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60 Cards in this Set

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where does dermatitis herpetiforms occur? which Ab is it associated with?
- extensor surfaces of knees, elbows, neck and scalp
- anti-endomysial
erythema multiforme description and etiology?
- symmetrical target lesions
- 2/2 HSV, systemic dz, drug illness
bullous pemphigoid occurs where?
- on flexor surfaces
pathology of SCC? basal cell? HSV?
- SCC: invasive cords of squamous cells with keratin pearls
- BCC: invasive cluster of spindle cells surrounded by palisaded basal cells
- HSV: Tzank prep ==> giant cells
canker sores aka?
- aphthous ulcers
which derm dz is associated with parkinsons? also what else? tx?
- seborrheic dermatitis, also in HIV
- tx is antifungal
etiology of tinea versicolor? pityriasis rosea?
- fungal, malassezia globosa
- herpesvirus 7
poison ivy is which sensitivity?
- allergic contact dermatitis
- type IV: cell mediated (need prior exposure)
types of sensitivities?
- type I: IgE mediated, allergen cross links 2 IgE molecules on one mast cell ==> atopy, urticara, anaphylaxis
- type II: Ab mediated: cell bound allergen binds IgG or IgM ==> activate complement ==> cell damage, e.g. immune hemolytic anemia, Rh hemolytic dz
- type III: immune complex mediated: allergen forms complexes with IgG or IgM ==> nonspecifically activates complement cascade = serum sickness, arthus rxn
- type IV: cell ediated or delayed hypersensitivity; e.g. Poison Ivy, allergic contact dermatitis
when to use topical 5-FU?
- tx skin conditions with rapid cell division: actinic keratoses, superficial BCC, bowen's dz, solar keratosis
- topical abx totx superficial skin infx, e.g.MRSA colonization
strawberry hemangioma vs cherry hemangioma?
- strawberry, aka infantile hemangioma: bright red plaque = MC benign vascular tumor in children, regresses in 3-5 yrs
- cherry: MC benign vascular prolif in adults. Does not regress
cavernous hemangiomas
- at birth or later in life
- soft, blue compressible masses
cystic hygromas
- aka lymphangiomas: occur in neck, lobulated, compressible, transluminate
tx of cellulitis with systemic sx?
IV naficillin or cefazolin
necrotizing ng fascitis?
GAS or staph or both
- purplish discoloration with gangrenous change
- empiric abx should cover aerobic + anaerobic = amp, sublactam, clinda
areas of skin that have lost pigmentation?
- vitiligo, most likely genetic and associated with autoimminue against melanocytes
- thus associated with other autoimmune dz: perniciuos anemia, autoimmune thyroid (graves, thyroiditis) type I DM, primary adrenal insufficiency, hypopit, alopecia areata
staph scalded skin syndrome
- children 5-6 y.o.
- toxins ==> exfoliation, facial edema, perioral crusting, erythema, flaccid bullae
- tx with abx
toxic epidermal necrolysi
- more benign than staph scalded skin
- hx of taking sulfonamides, phenytoin, barbituates, NSAIDs
- see discrete macules, loose patches of skin, involves oral mucosa
scarlet fever
- group A beta-hemolytic strep
- red macules over generalized erythema
- hx of trauma or pharyngitis
- 2/2 strep
- small erythematous patch that progresses to red indurated, tense, shiny plaque overlaping skin streaking, lymphadenopathy
- tx PCN
- bullae with honey covered crusts
pt with suspicious lesion?
1 step: excisional biopsy w/ no margins and through subQ fat
- 2nd: if malignant then 1 cm margin
- if 1 mm thickness then all done
- if >1mm thickness, sential lymph node biopsy
flesh colored papules with central umbilication?
- molluscum contagiosum
- increased in those with cellular immunodeficiency e.g. HIV
complement deficiency?
- C3 = recurrent pyogenic bacterial respiratory tract, sinus infx
- C5-C8 = Neisseria infx
- C1 esterase def: hereditary angioedema
mole that has changed in size or is now symptomatic (itchy)
lentigo simplex
- round, oval macule with even pigmentation 2/2 melanocyte hyperplasia
**bullous pemphigoid
- IgG and C3 deposits at dermal eipdermal junction
- older pt with hx of months of urticaria, no oral lesions
- blisters in flexual areas
- precipitating factor: UV rays, NSAIDs, abx
pathology of pemphigus vulgaris, cicatricial pemphigoid, herpes gestations, urticaria?
