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116 Cards in this Set

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most common organisms in neonatal sepsis
- GBS, E coli, klebsiella, enterobacter
- tx with amp and cefotaxime/CTX, or other antipseudomonal
baby with jaundice, which abx to avoid?
- CTX will worsen hyperbili
meconium ileus
- distal ileus filled with meconium --> can't pass stool
duodenal atresia?
- associated with down's syndrome and polyhydramnios
fhx of severe constipation?
- Hirschsprung's disease
pyloric stenosis
- typically in firstborn males
what age do kids become fascinated with genitalia?
- two years old
- 4-5 they are embarrassed if someone sees them nude and continues into teenage
tall boy with long fingers and toes?
- marfan's syndrome: connective tissue d/o
- develop aortic root dilation --> dissection of descending aorta --> ADVISE AGAINST STRENUOUS ACTIVITY
- get echo
worry about intentional head trauma in 9 mo old
- get CT head
febrile seizures
- common, do nothing
tx of pyloric stenosis
- correct electrolyte abnormalities
- surgical correction
which abx causes increased risk pyloric stenosis?
- erythromycin (given for pertussis)
infant botulism
- typically from soil
- supportive care: human derived botulinum antitoxin and supportive care
- most require 1-3 month hospitalization, may have lingering neurologic deficits if really bad, but otherwise complete recovery
- young age (<2 y), mild URI sx, mild to mod fevers, wheezing
- PEx: liver and spleen palpable b/c of hyperinflated lungs
- keep in respiratory isolation, supportive measure, O2, IV feeds, bronchodilators
- do rapid RSV nasal swab test
- common complication is ear infx
- increased risk of developing Asthma in future
baby born with weak pee stream and distended bladder?
- posterior urethral valves - most common cause of severe obstructive uropathy in kids
- get voiding cystourethrogram
prune belly syndrome
- multitude of renal, ureteral, urethral abnormalities
- underdeveloped abdominal musculature
- get imaging
baby with developmental dysplasia of the hip
- barlow test: attempt to dislocate the hip
- refer to orthopedic, put in pavlik harness
bereavement in kids
- 3-7y.o.: disbelief, think death is temporary
- >7: aware that deathaa is final
malformations in down's
- duodenal atresia, Hirschsprung's, atlanto-axial instability, hypoTH, endocardial cushion defect
endocardial cushion defect
- turns blue and short of breath when eating
- harsh holosystolic mumur over LLSB
diaper rash
- if very bad s/p abx use, clotrimazole cream, most likely fungal
treatment of moderate lead poisoning? severe ? mild?
- 45-70: IV EDTA or oral DMSA
- >70 severe: dimercaprol or EDTA
- <45: DMSA or d-penicillamine
nocturnal enuresis
- secondary: occurs 6 months after child was continent
- primary: resolves on its own by age 5-7
- if support doesn't work then try alarms or desmopressin
rubella vs rubeola vs roseola
- rubella: german measles, like measles but less sick; low grade fever, LAD, lymph nodes, maculopapular rash on face and spreads down
- rubeola: cough, conjunctivitis, coryza, koplik spots
- roseola: high fever rapidly resolves, rosy nonpruritic rash originating on trunk to extremities
rocky mountain spotted fever
- rash on palms and soles distal to central
when to get a voiding cystourethrogram
- < 5 y.o. w/ febrile UTI
- males of any age with UTI- females <3 with first UTI
- recurrent or no abx response
baby with bilateral hip joint effusions?
- transient synovitis from viral infx
- get U/S to evaluate effusion
when is MMR vaccine c/i?
- current mod or severe illness
- anaphylaxis to neomycin or gelatin
- severe immunodeficiency
- thrombocytopenia after first dose of MMR
- recent admin of Ig
- pregnancy

- TB or +PPD, breast feeding, Immundeficient household member, HIV w/out immunosuppression, anaphylaxis to eggs
breast milk vs breast feeding jaundice?
- feeding: first week of life --> dehydration or reduced caloric intake
- milk: something in milk increases bilirubin ciruclation, after first week into 2nd and 3rd
; tx interrupt breast feeding temporarily
when do you get worried about hyperbili?
- total bili >12 mg/dl or serum bili increases >5 in 24 hours
- do phototherapy
How long to treat TB meningitis, miliary, osteo?
- 12 months antiTB therapy
when are TB patients considered noninfectious?
