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90 Cards in this Set

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side effect of amiodarone?
- check LFTs, PFTs, TFTs
hypothyroidism secondary to amiodarone?
- give levo
subclinical thyrotoxicosis?
- decreased TSH with normal T4, T3, no sx --> recheck TFTs in 6-8 wks
- etiology: levo tx, nodular thyroid dz, graves, thyroiditis
HgA1c goal
- pt with hyperCa2+ and hx of gastric ulcer
- 3Ps: hyperPTH, zollinger-ellison syndrome (gastrin-secreting pancreatic tumor) pit tumor (prolactinoma is MC)
- refer for parathyroidectomy --> remove 3.5 glands
- check serum calcitonin levels and metanephrine levels and free catecholamines and Ca2+ to screen for medullary thyroid and pheo and primary hyperPTH
NPH vs regular
- NPH is long acting
- regular is short acting
incidental adrenal mass is found
- do workup: dexa suppression test, 24 hr urine catecholamine, metanephrine, vanillylmandelic acid, 17-ketosteroid
- surg tx for functional tumors and malignant tumors and >4cm
- otherwise monitor with serial imaging
management of DM1 during labor and cesarean section
- regular regimen night before
- start on drip perioperatively
nelson's syndrome
- pt with cushings undergoes bilateral adrenalectomy --> pit enlarges secondary to loss of feedack --> bitemoporal hemianopsia and hyperpigmentation
- MRI shows pit microadenoma with supersellar extension
- high ACTH
bitemoporal hemianopsia with versus without increased pigmentation?
- with pigmentation: Nelson's syndrome
- without: prolactinoma, craniopharyngeoma
dx and tx of pheo?
- plasma free metanephrine, 24 hour urine catecholamine, metanephrine, vanillylmandelic acid
- tx with alpha blockade e.g. phenoxybenzamine and with liberal salt and fluid intake
- once adequate alpha blockade get MRI/CT to find tumor and then surgery
- if borderline serum/unine tests then get MIBG scan
- pt becomes hypotensive when tumor is removed then bolus fluids --> dobutamine and dopamine won't work b/c alpha blockade
- ** HY
pt with hypoTH on levo and wants to start OCP?
- estrogen increases TBG (binding globulin) --> increased binding of T3 and T4 --> decreased free T3 and T4 --> needs increased levo
- opposite occurs with androgens and glucocorticoids --> decreased TBG
dx of DM
- two fasting glucose >= 126
- one random glucose >= 200 w/ sx
- abnormal glucose tolerance test
- hgA1c > 6.5%
tx of DM
1. metformin
2. metformin + glyburide
3. insulin
which DM med is C/I with CHF?
- thiazolidinedionies: rosiglitazone and pioglitazone
BP goal in DM vs nonDM pts
LDL goal
urine protein goal
- 130/80 vs 140/90
- <100 or <70 if CAD and DM
- if any protein no matter how small give ACE-I even if normal BP
tx of gastroparesis
- metoclopromide or erythromycin
- don't need to do gastric-emptying scan
which diseases cause hypothyroidism
- hashimotos
hyperTH - tender versus nontender thyroid
- tender: subacute thyroiditis from viral etiology, tx with ASA
- nontender: silent thyroiditis from "leaking" gland, no tx
tx of thyroid storm
- severe, life-threatening hyperTH
- iodine to block iodine uptake
- propylthiouracil or methimazole: blocks thyroxine production
- dexamethasone: blocks peripheral conversion of T4 to T3
- propranolol: blocks target organ effect
amiodarone's effect on thyroid hormones?
- decreases conversion of T4 to T3 so see high T4 and low T3 = hypothyroid
diagnosis of hashimoto's
- check anti-TPO, should be high
pt with medullary thyroid cancer s/p surgery w/ persistant increased calcitonin?
- get CT head and neck to look for metastatic disease --> if no findings then get abd CT and bone scan --> if no findings then do I111 octreotide or pet scan
thyroid nodule workup
- get TSH
- normal TSH --> FNAC if >1cm
- decreased TSH --> radioisotope scan --> hot nodule --> observe; if cold nodule --> biopsy
- increased TSH --> Hashimoto's --> levo
tx of papillary thyroid cancer
- no staging is necessary, just take out thyroid (near total thyroidectomy followed by RAI
- good prognosis
pt with DM and suspect gastroperesis?
- get upper endoscopy 1st to r/o gastric outlet obstruction
- then get gastric emptying study
tx gastroperesis?
- small frequent meals; avoid high fever and high fats --> slows emptying
- erythromycin, metoclopramide
risk of long term gluccocorticoid use?