- pemphigus vulgaris: igG deposits intercellularly in epidermis ==> flaccid bullae; involves mucous membrane
- cicatricial pemphigoid: igG in linear band at dermal-epidermal junction, mucous membrane, mouth, oropharynx, conjunctiva, genitals
- herpes gestations: C3 at BM, 2nd tri pregnancy
- urticaria: intradermal edema w/leuk infiltration
which skin lesion is associated with turner, down syndrome?
- cystic hygromas
secondary syphillis skin lesion?
- maculopapular involves palms and soles, involves mucous membrane
steven-johnson syndrome vs TEN?
- SJS: up to 10% skin involved
- TEN: >30% involved
MCC malignant tumor of eyelid? MCC benign tumor of eyelid?
- BCC tx is excision w/ microscopically controlled margin
- squamous papilloma = frond like lobular projection
- rapidly growing volcano-like nodule w/ central keratotic plug
macule that does not tan and doesn't appear scaly until you scape it? tx?
- tinea versicoo
-tx selenium sulfide and ketoconazole
tx of acne?
- non inflammatory: topical retinoid
- mild inflammatoy: topical abx
- severe: oral abx
- never use cream based cleaners
baby with symmetrical rash everywhere except on diapers
- atopic dermatitis 2/2 decreased skin barrier function ==> allergens able to go deep ==> immune response
- tx: mild cleanser, thick bland emollients, NSAIDs
exfoliative dermatitis
aka erythrodoma
- prior derm condition e.g.psoriasis, atopic derm, sezary syndrome
tx of tinea corporis?
pyoderma gangrenosum
- ulcerative skin lesio w/ intital lesion that's bite like reation with small papule or pustule, painful
icthyosis vulgaris
normal skin that progresses to dry scaly skin, lizard skin
MC eye lesion assocaited with pirmary biliary cirrhosis?
- xanthomas and xanthelasmas
- soft yellow plaques = lipid filled macrophages
tx for nodulocystic acne w/ scarring?
- pustules and nodules
- oral isotretinoin
red spots with bluish specks over buccal mucosa? how does it spread? complications?
- measles
- maculopapular, starts on face to trunk/extremitites
- complications, PNA, vit A deficiency, bronchiectasis
VZV description?
starts on trunk, spreads peripherally
- rapidly dvlps into vesicles ==> scabs
porphyria cutanea tarda
- deficiency of uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
- painless blisters, increased skin fragility on dorsal surfaces on hand, facial hypertrichosis, hyperpigmentation
- triggered by certain substances (estrogens in OCP, ehtnaol)
- dx: urinary porphyrin levels
- tx: for relief do phlebotomy, hydrochloroquine; interferon alpha if also hep C
- maculopapular rash on face, spreads to trunk, extremities, posterior cervical and posterior auricular lymphadenopathy, polyarthralgia
aka heat rash, people in hot moist climates
skin tag aka
- eye lid: painful sweling ==> nodular rubbery lesion
- chronic granulomatous condition 2/2 meibonian gland obsturction
- need histological exam to r/o malignancy and ddx BCC
which med causes phototoxicity?
SE erythromycin?
GI upset, juandice
supparative hidradenitis?
- chronic follicular occlusive dz, often axillary/groin
- painful nodules draining sinus tracts
eczema herpeticum
- primary HSV associated with atopic dermatitis
- typical hx: young kid dx with atopic dermatitis now with umbilicated vesicles over erythematous skin
- fever, adenopathy, life threatenting
- tx: acyclovir ASAP
acute graft vs host dz?
- common after bone marrow transplant
- sx: skin rash, intestinal involvement (diarrhea with blood), abnormal LFTs, jaundice
- path: donor HLA T cell activation
- note if activation of host T cells then host T cells attack donor marrow ==> no myelopoiesis ==> neutropenia ==> infx
acanthosis nigracans in 30 vs 60 y.o.
30 y.o.- check for SM
60 y.o. - check for GI malignancy
- niacin deficiency
- triad: dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia
tx of dermatitis herpetiformis?
- dapsone
actinic keratoses?
- hyperkeratosis in sun exposed areas of old people
- acanthosis = thickening of epidermis
- parakertosis = retention of nuclei in stratus corneum
- dyskeratossi = abnormal keratinization
- hyperkeratosis = thickening of stratum corneum
- 1% to SCC
baby with scale erythematous lesions on scalp and face
- sebhorrheic dermattiis
- chronic inflammatory papulosquamous dz in all age groups
- occurs on eyebrows, nasolabial folds, eyelashes, scalp
- tx: moiturizeres, antifungals
- if severe than think immunodeficiency
- if just head involved = tinea capitis