- 3 negative sputums
NF1, NF2, tuberous sclerosis, sturge weber, osler-rendu-weber
- NF1: acoustic neuroma (unilatera), cutaneous neurofibromas, hyperpigmentation cafe au lait, axillary freckling
- NF2: AD, cafe-au lait spots (hypopigmentation), bilateral acoustic neuromas
- tuberous: congenital hypopigmented maculae (Ash-leaf spots), glial prolif, organ hamartomas/cysts
- sturge weber: facial port-wine stain, leptomeningeal angiomatosis
- oslter: multiple telangiectasias, vascular lesions of CNS
18 month old with breasts and single pubic hair
- benign premature thelarche
- just breasts without other signs of precocious puberty
- cafe au lait spots, fibrous dysplasia of bone, precocious puberty
- estrogen from ovarian cysts
Sydenham's chorea
- Saint Vitus dance, classic manifestations of rheumatic fever
- usually girls 5-13y.o.: emotional lability (cry or laugh), school performance drops, distal hand movements, facial jerking, grimacing
- heart murmur-- carditis, mitral regurg
- cultures neg
- hypotonia, decreased reflexes
- tx penicillin x 10 days or erythromycin
- ppx into adulthood
most common complication of tick bite?
- local infection or inflammation
- lyme disease risk is <1.5%
- if tick isn't engorged with blood then no risk of lyme/RMSF/ehrlichiosis b/c must be on at least 24 hours
which is the only vaccine that pregnant woman should avoid in those that get it?
- small pox for 28 days
which vaccine not to give to pregnant women?
most common symptoms of sickle cell disease?
- dactylitis: inflammation of fingers/toes
- splenic sequestration: blood pools in spleen, swells
parents don't want treatment of child b/c of religion
- don't even have to go to court, just treat the kid
kid with cat bite?
- give amp/sulbactam (broad)
- follow with amox/clavulanate 3-5 days
currant jelly stool
- intussusception - get U/S first
- then tx: air or water soluble contrast enema
heinz bodies, target cells
- heinz: G6PD
- target: thalassemias
anemia in 8month old that only breast feeds
- anemia due to diet of only breast milk
- start eating at 6 months
malnourished kid
- always try oral rehydration first because IV causes HF
- if oral ulcers or to sedated then put in dobhoff
- don't initially give excess protein or calories b/c gut can't handle it
most common cause of viral meningitis?
- arbovirus, eeg. EEE, WEE esp in rural areas
21 hydroxylase deficiency
- mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoid deficiency
- ambigous genitalia, virilization in females, precocious puberty in males
- salt wasting in first 2-4 weeks with emesis, dehydration, shock
- hypona, hyperk (lack of aldo), hypoglyc (lack or cortisol)
- decreased aldo and cortisone
- increased androgens and deoxycortisone
- HTN, hyperNa, hypoK
3-beta hydroxysteroid
- low testosterone, MC, GC, increase DHEA-S
- females are masculinized, males don't have normal external genitalia
how do you dx 21 hydroxylase def?
- elevated 17-alpha-hydroxyprosterone
- elevated corticotropin and renin
- low aldo for renin levels
best abx tx for CF PNA?
- must do two therapy coverage for pseudomonas b/c high resistance
- toramycin and antipseudomonal semisynthetic PCN (ticarcillin-clavulanate or piperacillin-clavulanate; or cefepime, ceftazidime or carbapenem)
- must also cover for most common: staph and H flu
petechiae and low plts
- ITP after infx
- give corticosteroids
what's the first to response in iron therapy in anemia
- retic count
complication of bacterial conjunctivitis?
- keratitis - urgent ophthalmologic referral
treatment of choice for bacterial conjunct?
- erythromycin , sulfa
- contact lens wearers: fluoroquinolones to cover pseudo
- return to school 24 hours later, but still infectious until no discharge
tx of choice for strep pneumo?
- amox
which abx to avoid in kids?
- cipro: tendon rupture
when to admit anorexia to hospital?
- obvious things: abnormalites, vitals, etc
- weight is < 75% average for her age, height and sex (e.g. if she should be 120 lbs, then admit if 120*.75 is more than her weight)
tx of inpt anorexia?
- olanzapine?? and special diet
refeeding syndrome
- edema, trouble breathing from HF
- low phosphate
- delirium and cardiac arrest
pt dx with turner, next step?
- get echo: coarctation, bicuspid aortic valve, MVP, hypoplastic heart
- visual, hearing, renal U/S, TSH
- horseshoe shaped kidney, hypoTH
recurrence of turner syndrome?
- same as population, doesn't increase with age
- note: do buccal smear test: no barr body b/c only XO
young girl with freckles, hypoNa, hyperK and decreased ax and pub hair
- addisons
high TSH and low T4 of foot pad draw after birth?
- repeat on regular draw to confirm
most common causes of acute otitis media?
- strep pneumo, h flu (NON TYPEABLE STRAIN), moraxella catarrhalis
when to start HPV vaccination?
- 11-12 years old
- don't need to restart from beginning if schedule is interrupted
- no need to test if pregnant
baby with small head
- toxo from undercooked meat
non-neurologic complication of myelomeningocele
- bladder dysfunction (remember that patient with finger in urethra)
baby with fast growing strawbery hemangioma?
- benign, let it go
peristaltic waves seen on baby's abdomen?
- pyloric stenosis
diastolic murmur and thin fingers?
- think marfans w/ aortic regurg
- risk of dissection
- also have MVP that develops into mitral insufficiency --> pulm edema
barking cough
- croup, parainfluenza
- steeple sign
- give corticosteroids
if you think a kid has CF?