- if more than 3 weeks then can suppress HPA axis --> adrenal insufficiency
tx of idiopathic hypoPTH
- high dose vit D (calciferol) and high dose Ca2+ --> pt will have increased urinary excretion of Ca b/c decreased PTH causes decreased Ca reabsorption by kidney --> add thiazide --> increased Ca2+ renal absorption
- calcitriol (1,25 dihydroxy vit D) is used for acute hypoCa2+ e.g. post surgery
risks and benefits of HRT
- risks: VTE, breast caner, dementia, doesn't improve CAD
- benefits: improves lipids, decreases osteoperosis, decreases vasomotor symptoms
pt with iron and vit D def despite normal diet?
- malabsorption --> see vitiligo, fhx of autoimmune disease --> think celiac
test for celiac?
- anti-endomysial and anti-tissue transglutaminase ab
hypocalcemia w/ hypophos versus hyperphos?
- hypophos- think malabsorption
- hyperphos- think hypoparathyroidism
secondary hyperPTH?
- hyperPTH sceondary to low Ca2+
post partum w/ sx of hyperTH?
- post-partum thyroiditis i.e. painless thyroiditis --> will become hypoTH before recovery of thyroid fx
RAIU in Graves vs toxic adenoma vs thyroiditis?
- increased RAIU uptake: graves, toxic adneoma
- decreased RAIU uptake: thyroiditis
painless vs painful thyroiditis
- painful = dequervains = subacute granulomatous
high thyroidglobulin
- see in destruction of thyroid cells in thyroiditis (both painless and painful)
- also see high anti-TPO
african american woman with lymph nodes, lung nodules and hyperCa2+
- sarcoid, not malignancy
c/i for 1. metofmrin, 2. TZD
1. EtOH, CHF, Cr
2. CHF
DM secondary to chronic pancreatitis- which DM meds are c/i?
- glyburide- works by increasing secretion of insulin so won't work here
- acarbose - s/i is steatorrhea which pancreatitis pts already have
tx of graves' dz?
- RAI ablation with prednisone
- C/I in large retrosternal goiters b/c inflammation after RAI may compromise airway
- can cause thyroid storm
tx of thyroid storm
- glucocorticoids to decrease T4 to T3
- PTU or methimazole
- iodine 1 hr after PTU/MMI is given
pt with DM1 presenting with decreased insulin requirement
- look for other autoimmune dz e.g. adrenal failure
labs for adrenal failure
- eosinophilia, borderline Na, hyperk+, mild anion gap acidosis, prerenal azotemia, decreased blood sugar
- test with cosyntropin stimulated cortisol levels
- look for other AI dz - addison's , hypoTH (pernicious anemia), AI ovarian failure
indications for parathyroidectomy in secondary or tertiary hyperPTH?
1. Ca2+ >10.5 and not responding to conservative management; 2. mod to severe hyperphos; 3. PTH >1000; 4. bone pain; 5. pruritus; 6. calciphylaxis; 7. soft tissue calcification
- check to make sure alk phos is increased to r/o adynamic bone dz (low bone turnover)
sign of glucogonoma
- necrolytic migratory erythema --> red, itchy, painful rash that clears from the center
- check glucagon levels
pt with oetoporosis not responding to bisphos tx
- look for secondary causes- multiple myeloma
pt on alendronate with anemia
- esoph ulceration
PTU vs MMI in pregnancy
- PTU in first trimester --> switch to MMI second and third to decrease risk of liver failure
decreased TSH and decreased T4
- central hypoTH --> MRI to look for mass lesion
- also must r/o central adrenal insufficiency w/ cortisol and cosyntropin stimulation before beginning therapy
pt with hx papillary thyroid cancer s/p thyroidectomy and RAI, goal of tx w/ levo?
goal isn't T4 level but to suppress TSH below normal range to decrease recurrence
pt with increased T3, T4 and TSH?
- TSH secreting pit adenoma vs thyroid hormone resistance syndrome
- ddx by increased serum alpha-subunit in TSH secreting pit adenoma
- also TH resistance usually presents as hypoTH
T3,T4, TSH levels in pregnancy vs dysalbuminemic hyperthyroxinemia, increased TBG?
- pregnancy: increased T4, T3 and normal TSH
- dysalbuminemic hyperthyroxinemia: increased T4 and normal T3 and TSH (abnormal albumin that binds to T4 but not to T3)
- increased TBG: increased T3, T4, normal TSH
albumin-calcium correction
- for every 1g of albumin less than 4, add 0.8 to Ca2+
Ca2+ in paraproteinemia?
- see increased Ca2+ levels secondary to binding --> normal ionized Ca2+
pt with positve anti-TPO and rapidly enlarging goiter?
- Hashimoto's shouldn't have rapidly enlarging goiter --> Hashimoto's predisposes to thyroid lymphoma
colloid goiter?
