likely due to vertebral body demineralization
Mgmt of patient wtih recurrent pneumonias
Red flag for cancer. Get a ct scan.
anatomical Abnormalitis in HOCM
septal hypertrophy adn systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve.
MGMT of patient with met acidosis
always get an anion gap
Mechanism of CML
Ty kinsase inhibitor,
Huge increase in AST and ALT with modest increase in t billi and alk phos
think ischemic hepaitis
Dx patient who had megacolon and cardiac dysfunction
Think chagas, a protozoan disease.
Dx patient with pneumonia who has erythema multiforme
mycoplasma pneumonia, doesnt have a cell wall and doest stain, but will ahve PMN.
Mgmt of patient who is having hyperlipidemia, unexplained hyponatermia, and elevated serum muscle enzymes
get a TSH. These patients have hypothyrodism. Not enough LDL receptors is teh problme.
Migratory thrombophlebitis
think cancer, get a CT. called trousseaous syndrome
Infected sadal with vomitting and nausea
think staph aureus
Bad poultry
think clostridium.
Cause of travellers diarrhea
ecoli, spec enterotoxigenic
Dx patient wtih conjugaer bilirubinemia, normal lfts,
Rotor syndrome
Dx patient with conjugate hyperbilirubineami, w icterus, high bili, BLACK LIVER, dense pigments omposed of epinephrine metabolitses
DUbin Johsnon. The urine will have high levels of coproporphyrin I, and a dark granula pigment is seen
Dx patient with high levels of testosterron and estradio, with low levels of LH and FSH
think a leydig cell tumor. Ladig to icreased estrogen levels.
Lab findings in choriocarcinoma
will have high b HCG
lab findings in Patient with osteomalalcia
Low serum calcium, low phosphate, and increased PTH
Pt with low serum calcium, increased phosphate and low pTH
pt with increased serum calcium, low phosphate, and icnreased PTH
What will happen to pateint who loses their bowel
wont be able to absorb as well, Vit D def, lead to low calcium lead to osteomalacia. Will have low calcium, low phoshate, and high pth
Dx patient w headache, nausea, and dizziness, and polycythemia
think carboxyhemoglobinuria
DPt with a high hydroxypyroline
marker of bone degradation
Dx patient wtih sores that have a sandpaper like texture
actinic keratoses, can progress to squamous
Mgmt of patient with pyelo
get bcx first, then abx, if uncomplicated .Give a fluroquni or ceftriaone.
What is complicated pyelo
abscess, emphysematous pyelo, or necrossi
Complication of long term spondy
at risk for vertebral fractures, due to decreased mineral density.
How to treat new onset a fib or unstable patients
DC cardioversion. Drugs would amio or quinidine.
Most common cause of death in acromegaly
heart failure. Too much IGF 1 these guys.
SE of amlodipine
can cause angioedema. not an allergic reaction
Dx patient wtih stabbing eye pain
usually a cluster eye headache, they usually start at night, stuffy nose, or an ipsilateral horners syndrome.
Ptosis and miosis
a horners syndrome
HIgh urine concentration in the setting of hih aldosterone activity and low K
think a barter/gitelman syndrome picture. Also will have a high serum bicarb. Renin and aldosterone are both elevated . DIueretics looks similar but wont be as elevated.
Tx of ascites
1. sodium and water restriction
2. spironolactone
3. loop diuretic
4. abdominal paracentesis
Dx patient with flushing, diarrhea, and wheezing
they have carcinoid syndrome.