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46 Cards in this Set

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mitral stenosis?
- increased left atrial pressure => pulm congestion => EXERTIONAL DYSPNEA, NOCTURNAL COUGH, HEMOPTYSIS!
- increased afib => stroke
- always think whenever from underdeveloped contries => rheumatic fever
aortic insufficiency
- rheumatic fever, syphillis
a fib
- narrow QRS, irregular beat
- if heme stable = amiodarone, quinidine, digoxin
- if unstable = cardioversion
s/p MI with cold leg
- due to thrombus
- do ECHO
holosystolic murmur?
- mitral regurg, radiates to axilla => increased left atrial pressure, decreased cardiac output => fatigue, exertional dyspnea
- 2/2 rheumatic heart disease, infective endocarditis, trauma, ischemic heart disease
Aortic aneurysm heart sound
- aortic regurg = diastolic murmur
tx of stable agina and HTN?
- BB
vasovagal syncope
- common faint
- neuronally or neurocardiogenic syncope
- provoked by emotion, rapid recovery
- do upright tilt table test
NE induced vasospams
- alpha 1 agonist => vasoconstrict => increase blood flow in hypoT pts, but can cause ischemic fingers and toes, mesenteric ischemia, renal failure
- pt s/p MVA => hypoT => given NE now with blue fingers
heart sound associated with MI?
- 4th heart sound 2/2 diastolic dysfunction => stiff left ventricle => atrial gallop = 4th heart sound
- sx of raidation, diaphoreis, N/V i.e autonomic dysfunction
pulsus paradoxus
- decreased SBP with inspiration = cardiac tamponade
Conn's syndrome
- primary aldo
- young white man with increased BP, weakness and exercise intolerance
- decreased bicarb, low K = exercise intolerance
- check renin/aldo
tx of afib? if afib 2/2 WPW?
- afib: nodal blockers: BB, CCB, digoxin, adenosine
- WPW: cardioversion or procainamide
- tachy with no p waves, regular beat NARROW QRS; tx by adenosine or carotid massage; if doesn't work = CCB, BB or cardioversion
- VT = WIDE QRS COMPLEX, use amiodarone, lidocaine
dx of prinzmetal's angina or variant angina?
- episodes of CP in middle of night that resolves or 2/2 exercise, hyperventilation, cocaine,
- see ST segment ELEVATIONS that resolve
- NOTE: if unstable angina, see ST segment DEPRESSIONS
- tx: CCB, nitrates
pt with LOC while shoveling?
- aortic stenosis
- sx of heart failure = fatigue, exertional dyspnea
- hear systolic EJ murmur that radiates to carotids
- pulsus parvus et tardus (rises slowly, delayed break)
opening snap
- mitral stenosis
- hear late diastolic murmur
- pulm edema, afib
capillary pulsations
- aortic regurg, chronic heart failure
ACE-I is used as first line in?
orthostatic hypoT
- decreased constriction and resistance in lower blood vessels while standing 2/2 defect in autonomix reflexes, decreased intravascular volume, meds
- if OLD PERSON: decreased baroreceptor sensitivity, arterial stiffness, decreased NE, decreased snesitivity to sympathetic stimulation
water hammer pulse
- bounding pulse = aortic regurg 2/2 increased SV => increased SBP and riapid distension of peripheral arteries => low DBP b/c regurge back into LV => collapse of peripheral vessels
- pt with exertional SOB, HA, chest discomfort
split S2
pulseless VT
- immediate cardioversion
- if witnessed and < 5 min = immediate defib
- if > 5 min or unwitnessed = CPR then defib
- after one round of defib, give epi and antiarrhythmias
- used for atrial tachy
what to monitor in statin use?
- CPL for liver injury, increased LFTs
tx of systolic dysfx heart failure?
- always give ACE-I
EtOH dilated cardiomyopathy
- CHF, normal coronary arteries, thrombocytopenia, macrocytosis, increased LFTs
pt tx for CAD with MONA-B now with SOB?
- check for hx of asthma, COPD => SOB 2/2 BB
paroxysmal SVT
- common cause of tachy in people without structure heart disease 2/2 re-entry into AV node
- tx: vasal maneuvers e.g valsalva, carotid massage, cold water => increased vagal tone => decreased conduction through AV node => decreases HR or adenosine
pt splashes cold water to relieve palpitations?
chat is C/I in MI?
- CCB 2/2 vasodilation => tachy => increased ischemia
- heparin in good
- can present as older pt with lethargy, decreased libido, testicular atrophy, hepatomegaly
- heart diz: dilated or restrictive cardiomyopathy
- can be normal in young pts with LVH
- hypertensive cardiomyopathy
Kussmaul's sign
- increased JVP with deep inspiration
- 2/2 RV failure, constrictive pericarditis
arrhythmia vs seizure
- both can have myoclonic jerks
- if old man, no hx of seizure then unlikely seizure
- arrhythmia: sudden syncope without warning signs, hx structural heart dz (hx MI, heart sounds), thiazide use that causes electrolyte abnormalities
pt with dyspnea 2/2 heart reasons?
- symptom tx = nitroglycerin (quicker than morhpine or loop diuretic)
- e.g. pt with uncontrolled HTN now with dyspnea
- NOTE: BB may worsen b/b negative ionotrop
- decreased systolic EJ with squatting?
- hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- decreased b/c increased preload stretches heart => decreases obstruction
- most murmurs increase with squatting
- AA> white, AD
any diastolic murmur
- get ECHO not EKG
heart sounds
- diastolic murmur
- systolic murmur increased on inspiration
- systiolic murmur increased on standing
- paradoxical S2 splitting
- aortic regurg
- tricuspid regurg (IVDU, IE)
- LBBB => delayed closure of aortic valve
right ventricular infarction
- 30% in MI => see increased JVP, hypoT, celar lungs (seems contradictory)
- nitrates and diuretics are C/I b/c don't want to decrease preload
- tx: IV fluids
- measure of L atrium
right heart strain
- increased JVP, RBBB on EKG
constrictive pericarditis
- sharp x and y descents on central venous tracing
- early heart sound after S2 = pericardial knock
- MCC = TB in developing countries; in US = viral (40%), radiotherapy (30%), cardiac surgery (10%), CT d/o
- affects only diastole
trpanosoma cruzi
- chagas
- affects systolic and diastolic