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42 Cards in this Set

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kid found unconscious, wakes up -> hemiplegia -> resolves?
- todd's paralysis: seizure => post icatla paralysis => resolves in 24 hrs
- most likely 2/2 underlying structural abnormality
- unlikely thromboembolic event b/c of the resolution of sx
fragile x syndrome
- FMR1 mutation => increased CGG repeats
- harsh holosystolic LLSB
- increased risk endocarditits => give abx ppx with dental work
- observe
- tx if sx e.g. growth failure, resp infx, CHF
viral meningitis?
- 90% enterovirus = echovirus, coxsackie
- CSF: normal glucose, normal to high protein
- supportive tx
brain abscess
- always suspect wtih fever, focal neuro changes
- esp if hx of heart defect (cyanosis, poor growth, low energy)
leukocyte adhesion defect?
- delayed separation of umbilical cord, recurrent bacterial and necrotic peridontal infx
- nl lymphocyte, gamma globulin
delayed separation of umbilical cord
- leukocyte adhesion defect
opsonization defect? complement defect?
- 2/2 asplenia => encapsulated organisms
- infx from encapsulated organsisms e.g N meningities
nitroblue tetrazolin?
- impaired oxidative burst w/in phags
brain abscess, when to suspect?
- HA, neuro findings s/p otitis media, don't need to have fever (50%)
- key finding = papilledema
cellulitis near eye?
- need to ddx preseptal vs orbital cellulitis
1. PS = infx eyelid anterior to orbital septum = eyelid sx e.g. discoloration; tx outpatient abx
2. OC = posterior to orbital septum = decreased eye mvmt, vision decline, proptosis, sicker looking = IV abx
abd mass that crosses midline?
- neuroblastoma, not WILMs tumor
- < 1y.o.
screening for vesicoureteral reflux?
- UTI between 2-24mo in all kids
infantile colic?
- crying 3hrs/ day, 3d/wk, 3wk/mo starting at 3 wks, ends 4 mo
turner syndrome complications?
- osteoporosis due to low E fron bad gonads
- normal cognition
other than prematurity what causes RDS? what decreases risk?
- DM, delayed lung maturation 2/2 hyperinsulin => decrease cortisol
- prlonged memebrane rupture, IGUR, maternal HTN
dx of hemophilia?
- factor VIII level
- if mild tx with DDAVP
CF child with lung dz?
- pseudo
- empiric tx: ceftazadine + aminoglycoside (gentamicin or amikecan)
indications for neonatal jaundice evaluation even if baby looks ok?
- jaundice in 24-36 hrs of life
- bili rising >5/24 hrs
- >12 mg/dL in full term, 10-14 in perterm
- jaundice after 10-14days
conjugated bili jaundice? unconjugated?
- biliary atresia, hepatitis
- breast milk, physiologic, crigler-Najjar, gilbert
prader willi
- chr 15 long arm deletion
- 2/2 genomic imprinting (from mom or dad)
- obese, MR, hypothalmaic dysfx, responds to GH
rapidly enlarging fluctuant cervical lymph node?
- 2/2 staph or strep
- tx: incision, abx = dicloxacillin, cephalexin or clinda
- doesn't work on s. auerus: PCN, amox, erythromycin
MCC hemolysis and hemoltyic anemia of newborn?
- hereditary spherocytosis, northern europena descent
- coombs -
Neimann Pick's disease
- milestone regression, cherry red spot, hepatosplenomegaly
- 2/2 sphingolipidosis 2/2 sphingomyelinase def => accumulates in liver, spleen, bone marrow
ddx Neimann Pick, Tay Sachs, Gaucher
- Neimann pick: hepatosplenomegaly, cherry red macula
- Tay Sachs: cherry red macula, no HSM
- Gauchers: no cherry red macula, +HSM
blue sclera
- osteogenesis imperfecta = type I collagen defect
- fibrillin = marfan
tx of lyme dz?
- < 9 y.o. - amox
- > 9 y.o. - doxy
- stage 3 = ctx, pcn g
increased gastric residue in preterm neonate?
- nec 2/2 bowel injury from asphxia
- peripheral neuropahty no corticospinal tract
jejujunal atresia
- biliuos vomiting, 2/2 ascular accident => necrosis in uterus
- axr: triple bubble sign => surgery
ertyehma marginatum
- rash on trunk
- seen in rheumatic fever
- s/p sore throat, now with arthalgia, fever, rash on trunk = rheumatic fever!
tx intussusception
- barium enema, dx and tx!
- VSD = pansystolic; LLSB, diastolic murmur at apex b/c increase flow across mitral valve
- ASD - widely split, fixed S2, systolic EJ murmurin LUSB, if large shunt = diastolic murmur LLSB
duchenne muscular dystrophy
- difficulty walking, walks on toes, hypertrophied calf
- increased aldolase and CK; dx by muscle biopsy, geentic study
- x linked
hyper IgM syndrome
- high IgM, low IgG, IgA, increased infx, PCP
metatarsus adductus
- congenital foot abnormality 2/2 uterus, increased in first born
- type I: overcorrects with mvmt => spontaneously corrects
- type II: corrects to neutral: orthosis or corrective shoes
- type III: doesn't correct; serial casts
slipped capital femoral epiphyses
- femoral epiphysis displaces from acetabulum, occurs in endocrine d/o, obese
- pt holds hip in external rotation
- tx: ortho surgery
leg length discrepancy
- developmental hip dysplasia = poor formed fem head
- equinus, varus of calcaneum and tarus etc
- tx: stretching, manipulation followed by serial casting IMMEDIATELY
tx of impetigo?
- topical mupirocin or oral (not topical) erythromycin
twisting of neck 2/2 uri, trauma, lymphadenitis, retropharyngeal abscess
- do cervical spine radiograph to check for spine injury first!
febrile seizure
- 2/2 rapid rsie in in temp >102.2, either simple or complex
-associated wtih viral illness or otitis media
- r/o intracranial infx with enuro exam, ex
-no imaging, no LP, send home
- increased risk future seizure, epilepsy