- thyroid enlargement in adolescent girls with normal TFTs, negative anti-TPO
increased calcitonin?
- medullary thyroid cancer
increased risk in DVT in progestin-estrogen vs estorgen?
- decreased risk with estrogen only
woman with hypogonadism, found to have decreased LH, FSH and increased alpha subunit with only mildly elevated prolactin
- nonfunctioning pit adenoma --> gonadotropin-secretion cells of the pit gland overproduce alpha subunit but not FSH or LH
- first line: transphenoidal pit surgery
- ddx: prolactinoma where hypogonad as above but prolactin level is HUGE
- tx prolactinomas?
- bromocriptine and cabergoline
pt on chronic steroids and now septic?
- pt will be hypotensive b/c pit-adrenal axis is suppressed and need cortisol to mount stress-related changes for survival --> start on steroids; can also start in hypotensive pts not on steroids chronicially
pt on metformin and Co2 of 12?
- think met acidosis secondary to lactic acidosis
goal K+ when treating DKA?
- give K+ if < 5.3
when to stop giving IV insulin in DKA?
- once gap closes
- bicarb greater than or equal to 18, eating
- once BG < 200 --> half the insulin dose and switch to D51/2NS
- overlap IV insulin with subQ insulin over 2hrs
when to give bicarb?
- pH <7 b/c decreases heart contractility and causes systemic vasodilation
pt with gastric bypass- which vitamin supplementation?
- malabsorption --> need vit D and C
- if low phos, it's a sign of vit D deficiency (see before low Ca2+): low vit D --> increase PTH --> increase urinary phosphate loss --> measure vit D
changes in thyroid function in hospitalized patients?
- euthyroid sick syndrome aka low T3 syndrome: see decreased T3 and normal T4 and TSH
retinal complications for DM?
- proliferative dm retinopathy --> vitreous bleeding --> retinal detachment
joint pain, increased Ca2+
- paget's disease, tx with bisphos
struma ovarri?
- ovarian tumor that is usually 50% of thyroid tissue
benefits of tight glucose control?
- decreased microvascular complications: retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy
- no improvement on macrovascular complications: CVA, MI
dexamethasone supression test and ACTH
- give low dose and high dose and see if cortisol is suppressed
- not suppressed by low dose but suppressed by high dose plus high ACTH: pit tumor
- no suppressed by low dose and high dose and decreased ACTH = primary adrenal tumor
- not suppressed by low and high dose and normal to high ACTH = ectopic adrenal tumor
calcium and iron decreased absorption of TSH
sulfonylreua overdose
- sulfas --> increased insulin secretion --> hypoglycemia --> give D50 --> transietn hyperglycemia --> increased insulin secretion --> rebound hypoglycemia --> give octreotide --> decreased insulin secretion
pt with hypertension and hypoK+
- hyperaldosteronism aka Conn's --> check aldo:renin --> seeincreased aldo and decreased renin
- if decreased renin and decreased aldo then check deoxycorticosterone levels which has mineralocorticoid activity
hypoK+ --> decreased urinary concentrating abilities --> polyuria
risk of DM type 1?
- 3% if one parent pos, 6% two parents
DM patient with renal dz?
- stop metformin and glyburide (renally cleared --> hypoglycemia)
when to treat subclinical hypothyroidism?
- see decreased TSH and normal T4 (no need to check t3)
- treat if 1. positive anti-TPO ab, 2. abnormal lipid panel; 3; sx of hypoTH; 4. ovulatory and menstural dysfx; or 5. TSH >10
pt with htn, dm, met alk?
- cushings --> check 24 hour cortisol
pt with fasting glucose 100-120
- pt has impaired fasting glucose --> increased risk of CAD
pt with viral syndrome, hyperTFTs and enlarged, tender thyroid, what do you expect on RAIU?
- pt has subacute thyroidits--> see decreased RAIU secondary to release of stored thyroid function hormone by inflammatory changes
- also see this in post partum thyroiditis
pit incidentiloma
- common and innoculus, if no hormonal dysfunction then just watch
pt with hyperCa2+ and normal PTH?
- increased ca should decrease pth --> most likely primary hyperPTH UNLESS check urine Ca2+ and should be increased in primary hyperPTH, if decreased then dx is familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia --> no tx needed
- test of serum and urine protein electrophoresis only if increased Ca2+ and DECREASED PTH
see decreased ca2+ with increased PTH
- resistance of PTH on target tissues
- type 1A: albright hereditary osteodystrophy- short 4th and 5th digit, short neck
- type 1B- no features
hyperPTH indications for thyroidectomy?
- serum ca2+ > 1 above upper limit of normla; Cr cl <60, T score >2.5, age >50
pt with hyperTH after coronary angiography?
- iodine administration during coronary angiography