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32 Cards in this Set

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young woman with diplopia?
- myasthenia gravis, ddx primary muscular problem by normal CPK 2/2 Ab agianst ACh receptor
- only affects motor, can also rpesent with jaw fatigue
when do you scan for thymoma?
- dx of myasthenia gravis
severe red eye, pain halos around light?
- acute angle glaucoma, also HA!
- check for ESR if < 50 then not giant cell temporitis
- also pt with fixed non-reactive eye!
neuro defects not explained by single lesion?
- MS
- also presents with internuclear ophthalmoplegia = lesion in MLS
optic nerve
optic chiasm
optic radiation
occulomotor nerve
frontal lobe
- blindness in that eye
- bitemoral hemianopsia
- contralateral hemianopic
- ptosis and eye looking down and out 2/2 unopposed lateral rectus and superior oblique
- convergent strabismus, horizontal diplopia
- ipsilateral deviation of eye
absence of forehead furrows?
- bells palsy = peripheral CN 7 lesion
- central CN7 = dysarthria, drooped R corner mouth, facial spasm
motor and sensory deficits greater in lower than upper? if upper greater than lower?
- anterior cerbral artery stroke
- middle cerebral atery
vertigo, tinnitus, decreased hearing?
- meniere
central vision loss
- scotomas = optic neuritis
- rapidly progressive dementia, myoclojnos, high voltage complexes on EEG, death in 12 wks
- both UMN and LMN lesions
- spasticity, increased DTR
- fasciulations = LMN
acute stroke
- do CT => if not acute hemorrhage and within 4.5 hrs => TPA; if hemorrhage then c/i to asa and tpa
tx of SAH?
- nimodipine = dilator to reduce vessel spasm
**pt with GBS how to monitor resp status?
- vital capacity
- intubate if < 15
don't feel pain from corneal abrasion?
- trigeminal V1 branch
- unequal size of pupils = CN III
- also ptosis, eye adduction
myasthenia gravis crisis
- respiratory and pharyngeal muscle weakenss => intubate and anticholinesterase (pyridostigmine) withdrawal b/c can also precipitate
- MCC is infx
steppage gait
- can't dorsiflex foot => high step, foot slaps down
- due to L5 radiculopathy, trauma or congenital (charcot-Marie tooth)
basal ganglia dz
- parkinson, huntington, wilson, kernicterus, hemiballismus
MC site hypertensive hemorrhage?
-1. putaman => hemiparesis, eyes deviate away from paralytic side
-2. cerebellar hemorrhage: ataxia, vomiting, HA, gaze palsy, facial weakness
- 3. pontine: coma, pinpoint pupils reactive to light
anticholinergix sx
- red, dry, hot, blind, mad, full = flusing, dry mouth/eye, hyperthermia, mydriasis, vision changes, delirium, urinary retention, constipation
- seen in tx of parkinsons with anticholinergics = trihexyphenidyl and bromocriptine
CT findings
- caudate
- cerebral cortex
- lenticular nucleus
- frontal/temporal
- huntingtons
- alz
- wilsons
word finding difficulty but intact language comprehension?
- broca's aphasia = left frontal temporal lobe
disease of posterior spinal colums?
- syphillis (tabes dorsalis) and vit B12 deficiency
vagal nerve
- hoarseness, dysphagia, tachy
eye problem in cerebellar dysfx
- nystagmus
tx trigeminal neuralgia
- carbamazepine
electrolyte abnormality in subarachnoid hemorrhage?
- hypoNa2+ = cerebral salt wasting syndrome 2/2 vasopressin release => water rentention and increased BNP => salt wasting
SE metoclopramide
- DA receptor agonist for tx N/V, gastroparesis
- EPS: TD, dystonic rxn, parkinsonisms, NMS
hyperdense vs hypodense CT?
- hyper = hemorrhage
- hypo- infacrt
max sinusitis + neuro deficits
- anaerobic brain abscess from lung, max infx, etc
- 80% streptococcus, 20% bacteroides
- ring enhancing lesion
strongest RF in stroke