- order sweat chloride test, don't do genetic test b/c test only identifies 10% of CF b/c so many mutations
kid w/ cellulitis, why won't lidocaine patches work?
- acidic environment from skin neurtalizes basic lidocaine --> ineffective
which are the only PCN with activity against pseudomonas? which of the cephalosporins?
- piperacillin-tazobactam and ticarcillin-clavulanic acid
- cefepime and ceftazidine
kid swallows a coin
- no intervention
tx of GERD in baby?
- thickening of formula with cereal
- don't suggest prone position b/c of SIDS
Dx criteria for NF1?
- 1st degree relative with NF
- 6+ cafe au lait spots 5mm or greater
- 2+ neurofibromas, Lisch nodules, optic glioma, bone dysplasia, or axillary freckling

- IMMEDAITE REFERAL TO OPHTHO to look for optic nerve gliomas
suspect botulism in baby
- do gag reflex, usually impaired, may aspirate
dx of pubertal delay?
- no testicular enlargement by 14 y.o. or 2.5cm less in diameter or delay in development of 5 years or more
- GET WRIST XRAY, if bones are older or match age then BAD, get genetic and endocrine testing
- if bones are younger then constitutional and its ok
tx of polycythemia in baby?
- IV hydration and partial exchange transfusion
- due to hyperviscosity decreasing blood flow to organs -- hypoglycemia, apnea
baby born with erb's palsy
- good recovery
- unconjugated is common
- conjugated is physiologic
- start phototherapy if >18
ppx monotherapy for cat bite
- amoxicillin/clavulanic acid in kids
- if more ill then amp-sulbactam
- if not a kid then doxy
african MALE baby BORN IMMEDIATELY with unconjugated jaundice-- #1 cause?
- G6PD
- coomb's negative = hemolysis
- no triggering even needed
- also think in mediterranean or asian
3 week old with conjunctivitis and pulmonary infection?
- chlamydia from vaginal canal
- develops days to weeks after birth
- mother should have been treated
- tx baby with erythromycin
tx suspected bacterial pharyngitis with amox and develop rash?
- then it's mono
- no sports
recommended calcium in girls?
- > 18 then it's 1000
- >51 then it's 1200
toddler that never walked?
- check CK for possible muscular dystrophy
WINTER TIME and baby with URI + APNEA-
- apnea is key
failure to thrive
- <2 years old that is <5th percentile for age but otherwise normal
- usually b/c lack of calories
- encourage increased feeding
febrile seizure
- if simple (nothing focal) then slight increased risk of epilepsy
- if complex (i.e. focal and post ictal) then no increased risk of epilepsy
- both have HIGH risk of recurrence
diarrhea but ok?
dont rec BRAT diet, just normal--- low fat/sugar
baby with diaphragmatic paralysis
- from phrenic nerve injury most likely w/ hx of Erb's palsy/shoulder distocia
blood lead levels
- >44: chelation
- >70: IV chelation
- otherwise environmental/behavioral interventions
flexible kyphosis vs scheuermann's disease
- flexible kyphosis: kid can correct with effort, do nothing
- scheuermann: no corrected by effort, sharp angulation on forward bending; use brace and spinal muscle exercises
kallman's syndrome
- anosmia, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
- midline faical defects
- defective GnRH secreting olfactory neurons
constituational delay
- watchful waiting
- if very severe psychological issues then can give testosterone (no GH)
s/p sore throat now with swollen mouth and tongue?
- epiglottitis from H. Flu
- CS and epi doesn't help
- get thee to emergency room for possible intubation
meckel's diverticulum
- RLQ paina, 5-10 y.o.
cleft lip reconstruction
- reconstruction occurs at 10lbs, 10 weeks, and 10g of hb
baby with PNA but no fever
- afebrile PNA syndrome
- chlamydia trachomatis, mycoplasma, CMV, RSV, etc
- if hx of conjunct then chlamydia, ages 2-19 weeks
how many words should s 2 year old know?
how often should newborns be fed?
- q222
LOC after hit in sports-
- head CT even with normal exam
HIV and diffuse bilateral ground glass opacities
- Bactrim
CD < 200
URI followed by maculopapular rash
- HUS: abd pain and diarrhea
- TTP: pentad of thrombocytopenia (normal PT, PTT), microangiopathi hemolytic anemia, neuro signs, renal failure, fever
babies born to mothers with GBS
- severe disease in babies, bacteremia, meningitis, ventriculitis, osteomyelitis
- chemoppx with PCN G or amp 4 hrs before delivery
rabies in a sleeping kid's room
- give Ig and five doses of vaccine
undescended testes
- wait until 6 months, if undescended then surgery
slipped capital femoral epiphysis
- if unstalbe (unable to ambulate then surgical with internal fixation
diaper versus candida rash?
- if it involves the folds or not
- zinc oxide vs nystatin
kid toilet training with constipation
- given mg hydroxide (milk of mg)